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Old 06-25-2022, 01:05 AM   #106
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the Juneteenth celebration report continues


Columbus reports in ......


Gloucester resorts in. CANCELLED!! well that's one way to keep the murder/death/kill numbers down!!!


oh the joy of Juneteenth!!!!
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Old 06-25-2022, 09:38 AM   #107
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How funny. You wear your ignorance like a badge of honor. But is no way for you to hide or deal with your own hubris.
Slavery ended June 14, 1866.


"As it turns out, neither document applied to Indian Territory, and consequently, slavery survived in that part of the United States for several months after it was abolished everywhere else with the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment in December, 1865."

"If we simply go by the dates on which the Tribes ratified these treaties, slavery in the continental United States came to an end as a legal institution on June 14, 1866, when the Creek Tribe agreed to abandon African-American slavery."


Can you read?
Who in this thread said it did end slavery? I said Juneteenth marked the day that ended slavery in Texas by way of General Order 3. Why are you worried about history when you can't comprehend content in a simple post? You flap your gums and you lie about base values. You felt the need to comment on a post that showed Trumpys lack of historical facts and their attempts to rewrite those facts.
Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
But that still didn't end slavery.... that didn't occur until Georgia ratified the 13th Amendment in December of 1865. So once again libtards don't know history.
You just proved you don't know history.
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Old 06-25-2022, 10:06 AM   #108
Salty Again
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... Too Right, Skep!

That's when the Democrats were forced to free their slaves.
A good thing that President Lincoln and Republicans pushed
for god rules and laws.
President Donald Trump is a Republican also... Just like Lincoln.

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Old 06-25-2022, 12:37 PM   #109
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The names don't matter.
Southern Democrats were conservative.
Everybody had to give up their slaves. And Lincoln was dead.
This doesn't tie up nicely declaring Republicans good and Democrats bad.
The south was mostly conservative. The north was was a collection of different views with moderate and conservative Republicans among other things.
During the Confederacy, there were no political parties.

"The most striking feature of Confederate politics was the absence of political parties. Unlike the United States, which benefitted from a vigorous competition between Democrats and Republicans, the Confederacy enjoyed no such organized debate. The prominent issues of the pre-war period (secession and union) were supplanted by war-related controversies; parties disappeared and were replaced by a wartime unity. With secession and war achieved, there were no major issues to define elections and campaigns. Believing it necessary to present a united front to the enemy, for instance, candidates in the elections for the first Confederate Congress conducted virtually no campaigns. Office seekers often placed notices in the local press informing the public of their candidacy, yet these announcements rarely differed from one aspirant to another, as they uniformly proclaimed themselves to be ardent supporters of southern independence and proponents of a vigorous prosecution of the war. Moreover, the lack of organized parties made legislating extraordinarily difficult. No parties meant no partisan discipline, no harmony on pressing issues, and no incentive to work with other legislators. At the local level, voters were left practically powerless to effect change, since there was no guarantee that their representatives would be able to craft coalitions to enact policies. Consequently, few voters participated in elections, which, in turn, denied the Confederate government a meaningful mandate."

Something very interesting is the similarities between Davis and Trump

"Aside from the structural flaws of the new government, a major source of trouble for the Confederacy was its much-vaunted leader, Jefferson Davis. Davis was a Mississippi slave-owner born in Kentucky who had won the hearts of Deep South planters by serving with distinction in the Mexican War and championing the spread of slavery as a member of both the US House and Senate, and as Secretary of War under Democratic President Franklin Pierce. He was a talented officer and a smart politician, but he was also enormously difficult to work with. The Confederacy’s chief executive quickly alienated his subordinates and his constituents. In fact, his own vice president, Alexander Hamilton Stephens, spent the majority of the war not in the Confederate Capitol at Richmond, but at his home writing poison-pen letters condemning Davis’s actions and policies. In addition, Davis surrounded himself with mediocre minds who would never challenge his decisions. As the war progressed, and rebel prospects dimmed, Davis became increasingly abrasive and stubborn, unable to forge the meaningful relationships and popular support needed to govern a republic."
Observations on the Confederate form of government.
"The goal of the Confederate States of America was clear: a new, independent nation based on deep racial and class inequalities. “Our new government,” declared rebel Vice President Alexander Stephens of Georgia in March 1861, “rests upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man.” The form of government adopted— a loose confederacy— had already proven a failure in American history. The Articles of Confederation, drafted by the Second Continental Congress in November 1777 and in effect until September 1788, was woefully inadequate for the needs of the young United States, and thus the Founding Fathers replaced it with a Constitution, creating a new central government supreme above the states. Southern rebels in 1861, obsessed with state sovereignty and in a furious hurry, returned to the concept of confederacy for their new government, a decision that would prove disastrous.

In addition.
More important than personality differences is the fact that Lincoln did not preside over a one-party state, as Davis had attempted. Instead, the United States saw a ferocious competition between liberals (Republicans) and conservatives (Democrats). Moreover, the Republican Party, itself, was divided between conservative-minded Moderates (who were reluctant to touch slavery) and liberal-leaning Radicals (who were fiery abolitionists).


Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... Too Right, Skep!

That's when the Democrats were forced to free their slaves.
A good thing that President Lincoln and Republicans pushed
for god rules and laws.
President Donald Trump is a Republican also... Just like Lincoln.

#### Salty
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Old 06-25-2022, 12:47 PM   #110
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There are no historical perspectives, only talking points.

The south remained conservative as Democrats into the 1980s.

Texas didn’t turn red until the 1990s

But the Republicans freed the slaves by vanquishing the other side.

Such simplistic bull fertilizer!
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Old 06-25-2022, 12:58 PM   #111
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Talking point...you ought to know about talking point. THAT IS AL YOU SPEW!!
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Old 06-25-2022, 01:04 PM   #112
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As he screams and stomps his foot.

How much saliva have you SPEWED on your monitor?
Originally Posted by bb1961 View Post
Talking point...you ought to know about talking point. THAT IS AL YOU SPEW!!
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Old 06-25-2022, 01:16 PM   #113
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You're not proud of your MUNCHY handle anymore??...you aren't fooling anybody!!
It was chivalrous of you to come to his defense...he needs all the help he can get. Sounds like you do also MUNCHY.
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Old 06-25-2022, 03:58 PM   #114
Salty Again
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
There are no historical perspectives, only talking points.

The south remained conservative as Democrats into the 1980s.

Texas didn’t turn red until the 1990s

But the Republicans freed the slaves by vanquishing the other side.

Such simplistic bull fertilizer!

... Hmmmm... So the south was conservative and Democrat
until when? ... The 1980's??
I see - when Ronald Reagan WON the election - twice - and
he and the LIBERAL Republicans surely won the day!

... Thanks for clearing THAT up. ...

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Old 06-25-2022, 04:52 PM   #115
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
There are no historical perspectives, only talking points.

The south remained conservative as Democrats into the 1980s.

Texas didn’t turn red until the 1990s

But the Republicans freed the slaves by vanquishing the other side.

Such simplistic bull fertilizer!

and yet it was the newly formed progressive/liberal Republican party led by Lincoln that both saved the Union and freed the slaves while the "conservative" Democrats spent the next 100 years founding the KKK and ushering in Jim Crow and segregation.

quite the legacy, yes?

they are still the ultra racist party today.

think about that before you claim RRW"s are the racists.
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Old 06-25-2022, 05:00 PM   #116
Salty Again
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.... So - Lincoln, the FIRST president of the Republican party
frees the slaves... and yet the Democrats STILL fought the
black-skinned people having rights... right-thru the 1960's.

I saw the film "Mississippi Burning" on the telly.

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Old 06-25-2022, 10:52 PM   #117
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So "MUNCHY" still lives rent free inside that empty thing you hang your ears on. It doesn't sound like he needs any help from me.
And I don't need any help from him handling a CAP user like you.
It doesn't matter to me what name comes out of your pie hole. You're a blowhard on this site and in real life.
Originally Posted by bb1961 View Post
You're not proud of your MUNCHY handle anymore??...you aren't fooling anybody!!
It was chivalrous of you to come to his defense...he needs all the help he can get. Sounds like you do also MUNCHY.
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Old 06-25-2022, 11:02 PM   #118
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Originally Posted by VerySkeptical View Post
So "MUNCHY" still lives rent free inside that empty thing you hang your ears on. It doesn't sound like he needs any help from me.
And I don't need any help from him handling a CAP user like you.
It doesn't matter to me what name comes out of your pie hole. You're a blowhard on this site and in real life.

let's thank munchy not for his useless thoughts but for keeping this thread trending

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Old 06-25-2022, 11:03 PM   #119
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meanwhile in philly ....

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Old 06-26-2022, 08:05 AM   #120
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Maybe TWK wants to take the national Juneteenth holiday away. Those “people” just don’t deserve it. Wouldn’t you say so, TWK?

Ain’t nothing quite like a Waco Kid race baiting thread. Maybe he feels empowered because of the Supreme Court Ruling, puffing out his man boobs, belching like Fred Flintstone and strutting like a Proud Boy at the US Capitol and all. But whatever it is, he’s certainly feeling bulletproof.

Now you “gun collecting” aficionados can all argue over what type of bullet, but you’ve gotta agree, he’s using this period in time to reaffirm his disdain for his fellow Americans.

Armed with a little red triangle!

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