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Old 09-08-2023, 02:14 PM   #31
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Magas can't stop crying, whining, and bitching. They can't produce any evidence. Can't face reality. All they do is keep bringing up the same conspiracy theory bullshit that has been proven wrong over and over again. It's really pathetic.
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Old 09-08-2023, 05:15 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by MrWonderland View Post
From ABC News: “Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, the Democratic governor-elect, presided over the official certification, to the outcry of some Republicans, including her competitor Kari Lake, who was expected to challenge the vote. During the campaign, Lake repeatedly called on Hobbs to recuse herself from her role, but Hobbs maintained she carried no conflict of interest since former secretaries of state have certified their own election wins and because her office does not count the votes.”

The lack of decorum in this entire proceeding is shocking. The same issue exists with the Dominion voting machines and the mail in ballots. Yet, we’re to presuppose that the election was conducted in good faith and believe that no fraud was committed based not on evidence, but rather the word of those same officials who have the most to gain from rigging the election.

It’s like a bad dream, but I can’t seem to wake up. Instead, I just get yelled at because I don’t agree with the “current thing,” the establishment narrative. What happened to this country?
... Exactly right, mate.

... You'd think - in what should be a fair and honest
election - a candidate would recuse herself from
being part of the office THAT IS COUNTING THE VOTES
- just to show that the election counting was
fair and above-board.

But Katie Hobbs wouldn't do that.
And has had her nose into all the court challenges
and attempted recounts.

... Shouldn't be any surprise that honest people
have questions and surely wanna challenge things.

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Old 09-08-2023, 09:08 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Exactly right, mate.

... You'd think - in what should be a fair and honest
election - a candidate would recuse herself from
being part of the office THAT IS COUNTING THE VOTES
- just to show that the election counting was
fair and above-board.

But Katie Hobbs wouldn't do that.
And has had her nose into all the court challenges
and attempted recounts.

... Shouldn't be any surprise that honest people
have questions and surely wanna challenge things.

#### Salty
:woot_ju mp:

Sure, the democrats keep cheating the the Republicans are too fucking stupid to do anything about it.


We have fair elections where unelectable moronic imbeciles run preaching maga bullshit and suck after an election denying treasonist traitor tRump that turn off way too many voters and lose the election.

So which one is it??? Election denying Jackass maga loser candidates or dumbass republican party. My vote is for the election denying jackass maga loser candidates.
:woot_ju mp:
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Old 09-08-2023, 11:02 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
FALSE !!!!!

Conservative voters were disenfranchised with the "convenient" breaking down of scanners in Red areas on election day. Many votes were not counted. Long lines discouraged people from voting.

Not to mention mail in ballots cast mainly by the left were approved with no real signature verification - as the OP in this thread has proven

FALSE !!!!!

When the Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, who was herself running for governor, presided over the official certification, it was clearly a sham.

She had no interest in running a fair election or addressing the multitude of issues that arose. She simply rubber stamped her win so she could illegally take office

If some Republican did that under the same circumstances, leftists would be rioting in the streets
It is always telling to see when confronted with the real evidence and actual facts, the leftists try to change the subject and post their usual meaningless drivel
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Old 09-09-2023, 08:13 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
It is always telling to see when confronted with the real evidence and actual facts, the leftists try to change the subject and post their usual meaningless drivel
As allows, you have produced no real evidence and no real facts, just misinformation, lies, and bullshit from jackasses Twitter accounts and unreliable extremist conspiracy theory far-right media.
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Old 09-09-2023, 12:28 PM   #36
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I wonder why democrats are opposed to voter ID. It in no way suppresses voting.
Most have to show some kind of verification for any other so-called important thing we do.

Also, how about liberals freaking out of Trump or any other republican that would get the nomination.
If Trump is not nominated whomever is will be attacked just like Trump is.

When the next republican is elected President will it be ok for the person running against that person, their family and anyone that supported them be arrested and charged with anything from a opposing district attorney.
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Old 09-09-2023, 12:45 PM   #37
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Any election where $1 million or more has been spent trying to win it will find some kind of effort to influence the outcome beyond the legal and accepted methods. When BILLION$ are involved just imagine the clandestine underground movements on BOTH SIDES that are in play. The question becomes whether the efforts are able to influence the outcome. There is simply no evidence that 2020 was stolen. Pretty much only one outcome is in question. Trump v Biden. No allegations of other Republicans being ousted due to voter fraud? Wonder why that is?

On the issues of voting by mail or whether lines prevent people from voting etc those are mostly sour grape talking points. It's 2023 and we conduct more business virtually than in person. This isn't going backwards even with regard to voting.

Whether you cling to that (my)pillow for comfort for the unproven claims of 'stolen election' or not the system didn't fail us. Humans did. Mainly the orange one (who I voted for so spare me the leftist slurs) he is the primary reason for Biden being in the White House today. If you don't have any energy to point the finger in the right direction its just an effort to make yourself even more disgruntled going forward
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Old 09-09-2023, 01:29 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Chase7 View Post
I wonder why democrats are opposed to voter ID. It in no way suppresses voting.
Most have to show some kind of verification for any other so-called important thing we do.
Because as we have seen from the myriad of evidence posted in this and other threads, it makes it very easy for the leftists to cheat

Think about how the leftists committed all the voter fraud in Arizona by not doing proper signature matching. It is because they created a bunch of fraudulent votes that would have been thrown out of proper signature matching occurred

Same thing would happen with proper voter ID

This is why the cheating leftists are so against Voter ID
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Old 09-10-2023, 12:37 AM   #39
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... In Georgia - they counted ballots of people who
had moved and didn't change their registration.

As well as ballots that didn't have the proper
signature and date... Just like here in PA.

And of course the outright lies about the laptop.
The FBI/DOJ had to lie to "protect" votes for Joe.

Same-way they lied about "Trump/Russia collusion"
back in 2016 - to try and steal THAT election
for Hillary... with the help of OBama and Biden.

... THAT must be "sour grapes" also...
... Nice honest government you lads have here...

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Old 09-10-2023, 07:04 AM   #40
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Nobody knows "sour grapes" like the folks who have spent almost 3 years crying about losing an election, with zero evidence that it was stolen. They could make some really nice WHINE with all those sour grapes 😂
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Old 09-10-2023, 08:31 AM   #41
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Nobody said the Dems were not trying to influence the election. What they did internally to Bernie in 2016 was pretty shitty and we likely don't really know the depth of it. of course they tried to keep the Hunter Biden story from blowing up. Agreed.

On the other side for both 2016 and 2020 if Trump had a burger for lunch it was covered worldwide. He never had to look for a public venue unlike the Ben Carson's in the race DJT got his message out but in 2020 many of those who helped get him into the White House were no longer inspired to get out and vote.

So a lot of those talking points are simply 'shit I don't like' vs being any sort of evidence of wrongdoing. Any argument to disqualify a vote because someone didn't enter the date right or voted from an incorrect venue is just more sour grapes. Biden won. I think he is a terrible President would never have voted for him or Kamala Harris but if the idea is undoing a Presidential election I need well more than 'but what about'
and without proof its just...talk
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Old 09-10-2023, 09:26 AM   #42
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BREAKING: A Runbeck Election Services whistleblower claims approximately 300,000 illegal ballots for Katie Hobbs were inserted into the Arizona 2022 election without going through the lawful chain of custody.
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Old 09-10-2023, 09:44 AM   #43
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BREAKING: Claims of the Loch Ness Monster are ongoing...

Ballots are not illegal because they were not handled according to protocols. If all you have is 'let us invalidate Democrat ballots for any technicality we can find' then you are advocating election tampering.

Every ballot cast deserved to be counted if it was submitted by a registered voter. When comments become court decisions let me know. Otherwise the sour grapes are starting to turn rotten.
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Old 09-10-2023, 09:50 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by DNinja69 View Post
BREAKING: Claims of the Loch Ness Monster are ongoing...

Ballots are not illegal because they were not handled according to protocols. If all you have is 'let us invalidate Democrat ballots for any technicality we can find' then you are advocating election tampering.

Every ballot cast deserved to be counted if it was submitted by a registered voter. When comments become court decisions let me know. Otherwise the sour grapes are starting to turn rotten.

... You making excuses for the corruption, mate.

There are state voting laws that were VIOLATED in
several states... Having liberal judges simply
look the other way surely doesn't change the facts.

And as I always say - it's the Democrats who want
to HIDE the truth... whether it's the lies of
Trump/Russia collusion, or Hunter's laptop or
the voting fraud with boxes and boxes of extra
ballots... You saw that President OBama and
VP Joe worked with Hillary (fake dossier)
to try and steal the 2016 election.

So these are the people that you champion
and want in office??

You want "every vote" counted, yes?
Then you're FOR Voter ID then?

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Old 09-10-2023, 10:52 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by DNinja69 View Post
Ballots are not illegal because they were not handled according to protocols.
And yet they are.

If protocols on how to check and handle ballots can just be ignored, why should such protocols even exist?

Protocols are in place to protect the integrity of the vote. When one ignores the protocols to count ballots that do don meet the necessary criteria, that introduces fraudulent ballots to the system. That is a fact
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