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Old 06-07-2022, 11:29 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by VerySkeptical View Post
He is the one who posted a picture that makes claims of achievement. Are you saying I can't comment on claims he is making? He has also claimed he got certain test scores. Test scores in the top 1%.
Test scores that should have made it easy for any exams or proficiency requirements to gain promotion.
Sorry munchy, nobody knows what you are babbling about. Maybe you could shoot barley a PM and straighten everything out? If you insist on trashing him publicly, you should at least post the specific comments or claims that you are questioning.

Btw - are you a veteran? If so, what service branch? I always figured you flew an F-117 since that used to be your avatar. Why don't you do something useful and give everyone your review/critique of Top Gun 2?
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Old 06-07-2022, 11:37 AM   #17
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This is one of the stranger threads to come along in a while.

Let it go Junior.
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Old 06-07-2022, 11:44 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by VerySkeptical View Post

BTW-I was in the Army. I still have my draft card. Last lottery, no draft. Moot point, I enlisted after I partied my way out of school. I learned one of life's most important lessons in the Army. How to get up every morning for work.

so .. you are Bluto Blutarsky or are you Flounder?



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Old 06-07-2022, 12:03 PM   #19
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Default Fat, Drunk and Stupid Is No Way to Enlist In Today's Army

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Btw - are you a veteran? If so, what service branch?
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical View Post
BTW-I was in the Army. I still have my draft card. Last lottery, no draft. Moot point, I enlisted after I partied my way out of school. I learned one of life's most important lessons in the Army. How to get up every morning for work.
^^^ Oops, my bad! I missed the part about your being in the Army.

Thank you for your service, munchy and barley.

(You evidently had no problems re-learning how to party your way back into civilian life.)
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Old 06-07-2022, 12:36 PM   #20
Austin Ellen
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I can tell you don't come out from under your rock much so let me clue you in. You stated "people lie about themselves on this site all the time." Of course we do. This is a hooker board. People tell all kinds of lies on a hooker board that's one of the reasons people come in here - for entertainment. If you want people to tell the truth all the time - go to church board. I can't believe someone actually said that people lie on here.

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical View Post
I only have a few minutes right now so I'll have to add links later.

On this anniversary of the sacrifices of the greatest generation, we have stolen glory by one of the most worthless people of the boomer generation.

People lie about themselves on this site all the time.
In a rare moment of truth, one person has shown most of what they say to be a lie.

Look at barley boy's picture. His red hash marks and red chevrons show he has committed a non-judicial infraction (also called an Article 15 of Captain's Mast in the Navy) during his career. That explains him being an E-5 over 12 years of service.
Once committed, it takes 12 years to get it removed and to wear the gold stripes of good conduct.

So we know why he was kicked out of the Navy and why he is a history teacher instead of making big bucks in the field of nuclear engineering.

Later we'll cover his possible infractions but it is safe to say he lost his security clearance when forced out of the reactor room (if he was ever even working in there).

His statements in general about democrats, coming from his foul, Trump's cock sucking mouth, have offended every non-Trumpy on this site.

So what do you have to say for yourself, barley boy?

Today is your D-Day.

PS What would your 17 year old self think of the future you decided to give to him?

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Old 06-07-2022, 01:03 PM   #21
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Default Follow the Money...

Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
You stated "people lie about themselves on this site all the time." Of course we do. This is a hooker board. People tell all kinds of lies on a hooker board that's one of the reasons people come in here - for entertainment. If you want people to tell the truth all the time - go to church board. I can't believe someone actually said that people lie on here.
Ellen, good post. But try to understand...

Munchy is a "fact-checker" for the Washington Post and Politifact. He is in charge of their "Truth-o-meter":

So he gets PAID to call out "lies" on eccie!

Meanwhile, WTF (one of your biggest fans) collects a paycheck each week from the DNC. He is a partisan hack who gets PAID to spew phony DNC talking points and hi-jack every eccie thread about Biden's disastrous performance with inane, false and irrelevant comments about... wait for it... Ronnie Reagan!
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Old 06-07-2022, 01:36 PM   #22
dilbert firestorm
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VS must be envious of bc's navy service, for being a nuclear engineer. Why else would he be trashing him for his service hash marks.

Too funny.

VS, stick with the branch you know.
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Old 06-07-2022, 02:59 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Meanwhile, WTF (one of your biggest fans) collects a paycheck each week from the DNC. He is a partisan hack who gets PAID to spew phony DNC talking points
no... too much credit being given him. He's not a paid professional, he's an unpaid amateur. He does it because at his age it's not like he's fucking any of the hookers on the board....
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Old 06-07-2022, 05:47 PM   #24
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You all will have to excuse me. I've been moving all my books, videos, guns, and furniture into VS's head. I've never had a thread about me like this...what an honor.

I would like the moderator to consider a ban for a few months because this obviously a targeted attack which I believe is forbidden by TOS. I would also like the moderator to consider what VS would have done if he found confirmed my identity. I have no doubt that given his current mental state that he would have tried to do me harm. A lifetime ban is harsh but I'm sure that he will be back under another name.

Where to begin...I guess the photo is first. Yep, that is me in the photo shortly BEFORE a promotion to 1st class. I won this photo sitting in a raffle and the time limit was neigh. I suppose I could have changed the rating badge but I don't like dishonesty. That is what I was when it was taken. Yeah, I went to Captain's Mast a time or two. Nearly everyone does at some point. In my case I was loaning money for interest. I and about 31 others got caught up in the whole thing. The funny thing is that I charged no interest like the guys in the 1st class mess did nor did I keep a ledger like they did. The difference was that I defended myself by saying that according to regs I could charge the prime interest rate if I so desired (which was true then). I was asked if I threatened anyone, I did not. Did I have a list of those participating (getting them into trouble) and my response was that I did not. I got a large tax refund and everyone wanted to borrow 40, 60, or 100 dollars until payday. If they paid me back, great. If they didn't, well they won't be able to borrow again nor ask for favors.

I got my crow back but it did set me back a year.

Now, VS is wrong again about something else. You get a 3rd class crow when you sign up for that extra year when you go to an advanced school. Now if you do the math, you do extra months of service for every month of school. Since you're going to be obligated for a total of six years anyway, why not sign up for the year and take the promotion. I did.

I joined the navy in 1976 in December with my parent's permission since I had just turned 17. Yes, I was born in 1959. I wonder what that means to VS? Also, I did have very high test scores and the recruiters did come calling. Once I heard about the nuclear power program of the navy, well, I was hooked. I was thinking about the army like all my uncles before decided to be different.

I did my time got promoted past what the old photo shows and, yes, those chest decorations are all real including the ESWS and AWS. I wonder if VS can steer a ship? Anyway, I got out officially on a medical discharge which prevented me from going back in after 9/11. So, I'd like to thank the taxpayer (and that includes VS) for my disability check every month.

Now I have never been very specific about the dates as people like VS can do the research and maybe find out my real name. I did work in a technical field for several years after I left the navy. Lived in Virginia, Florida, and Louisiana. I returned home (Missouri not Kansas) to get my formal education. I got one degree (a BA) and the next year another degree (also a BA). Working full time and going to school is not easy. I got my MA in about three years. During this time, while going to a local college, I helped them put together a degree and certificate program on technical matters. It's still being used today.

I transitioned from hands on technical work to something more academic. I take pride in the fact that I don't sound like some 20 something college grad trying to impress the class with my knowledge. I sound like them or like an older man trying to get a point across.

Now, I did say that I was in a technical field which the college probably loves. I have taught classes in history, political science, theater, and electrical technology. I can be plugged in for an absence or for an extra class without having to hire someone additional.

Retirement is looming on the horizon but I have given thought (since the lockdown of schools) to being a private tutor in a home school environment. I minored in math and journalism.

I guess I hit a sore spot on VS when I questioned his manhood for attacking the judgement of a 17 year old boy. Boy, my own thread... will wonders never cease!

As for the claim by VS about his army service, Shakespeare said it best, "...And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day." I don't try to equate my service to my cousin who was an army Ranger, or my uncle who was a Green Beret but I think VS is holding too tight.
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Old 06-07-2022, 06:24 PM   #25
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I had to come back and give this thread a star so everyone can appreciate VS.
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Old 06-07-2022, 06:25 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
I joined the navy in 1976 in December with my parent's permission since I had just turned 17....
Thanks for your service to our country.
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Old 06-07-2022, 06:49 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
You all will have to excuse me. I've been moving all my books, videos, guns, and furniture into VS's head. I've never had a thread about me like this...what an honor.

I would like the moderator to consider a ban for a few months because this obviously a targeted attack which I believe is forbidden by TOS. I would also like the moderator to consider what VS would have done if he found confirmed my identity. I have no doubt that given his current mental state that he would have tried to do me harm. A lifetime ban is harsh but I'm sure that he will be back under another name.

Where to begin...I guess the photo is first. Yep, that is me in the photo shortly BEFORE a promotion to 1st class. I won this photo sitting in a raffle and the time limit was neigh. I suppose I could have changed the rating badge but I don't like dishonesty. That is what I was when it was taken. Yeah, I went to Captain's Mast a time or two. Nearly everyone does at some point. In my case I was loaning money for interest. I and about 31 others got caught up in the whole thing. The funny thing is that I charged no interest like the guys in the 1st class mess did nor did I keep a ledger like they did. The difference was that I defended myself by saying that according to regs I could charge the prime interest rate if I so desired (which was true then). I was asked if I threatened anyone, I did not. Did I have a list of those participating (getting them into trouble) and my response was that I did not. I got a large tax refund and everyone wanted to borrow 40, 60, or 100 dollars until payday. If they paid me back, great. If they didn't, well they won't be able to borrow again nor ask for favors.

I got my crow back but it did set me back a year.

Now, VS is wrong again about something else. You get a 3rd class crow when you sign up for that extra year when you go to an advanced school. Now if you do the math, you do extra months of service for every month of school. Since you're going to be obligated for a total of six years anyway, why not sign up for the year and take the promotion. I did.

I joined the navy in 1976 in December with my parent's permission since I had just turned 17. Yes, I was born in 1959. I wonder what that means to VS? Also, I did have very high test scores and the recruiters did come calling. Once I heard about the nuclear power program of the navy, well, I was hooked. I was thinking about the army like all my uncles before decided to be different.

I did my time got promoted past what the old photo shows and, yes, those chest decorations are all real including the ESWS and AWS. I wonder if VS can steer a ship? Anyway, I got out officially on a medical discharge which prevented me from going back in after 9/11. So, I'd like to thank the taxpayer (and that includes VS) for my disability check every month.

Now I have never been very specific about the dates as people like VS can do the research and maybe find out my real name. I did work in a technical field for several years after I left the navy. Lived in Virginia, Florida, and Louisiana. I returned home (Missouri not Kansas) to get my formal education. I got one degree (a BA) and the next year another degree (also a BA). Working full time and going to school is not easy. I got my MA in about three years. During this time, while going to a local college, I helped them put together a degree and certificate program on technical matters. It's still being used today.

I transitioned from hands on technical work to something more academic. I take pride in the fact that I don't sound like some 20 something college grad trying to impress the class with my knowledge. I sound like them or like an older man trying to get a point across.

Now, I did say that I was in a technical field which the college probably loves. I have taught classes in history, political science, theater, and electrical technology. I can be plugged in for an absence or for an extra class without having to hire someone additional.

Retirement is looming on the horizon but I have given thought (since the lockdown of schools) to being a private tutor in a home school environment. I minored in math and journalism.

I guess I hit a sore spot on VS when I questioned his manhood for attacking the judgement of a 17 year old boy. Boy, my own thread... will wonders never cease!

As for the claim by VS about his army service, Shakespeare said it best, "...And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day." I don't try to equate my service to my cousin who was an army Ranger, or my uncle who was a Green Beret but I think VS is holding too tight.

you were slushing money and not charging interest?

i charged 50% and yes i had a ledger.
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Old 06-07-2022, 07:52 PM   #28
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I don't try to equate my service to my cousin who was an army Ranger, or my uncle who was a Green Beret but I think VS is holding too tight.
You should, every mos is dependent on every other.
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Old 06-07-2022, 10:54 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
you were slushing money and not charging interest?

i charged 50% and yes i had a ledger.
what a swell guy, eh!
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Old 06-07-2022, 11:01 PM   #30
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barley, if you don't mind my asking...

are you and other sailors required to wear red hash marks on their uniforms?

wearing it to show you got in trouble with the captain seems like an equivalent of a "scarlet A" letter.
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