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Old 09-13-2024, 02:23 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Sure, man. They admitted it in the Gateway Pundit! That's enough for me! I'm convinced. Thanks, bro.

How about Mark Penn Bro? Even Democrats knew they cheated


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Old 09-13-2024, 02:43 PM   #77
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�� Houston, Texas

Three Cats found Mutilated, in Houston’s East End

• bodies cut in half
• paws missing
• missing limbs

• Fact, paws and bones of animals are used in black magic and voodoo.
—— Officials are stunned at who could possibly do this.

Gee, I wonder who ��

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Old 09-13-2024, 02:45 PM   #78
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ABC David Muir Disgustedly Lied and the FBI Defrauded Everyone on the Crime Statistics

• nationwide, crime is up 40%,
• r*pe is up 42%
• car theft is up 42%
• aggravated assaults up 55%
• violent attacks on strangers up 61%

David Muir didn’t correct one proven lie Kamala Harris said.
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Old 09-13-2024, 02:54 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
ABC David Muir Disgustedly Lied and the FBI Defrauded Everyone on the Crime Statistics

• nationwide, crime is up 40%,
• r*pe is up 42%
• car theft is up 42%
• aggravated assaults up 55%
• violent attacks on strangers up 61%

David Muir didn’t correct one proven lie Kamala Harris said.

XYZ are up, according to.... who?
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Old 09-13-2024, 03:15 PM   #80
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Old 09-13-2024, 03:21 PM   #81
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Old 09-13-2024, 03:24 PM   #82
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Yep, they’re eating cats

DAILY MAIL: Shocking new bodycam footage shows moment woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat in Ohio

Police in Ohiohave released grisly footage of a crazed woman who allegedly stomped on a cat's head before feasting on the feline in full view of horrified witnesses.

Allexis Ferrell, 27, was found with 'fur on her lips and blood on her hands' when police were called by shocked neighbors in the town of Canton on August 16.

Authorities have now revealed bodycam video of the suspect afterDonald Trump's extraordinary claim that Haitian migrants are killing and eating their neighbors' pets.

'Officers were able to determine that Allexis had smashed the cat's head with her foot and then began to eat the cat,' police wrote in their report.


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Old 09-13-2024, 03:43 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by onawbtngr546 View Post
XYZ are up, according to.... who?
According to the DOJ. Muir has been proven wrong on all his Trumps fact checks. Trump was trolling him.


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Old 09-13-2024, 03:55 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Yep, they’re eating cats

DAILY MAIL: Shocking new bodycam footage shows moment woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat in Ohio

Police in Ohiohave released grisly footage of a crazed woman who allegedly stomped on a cat's head before feasting on the feline in full view of horrified witnesses.

Allexis Ferrell, 27, was found with 'fur on her lips and blood on her hands' when police were called by shocked neighbors in the town of Canton on August 16.

Authorities have now revealed bodycam video of the suspect afterDonald Trump's extraordinary claim that Haitian migrants are killing and eating their neighbors' pets.

'Officers were able to determine that Allexis had smashed the cat's head with her foot and then began to eat the cat,' police wrote in their report.



Yes yes. Let us trust a tabloid site based out of the UK for something that took place in Ohio, which should be on the evening news broadcasts as local news.

I tell this to my parents and older relatives. If you are seeing something on TV or online that is trying to get an emotional reaction out of you, by claiming someone is eating cats and has fur on their lips, ask yourself first.. What's in it for the news company? What do they have to gain with making me emotional? WHO has something to gain for making me feel emotional?
Reflecting on this and double guessing things is the first step to defend yourself from propaganda

For daily news, I already know that it is an extreme right leaning new company, but the key point, is that it isn't based out of the USA. The only thing it has to gain for getting people click its outrageous new headlines is people clicking it, view, and ad revenue.

I've yet to see one concrete report from any news agency based out of Springfield, Dayton, or Columbus that the illegal (they are legal) immigrants from Hati are eating (they aren't) the family pets of residents of Springfield Ohio.


It came from a facebook post, and a rumor at that

The video on twitter that you linked to, Bam, depicts a real incident involving the arrest of an American citizen (not a Haitian immigrant) in Canton (not Springfield), Ohio. The video concerns an Aug. 16, 2024, incident involving a woman named Alexis Telia Ferrell, who was accused of murdering and eating a cat. There is no evidence that Ferrell is Haitian, and no reports filed at the time of her arrest mentioned anything about Haiti. the woman has an extensive criminal record involving numerous arrests, but none of these charges involved any immigration-related violation.

The photo of the goose is from reddit, posted to the Columbus (not Springfield) sub, and it is just a photo. Nothing more. There's nothing to suggest that this person is from Hati, either. Or that they killed the goose, Or that they ate it. The guy is moving roadkill out of the middle of the road. It's an odd thing to do, but nothing to indicate that they are eating wild geese.


Here's some more links for you to kindly ignore

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Old 09-13-2024, 04:04 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by onawbtngr546 View Post
Yes yes. Let us trust a tabloid site based out of the UK for something that took place in Ohio, which should be on the evening news broadcasts as local news.

I tell this to my parents and older relatives. If you are seeing something on TV or online that is trying to get an emotional reaction out of you, by claiming someone is eating cats and has fur on their lips, ask yourself first.. What's in it for the news company? What do they have to gain with making me emotional? WHO has something to gain for making me feel emotional?
Reflecting on this and double guessing things is the first step to defend yourself from propaganda

I’ll ignore them happily.
For daily news, I already know that it is an extreme right leaning new company, but the key point, is that it isn't based out of the USA. The only thing it has to gain for getting people click its outrageous new headlines is people clicking it, view, and ad revenue.

I've yet to see one concrete report from any news agency based out of Springfield, Dayton, or Columbus that the illegal (they are legal) immigrants from Hati are eating (they aren't) the family pets of residents of Springfield Ohio.


It came from a facebook post, and a rumor at that

The video on twitter that you linked to, Bam, depicts a real incident involving the arrest of an American citizen (not a Haitian immigrant) in Canton (not Springfield), Ohio. The video concerns an Aug. 16, 2024, incident involving a woman named Alexis Telia Ferrell, who was accused of murdering and eating a cat. There is no evidence that Ferrell is Haitian, and no reports filed at the time of her arrest mentioned anything about Haiti. the woman has an extensive criminal record involving numerous arrests, but none of these charges involved any immigration-related violation.

The photo of the goose is from reddit, posted to the Columbus (not Springfield) sub, and it is just a photo. Nothing more. There's nothing to suggest that this person is from Hati, either.

Here's some more links for you to kindly ignore

I’ll gladly ignore this post.
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Old 09-13-2024, 04:09 PM   #86
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ABC debate moderators 'bent backwards' to help Kamala: Commission of Presidential Debates co-chair

Following the Tuesday night debate between Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris and GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump, Commission on Presidential Debates Co-Founder and Co-Chair Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr criticized the ABC News moderators’ performances, saying they "bent backwards to help" Harris.

"I thought one of the things that really shocked me last night was the way the moderators handled it," Fahrenkopf said on Newsmax’s The Record on Wednesday. "We always explain to our moderators, and we’ve done 33 of those, Greta, starting back in 1988, that their job is to be facilitators. They’re not to get involved themselves."
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Old 09-13-2024, 04:21 PM   #87
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The best takeaway from your telegram cut and paste are these words, bambino:

"...Fahrenkopf said on Newsmax’s The Record"

Of course, there is that pesky argument about dogs and cats... fur on her lips and such. LOLLING! I like eating pussy, but come on, man!

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Old 09-13-2024, 04:47 PM   #88
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People are starting to see the debate for what it truly was. This is more than likely why we do not need a 3rd debate. They were shown to be traitors on live television. And now D. Trump has the evidence to prove that.

Treason-(Kamala Harris)

Sedition-(ABC News)

They walked right into a trap. Information is also coming out about Kamala Harris friend at ABC News. Dana Walden, a senior Disney executive whose portfolio includes ABC News, is one of Harris’ “extraordinary friends,” the New York Times reported.

Do you all see how this works now? This is why ABC will now be liable and more than likely get their license revoked and be taken off air.

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Old 09-13-2024, 05:40 PM   #89
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‘Haitian Voodoo Is, In Fact, Real’: Democrat Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson Defends Trump’s Accurate Claims on ‘Haitians Eating Pets’

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Old 09-13-2024, 07:01 PM   #90
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Marianne Willamson, a former Democratic presidential candidate, cautioned Democrats against attacking claims of Haitian migrants eating pets would hurt them in the election, asserting that "voodoo is real." She then went on to call Democrats "smug elite jerks who think they're too smart to listen to anyone outside their own silo."

This after residents of Springfield, Ohio, claimed on social media that Haitian migrants have been capturing and eating pets and geese. However, local city officials have denied that they have received any substantiated reports. Vice President Kamala Harris used the claims to attack former President Donald Trump as unstable after he spoke out on the issue during the presidential debate earlier this week.
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