... G'day Yinz-ours,
Was reading a decent article recently about
"Pittsburgh Originals" - and was wondering
just who may be the city's best ICON.
... ICON - as-in a standout Pittsburgh Great.
... Onley knowing-of most of them, not all,
I'll surely mention that when I first come over
this way - I was one day visitin' a lady friend
named Ann-Marie... Her two young joeys were
sitting there glued to the telly and watching
a odd fellow name o' "Mister Rodger"...
... You lads have no doubt seen his act.
Pisses-about his flat and talks to himself
like a slow-bowler, and plays make-believe
games with puppets and what-not.
The first day I saw his show - I almost grabbed
the phone to call the police! ... But Ann-Marie
explained that it was a olde re-run show
from years ago - and that her boys LOVE the show.
And explained that Rodger talks that way to entertain
the kids so Mum can cook dinner and do house chores
while the kids are glued to the telly.
... So I learned MORE about the Rodger bloke,
and found out he did his childrens show for
30 years and what-not... And that a lot of
me work mates were onto me for questioning
because THEY watched the show when THEY
were all young joeys. ... And the Penguins
Hockey Team honoured Rodger with a good award.
So A fellow who had his-own show for many years
like that prolly deserves to be a Pittsburgh ICON.
#### Salty