Originally Posted by princeclubhopper
Crap, seriously? I must have been bait n switched because I specifically asked for Kiwi and she identified herself as such at the door. Damn, guess I got a bite of the Apple instead. Thanks for the heads up.
Dude! Don’t feel bad. These women always lie about their fake names and who they are because they don’t want to give up the customer to another lady. So if you go in not knowing who the real Kiwi looks like then you’ll likely get burned.
I never go in and ask for a lady by name if I don’t already know what she looks like. That way I don’t set myself up to be duped.
Next time if you aren’t sure then go in but don’t give the money until you ask her name first. Make her identify her stage name rather than you tip her off as to who she should be at that moment to con you into staying.
This lying about their identity is a common practice at AMPs that aren’t run by a mama San. You’ll see the same shit at the majority of Austin AMPs because the owner lets the women self manage.