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Old 11-07-2022, 01:20 AM   #1
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Default Voter Fraud - Yep they already caught and exposed a bunch of cheating Democrats

Story 1

Dem poll worker ejected for pre-selecting 'straight Dem ticket' on voting machine, calling Rs 'racist'

An Indiana election office reportedly ejected a Democrat poll worker over allegations that he had pressured poll-goers against voting for certain candidates and even pre-selected Democratic candidates on a voting machine last week, local election officials told Fox News.

The incidents took place at a polling place in Carmel, Indiana, under the Hamilton County Election Office.

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Old 11-07-2022, 01:24 AM   #2
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Story 2

Far Left Radical PBS, NBC Reporter Has Been Illegally Voting In Florida

“Public information indicates that Mrs. Alcindor is a resident of the District of Columbia where she resides with her husband, and therefore is ineligible to vote in the State of Florida. Despite this, Mrs. Alcindor is registered to vote and has voted in the State of Florida.”


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Old 11-07-2022, 01:35 AM   #3
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Story 3

An Antifa account in Portland, Ore. involved in regularly planning & promoting riots is boasting about its involvement in a voter fraud campaign across the city using stolen mail-in ballots.

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Old 11-07-2022, 08:20 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Story 2

Far Left Radical PBS, NBC Reporter Has Been Illegally Voting In Florida

“Public information indicates that Mrs. Alcindor is a resident of the District of Columbia where she resides with her husband, and therefore is ineligible to vote in the State of Florida. Despite this, Mrs. Alcindor is registered to vote and has voted in the State of Florida.”


So with Trump residing in New York and having a temporary residence in Florida,- per the 1994 bylaws of MarALago, " no person can reside there for more than 21 days" of which they cannot be more than 7 days at a time, Trump likely committed voter fraud while voting in the state of Florida, while voting in 2020 as a resident.

Apparently his attorney stated he wasn't listed as a member but was an employee of the club in order to subvert the bylaws, perverting The residency requirement of both the club and State. Isn't it funny how everything Trump touches is perverted?

He bastardizes everything - but that's no shock to anybody who knows of this guy's mechanism to get whatever he wants no matter the cost. But that's what the Repturds like about him.

Be careful of the person accusing you of commiting fraud, as it's likely that they're the person who's actually committing the fraud. The hypocrisy is as thick as molasses.
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Old 11-07-2022, 08:57 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Story 1

Dem poll worker ejected for pre-selecting 'straight Dem ticket' on voting machine, calling Rs 'racist'

An Indiana election office reportedly ejected a Democrat poll worker over allegations that he had pressured poll-goers against voting for certain candidates and even pre-selected Democratic candidates on a voting machine last week, local election officials told Fox News.

The incidents took place at a polling place in Carmel, Indiana, under the Hamilton County Election Office.

Good news in the state of PA as there is no straight voting ticket. You cannot pick only a D or an R. Our voting machines make you select each candidate. So while the ppl who claim fraud elsewhere have a doubly hard time doing so in PA. But as the past elections were the most secure in history (per a republican source), there may be a few one offs but nothing that would rise to systemic or create the claim of wide spread fraud, and likely more like a handful of feckless losers trying to be smart.
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Old 11-07-2022, 10:21 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
So with Trump residing in New York and having a temporary residence in Florida,- per the 1994 bylaws of MarALago, " no person can reside there for more than 21 days" of which they cannot be more than 7 days at a time, Trump likely committed voter fraud while voting in the state of Florida, while voting in 2020 as a resident.

Apparently his attorney stated he wasn't listed as a member but was an employee of the club in order to subvert the bylaws, perverting The residency requirement of both the club and State. Isn't it funny how everything Trump touches is perverted?

He bastardizes everything - but that's no shock to anybody who knows of this guy's mechanism to get whatever he wants no matter the cost. But that's what the Repturds like about him.

Be careful of the person accusing you of commiting fraud, as it's likely that they're the person who's actually committing the fraud. The hypocrisy is as thick as molasses.
Nice try to hijack the thread. This thread has ZERO to do with Trump. The article you refer to regards a far left reporter who has publicly stated she lives in DC with her husband for years now. Her husband votes in DC. Why is she committing voter fraud by voting in Florida?

Do you support her committing voter fraud?
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Old 11-07-2022, 10:23 AM   #7
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Bring charges and prove it in court. If you did the crime, be ready to pay the fine and/or do the time.
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Old 11-07-2022, 10:25 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
But as the past elections were the most secure in history
LOL, I can't believe you are still spreading this sorry lie that has been debunked over and over.

The 2020 was the least secure election in history. Even if you ignore all the documented case of voter fraud discovered, any election expert will tell you that vote by mail is the least secure option and most susceptible to fraud. Hence, since Lib politicians illegally changed the voting rules in 2020 making it easier for them to cheat, and creating the largest vote by mail fiasco in our countries history, 2020 is the LEAST secure and MOST FRAUD ridden election in our countries history.

But this thread is NOT about the past but about the Democrats being caught red handed already in 3 separate instances committing voter fraud this election?

Are you ok with these people committing this voter fraud?

We all know this is just the handful that are caught.
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Old 11-07-2022, 06:36 PM   #9
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Brain Damaged Fetterman trying to commit voter fraud !!!

Racist Brain Damaged Fetterman's campaign is suing Pennsylvania election officials to have mail ballots with no date or the incorrect date counted

In case you missed it, Pennsylvania's Supreme Court ruled last week that elections officials should not count misdated ballots. Fetterman is down in the polls and are now suing to have thousands of more ballots counted than otherwise would be. Democrats trying to cheat as always. They clearly don’t want to accept election results where they have to follow the law.
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Old 11-08-2022, 12:21 AM   #10
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They’re already setting the fraud stage

ABC News "A "red mirage," or an artificial GOP vote lead, will likely reoccur Tuesday"

If this language looks familiar that’s because it’s the exact same media fraud playbook they used to cheat in 2020

Anyone who tells you it’s “normal” for votes to take days or weeks to count is lying to you and priming the pump for some election rigging.
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Old 11-08-2022, 12:27 AM   #11
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We all knew this would happen when the Senile Biden regime refused to disclose their election documents and plan even though the court ordred them to do so

The Senile Biden DOJ is going to be interfering in this election. Looks like it’s starting:

An email was sent by the DOJ to one of Missouri's election authorities saying the DOJ planned to have representatives at various polling sites.

The Missouri Secretary of State fired back (but you know other states like PA under corrupt Wolf and Shapiro have not):

While the U.S. DOJ could clearly learn a lot from Missouri about non-partisanship and how to administer accessible, secure and credible elections, it would be highly inappropriate for federal agents to violate the law by intimidating Missouri voters at the polls on Election Day.

Under Missouri law, the local election authority is empowered to decide who, other than voters and poll workers, may be at polling locations. Cole County Clerk Steve Korsmeyer has rightfully declined to allow this over-reach and the secretary of state’s office fully supports him.

If the DOJ desires to meet to discuss this matter further, they may meet at my office instead of trying to bully a hard working county official.
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Old 11-08-2022, 09:39 AM   #12
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Shocker - Dems cheating in Arizona trying to suppress GOP vote

More than 10% of polling locations in @maricopacounty have had substantive voter access and tabulation issues this morning. The @GOP lawyers are working to resolve issues and hold the county accountable swiftly.

Please do not go home. Go to a new location or wait.

Oh, and the person in charge of running elections in Arizona is the fucking Democrat candidate for Governor. So corrupt and so blatantly trying to cheat and suppress the election day GOP vote
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Old 11-08-2022, 09:46 AM   #13
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Senile Biden tried to send federal Gestapo agents to Florida to "monitor" their elections jut like Missouri.

No reason given. Just federal agents in polling places.

Florida's Sec of State kicked Senile Biden's gestapo the hell out
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Old 11-08-2022, 11:03 AM   #14
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So- just to be clear, the thread is ONLY about Dem voter fraud, and no other comments would be allowed, since that is thread derailing?? Why don't we just call the thread closed since there cannot be anything commented on that you'd agree to be a derailing. No other voter fraud examples can live on this thread. Typical Berry.
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Old 11-08-2022, 12:08 PM   #15
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What a stupid way to vote in my precinct. You fill out a paper ballot and stick it in the machine. It just gets sucked in and, hopefully, tabulated. No verification to the voter AT ALL. I bitched to the lady watching the tabulator. WTF, how am I supposed to know if this thing correctly counted my vote?

This is what she said. “Oh don’t worry, it only looks shady.”

Seriously? Fuck that. I want to know that who I voted for is who the machine counted and there’s nothing. No verification screen, no receipt, nada, bupkis. It’s like we’re all suddenly Congolese.
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