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Old 11-08-2022, 07:23 PM   #1
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Default FOX, CNN and MSNBC

I am recording and jumping around to these three channels tonight. Yeah, I'm a political junkie, so sue me.

I started this new thread because these days you never know who is going to RTM you for "going off topic". I was going to say this in my "question thread" but thought I better do this instead.

Just tuned into MSNBC at a good time because you should see the stunned faces as they get the news that Miami-Dade County Florida, where I live, traditionally Blue, is definitely Red tonight and that's because ( their thinking ) Hispanics or the "Obama coalition" as most of them called it, is GONE in Miami-Dade county and of course they are wondering how other Hispanic strongholds in the country will fair.

I've got news for them. There will be a nation wide shift in the Hispanic vote and sure, inflation, crime and the border mess which the majority of Hispanics think is in chaos are important, but IMHO, it will be the so called cultural issue of child education that will put the nail in the coffin for Democrats.

History will look back on these two years and ask the question, "who the fuck thought this transgender/ CRT bullshit that they tried to shove down the throats of Americans, was a good idea" and that will fall squarely in the lap of the Progressives who took Democrats down this road.

While the Mod reminded me this is not "my thread to control", as the OP, I would ask for a lot of lee-way here as long as it covers what is going on tonight and future expectations.
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Old 11-08-2022, 07:36 PM   #2
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Turned over to FOX in time to get a comment from Tucker Carlson who brought up the point that I agree with, that Hispanics ( again they are talking about Miami-Dade country getting a lot of attention tonight across the board ) looked at the Democrat Party going all in with BLM and were turned off at the fact that Democrats would just ignore the crime and chaos and even to the point of wanting us to know, in the case of Kamala, that she would be giving money to see that arsonists could make bail in order to get back out there and burn down another minority owned business.

But the sane Democrats already knew this was coming.
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Old 11-08-2022, 10:05 PM   #3
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On CNN, they want to make sure you understand the difference between "misinformation" which could be an innocent mistake, could be you have part of the story wrong but "DISINFORMATION", that's when you know your wrong, you are lying through your teeth INTENTIONALLY, to push your political narrative.

So Nicole ( lies through her teeth which is her Indian name ) Wallace points out that Inflation and crime aren't showing up to be the "big deal" Republicans wanted to make it and then she adds and here is where the disinformation begins, The Republicans offered no solutions to these problems.

That's a lie and she knows it so she just engaged in disinformation. Not saying one of the people at Fox hasn't done the same thing but I haven't heard it. If you know of one, post it.

The Republicans solution to inflation in general terms, is quit spending so damn much money that isn't needed and will probably be wasted like the ten's ( or isn't hundreds ) billions in waste and fraud. Now, will that solution work and how long would it take, who the fuck knows but it is a "solution being offered" by Republicans. To say otherwise is to lie. Debate the issue without lies. How about that for a new start?

Republicans have no solution to crime? Holy Crap Batman! Do any of these people ever watch Fox News?

(1) Eliminate no cash bail as it is currently being done in New York. No more early release of anybody who committed a violent crime and I personally would add back a ton of what they now call a misdemeanor where you beat a person senseless but you didn't kill them, you get a pass in a place like New York. You used a gun in a robbery but you didn't kill anybody, you walk.

(2) Back to 3 strike laws that keep a repeat offender in jail for life. Personally I'd make it 2 strikes and you're done but I would compromise if necessary to 3. These Progressive Democrats who really don't have a solution to the problem, only see a Black man in a jail and say "that's wrong, it's inhuman to jail another human being with no chance to get out". That is what Progressive DA's who are being recalled all over the country, believe. They believe in a criminals right but not a victim's right.

(3) More cops on the streets not less

3 solutions that have now been presented by the Republican party since the question was first posed.

Stop the damn lying/ mis-charactersations and we would be on our way to fixing this shit and prosperity.

An honest journalist, which Nicole Wallace is far from, should have said "Here is what Republicans are offering and here is why we Democrats don't like it", not Republicans have not offered any solutions.

They have, Democrats not only don't like them, they don't report that Republican solutions have been offered and if they do, they even distort the context of the solutions. Remember "don't say Gay bill" which was actually the "Parents Rights in Education Act" which brings a "slightly" different connotation don't you think? A bit of honesty that merely says "don't talk to my 1st, 2nd,3rd grader about anything to do with sex, gender or race". They are to damn young to understand what you are talking about and it is a parents right to make these decisions, not the school board or so says a majority of parents who are most likely voting Republican today.
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Old 11-08-2022, 11:21 PM   #4
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Are you bragging about these election results?
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Old 11-08-2022, 11:31 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Are you bragging about these election results?

are you bragging about the Democrat's massive mandate?

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Old 11-09-2022, 09:10 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
I am recording and jumping around to these three channels tonight. Yeah, I'm a political junkie, so sue me.

I started this new thread because these days you never know who is going to RTM you for "going off topic". I was going to say this in my "question thread" but thought I better do this instead.

Just tuned into MSNBC at a good time because you should see the stunned faces as they get the news that Miami-Dade County Florida, where I live, traditionally Blue, is definitely Red tonight and that's because ( their thinking ) Hispanics or the "Obama coalition" as most of them called it, is GONE in Miami-Dade county and of course they are wondering how other Hispanic strongholds in the country will fair.

I've got news for them. There will be a nation wide shift in the Hispanic vote and sure, inflation, crime and the border mess which the majority of Hispanics think is in chaos are important, but IMHO, it will be the so called cultural issue of child education that will put the nail in the coffin for Democrats.

History will look back on these two years and ask the question, "who the fuck thought this transgender/ CRT bullshit that they tried to shove down the throats of Americans, was a good idea" and that will fall squarely in the lap of the Progressives who took Democrats down this road.

While the Mod reminded me this is not "my thread to control", as the OP, I would ask for a lot of lee-way here as long as it covers what is going on tonight and future expectations.
Your state blew it out the water, but I’m a political junkie too, But the news I don’t trust anymore I think a lot of people got too complacent thinking that we were gonna win like the news said we were gonna have a tsunami, so the people sat back and just let the other voters vote and then now look, we’re having a problem with the Senate

I am in shock Zeldin didn’t win, and that Oz didn’t win.

Now we gotta look out for Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, and we better hope and pray that Herschel wins when we go to a runoff, the news is bullshit. Still love Fox News but that’s the only news I watch I want to switch around and maybe see what you’re talking about anyway, I’m disappointed that Zeldin lost New York. I’m disappointed that we’re having to have a runoff with Herschel Walker. I am extremely disappointed that Federman won

But we still have a chance with the Senate as long as we keep our fingers crossed guys And we better hope that Kamala Harris does not have to break the tie over and out
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Old 11-09-2022, 09:52 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
are you bragging about the Democrat's massive mandate?

No....and I didn't start this fucking thread.

Try and stay on point valued poster.
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Old 11-09-2022, 02:22 PM   #8
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Did donny congratulate Florida new Gov?
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Old 11-09-2022, 02:26 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
Did donny congratulate Florida new Gov?

Trump will be making a "very big announcement" next Tuesday.

"Not to detract from tomorrow's very important, even critical, election, and I would say in the strongest way it's a country-saving election ... I'm going to be making a very big announcement on Tuesday, Nov. 15 at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida," Trump said.

I'm breathless with anticipation.

FWIW, I watched CNN primarily last night because I enjoy how John King breaks down the results that have come in and what to possibly expect in the future hours. I did switch to fOX on occasion and found them to be totally biased.
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Old 11-09-2022, 02:41 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
I did switch to fOX on occasion and found them to be totally biased.
Karl Rove is horrible on Fox!!!

He is still as bad as he was in 2020.

John King knows which counties, in which states to watch for as does that little dude on MSNBC.

The Networks are horrible...wtf is Gayle King doing on an election broadcast? What insight does she bring?

So yea I toggled between mostly Fox, MSNBC and CNN.

If you were watching Fox, you'd of thunk it was a Red Wave were it not for a few guest and Brett Barr.
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