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Old 09-18-2023, 01:43 PM   #1
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Default Ho Hum - Just MORE Voter Fraud

And the irony is this is another leftist on leftist crime. So not only did the leftists cheat against President Trump - now they are cheating in their own primaries

Connecticut Democrat Primary Election Scandal: Police Launch Investigation into Fraud After Video Evidence Uncovered of Town Clerk Dumping Multiple Illegal Absentee Ballots Into a Drop Box

Mayoral candidate John Gomes’ campaign released a damning video on Saturday showing evidence of election fraud in the recent Bridgeport Democratic primary. The video has prompted an investigation by the Bridgeport Police Department for “possible misconduct.”

The video on the Gomes campaign’s Facebook page shows a woman dropping stacks of ‘illegal’ ballots into an absentee ballot box outside the Bridgeport government center, where the city’s Registrar of Voters office is located, CT Mirror reported.

The Gomes campaign was able to identify the woman in the footage as Wanda Geter-Pataky, the Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic Town Clerk and a vocal supporter of incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim, who is seeking reelection. Gomes’ campaign claims that the video shows Geter-Pataky dropping off stacks of absentee ballots ahead of the September 12th primary.

“Video surveillance proving that the mayoral election was unequivocally stolen through corruption within City Hall by tampering with absentee ballots,” John Gomes said on his Facebook page.

“This is an undeniable act of voter suppression and a huge civil rights violation. It’s time to restore lasting credibility to our city’s democracy. Once and for ALL. Enough is enough!” he added.

Gomes lost to incumbent Mayor Joe Ganim in the Democratic primary by a narrow margin of 251 votes, according to the most recent preliminary count posted on the Secretary of the State’s website. Ganim won the absentee vote tally 1,545 to 779, while Gomes led on the voting machines.

The Bridgeport Police Department confirmed that they are actively investigating the actions shown in the video.

“Geter-Pataky, who the Gomes campaign alleges is the woman in the video, is one of three individuals the SEEC recommended for criminal charges following an investigation into complaints about absentee ballot handling in Ganim’s tight 2019 primary against Sen. Marilyn Moore,” according to CT Mirror.

The news outlet continued, “As a result, the Gomes campaign is alleging that the video is evidence of a string of absentee ballot fraud in the city.”

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Old 09-18-2023, 02:48 PM   #2
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But there’s more!!!!!

Wayne County, Michigan Never Lawfully Certified 2020 Election

In Michigan, county election results are certified by the county board of canvassers. The powers and duties of county boards of canvassers are defined in MCL 168.24a. The act of canvassing is equivalent to conducting an audit or “thorough examination” of election records.

In each county in Michigan, there are four appointees to the County Board of Canvassers – two Republicans and two Democrats. Per MCL 168.24e, a minimum of three canvassers must agree before any action of that board “becomes effective” including certification.

Certification History in Wayne County, MI

In contrast with the 2016 and 2018 certifications in Wayne County, the certification paperwork for the 2020 election was only signed by two of the county canvassers. Per MCL 168.24e, this is NOT a sufficient number of canvassers to certify the election. In other words, the 2020 general election results in Wayne County were not lawfully certified.

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Old 09-18-2023, 10:56 PM   #3
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Alas we have leftists in this country that must be deaf, dumb and blind who think voter fraud doesn't exist

And yet in the OP I posted, just like another thread I posted a week or so ago, it is a Democrat providing evidence of voter fraud in their primary committed by other Democrats.

If these crazy ass leftists cheat in their own primary, we sure as hell know they cheat in general elections like they did in 2020
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Old 09-19-2023, 09:59 AM   #4
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Old 09-19-2023, 11:53 PM   #5
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think about this - If these crazy ass leftists cheat in their own primary, we sure as hell know they cheat in general elections like they did in 2020

“Video surveillance proving that the mayoral election was unequivocally stolen through corruption within City Hall by tampering with absentee ballots,”

And yet we have leftists in this country that must be deaf, dumb and blind who think voter fraud doesn't exist
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Old 09-20-2023, 08:24 AM   #6
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Old 09-20-2023, 09:12 AM   #7
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Old 09-20-2023, 12:49 PM   #8
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The real question is why would Cathy Garrett Clerk of board of County canvassers confirm the vote as being valid; and if there was a question of that in the state; why wouldn't the Secretary of State ask if there was an issue?

Perhaps it was because the other ppl at the canvassing meeting DID vote yes to approve albeit upon an audit (which never occured>), but that request might as well have said, we vote yes, but only if the vote comes out our way, vs this way.

Essentially it has come down to audits that were done in every single case that Republicans have requested, and each has turned out to show that NO fraud occurred.
It's equally easy to assert by proxy that without proof of fraud, none did exist here in Detroit also; but that scary picture of a person with a bag by the drop off, surely holds tens of thousands of votes, (said in jest, since she's literally holding it with one hand, actually by her fingertips while she is also holding a pocketbook- must weigh about 3 pounds...almost same as a shoe box in weight. If it had thousands of ballots, it would take her and another lady with 4 hands on it; a ream box of paper would be the equivalent of weight).

If the state of Michigan accepted the clerks position of valid votes, and there are 2 others that confirmed it, and there is a state notary who also validated it, and then the Secretary of state accepted that as valid, who should be able to nullify that? The federal government, or it's agents who didn't like the outcome?

The regular grasping of straws here is nothing out of the ordinary, but rather more finger pointing, gasping and clutchin g of pearls, and then conjecture of falsities.

How about some proof of fraud, or that something ACTUALLY did happen vs. the next conspiracy that is controlled by Soros and company. jeez.

BTW- the author of the article that is saying there is malfeasance is Patrick Colbeck. A washed up GOP member of the Michigan senate. Likely has a strong dislike for his hot governor but you can look at his credentials for yourself. He was dethroned in 2019 after ppl had enough of his MAGA tea-party nonsense and his allegiance to the My Pillow guy who was gonna show all that evidence; and chinese coding that was his 2 hour mega jump the shark charade.

He also was one of the "Damn YOU Dominion" groupies, who got slapped around during the process of the many legal lawsuits filed by Dominion for false statement; where he begs for you to empty your pockets for his defense of legal filings. Apparently he got that same good advice from Rudy Giuliani on knowing when to hold-em, and when to fold-em.

As for me, I like my fraud allegations to be the ones who win in court, vs. lose. They have a name for them; LOSerS.

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Old 09-20-2023, 01:41 PM   #9
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Audit after audit, recount after recount, court filing after court filing... Republicans still lose. No evidence of fraud sufficient to change results in any single state (nevermind they would need it in 3 or 4 states to win the electoral college). And they still think they were robbed. Nearly 3 years later.

There's something deeply disturbing about people who can't accept defeat, or take NO for an answer. Calling them sore losers is the nice way to put it.
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Old 09-20-2023, 01:50 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
Essentially it has come down to audits that were done in every single case that Republicans have requested, and each has turned out to show that NO fraud occurred.
This thread is about election fraud in a Democrat Primary Race in Connecticut. Reap the Original Post

Connecticut Democrat Primary Election Scandal: Police Launch Investigation into Fraud After Video Evidence Uncovered of Town Clerk Dumping Multiple Illegal Absentee Ballots Into a Drop Box

If these crazy ass leftists cheat in their own primary, we sure as hell know they cheat in general elections like they did in 2020
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Old 09-20-2023, 05:05 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
This thread is about election fraud in a Democrat Primary Race in Connecticut. Reap the Original Post

Connecticut Democrat Primary Election Scandal: Police Launch Investigation into Fraud After Video Evidence Uncovered of Town Clerk Dumping Multiple Illegal Absentee Ballots Into a Drop Box

If these crazy ass leftists cheat in their own primary, we sure as hell know they cheat in general elections like they did in 2020
Title of the thread is voter fraud!
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Old 09-20-2023, 05:20 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Dr-epg View Post
Title of the thread is voter fraud!
It’s one and the same. Voters vote in elections. There’s enough fraud to go around.
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Old 09-21-2023, 02:03 PM   #13
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Dr. Jan Halper Hayes - The Military wanted to Get Rid of Obama until they Asked Trump to Run - EO 13848

“The military had actually wanted to get rid of Obama until they talked Trump into running.

So then, they had to make sure that all that fraud that the democrats & Rinos, usually do in an election did not happen in 2016.

September 12, 2018, EO 13848– you can ask, how did Trump know to write those things to then put in an Executive Order & even to refer to the election of 2020?

Because he was fully briefed. He knew there’d be cheating in the midterms. And he knew 2020 was gonna happen.

You can’t tell people these things. You have to make them experience it. You have to show them.

Whether it’s just Trumps plan or part of the military that has been trying to get rid of the corruption for decades, the fact is it is an exceedingly smart plan with awareness.

I had been hoping that in 2022 we were going to have some exposure. I found out after the fact that it was to find the low hanging fruit. They already figured the high hanging fruit.”

This woman is saying exactly what I feel is happening.

The best thing she’s got going for her is that she was on Trumps transition team & Trump himself said her other interview was brilliant and she said some doozies in that one.

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Old 09-21-2023, 06:39 PM   #14
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Breaking: Wisconsin Republicans Introduce 15 Articles of Impeachment Against Elections Administrator Meagan Wolfe


Follow @gatewaypunditofficial
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Old 09-21-2023, 08:58 PM   #15
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It will be interesting as this impeachment moves forward. More faux trauma over the fairy tale that Presidential elections are won or lost by mail in ballots.

My memory may be a bit off I am sure someone will correct me it that is the case but didn't Biden lead Trump in Wisconsin by nearly 10 points? I seem to remember some polls having it closer to 15 but the avg was just under 10 I believe. Trump was not expected to win the state. But Trump says he won it so by God we have to believe him...lmao
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