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Old 06-17-2022, 02:03 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
Why was Louderfilth the only Congress person giving a tour on the 5th? You can take the 5th if you like, the question is rhetorical.
When I see the "where has the civility gone?" posts, I think of these posts right here. When people wonder why someone was armed outside of SCOTUS Justice Kavanaughs house with a gun and plans to kill him I think of posts like these. When a guy shows up at a baseball game of House Republicans and starts shooting them, I think of posts like these... when the left claims that Trump is Hitler or DeSantis will be if he gets the nomination, I think of posts like these.

Enjoy your bleeding Kansas phase while you can, the next phase is much worse...
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Old 06-17-2022, 02:04 PM   #32
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
You're not only ignorant, but you are sneaky and disingenuous.

Who says his constituents couldn't have booked their appointments weeks in advance to "drop in" while they were visiting DC?
Speaking of sneaky and disinngenuous. Your attempted pivot failed!

You had said the ''Constituents'' might have just dropped in for a Tour. I told you that was impossible. I never said they couldn't have made an appt. Weeks before. You tried to pivot, thinking others wouldn't notice.

Major Fail!

By the way, though, no. If they had booked weeks in advance, they could not have secured January 5. The New Jersey Rep. I linked saw the tour group, and she knew June 5 was a black out date, which is why she was alarmed.

Lusty.. You keep failing. You double down like waco, but refuse to give up. You look like a Fool, Man. Stop it.
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Old 06-17-2022, 02:06 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
When I see the "where has the civility gone?" posts, I think of these posts right here. When people wonder why someone was armed outside of SCOTUS Justice Kavanaughs house with a gun and plans to kill him I think of posts like these. When a guy shows up at a baseball game of House Republicans and starts shooting them, I think of posts like these... when the left claims that Trump is Hitler or DeSantis will be if he gets the nomination, I think of posts like these.

Enjoy your bleeding Kansas phase while you can, the next phase is much worse...
Man, please. Get off your High Horse. In the last week you have cursed me several times, said I deserved an ass fucking. You are the least civil on this Board among those not currently banned.
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Old 06-17-2022, 02:07 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
It's not working Lusty.

I know you are ignorant as Fuck, so let me explain.

You can not ''drop in'' to see your Congressman while you happen to be in town. Especially on the day before a transfer of power, the swearing in of a new President. It takes weeks after making an appointment to get a Tour.
Actually that's not true. I've done it on one occasion.. although normally you need to advance request the tour, I have been accepted and been toured by my Representative (I was in uniform however)... so obviously exceptions are made... even if not the norm.
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Old 06-17-2022, 02:08 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
Man, please. Get off your High Horse. In the last week you have cursed me several times, said I deserved an ass fucking. You are the least civil on this Board among those not currently banned.
See what you're incivility caused? You made the situation worse...
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Old 06-17-2022, 02:10 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
Actually that's not true. I've done it on one occasion.. although normally you need to advance request the tour, I have been accepted and been toured by my Representative (I was in uniform however)... so obviously exceptions are made... even if not the norm.
It is only recent that appointments needed to be made well in advance.

I bet your Tour was more than a Decade ago. Loots of security changes since then.
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Old 06-17-2022, 02:11 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
See what you're incivility caused? You made the situation worse...

Did you say I need an ass fucking a few days ago? Remember?
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Old 06-17-2022, 02:26 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
How? Did you say I need an ass fucking a few days ago? Remember?
Please find that quote... I doubt that I said you NEED an ass fcuking.... maybe that you deserve one for voting for Biden and that you're going to get it because of that...

But I don't believe I said that you NEED an ass fcuking.

I could be wrong and I'm willing to apologize if I did say you need an ass-fcuking...

But as I say, deserve is different than need.
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Old 06-17-2022, 02:39 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
Please find that quote... I doubt that I said you NEED an ass fcuking.... maybe that you deserve one for voting for Biden and that you're going to get it because of that...

But I don't believe I said that you NEED an ass fcuking.

I could be wrong and I'm willing to apologize if I did say you need an ass-fcuking...

But as I say, deserve is different than need.
Deserve an ass fucking? That sounds worse than ''need'' to me. Both are animal disgusting verbiage.
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Old 06-17-2022, 02:46 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
Speaking of sneaky and disinngenuous. Your attempted pivot failed!

You had said the ''Constituents'' might have just dropped in for a Tour. I told you that was impossible. I never said they couldn't have made an appt. Weeks before. You tried to pivot, thinking others wouldn't notice.

Major Fail!

By the way, though, no. If they had booked weeks in advance, they could not have secured January 5. The New Jersey Rep. I linked saw the tour group, and she knew June 5 was a black out date, which is why she was alarmed.

Lusty.. You keep failing. You double down like waco, but refuse to give up. You look like a Fool, Man. Stop it.

anyone else notice that Chung thinks just because someone disagrees with him it means he's right?

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Old 06-17-2022, 02:50 PM   #41
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Default Double Down, Triple Down, Quadruple Down... Which One Is Chungy On?

Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
Speaking of sneaky and disinngenuous. Your attempted pivot failed!

You had said the ''Constituents'' might have just dropped in for a Tour. I told you that was impossible. I never said they couldn't have made an appt. weeks before. You tried to pivot, thinking others wouldn't notice.

Major Fail!

Hahaha... you can't be serious. So you've never made an appt. to "drop in" on a hooker when you planned to be in her town? Give me a break. You're playing word games. The Major Fail is in your comprehension.

By the way, though, no. If they had booked weeks in advance, they could not have secured January 5. The New Jersey Rep. I linked saw the tour group, and she knew June 5 was a black out date, which is why she was alarmed.

Your OP mentions NJ Rep. Jackie Sherrill but she is NOT mentioned in your CNN link. If she was "alarmed" why didn't she file a report or complaint immediately on Jan. 5 - instead of waiting to see if she could frame & smear unnamed "Members of Congress" afterwards?

Lusty.. You keep failing. You double down like waco, but refuse to give up. You look like a Fool, Man. Stop it.
You're getting desperate, aintcha?

Out of all the false, dumb narratives being pedaled by the dim-retards on the Jan. 6 Committee, this is easily the most ridiculous one. And yet, you're stupid and/or gullible enough to run with it!

All your flinging and flailing made me do a little research. Here's what I found:

The Capitol ‘Reconnaissance’ Smear

The Jan. 6 committee indulged a false and partisan accusation.

By The Editorial Board
Updated June 14, 2022 8:21 pm ET

If the Jan. 6 select committee wants to have more bipartisan credibility, how about apologizing to Georgia Rep. Barry Loudermilk? The Republican was vindicated this week after false accusations that he had provided “reconnaissance” tours for Capitol rioters.

On Jan. 12, 2021, Democratic Rep. Mikie Sherrill (N.J.) alleged on Facebook that she’d seen “members of Congress who had groups coming through the Capitol that I saw on Jan. 5 for reconnaissance for the next day.” The press piled on.

Asked on MSNBC about reports of GOP “tours to insurrectionists,” New York Rep. Sean Maloney responded: “I can confirm that. I don’t have firsthand knowledge of it but I spoke to a Member who saw it personally and he described it with some alarm.” Mr. Maloney added that the “enemy is within.”

Ms. Sherrill and 33 other House Democrats sent a letter to the Capitol police and House and Senate sergeants at arms demanding an “immediate investigation” into the “suspicious behavior and access given to visitors” on Jan. 5. They said some attackers “seemed to have an unusually detailed knowledge of the layout,” and this became a central feature of the Democratic and media narrative.

Yet no one had named a specific tour giver—until the Jan. 6 committee breathed new life into the allegation by fingering Mr. Loudermilk. Chair Bennie Thompson and Vice Chair Liz Cheney wrote Mr. Loudermilk on May 19 and asked him to testify to “information regarding a tour you led through parts of the Capitol complex on January 5, 2021.” The letter and its accusation leaked to the press.

Republicans on the House Administration Committee this year said they’d reviewed 48 hours of security footage of the Capitol entrances and tunnels, and they told The Hill there were “no tours, no large groups,” and “nothing in there remotely fitting” Ms. Sherrill’s accusation. But the Jan. 6 committee letter to Mr. Loudermilk claimed it had “evidence” that “directly contradicts that denial.” The media cheered, and Ms. Sherrill made a fist-pump appearance on MSNBC, praising the committee for holding the “chilling” perpetrator of the tour “accountable.”

On Monday Mr. Loudermilk was cleared by the Capitol police in a letter to House Administration ranking Member Rodney Davis. Chief Thomas Manger said Capitol police had reviewed the footage and “there is no evidence that Representative Loudermilk entered the U.S. Capitol” with a group on Jan. 5.

The Georgia Representative did escort constituents, but cameras show they toured House office buildings—which are separate from the Capitol. Mr. Manger confirmed that “at no time did the group appear in any tunnels that would have led them to the U.S. Capitol,” adding that “we train our officers on being alert for people conducting surveillance or reconnaissance, and we do not consider any of the activities we observed as suspicious.”

vvv Hey chungy, pay attention... this is what a PIVOT looks like! vvv

The press is downplaying this humiliation by noting the Jan. 6 committee letter also referred to tours of “House and Senate office buildings,” which is part of the Capitol “complex.” C’mon, man. The Sherrill allegation was that Republicans had given tours of “the Capitol” to give rioters advance intel of the layout.

The Jan. 6 committee could have checked the facts with the Capitol police before it smeared Mr. Loudermilk. The least it can do now is admit it was wrong and apologize. As for Ms. Sherrill, the lesson is not to believe anything she says.

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Old 06-17-2022, 02:51 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
Deserve an ass fucking? That sounds worse than ''need'' to me. Both are animal disgusting verbiage.
It may sound worse, but one is just a consequence of your voting behaviour the other isn't justified. you do understand that the ass fcuking you're going to take isn't literal right,I mean you're not that stupid that you don't understand the financial ass fcuking you deserve isn't a literal ass fcuking from Joe Biden right? I mean Hunter on one of his **** fueled escapades might be down to literally ass-fcuk you, but I doubt the Secret Service would allow Joe to come to Dallas just to ass-fcuk you?
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Old 06-17-2022, 02:55 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
C’mon, man. The Sherrill allegation was that Republicans had given tours of “the Capitol” to give rioters advance intel of the layout.
But a tour of a building that wasn't part of the trespassing event doesn't help advance the narrative... and without the Narrative, they can't indict Trump to keep him off the 2024 ticket.

So.... they have to stick to their stories....
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Old 06-17-2022, 03:00 PM   #44
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I do get it, Sapper. The first intelligent post you've made this afternoon. Which is why you and waco are so annoying. You typically choose to post jackassery to be insulting, but you can be so much more. Like your stupid racism shit in my Herschel Walker thread. Deliberate jack ass fuckery.

As for Lusty, I'm laughing. We already went over every item in that article. You seem so proud to have found it.
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Old 06-17-2022, 03:04 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
Did you say I need an ass fucking a few days ago?
Is there a better, alternative way to pound some sense into you?
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