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Old 09-16-2022, 11:31 PM   #16
Salty Again
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
If I was an immigrant, I'd be happy as can be if they sent me there. If not there, I'd ask for them to send me to Cape Cod or the Hamptons. The people there would be nice to me and would eventually just pay me to leave so I don't lower their property value.

In all seriousness, this is just some silly political bullshit. If you want to make a valid statement, why not just bus them back home instead of to a place where a bunch of filthy rich liberals live? That's like me illegally crossing the border to Mexico and shipping me off to Cancun or Cozumel. I'd just be like, "thanks for the ride and good looking out."

... Mate, the whole idea of showing Diversity is to
send them to live around the rich lords and what-not.

Hmmmm... Maybe you a me should head-over to the
area there and begin a project that I'm thinking-of.

... I'll surely start a thread about it and explain.

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Old 09-16-2022, 11:52 PM   #17
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Default "Their Virtue-Signaling Is a Fraud!"

Well, that didn't take long...

Less than 24 hours after arriving, those 50 Venezuelan illegals were abruptly and unceremoniously voted off the island, then shipped off to a military base on Cape Cod.

Seems those rich, liberal, virtue-signaling dim-retards on Martha's Vineyard aren't too fond of univited brown folks, are they?

One of the rich fucks even explained to the cameras (with a straight face) that they just didn't have the "resources" to help the poor migrants. Hmmm... ok. During peak summer season the island's population swells from 17,000 (permanent residents) to over 100,000 due to vacationers. Peak season is now over, yet they somehow can't find anywhere to house those 50 brown-skinned interlopers? Shameful!

Meanwhile, the median home price on Martha's Vineyard is over $1 million, yet we're supposed to believe the island is lacking in the "resources" needed to care for a few dozen migrants? Seriously?

Kudos to Ron DeSantis for exposing these fucking NIMBY hypocrites!
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Old 09-17-2022, 12:02 AM   #18
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... No worrys there, mate.

... I surely got a crackerjack idea that's gonna
help the situation at Martha's Vineyard.

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Old 09-17-2022, 12:06 AM   #19
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Default Meanwhile, Kum-a-lot Continues to Research the "Root Causes"

Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
In all seriousness, this is just some silly political bullshit. If you want to make a valid statement, why not just bus them back home instead of to a place where a bunch of filthy rich liberals live?
You mean deport them back to Venezuela? You obviously know less than squat about our immigration laws. Only the feds can do that, and Biden has handcuffed ICE.
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Old 09-17-2022, 07:47 AM   #20
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the compassionate rich liberals

were raising money to get the migrants off their island

they couched it in terms of sending them to family members

then cooler heads prevailed

and they got the national guard to get them off the island for free

whew! they almost had to come out of pocket

i mean please..spend their own money? they sure musta been desperate
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Old 09-20-2022, 06:16 PM   #21
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Some things never change.
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Old 09-20-2022, 07:27 PM   #22
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The only complaint I have is they need to use larger planes and longer buses.
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Old 09-21-2022, 08:02 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
Anything, any government entity does is taxpayer money. So, when Biden moves illegals at night by plane and bus, he is using taxpayer money and he is also trafficking people (many of them children). The Constitution is pretty clear on this issue and it has been supported previously by the dems, states (meaning governors) do not have the power to deal with illegal immigration, it is a federal function. A governor can move illegals to his or her border by any means but they can't deport them as that would require a governor to enter into a international deal with another government.

Libs/dems/progs and socialists all can squawk all they want. This is legal, constitutional, and beautiful to behold.
Decuntiss's stunt cost $615,000 to pull off, paid to a private company. A bus ride to another was 1/100th of that. Desantiss should get his ass fucked over this... That is over $12000 per traffiked human.
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Old 09-21-2022, 08:06 AM   #24
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DeSantis proved his pettiness and willingness to fuck taxpayers to make a political point. Ready, a criminal investigation is being called for by Texas LE.

Trumpites must love him. The never Trumpers not so much.

His stunt just decreased the separation from himself and the asshole who couldn’t beat Biden.
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Old 09-21-2022, 01:25 PM   #25
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"A governor can move illegals to his or her border by any means but they can't deport them as that would require a governor to enter into a international deal with another government."

Not claiming to know anything about the "constitutionalty" of immigration law as inferred by the Seaman, but the sentence quoted above is self defeating. Immigrants were moved beyond the referenced governor's own border to another state beyond that governor's jurisdiction. So, I suppose it's OK for California to "relocate" Koreans and Chinese to Austin.

One of my faves is "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's"...well at least related to Donald Duck. Pure publicity stunt, but yeah, comical. Our public servants should be above this pedantic shit.
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Old 09-21-2022, 03:13 PM   #26
Salty Again
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... How is moving people who need a place to live
to another area so they can live there "a publicity stunt"??

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Old 09-21-2022, 04:22 PM   #27
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From Texas to Massachusetts? Don’t they have their own Illegal aliens in Florida? Why’d he need to send a plane for ours?
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Old 09-23-2022, 06:11 PM   #28
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And if those migrants having seen Martha's Vineyard say "I want to go back there"? Can they? Will the residents come up with a good reason why they can't?
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Old 10-08-2022, 09:51 PM   #29
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Some one has to pick those grapes, doesn't migrant, pick most our food any more wtf.
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Old 10-10-2022, 06:01 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by reddog1951 View Post
"A governor can move illegals to his or her border by any means but they can't deport them as that would require a governor to enter into a international deal with another government."

Not claiming to know anything about the "constitutionalty" of immigration law as inferred by the Seaman, but the sentence quoted above is self defeating. Immigrants were moved beyond the referenced governor's own border to another state beyond that governor's jurisdiction. So, I suppose it's OK for California to "relocate" Koreans and Chinese to Austin.

One of my faves is "If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's"...well at least related to Donald Duck. Pure publicity stunt, but yeah, comical. Our public servants should be above this pedantic shit.

If they ask them if they want to go, sign a paper to that affect, that they want to go, YES, entirely legal and OK.

But what is worse, what you refer to as a "publicity stunt" or the fact that the Biden administration is performing this stunt everyday by moving illegal migrants by plane, all over the country including New York without telling a soul on the ground what they are doing.

Have you seen the "clandestine" flights in the middle of the night by the Biden administration? No? I have because I watch a news source that isn't trying to hide this fact from the viewer.

Abbott and Desantis are doing the very same thing Biden is doing, moving illegal immigrants away from the border where 2 million of them can't possible remain.

What I find interesting is that New York has about 50,000 homeless people, been that way for a long time but when 17,000 illegals show up, it's time for tent cities to house them and take care of them while the homeless New Yorker's, remain that way. Sounds like a stunt to me.

I find this statement by the Mayor of New York interesting

New Yorkers deserve to know why this is happening and what we plan to do.”

You know damn well why this is happening Mr.Mayor, because the border is unsecure and whether these illegals were being bused by Governor's or finding their way to the the best known sanctuary city in America, seems irrelevant to me. These illegals must go somewhere, where should they go?

Why not ask President Biden why he is doing this? Lord knows he won't answer that question from anybody else.
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