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Old 11-08-2023, 05:06 PM   #1
Nicky Wayne
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Default Explain to me

How does Skip The Game get away with what they are putting out there 😠. There are some rough looking ones on that site.
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Old 11-08-2023, 11:22 PM   #2
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Unfortinately other than the 2 or 3 ladies that post here its all we got
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Old 11-09-2023, 09:00 AM   #3
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Default limited availability

The real question is what has changed in the area that has lead to the lack of providers.

With the changes in the social norms it would seem there would be an increase. Instead if you are not in Longview or Tyler there is no to very little available.

It seems anything North of I-20 is a wasteland.
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Old 11-09-2023, 01:19 PM   #4
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Default A Sign Of The Times

STG has really taken a drop in quality over the recent years. Way too many Asian Ads. Another complaint heard quite often is that the individual AD is referencing someone that is not even from the area listed, or will not be in the area unless a "Deposit " is sent. Usually the same as their " Meeting " price or maybe half of that. For those who have partaken in the "Hobby" over the years, There is a high Risk to any "Deposit". May or may not end up being the same person whose photo is in the AD.

I do know of one instance where the "Provider" requests a photo be sent before taking the deposit. I understand that it may or may not actually be the person in the AD. Risk vs Reward. AS one friend in the "Hobby" described the aftermath of this situation, " Sure was a nice looking Police Woman !

Everyone Please play Safe and Honest out there !
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Old 11-09-2023, 04:06 PM   #5
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The “I require a face pic” is a risk I can’t advise.
Had an stg provider try to blackmail me years back.
Didn’t have a SO at the time, so politely told her (or perhaps it was her Personal Improvement Manager Person) to fuck off.
Somehow managed to find and contact my employer, which thankfully at the time was no big deal.
This was from a burner phone too.
Facial recognition is a thing nowadays.

I wonder if Johnny Law could use it as intent to meet, so you don’t even have to show up?
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Old 11-09-2023, 07:08 PM   #6
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I have a question. Not being a smart ass in any way. I honestly want to know.

Why are there hardly any reviews of the TRYST ladies? And why is STG more appealing to most hobbyist verses tryst? Maybe it isn't? It could just be my perception from what I read on here.

Not sure why but STG just scares the crap out of me!! May be due to my limited ability to do good research.
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Old 11-12-2023, 01:54 PM   #7
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I use STG because it's fast. That's literally it's only merit.

But the whole hobby, in this area, took a nosedive after they passed that law a few years ago. Plus with the advent of OF chicks are able to scrape by (some do well) by selling pics and don't have to do much for the simps to spend on pics and vids.

I've wanted to try tryst, but I usually don't know that I'll be hobbying until I'm out hobbying.
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Old 11-16-2023, 07:28 AM   #8
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Str8 that's a fair assessment of STG and I'm like you I don't know I'm going to hobby most times till I'm awake and on the go. Now I can always go for a BNG but that is usually just whoever answers first.

As far as tryst, ETG, I've tried to use it but most ladies I see look very fake or waaaaay out of my price range, I try not to be cheap all the time but you guys know I like them trashy at times haha. Something about it drives me wild haha, I digress. Tryst has never had the pure quantity of selection either and I say that from past experience I may well have changed by now. Plus i honestly forget about it.

I'll be honest again and say I don't like eccie as much without the pictures of the ladies or their profile sites BUT I'm not complaining at all. I appreciate the reviews and info on ladies everyday and try to contribute as much as I can afford haha.

Be safe out there you mongers and enjoy your holidays and always remember dream great dreams but share them please.
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Old 11-17-2023, 10:00 AM   #9
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I use tryst most if I’m out of town. As far as in Longview, there’s literally like 4 providers that pop up when you search, 2 of them have never answered my texts, the other 2 I’m not really interested in seeing. STG is just more convenient for me being in Longview. The selection has gone down and the quality of the women there is to select from has also gone down. But as str8 said, STG is just more convenient and usually easier on the pockets.

Also, the cool thing about tryst is that even the really fake looking ads are typically real. Down side to that is that they are ridiculously priced 8/10 times.
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