Date: May
Name: Melina / Lina
User ID:: dallasdarch
Phone: 3146750018 (314) 675-0018
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: dallas
State: Texas
Address: N. Dino
Activities: none. i ran out from cringe
Hair Length and Color: med length , brown
Age: 50
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: just as pics, bolt ons, very fit… but the face. oh lord the face. Face of every hispanic guy’s mom that discovered botox and magic lotions & kinky lingerie after a divorce . If you have mommy issues she is the one for you, but damn it i don’t want any mommy issues and i ran the hell out. i’m sorry to be rude but i did. Originally planned to see Aurora at the same phone number , but booker gave me Melina. clean, safe place. The face really was enough to make me step back. not ugly , but she’s the weird older aunt at every wedding that’s wearing too few clothes, a thong everyone can see and… well damn it this just made y’all want to go see her

Think the older ladies that would work SunFlower before the bust. like that. my second fail in 2 days, but we trek on.
Recommendation: No