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10-19-2023, 05:12 AM
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Biden is now doubling down on stupid.
He has decided to send $100 million in “humanitarian aid” to Gaza.
Exactly where do they think these dollars will go.
Straight into the hands of the Hamas Terrorist.
Damn, we’re stupid.
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10-19-2023, 05:18 AM
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Originally Posted by texassapper
You are trying to reason with a Pro Palestine Liberal. Don’t waste your time.
Rashiad Tlaib is doubling down. She is still repeating the lie.
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10-19-2023, 07:30 AM
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Originally Posted by Jackie S
Biden is now doubling down on stupid.
He has decided to send $100 million in “humanitarian aid” to Gaza.
Exactly where do they think these dollars will go.
Straight into the hands of the Hamas Terrorist.
Damn, we’re stupid.
You do understand, well clearly you don’t, that the humanitarian aid is not cash. It’s MREs, water, medical supplies, put into the hands of places like the Red Cross and other international organizations. I suspect the terroridts already have all the food and water they need and are unlikely to rob the aid organizations and hospitals. If they do, the aid will stop.
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10-19-2023, 08:53 AM
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You do understand, well clearly you don’t, that the humanitarian aid is not cash. It’s MREs, water, medical supplies, put into the hands of places like the Red Cross and other international organizations. I suspect the terroridts already have all the food and water they need and are unlikely to rob the aid organizations and hospitals. If they do, the aid will stop.
The Naiveté expressed by the liberal Left is astounding..’
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10-19-2023, 01:08 PM
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It's ironic that Israel beat all 5 (Transjordan, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon(who bailed at the last minute because of the radical change in original plan)) of the Arab countries that attacked when Israel declared their independence. Instead of launching an attack using all 4 (minus Lebanon) armies with a common command structure, each of the 4 countries attacked with individual command structure allowing the Israelis to take on 4 uncoordinated armies. All of the arab countries wanted to keep the choice spoils of war and leadership positions for themselves.
One major factor favored the IDF. The same one that helped the Allies on Dday and famously used by Cortez. Cortez burned his ships, the Allies couldn't really return to England, and the IDF had no place to go.
Win or die.
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10-19-2023, 06:44 PM
Join Date: Jan 8, 2010
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Originally Posted by Tigbitties38
It's ironic that Israel beat all 5 (Transjordan, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon(who bailed at the last minute because of the radical change in original plan)) of the Arab countries that attacked when Israel declared their independence. Instead of launching an attack using all 4 (minus Lebanon) armies with a common command structure, each of the 4 countries attacked with individual command structure allowing the Israelis to take on 4 uncoordinated armies. All of the arab countries wanted to keep the choice spoils of war and leadership positions for themselves.
One major factor favored the IDF. The same one that helped the Allies on Dday and famously used by Cortez. Cortez burned his ships, the Allies couldn't really return to England, and the IDF had no place to go.
Win or die.
exactly. and the IDF won. what's important here is that the arab palestinians had an offer for their own nation but rejected it because the deal also included a nation of israel. and as a side issue griped about israel getting 60% more land. let's also note (again) that their "arab brothers" in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon refused to fess up one lousy hectare of their land to their "arab brothers" to make a deal.
ever since then the arab palestinians have rejected any overtures for their own nation because israel exists.
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10-19-2023, 07:23 PM
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when stupid racist cunts shoot their mouths off .. there are consequences
Rep. Rashida Tlaib draws fire for not apologizing for saying Israel caused Gaza hospital blast
interesting isn't it how quickly the biased leftist media embraced this narrative? and how equally slow they are to admit they were misled?
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10-21-2023, 12:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Israel was a country and kingdom in the past. Palestine was a name given to the area by the Romans out of spite towards the Jews after the second uprising. It included land that is now Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. Palestine has never been the name of a country. It was more of an amorphous geographical area, like "midwest" in the US.
They should have just called it the Great Syria. Think that came before Palestine and is more encompassing.
Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Nothing to argue with there, sir. The Israelis aren't blameless in their treatment of Gaza but the real atrocities are perpetrated by the Arabs.
They are definitely both guilty of atrocities. Just happens that an arab faction started this round of big time blood shed.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
In total warfare, It is just as affective to kill the person who makes the bullets as it is to kill the soldiers who shoot the bullets.
We have not had a total war since WW-2. We have engaged in conflicts with “rules of engagement”.
While it is not taught in our history books, the true policy of the US in WW-2 was,…….. “in order to win this war, we will kill every German and Japanese on the Planet”.
Dresden and Tokyo proved this.
And you can't win a war dictated by politicians. Just ask MacArthur about bombing half a bridge. See what that got us.
Originally Posted by texassapper
Not to worry. Our military has the best pronouns on the planet. No one would dare attack us.
Is that what they said forty sum years ago in Lebanon?
Originally Posted by Jackie S
So, that hospital that Hamas said was bombed by an Israeli Rocket, and the World Media immediately believed them, turns out to have been hit by an errant Hamas Tocket.
I am waiting for a member of “The Squad” to hold a news conference and say……”but the important thing is it COULD HAVE been a IDF Rocket”.
Never believe what is first reported in the fog of war. The examination of the results of the damage tend to say it was not the kind that is done with an Israeli air strike. Hamas should have shown bomb fragments immediately after it happened that could prove it was not from their weapons inventory.
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10-21-2023, 08:56 PM
Join Date: Jul 7, 2010
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Hamas, just like ISIS, just like Al-Qaeda, just like Hezbollah…
They are ALL the SAME CIA/Gladio feathers off the SAME bird.
The Globalists just use extremist groups like this to create chaos and divide.
They are just useful pawns in their game.
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10-21-2023, 11:38 PM
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Originally Posted by bambino
Hamas, just like ISIS, just like Al-Qaeda, just like Hezbollah…
They are ALL the SAME CIA/Gladio feathers off the SAME bird.
The Globalists just use extremist groups like this to create chaos and divide.
They are just useful pawns in their game.
You're probably right. This video explains the truth of this War. Israel is making World War III. As far as I am concerned Biden is funding a Terrorist Group and that's Treason.
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10-21-2023, 11:49 PM
Join Date: Jan 3, 2010
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Originally Posted by Levianon17
You're probably right. This video explains the truth of this War. Israel is making World War III. As far as I am concerned Biden is funding a Terrorist Group and that's Treason.
OH Jeez.
Of course it’s a plot and Biden is behind it.
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10-22-2023, 04:12 AM
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Originally Posted by Ducbutter
Israel was a country and kingdom in the past. Palestine was a name given to the area by the Romans out of spite towards the Jews after the second uprising. It included land that is now Jordan, Syria, and Iraq. Palestine has never been the name of a country. It was more of an amorphous geographical area, like "midwest" in the US.
the greeks named it palestine (Palaistine) first, but it was in reference to philistines (Philistia), which is now gaza.
palestine term appears to be an insulting word considering that the greeks thought the philistines were nasty.
later, some scholars insisted that the name applied to Israel kingdom and Judah kingdom.
oh btw, philistines disappeared as a distinct ethnic population by 5th Century BCE. looks like they merged with the local population during persian rule.
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10-22-2023, 09:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
OH Jeez.
Of course it’s a plot and Biden is behind it.
There doesn't have to be tension in the Middle East. There wouldn't be if America would stop sending this little paranoid country Billions every year.
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10-22-2023, 09:33 AM
Join Date: Jan 3, 2010
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Originally Posted by Levianon17
There doesn't have to be tension in the Middle East. There wouldn't be if America would stop sending this little paranoid country Billions every year.
Without America, the Holocaust likely would have continued in Europe and there never would have been an Israel. America doing nothing jump started it to begin with.
Little paranoid country is a rather interesting way of putting it. How many times has the Arab world tried to destroy it?
Is that what you’re getting at, Levi?
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10-22-2023, 09:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Without America, the Holocaust likely would have continued in Europe and there never would have been an Israel. America doing nothing jump started it to begin with.
Little paranoid country is a rather interesting way of putting it. How many times has the Arab world tried to destroy it?
Is that what you’re getting at, Levi?
This is a Holocaust but it's with Palestinians this time. The goal of Israel is to wipe out the Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank. Yeah the Israeli's are a bit paranoid they live behind a fence that is said to have the most sophisticated Security features in the world. Their Military trains and tests weapons daily, all citizens must serve a minimum of two years in the Military. For Seventy Five Years Israel has been fighting the same enemy. Most of their equipment and funding comes from America. A little Country of 8 million people have this much influence and power over America for what?
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