I called Kristen earlier to book a session... you fuckers have booked her up!! I think I have an appointment now on October 24th at 3PM.. LOL..
She did ask me if I would pass something along for her. This is from her and not my interpretation of her request (sent via text so I wouldn't get the message wrong):
Gentlemen - I am NOT newbie friendly. There are tons of lovely ladies that are newbie friendly. Unreferenced gents are encouraged to go see newbie-friendly gals and establish references before reaching out to me.
You must have 2 recent references and provide your contact info. Do NOT send me a copy of your license or ID.
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OK message delivered.. again, was her request and I said I would relay the message. If you have questions on her process you may reach out to her via email or P411 (as mentioned numerous times before).