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Old 08-11-2022, 07:36 AM   #76
Grace Preston
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His team has flat out stated that they have the warrant and inventory and will not release either.
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Old 08-11-2022, 07:41 AM   #77
Salty Again
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
All the stupid speculation from the ECCIE Stupidiotic Conspiracists is nonsense. Trump’s lawyer already said there was classified documents at issue (meaning they were not declassified) and they have the warrant and receipt (meaning they know exactly what was taken and the list of things taken).

Stop all the lies about “maybe it’s not classified?”, the lawyer admitted they are.
Stop the lies about “they took stuff and didn’t explain it was”, the lawyer has the receipt.

If you’re saying otherwise you just further circulating lies.
... Not lies - questions.

And the same questions that most of the Republican
politicians have.

#### Salty
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Old 08-11-2022, 08:14 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Not lies - questions.

And the same questions that most of the Republican
politicians have.

#### Salty
Politicians. Lol. You think they actually have questions. Or are they just playing to their base for the purpose of trying to get votes and money. They know Trump is likely guilty of whatever the warrant describes as the suspected criminal activity. But politicians on the republican side would never just come out and say that.

And you and others aren’t proposing questions. You’re parroting lies from right wing media blogs and Trumpys claiming the FBI and DoJ have illegally executed a search warrant or providing some unsubstantiated defense for Trump having classified documents at Mara Lago. I suspect you know the difference between an inquiry and a statement.

If you ask a question (which you didn’t) an answer could be provided. In fact answers have been. Over and over. If you make a statement without any support or just parroting some bloggers lie, you’re lying and further perpetuating a lie.

Most of us are very capable of having a reasoned disagreement, even parsing the facts, but if you’re gonna just lie continuously, you’re not adding anything to the discussion.
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Old 08-11-2022, 08:41 AM   #79
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And then claiming he’s being insulted when it’s pointed out to him.

Playing little games.

This thread is about “…a little truth about Mar A Lago.”

We’ve got some details so far. But our colleagues on the right are unwilling to believe or accept them. So the flood of misinformation and chest thumping would be right on topic … “little truth” indeed. Illustrates the chasm between the dimensions of reality and Trumpism.

What’s eerily absent from this collection of rants and threats is the blame for the person who leaked the story, the media who broke it or the reason for this act of persecution. Donald J. Trump.

Perhaps the victim card is so popular around here now because it seems to be Trump’s only play. (And the fifth amendment of course). Are we witnessing the dawn of copycat whining?

And I say that with all due respect.
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Old 08-11-2022, 08:51 AM   #80
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the facts are

there is and have been selective investigations, unequal treatment of the investigated and unequal enforcement of laws all based on politics

when its the left news media, their errors always go one way

and, similarly, with the doj and fbi, and even lois lerner, she of the irs fame, all their commissions and omissions resulting in inequality seem to go in one direction, against conservatives or in favor of the leftists

and its not just the circumstantial evidence, of targeting president trump for 6 years and other conservatives and going soft on people like the hellary and the biden crime families or antifa , in support of the above

no, not just circumstantial evidence, there is plenty of direct evidence of high members of the doj and fbi caught doing just that, hung by their own emails, texts, document changing and fraud, lying before courts, lying to inspector generals, going after parents, and skewing crime statistics to have more "white supremacy" cases, entrapping conservatives ala the whitmer case etc,. members of the doj and fbi who then themselves are treated with kid gloves as almost heroes

its the partisan culture of the doj and fbi that seeps out in a rancid stench

that is evident to all and is what is tearing the fabric of this nation apart

and its culminated with an armed raid with agents in riot gear on an ex-president

americans see that, and its the evident unfairness that they dont like
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Old 08-11-2022, 09:25 AM   #81
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Originally Posted by VerySkeptical View Post
From the OP

The FBI raided the home of former President Trump and his son Eric (plus family). They did it at gun point with 30 FBI agents...over paperwork. Remember, Eric just lost his mother two weeks ago and his kids their grandmother. Now this comes along.

At gun point? What bullshit.
30 agents? According to Eric? More bullshit.
You can't resist lying.

Lost his mother? So what? They buried her on a golf course. As part of getting a tax break. What does the search matter?
The FBI hasn't listed what they took? How do you know? The same way you knew they had guns drawn?

A few things.

Why are you asking these lame questions? Where did you hear they looked anywhere outside of the locations listed in the warrants?

So you are saying the safe wasn't covered by the warrant. If anyone was going to say they broke into a safe not covered by the search warrant it would be one or more of 4-5 people. You are definitely one of them.

Like Melania would let Trump put anything of his near her under ware whether it was in a drawer or on her body
Let's see...Trump's attorney Christina Bobb said that there were 30 armed agents. I never said that they pointed guns at anyone, you did. "At gun point" is a colorful phrase and not to be taken literally...except by idiots. At the time I wrote the first post, they FBI had not released any list. Christina Bobb also confirmed that. Why did you bring up any so-called "tax break"? Are you one of those revolutionaries that hates the rich? Sounds like it. Anyway, I didn't lie and now you owe two apologies for your libel.

It is very instructive if you want to know the motives of the left. Rules were broken, an agency that we have to trust seems as out of control as under J. Edgar. That doesn't bother you. Instead, you're giddy like a little schoolgirl that the umpteenth time that they say Trump did something...they actually might be correct. I won't worry about the semantics, I'd worry about our country...assuming that this is your country of origin.
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Old 08-11-2022, 09:44 AM   #82
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You don’t lie. Lol. That’s a good one. Keep the jokes coming my man. We all know better. There was no need to read anything after that statement.
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Old 08-11-2022, 09:46 AM   #83
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
the facts are

there is and have been selective investigations, unequal treatment of the investigated and unequal enforcement of laws all based on politics

when its the left news media, their errors always go one way

and, similarly, with the doj and fbi, and even lois lerner, she of the irs fame, all their commissions and omissions resulting in inequality seem to go in one direction, against conservatives or in favor of the leftists

and its not just the circumstantial evidence, of targeting president trump for 6 years and other conservatives and going soft on people like the hellary and the biden crime families or antifa , in support of the above

no, not just circumstantial evidence, there is plenty of direct evidence of high members of the doj and fbi caught doing just that, hung by their own emails, texts, document changing and fraud, lying before courts, lying to inspector generals, going after parents, and skewing crime statistics to have more "white supremacy" cases, entrapping conservatives ala the whitmer case etc,. members of the doj and fbi who then themselves are treated with kid gloves as almost heroes

its the partisan culture of the doj and fbi that seeps out in a rancid stench

that is evident to all and is what is tearing the fabric of this nation apart

and its culminated with an armed raid with agents in riot gear on an ex-president

americans see that, and its the evident unfairness that they dont like
Completely off topic. Deflection deflection deflection to completely irrelevant subjects.
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Old 08-11-2022, 10:05 AM   #84
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seems on target to me, its why people are upset

i have no clue what you are yapping about and im not posting as a reply to any such yap

im posting in regard to the thread
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Old 08-11-2022, 10:12 AM   #85
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Additional reporting states that Trump and his lawyers were served with a grand jury subpoena for documents in June. Trump and his lawyers still did not turn over everything and kept documents which were classified. That is what led to the search warrant. It appears that Trump and the republicans complaints are bullshit.

What would be the reason that Trump would have possession of these things. He has no right to have them. Why are he and his lawyers not just turning everything over so that this can be over with. I am yet to read or hear from anyone any valid rationale for why the documents continued to be held at Mar A Lago.
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Old 08-11-2022, 10:15 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
seems on target to me, its why people are upset
Bullhit. What is tearing the nation apart is people continuing to spout wild untruths and having an inability to discern fact from fiction. Agents in riot gear at Mar A Lago, where did you get that lie from and why would you believe it. There is no evidence whatsoever to support that statement yet "people are upset because" of something that never happened. People are "upset" about a stole election which was not stolen. People are angry because they are lied to and they keep perpetuating the same lies, which you are perpetuating.

Try this, stop lying and you might be less upset.
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Old 08-11-2022, 10:23 AM   #87
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"the facts are

there is and have been selective investigations, unequal treatment of the investigated and unequal enforcement of laws all based on politics"

Let's keep this straight. That paragraph is NOT "fact", it is OPINION. Typical of today's dirty debate tactics.
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Old 08-11-2022, 10:24 AM   #88
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if i knew how to paste pictures directly i would

but they certainly werent in suits, i dont see the helmets is all



and me angry? i am concerned

you post with the heightened frenzy that projects anger, not i
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Old 08-11-2022, 10:26 AM   #89
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you might think those things havent happened, which sorry to point out, is your opinion, however i do, i'll let the american people decide
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Old 08-11-2022, 10:42 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought View Post
if i knew how to paste pictures directly i would

but they certainly werent in suits, i dont see the helmets is all



and me angry? i am concerned

you post with the heightened frenzy that projects anger, not i
So you admit you are lying. Now they were pretty much dressed like they would for any search warrant. Or did you expect they would go in without weapons. Is that your expectation. As you can see, that is not even close to riot gear.

And how about this, can even verify the photo you posted of the group of agents. Is that an actual photo of the FBI that entered the property? Or is that something someone posted which was intended to inflame which just furthers the lie.

Dis you even bother to look at your own photos? You realize those are not FBI agents in the group photo.
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