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View Poll Results: When do the pull the plug on Slow-Joe?
June 1st, First day of Gay Pride Month, also next week
0 |
0% |
Before June 27th, i.e. the first debate
1 |
5.88% |
Immediately after June 27th
2 |
11.76% |
Before September 10th, i.e. the second debate
2 |
11.76% |
Immediately after September 10th
0 |
0% |
August 19th-22nd, i.e. at the DNC convention and riot in Shitcago
4 |
23.53% |
Oh hell no, he'll go all the way...
8 |
47.06% |
05-31-2024, 05:34 AM
Join Date: Jul 26, 2013
Location: Railroad Tracks, other side thereof
Posts: 7,501
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
...Trumpism will wither and die from its own ignorance.
Good luck wid dat
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05-31-2024, 09:15 AM
Join Date: Jan 3, 2010
Location: Clarksville
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What? You’re gonna use a bronze statue to justify that criminal,you worship?
Or is he Mother Theresa now?
Or Jesus Christ?
Or are you suggesting that retribution will with sword in hand?
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05-31-2024, 06:46 PM
Join Date: Jul 26, 2013
Location: Railroad Tracks, other side thereof
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Seems more like a U problem/puzzle to solve.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Not clear on how this stops the dumping of your chump-ion though.
Ruminate on...
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06-02-2024, 07:22 AM
Join Date: Jul 26, 2013
Location: Railroad Tracks, other side thereof
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The Real Come Back Kid?
Welp... we made it past the June 1st date and Joe "the Chump" O'Biden is cruising towards climbing in to the ring with Trump for the 1st debate with the wind to his back perhaps. The O'Biden seems to have charged up his nascent fan base as they can been seen chanting his name in a packed arena in Newark, New "Frick'n" Jersey the other night HERE
So much so, that they were ignoring the event that they had paid money to attend. Let's check-in down at ringside HERE.
HERE is another angle to see how big " his" crowd is from above.
Should be an interesting debate IF team O'Biden even allows him to enter debate the ring with Trump.
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06-02-2024, 09:11 AM
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Join Date: Dec 31, 2009
Location: Georgetown, Texas
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Welp... we made it past the June 1st date and Joe "the Chump" O'Biden is cruising towards climbing in to the ring with Trump for the 1st debate with the wind to his back perhaps. The O'Biden seems to have charged up his nascent fan base as they can been seen chanting his name in a packed arena in Newark, New "Frick'n" Jersey the other night HERE
So much so, that they were ignoring the event that they had paid money to attend. Let's check-in down at ringside HERE.
HERE is another angle to see how big " his" crowd is from above.
Should be an interesting debate IF team O'Biden even allows him to enter debate the ring with Trump.
The people were there to see a UFC fight. Trump being there did not increase the crowd. Am I surprised the crowd supported Trump? Not at all. A bunch of lower educated (Staff edit) men, 60% of whom make less than $50,000 a year. Demographics very close to the average Trumpette.
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06-02-2024, 03:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Welp... we made it past the June 1st date and Joe "the Chump" O'Biden is cruising towards climbing in to the ring with Trump for the 1st debate with the wind to his back perhaps. The O'Biden seems to have charged up his nascent fan base as they can been seen chanting his name in a packed arena in Newark, New "Frick'n" Jersey the other night HERE
So much so, that they were ignoring the event that they had paid money to attend. Let's check-in down at ringside HERE.
HERE is another angle to see how big " his" crowd is from above.
Should be an interesting debate IF team O'Biden even allows him to enter debate the ring with Trump.
... Blimey! ... That's Great! ...
Vegas is laying odds that Biden gets replaced...
#### Salty
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06-03-2024, 04:29 AM
Join Date: Jul 26, 2013
Location: Railroad Tracks, other side thereof
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tcht, tcht, tcht <wags finger...>
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Th...A bunch of lower educated (Staff edit) men, 60% of whom make less than $50,000 a year. Demographics very close to the average Trumpette.
I certainly expect a bit more couth and much less elitism and denigration of an entire class of people from you and oddly enough, I rather figured you were capable of proffering better arguments. Besides, I'm rather certain that the forum rules would prohibit me from conveying my unvarnished opinion of how I would characterize typical O'Zombie supporters.
To be fair, that doesn't mean I won't try from time to time...
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06-04-2024, 12:47 PM
Join Date: Jul 26, 2013
Location: Railroad Tracks, other side thereof
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Quite the horse race. Gonna come down to the wire. Meh-be...
We've got out 9 out of 17 who are convinced that they will indeed Dump the Chump. It's only a question of when exactly as opposed to 8 out of 17 lusty souls that believe He Should Go All The Way. (Doubtful IMMHO.) The way I see it, if we and the world writ large can survive until election day, the choice comes down to:
If you want more of:
That doesn't care enough to treat citizens like human beings
Weaponized the government against it's citizens and political opponents
Then vote for this Twit
If you want:
Somene who comes home to throngs of adoring supporters each night
Rolls heavy (Mean Tweets and all)
Has millions of dedicated followers, who "got his back"
Then vote to Make America Great Again!
Choose wisely.
You and your family's lives depend on it!
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06-04-2024, 06:30 PM
Chasing a Cowgirl
Join Date: Oct 19, 2013
Location: West Kansas
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I thought the poll was about when Biden would have a stroke.
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06-04-2024, 08:06 PM
Join Date: Jul 26, 2013
Location: Railroad Tracks, other side thereof
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Welcome to Weekend at Biden's
Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
I thought the poll was about when Biden would have a stroke.
Think I did one along that line a year ago. I am planning a future poll on What Excuse They will Give for him bowing out. I'll make sure to include stroke as an option for ya.
I'm waiting on a couple more tea leaves before then, though this poll was to be the precursor. My gut says NOBODY on God's Green earth wants Kamala anywhere near anything. As such, it seems they are in full pucker mode hoping Slow Joe can make it out alive before Jan 21, with swapping in a last minute replacement for November election.
They would totally Joe Biden in their pants if he has a stroke right now
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06-29-2024, 06:34 AM
Join Date: Apr 19, 2017
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Posts: 5,539
Anyone want to revisit their vote? lol
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06-29-2024, 07:17 AM
Join Date: Jul 26, 2013
Location: Railroad Tracks, other side thereof
Posts: 7,501
Funny dat...
Originally Posted by texassapper
Anyone want to revisit their vote? lol
Funny you should mention this. I was contemplating updating and reissuing this very poll. But the time frames are collapsing, i.e. time is getting short, meaning the options get more limited. I think a better poll to resurrect might be ye olde: F Joe Biden's No good, Very Bad week, - but what next poll as it really is the "how" are they gonna pull it off thingy.
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06-29-2024, 07:47 AM
Join Date: Apr 19, 2017
Location: Dallas
Posts: 5,539
The Dems will do whatever they want since laws don’t apply to them.
We’re on our way to a shooting match now.
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06-29-2024, 08:43 AM
Join Date: Apr 19, 2017
Location: Dallas
Posts: 5,539
According to a draft from The Heritage Oversight Project obtained by the Daily Mail:
Three of the expected six most contested states have some potential for pre-election litigation aimed at exasperating, with legitimate concerns for election integrity, the withdrawal process for a presidential candidate.
GA, NV, and WI, have specific procedures for withdrawal of a presidential nominee with differing degrees of applicability and timelines.’ WI does not allow withdrawal for any reason besides death.”
Important caveats include the timeline and triggering events. For example, some states allow withdrawal before the 74th day before an election,’ and failure to adhere to these timelines can result in the candidate’s name remaining on the ballot! (which provides its own corollary of post-election litigation). Likewise, the rationale for withdrawal (death, medical, or other) can be outcome determinative. Some states, like South Carolina, do not allow withdrawal for political reasons.’
There is also the possibility that states will be complicit in an improper withdrawal or substitution. The general scenario plays out after an election where the candidate dies, and the electors are left to choose who they are voting for. This circumstance is only applicable at the close of the election year there is greater uncertainty if the withdrawal happens before the election.
Should the Democrats choose to withdraw in June or July, after many states’ withdrawal timelines expire, what happens to those expired ballots? Or if done earlier, in April or May, how would that effect the withdrawal process? The answer is it depends.
Much will come down to when Biden withdraws, what procedures he does or does not follow, and the operating state law timelines and triggering events. However, at least 31 states defer to state or national party rules and committees for nominating in the event of withdrawal. These states circumvent the substitution process highlighted above. There may be some avenues for challenges to these laws on improper delegation grounds, however, these may be marginally beneficial.
There is also the issue of applicability. In some of these states there are no statutes that deal with presidential candidate withdrawal or vacancy in nominations, or the laws only operate at the primary election. Even more, there is little caselaw determining when these statutes apply.
Some of the extant cases do address applying these withdrawal statutes to different fact patterns than those contemplated by the statutory text, such as withdrawal of independent presidential candidates or congressional candidates. Yet, this confusion may be its own source of litigation. Arguing for strict application of a statue, like Wisconsin’s which prohibits withdrawal except in the case of death, would likely bear some fruit.
This memorandum does not address the procedures for presidential elector elections.
Additionally, it is outside the scope of this current research to assess different rules for political parties, national and state. Standing and other jurisdictional considerations, such as cause of action (implied or otherwise), are also outside the scope of this project. Further research can casily shore up these deficiencies.
Policymakers and the public should be prepared for all externalities that arise from President Biden not running for President in 2024. The process for substitution and withdrawal presents many election integrity issues. Adherence to the law in some states may result in that process being unsuccessful for the purposes of another candidate being on the ballot.
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06-29-2024, 03:06 PM
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Join Date: Sep 26, 2021
Location: down under Pittsburgh
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Originally Posted by Salty Again
... Nope - Biden aint leavin' - they're STUCK with him.
Unless they make Kamala the next President.
First off - Joe DON'T WANNA leave.
And secondly - NO WAY can they replace Joe with another white-skinned
smiling hetero-sexual fellow, because all the DEI people will be
blue as a Paris monkey and thus tumble all arse-over-tit about it.
They CAN'T replace Joe unless it's with a gay lesbian woman who
may or may not have black skin.
And Barrack OBama already had his two terms...
... Sorry to break the bad news, mates - but JOE is the candidate.
#### Salty
.... Yep, - what ME said.
#### Salty
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