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Old 08-22-2024, 07:40 PM   #61
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Yup, and I haven’t even gotten into her wanting to increase taxes on capital gains. And possibly lowering the threshold on the limit the fed government can tax capital gains, which last I looked was 250K. Under that amount you didn’t have to pay taxes on said capital gains. She has her way, that will change. For example, I sold a home recently and made over 30K on it. I didn’t have to pay any taxes on this capital gain.

And now….she’s wanting folks to pay taxes on “unrealized capital gains”. Don’t know what that is? Look it up your fucking self. It’ll blow your mind. Basically, you’ll have to pay taxes on your assets that have increased in value (like your home, or your 401k) before you’ve realized any those gains or collect any cash. So, you’ll be paying taxes on something you haven’t been paid for and ultimately received no income for.

Wanna pay taxes on your assets that you’ve worked your fucking ass off for your entire life even tho you haven’t realized those gains (ie. haven’t received a fucking dime on the increase in your assets)?

Facts, not hate folks.

Wanna argue your point? Then explain to me how folks making under 400K/year won’t be taxed another single cent which was promised to us by the Biden/Harris Admin.
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Old 08-22-2024, 08:10 PM   #62
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It's hilarious to hear the dems on here saying we have Kamala PSD already. You guys are unreal. you only stopped complaining about Trump .... oh you still complain that's right.

Here's whats real, from her speech when she started talking about policy. Her first point and last point are her biggest ideas. That's the reality of a speech. Start with a wow and end with a wow fill the middle with the small stuff.

Price controls and higher relief for new parents.
Bigger check for an newborn child, ok, I can get behind that.

But she starts with price controls. ANYONE who understands anything about economics knows this is the stupidest idea ever. To control pricing at a supermarket level you have to make sure the farmer freezes every expense, the person shipping freezes every expense, the grocery store has to freeze every expense.

- Remember when she talked about increase wages. Cant have price controls and tell people you are going to fight to improve the middle class wages - sorry it's impossible.
- You think she can put a freeze on gas prices
- How about the cost of the tires that the shippers have to replace, can she freeze those expense.
- How about what it costs to heat the facility, or if something breaks down
- How about insurance costs
- What about any kind of marketing or promotional materials / office supplies / Cleaning products to clean the facilities things are made in

These people have no clue what makes the world work and it's obvious. I remember when that red head Jen whoever that was the first press sect rectory was ask - "what happens when the corporations pass the increase taxes on to consumers through price increase" her response not word for word, but if you find the clip its pretty close

Jen - "they won't do that, why would they do that to consumers?" - are you fucking serious

Anyone that heard Kamala speech and still wants to vote for her - is as stupid as she is.

Whats your answer Dems?
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Old 08-22-2024, 08:23 PM   #63
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And btw, to your point sparrow, average net profit of grocery stores is less than 2%. Around 1.5%. That’s an extremely low net profit margin. No price gouging going on there I’d say.

*Jen Psaki is the red head who now works for MSNBC…go figure.

Kamala will be speaking shortly at the DNC. Will she show us her actual policies, and more importantly details how they will impact our economy? Our foreign policy? Our southern border?

I find it highly unlikely.

It’ll be about HOPE & JOY!

Unfortunately, Hope & Joy doesn’t pay the bills.
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Old 08-23-2024, 05:00 AM   #64
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Old 08-23-2024, 07:12 PM   #65
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I’m just wondering what ECG thinks of price controls lol.

On another note. Now that the DNC party is over and the honeymoon is coming to an end, the shit is going to start hitting the fan for Kamala and her VP pick. There is now no excuse to hide, or any places left to hide. It’s time for us, the people, to hear what her fucking policies actually are, and in detail. Not just pie in the sky BS high level promises that will never make it thru congress.

Kamala now has no choice but to start doing press conferences to keep herself relevant with only about 75 days left until the election, and of course the one lonely debate she was shamed into agreeing to is in the near future.

She is now going to start having to answer the real questions this country wants and needs to hear her answers to. Unfortunately, she’s only planned one press conference/interview for the end of August. Over a week away. Why so far out? Why does she need that much time to prepare if she’s an expert on all these issues? And I’m sure it’ll be with a friendly network that’s only going to ask her softball questions.

Meanwhile, she’s taking today off to…umm…rest?

And still no fucking policy page on her campaign website. Wtf?!

And just one more point regarding taxes on unrealized capital gains: For example, you’re 40 years old, Kamala gets elected and is successful in passing these ridiculous taxes on unrealized capital gains. Of course you’ll be forced to pay these taxes or fear IRS folks will come knocking on your door. Question is; once your retirement age and your assets have ended up being worth less due to a sudden downturn in the economy when you actually start collecting on these assets, will you get a refund on those taxes? I fucking think not.
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Old 08-23-2024, 08:01 PM   #66
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all the normies will be

consumed in colledge football

and the cat ladies are pissed

cause the normies have too many kids

any amount over zero
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Old 08-23-2024, 08:06 PM   #67
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the normies will wake up

after the superbpwl

"huh?... what's the new 45% tax on unrealized gains?
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