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Old 08-16-2023, 10:29 AM   #166
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
Devo, I like you. You only just got back. This ain't got shit to do with Craig Robertson getting shot by the FBI for threatening the president and apparently pointing a gun at the FBI
The dead guy was alluded to as a Klan member, as, were any of us who were supporters of Trump.

I know one thing, MY beliefs haven't changed since the 60s, nor, have I suddenly found a desire to join the Klan or the Nazi party.

AND, I have not had one friend or associate or, know of ANYONE, who have suddenly wanted to start lynching folks because of their color.

Politics, that may be a different story, on both sides, as the Left has gotten far worse, and continues to be both racist and hostile against groups they don't like, while the R's have become Feckless, hence, my "L" party status.

Bottom line, its very doubtful Mr Dead in Utah, was ever or suddenly became a Klansman or Nazi later in his life.

Slurs against the dead do not further the debate, it only furthers hatred against people you don't EVEN KNOW!!!!!
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Old 08-16-2023, 12:48 PM   #167
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Jeez... I thought liberals were the snowflakes...
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Old 08-16-2023, 04:38 PM   #168
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Gentlemen it’s time to get the train back on the tracks
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Old 08-16-2023, 05:57 PM   #169
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Default Utah man killed in FBI raid had confronted Provo police with AR-15 before, records show

Two Google Fiber employees working in Craig Robertson’s backyard called police, saying Robertson threatened them with a gun.

The 75-year-old Provo man who was killed in an FBI raid ahead of President Joe Biden’s visit to Utah last week had previously threatened police and others with a gun, according to Provo police records obtained Tuesday by The Salt Lake Tribune.

Craig Deleeuw Robertson allegedly pointed a gun at two Google Fiber workers who needed to access a utility pole in his backyard in 2018, Provo police records show. Officers investigated but Robertson was not arrested or charged.

The Tribune on Monday requested all Provo police reports and prior calls for service related to Robertson, and received the single 2018 report on Tuesday afternoon.

Robertson was shot and killed by federal agents at around 6:15 a.m. on Aug. 9 after he allegedly pointed a gun at them as they tried to arrest him, according to an FBI statement released Monday. He was facing federal charges for allegedly threatening the president, threatening New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg and retaliating against federal law enforcement.

Robertson had posted numerous threats on social media, a criminal complaint states, including a post on Aug. 7 that said, “I HEAR BIDEN IS COMING TO UTAH. DIGGING OUT MY OLD GHILLE SUIT AND CLEANING THE DUST OFF THE M24 SNIPER RIFLE. WELCOME, BUFFOON-IN-CHIEF!”

His family said in a statement last week that Robertson was a “kind and generous person” who was “understandably frustrated and distraught by the present and on-going erosions to our constitutionally protected freedoms and the rights of free citizens wrought by what he, and many others in this nation, observed to be a corrupt and overreaching government.”

The Provo police report released Tuesday states that on Aug. 20, 2018, the two Google Fiber workers arrived at Robertson’s home, near 400 North and 1220 West, to connect a neighbor’s internet. They knocked on his door, but went to his backyard when Robertson didn’t answer.

Robertson soon exited his backdoor, allegedly waving a handgun, and yelled for the workers to get off his property, according to the report. One of the workers later told Provo police that Robertson pointed the gun at them as he brandished it.

The men called police, and a Provo officer rang Robertson’s doorbell when he arrived. Robertson answered the door holding an AR-15 rifle, “which triggered a bit of a stand off,” according to the police report.

The officer told Robertson to put down the gun, and Robertson initially refused. Eventually, the officer said, Robertson calmed down and put the rifle away.

Robertson told the officer that he didn’t answer the door when the workers knocked because he was doing laundry and wasn’t dressed, the report states. He went upstairs to put on clothes, where he heard them enter his backyard and “was angry that the workers had left the gate open, which could lead to his dog getting out,” the police report states.

Robertson mentioned he didn’t see a company logo on their van (the report notes there wasn’t one), and he thought the men were trespassing, the report states. Robertson said he didn’t point or wave the gun around.

Instead, Robertson said that “while he had his firearm in view he was holding it against his body, muzzle down in a ready position,” the report states, “and did not wave it around or threaten the males with it.”

The officer spoke with a sergeant “regarding what I had been told by both parties,” and noted in the report “my belief that no actual crime had occurred and that [Robertson] had been exercising his 2nd Amendment rights, albeit a little recklessly.”

Provo police contacted the Utah County attorney’s office for another opinion, and prosecutors agreed with the officer, the report states.

The report adds that prosecutors said Robertson “may not have exercised good judgment but was acting within his Constitutional Rights.”

The officer stayed at Robertson’s home until the workers were done, then left the scene. The report mentioned police added a “names alert” in their system to flag calls involving Robertson.

Hours after the fatal FBI shooting, Provo police reported that they were told Aug. 8 that FBI agents intended to serve a federal arrest warrant in the city on Aug. 9. Provo officers did not assist in the serving of the warrant, but police said that after the shooting, the agency was “supporting the FBI while they conduct a continuing investigation.”

The shooting marked the 14th law enforcement shooting in Utah this year, according to a database maintained by The Tribune.
Interesting information for all sides of the argument
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Old 08-17-2023, 11:06 AM   #170
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Somewhat local, and, another reason why some of us have doubts about reports from the police after a legal murder.


At the scene of the shooting Monday, police first said Irizarry emerged from his car after a traffic stop with a knife in his hand and “lunged” at police, before an officer shot him multiple times, killing him.

But on Tuesday night, the department offered a new and different account of the shooting, saying Irizarry did not flee the traffic stop, never lunged at officers with a weapon, and was seated in his car when they shot him.

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Old 08-17-2023, 11:09 AM   #171
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
Interesting information for all sides of the argument
Interesting, but, it wouldn't be admissible in relation to the event that occurred, its in the past.

At his age, that's a lot of years of both physical and mental decline, I still don't think the guy was operating with a full deck.

But, we routinely see the mentally ill/challenged shot and killed for being a danger to the popo, when they get too close, or ignore warnings, worse, I have seen them on gun forum bragging about a "Good shoot" or a "Justified killing".
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Old 08-17-2023, 11:11 AM   #172
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And as a side note, as a member of multiple popular gun forums, discontent with both the police and Government is a very popular topic, it you wanted to troll for "Threats", often just internet "Muscles", bragadocio, or bullshit, there is PLENTY of fodder there.

Even when its well known there is a very large prescence and watchfulness by the Feds, at the very least.
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Old 08-17-2023, 11:45 AM   #173
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Default But the family said...

Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
Interesting information for all sides of the argument
If he was expecting service that day at the residence that tells us something that he would respond with a show of force. It may be appropriate in some situations to greet a trespasser with a gun but generally not legal. Not sure I would use the word 'standoff' with regard to holding a weapon while standing inside the home but when police are dispatched for a call of this type you can be required to unarm while they investigate. Having some good friends who were Utility techs and meter readers the stories can get pretty wild. For me this report just dissolved the families 'feeble harmless grumpy old man' narrative as nobody is harmless when pointing a gun at someone else.

The comments he made that got the FBI's attention and this story being currently reported indicate a 'shoot first' mindset not a teddy bear neighbor just speaking his mind
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Old 08-17-2023, 12:10 PM   #174
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Originally Posted by DNinja69 View Post
If he was expecting service that day at the residence that tells us something that he would respond with a show of force. It may be appropriate in some situations to greet a trespasser with a gun but generally not legal. Not sure I would use the word 'standoff' with regard to holding a weapon while standing inside the home but when police are dispatched for a call of this type you can be required to unarm while they investigate. Having some good friends who were Utility techs and meter readers the stories can get pretty wild. For me this report just dissolved the families 'feeble harmless grumpy old man' narrative as nobody is harmless when pointing a gun at someone else.

The comments he made that got the FBI's attention and this story being currently reported indicate a 'shoot first' mindset not a teddy bear neighbor just speaking his mind
Your home is your castle, as is your property, in PA, there are no laws about what you carry, openly or not, on your property, and that includes machine guns, suppressed weapons, pipe bombs, if purchased legally, and, yes you can legally obtain them.

I have one friend who I helped buy the frame(Receiver) for a Colt M203 Grenade launcher, who then registered it as a destructive device, and put a 40 mm barrel on it, if he paid a 200 dollar tax, he could purchase live grenades for it, plus the cost of the grenade.

Pain in the ass, yes, expensive, yes, and legal.

I stopped (Staff edit) with a handgun from stealing an RV trailer on my property when they ignored orders to remain where they were, and not approach me, when they did, I ordered them to the ground, a neighbor had already called 911.

TWENTY MINUTES LATER, to those of you who think 911 is going to save you, the PSP showed up, I surrendered my handgun, clipped in my pocket, and they did their business, after arrests, they gave me my pistol back.

Even before they were off the scene.

Tells you who THEY think they can trust.

A legal armed property owner.

Now, that said, I has anticipated their arrival, had my hands in the air when they pulled in, and immediately declared I had my pistol.

Its what occurs when they arrive, professionals assess the situation before shooting, cowards open fire, knowing they have qualified immunity, and, will face no consequences, even if the shoot is illegal.

Others as in this case, were prepared just to kill, just like at WACO, Randy Weaver, East Pittsburgh, etc, etc.

You have rights as a citizen, a badge trumps those rights without question.

Further, last year, a cop showed up at a domestic in PA, no lights, no warnings, and, the homeowner returned fire, killing him, he was found not guilty, and the DA and cops were quite pissed that a badge finally did not guarantee the conviction of someone who legally owned, used, and killed a cop with his firearm

Live by the sword.............

This is why the cameras, and the footage is KEY, and likely, why it will never be made public, if, it already hasn't been deleted, along with Hillarys 33K emails, and, the contents of Hunters laptop, if someone hadn't cloned it first.
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Old 08-17-2023, 04:17 PM   #175
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Originally Posted by Devo View Post
This is why the cameras, and the footage is KEY, and likely, why it will never be made public, if, it already hasn't been deleted, along with Hillarys 33K emails, and, the contents of Hunters laptop, if someone hadn't cloned it first.
Yeah - if this disabled 75 year old man was such a threat and he pulled a gun on the corrupt FBI, we would have seen the video already

That we haven't is telling as the corrupt FBI doesn't want to implicate themselves in his murder
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Old 08-17-2023, 04:39 PM   #176
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You're still dodging a question. By your own logic, that means something is amiss and you're hiding something and don't want to implicate yourself.

Taking that into consideration, is your logic sound? Or are there holes in the argument?

I'm willing bet there's plenty of holes. More holes than Craig Robertson threatened to put into politicians this year.
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Old 08-18-2023, 09:31 AM   #177
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
More holes than Craig Robertson threatened to put into politicians this year.
Zing! Lol
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Old 08-18-2023, 09:44 AM   #178
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
You're still dodging a question. By your own logic, that means something is amiss and you're hiding something and don't want to implicate yourself.

Taking that into consideration, is your logic sound? Or are there holes in the argument?

I'm willing bet there's plenty of holes. More holes than Craig Robertson threatened to put into politicians this year.
What question?
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Old 08-18-2023, 10:28 AM   #179
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
What question?

What question, I'm not seeing a connection?
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Old 08-18-2023, 10:33 AM   #180
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You both answered it. Berry hasn't.

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