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Old 02-22-2024, 08:42 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post

Here’s the decision, you can read it for yourselves rather than relying on others opinions of what in it.
Originally Posted by yeahsurewhatev View Post
Thanks for admitting the crux of the matter: to deem the fine excessive, you have to understand the reasoning behind it. Here you go.
Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
MAGAs continue to deny Trumps lies.
They can't understand the statute and law did not require a trial by jury.
They haven't read the 92 page summary judgement.
The only question is: why do they support him ?
OK, I read it. Here are some thoughts


On page 2, Judge Engoron notes says the defendants “crow that the borrowers paid back all loans fully and on time.” That sounds very professional and impartial. Crow.

New York Executive Law, Section 63(12): A Prosecutors Wet Dream

Judge Engoron provides background on New York Executive Law 63(12), which the state of New York used to persecute, err, prosecute Donald Trump. Jacob Javits, the Attorney General of New York and State Comptroller Arthur Levitt, who presciently was looking for novel ways to screw politically unpopular businesses AND raise money for the state, decided “Why not grant the Attorney General authority” to prosecute almost anyone if it will put money in the state’s pockets. Subsequently the law was revised to allow the state to sue for “deception, misrepresentation, concealment, false pretense, false promise or unconscionable contractual provisions.”

Engoron notes the statute casts a wide net,” and “the general grant of power to the Attorney General under section 63(12) has traditionally been his most potent." This is a prosecutor’s wet dream!

Justification for the State of New York to Sue Anybody, Anywhere

Engoron says that New York City is the financial capital of the country, synonymous with capital formation, investing, trading, lending and borrowing, the “state has a quasi-sovereign interest in protecting the integrity of the marketplace.”

And so has it acted. The state of New York will line its coffers for fines related to loans by a German bank secured by properties in Chicago and Florida. That money won’t go to the German bank. Or Chicago or Florida. It goes to New York State!

The state of New York also attempted to line its coffers with money from Exxon Mobil for a ridiculous claim that the company misrepresented the risks of global warming to shareholders. In other words, the state of New York, using the same law it used to prosecute Trump, tried to make shareholders of Exxon Mobil pay the state of New York to compensate for harm done to the shareholders! Is that Kafkaesque or what?

Time limitation

This is key. The Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court ruled that only claims accruing after July 13, 2014 may be considered. Trump did default on loans before that date. Banks and bondholders and at least one hedge fund did suffer losses as a result. But to my knowledge he hasn’t defaulted since 2014.

A $455 million award for a victimless crime?

“It is undisputed that defendants have made all required payments on time.”

-Judge Engoron

Imposition of a corporate “death penalty”

Without hearing a word of testimony in court, Judge Engoron issued a 35 page Decision and Order on September 26, 2023, which granted the state of New York a Summary Judgement on the state’s first cause of action. As part of the judgement, Engoron cancelled the Trump Organization’s business certificates in the State of New York! He made it illegal for Trump’s entities to do business in the state! How the fuck is that supposed to happen when they own numerous real estate properties? Do the properties just escheat to the state, which sells them and keeps the money? Engoron however was overruled by the Apellate Division of the New York Supreme Court, “pending the final disposition of the defendants’ appeal.” This ruling disappeared from Engoron’s final decision. But shows how ridiculously prejudiced he was from the start.

Are you entitled to a trial by jury in front of your peers before the State absconds with $455 million of your property?

Well, fuck no.

“Constitutional provisions guaranteeing a jury trial…apply to only cases at common law. The phrase at common law is used in contradistinction to cases that are equitable in nature. Here, plaintiff seeks…equitable relief. Thus there was no right to a jury.”

Translation: It’s perfectly OK for a judge who’s affiliated with the Democratic Party to sit in judgement and determine fines all on his lonesome, even though the defendant is the second most unpopular Republican politician of the last 100 years. (The first was Joseph McCarthy.) We shouldn’t worry however because Engoron “was able to observe expressions demeanor and body language,” and consider “the simple touchstones of self-interest and other motives, common sense, and overall veracity,” while the Defendants crowed away.

Testimony of Witnesses

OK, this is where it gets a little tedious. Two accountants working for Trump said they took the Trump Organization’s word that documents it gave them were true and correct. Now IMHO nobody in his right mind would accept anything that came from Trump as true and correct, but given that they weren’t auditing his accounts, that’s standard accounting practice.

Next there are summaries of testimony from several Deutsche Bank employees. Please remember that only claims accruing after July 13, 2014 could be considered by Kangaroo Engoron. Well, by 2014, Deutsche Bank employees, unless they were totally incompetent, wouldn’t have assumed that Trump’s financial statements were “broadly accurate.” Yeah, maybe they testified to that effect, but given Deutsche Bank’s big hit on unsecured loans related to the Trump International Hotel & Tower around 2010, they knew better.


And Yada yada. I’m tired of this. Other than Winn Dixie, you gentlemen never stray from the MSNBC line. When we get to the Washington, D.C. and Fulton County, Georgia trials I’ll probably agree with you. Until then, try coming up with more convincing arguments related to Trump’s loans and sex life than you have. You don’t sound much different from those Republicans who claim Joe Biden got paid off to get the Ukrainian Prosecutor General fired, except there's perhaps a bit more basis to your accusations. I do believe that Trump’s misrepresentations related to his financial condition were unethical, and they’re one of a long list of reasons why I’d never vote for him. But it’s ridiculous to fine him $455 million when his creditors knew he was exaggerating his net worth, still chose to do business with him, and were paid off on schedule, after 2014 at least. If Trump were a Democrat you wouldn’t have a problem with any of this.
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Old 02-22-2024, 08:50 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
And I have a lot more sympathy for people who were executed for crimes they didn't commit and people who languish in jail for decades for ***************than I do for Trump.
Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
There is no comparison between someone being executed for a crime they didn't commit and Trump being punished for something he actually did. Though I don't believe ***************
I've edited for reasons you'll understand.

I was just agreeing with txdot, I believe Engoron's mistreatment of Trump is nothing compared to the travesty of executing the innocent. Or executing anyone for that matter. And as to the rest, the "*****", what can I say. I'm a Libertarian and you're not.
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Old 02-22-2024, 09:26 PM   #48
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Trump is a crook.....and everybody knows it.

Desperate men take desperate measures......hence, the 8th amendment appears.
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Old 02-22-2024, 09:50 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by oilfieldace View Post
So you are saying , fuck the constitution when it doesn’t mesh with your TDS? Or anytime it doesn’t match your liberal agenda?

You noticed that too.

Our Liberal Democrat friends are willing to toss the Bill of Rights in the garbage in order to see that Trump looses.

The 8th Amendment is there. It’s written in reasonably plain English.
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Old 02-22-2024, 10:01 PM   #50
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Don't forget the main point.

Trump is a crook. It is only a matter of how big a crook he is.
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Old 02-22-2024, 10:10 PM   #51
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Trump will eventually get this reduced. Will he ever pay? He's pretty greatly at not paying his bills!
Hiding behind the eighth is a lil bitch move. Freaking slimeball
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Old 02-22-2024, 10:42 PM   #52
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Rudy G is wondering why he didn't think of this.

But since Trump didn't pay him, the whole thing becomes a bit confusing.
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Old 02-22-2024, 11:51 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
What stinks about this is the political aspect. There are a lot of shady businessmen who mostly stay within the letter of the law. And they're not getting fined 20% of their net worth. Trump's a very unpopular politician in New York, and that's why they went after him.
I have no sympathy for Trump. Ever since the investigations of President Bill Clinton it’s been standard practice for spurious investigations to be conducted by the opposition. Trump decided to get involved in politics. He decided to keep running his business while in office rather than place it under a blind trust. He decided to run a fraud riddled company for the last forty years. He decided to take home classified documents and hide them from the government. He decided to try and steal a federal election. If he didn’t want to be investigated and prosecuted he should have not been a criminal.
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Old 02-22-2024, 11:55 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
I have no sympathy for Trump. Ever since the investigations of President Bill Clinton it’s been standard practice for spurious investigations to be conducted by the opposition. Trump decided to get involved in politics. He decided to keep running his business while in office rather than place it under a blind trust. He decided to run a fraud riddled company for the last forty years. He decided to take home classified documents and hide them from the government. He decided to try and steal a federal election. If he didn’t want to be investigated and prosecuted he should have not been a criminal.
F&A man! Well put.
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Old 02-23-2024, 01:33 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
I have no sympathy for Trump. Ever since the investigations of President Bill Clinton it’s been standard practice for spurious investigations to be conducted by the opposition. Trump decided to get involved in politics. He decided to keep running his business while in office rather than place it under a blind trust. He decided to run a fraud riddled company for the last forty years. He decided to take home classified documents and hide them from the government. He decided to try and steal a federal election. If he didn’t want to be investigated and prosecuted he should have not been a criminal.
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Old 02-23-2024, 06:01 AM   #56
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\I'd like to see Mr. Trump make his bond payment in a pile of 40-pound gold bricks. . . .or a pallet of hundred-dollar bills in bank wrappers from Deutch Bank. . . . ."legal ender for all debts public and private".
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Old 02-23-2024, 10:54 AM   #57
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The shifty, sleazy Trump tries to pull another fast one. In total, how many companies does he have
registered......over 500 ?

"Trump Tries to Change NY Business Addresses to FL in Fraud Judgment"
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:10 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by txdot-guy View Post
I have no sympathy for Trump. Ever since the investigations of President Bill Clinton it’s been standard practice for spurious investigations to be conducted by the opposition. Trump decided to get involved in politics. He decided to keep running his business while in office rather than place it under a blind trust. He decided to run a fraud riddled company for the last forty years. He decided to take home classified documents and hide them from the government. He decided to try and steal a federal election. If he didn’t want to be investigated and prosecuted he should have not been a criminal.
Touche. That's a well written post, with a great lead-in about Clinton. One of your three "likes" is from me.

You may be winning the political argument, but not the moral one:

Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Our Liberal Democrat friends are willing to toss the Bill of Rights in the garbage.
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Old 02-23-2024, 08:19 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Tigbitties38 View Post
It looks like the excessive fine clause in the 8th doesn't apply to civil cases. It looks like it falls under due process in the 14th.
Browning-Ferris Industries of Vermont, Inc. v. Kelco Disposal, Inc., 492 U.S. 257 (1989), the Supreme Court ruled that the Excessive Fines Clause does not apply "when the government neither has prosecuted the action nor has any right to receive a share of the damages awarded". While punitive damages in civil cases are not covered by the Excessive Fines Clause, such damages were held to be covered by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, notably in State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. v. Campbell, 538 U.S. 408 (2003).[24]
I believe that's irrelevant and partly wrong Tigbitties. First the 8th amendment does apply to civil cases. See this on excessive fines,

The Eighth Amendment also protects against excessive civil fines, as noted in Hudson v. United States, 522 U.S. 93 (1997). In addition to monetary payments, the excessive fines clause applies to forfeitures of property, as held in Austin v. United States, 509 U.S. 602 (1993).


As to the case you cited above, the New York state government DID prosecute the case against Trump and will receive the fines. The banks and hedge fund that were allegedly defrauded won't receive a penny.
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Old 02-24-2024, 06:58 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
The shifty, sleazy Trump tries to pull another fast one. In total, how many companies does he have
registered......over 500 ?

"Trump Tries to Change NY Business Addresses to FL in Fraud Judgment"
So, he reads the laws as written and does whatis allowed. Is tyhat what is bothering you?

The rigged and fixed legal machinery of New York State and New York City will try to quash that effort of course as their tax baser continues to shrivel.

Rush Limbaugh did exactly that ten years (or so) ago. Sen Hannity did exactly that this year. Hundreds of businesses and individuals have done that in the recent past.

The flight of capital from NY and NYC will continue . . .for solid business reasons, for security reasons, and over quality-of-life issues.
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