Holy hell...
Got mountains of cash begging to be burned and testosterone levels at the max....
All I need is a woman's touch and then I can relax.
Been trying to setup a meet, any meet, for this weekend. Started late Thursday with two local providers with a proposal to meet Saturday night.
When I text, it has everything from the jump,
> when,where,duration,references , verifications...
both want me to check back on Saturday.
I do....they give waffling answers. They are hosting in-calls, so I say "whenever YOU are available, I can be available"
Frustrated, I reach out to mobile / pcola StG ads. Mobile ads turn out to be for girls in Pascagoula

pcola girls don't respond
Go for a hail mary with a former pcola provider that moved east. Go back and forth to set something up for tomorrow. She only does outcalls and wants a depost

I had a encounter booked with this same provider in Sept, where I took off work to accommodate her AM-only schedule.....she ended up cancelling.
I ask for an exception to this deposit requirement citing the above, get the okay from her, book the suite and we agree to meet. 45 minutes later she's asking for the deposit. A deposit for her to meet me at my location, there is zero risk to warrant a deposit in that scenario. Bear in mind she already has my verification info/home address/ID to be assured I am who I am. The deposit is a deal breaker for her. Forfeit $600+ on Sunday because you NEED $100 for nothing on Saturday.
I know the lifestyle isn't easy, but I go out of my way to make encounter rewarding (always overpaying, gifts, drinks) because its just good business. Something something gift horse in the mouth or whatever, I guess - not sure why this here game has to be so difficult. I do know providers I've seen and we get along great and they hold a great outlook on how they work (selective clientele) so I know its possible