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Old 05-27-2022, 09:14 AM   #1
Chung Tran
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Default NRA Convention This Weekend in Houston

Just started, but I expect a disaster. If the NRA was smart (and responsive), they would have postponed the Convention 60 hours ago. Fuck losing your deposit on the George Brown Convention Center. This organization is swimming in money, but drowning in lack of concious.


Don Mclean, Lee Greenwood, Larry Gatlin dropped out. Greenwood and Gatlin are the 2 biggest NRA supporters south of Ted Nugent. They have enough sense to withdraw.

Governor Abbott pussied out of attending. Instead he is offering a video-taped message.

The NRA is going to get a very public black eye this weekend.

Trump is speaking today.. But no weapons allowed!


The Texas House Speaker and Dan Patrick bowed out. Those who do show up will look bad.
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Old 05-27-2022, 09:36 AM   #2
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I wonder if they will look as bad as the cops that sat around outside the elementary school in Uvalde and prevented parents form saving their kids after having rescued their own?

I wonder if we will have a 80 minute silence to commemorate the time it took these brave officers to get their donut delivery before another federal police agency did their job?

Are all the politicians advocating gun control going to stop being protected by their private and government provided security details? Will they ask their security teams to give up their weapons too?
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Old 05-27-2022, 09:50 AM   #3
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Is TRan Duck going to do as Bette Midler ordered and go to the convention armed?
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Old 05-27-2022, 10:45 AM   #4
Chung Tran
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
Is TRan Duck going to do as Bette Midler ordered and go to the convention armed?
Are you asking others, or can I respond?

I'm watching on TV. This Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy will be watching From a Distance. I'm not risking confrontation and the Wind Beneath My Wings.
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Old 05-27-2022, 10:56 AM   #5
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Patrick has also dropped out.

Twitler will still be there, feeding red meat to his thralls.

NRA has no soul and should have cancelled.

The continued squealing about the response time in a town of 16K begs the question yet again -- if the 18 year old (for a week) DIDN'T have those guns, would he have been able to waltz into an elementary school and massacre 21 kids and teachers? Is ONE murder acceptable to you guys?

And I agree, LE's response was unacceptable.

At least Ted Cruz is calling for a ban on doors.

Like yours, boys.
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Old 05-27-2022, 11:00 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
I wonder if they will look as bad as the cops that sat around outside the elementary school in Uvalde and prevented parents form saving their kids after having rescued their own?
On Tuesday we were hearing lies like a Security Guard confronted the Shooter, and caused him to drop amno that could have resulted in many more deaths. Lies like the Cops ran toward danger.

72 hours later we know these Cowards lied, hid, ducked, and waited for REAL law enforcement to take out the gunman.

I wanted to puke when the truth came out. The Parents were the brave Actors. The badged Cowards hindered Parents from rushing inside. What the Fuck??!!
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Old 05-27-2022, 11:00 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Patrick has also dropped out.

Twitler will still be there, feeding red meat to his thralls.

NRA has no soul and should have cancelled.

The continued squealing about the response time in a town of 16K begs the question yet again -- if the 18 year old (for a week) DIDN'T have those guns, would he have been able to waltz into an elementary school and massacre 21 kids and teachers? Is ONE murder acceptable to you guys?

And I agree, LE's response was unacceptable.

At least Ted Cruz is calling for a ban on doors.

Like yours, boys.
It’s “yous”. Did you forget already.
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Old 05-27-2022, 11:19 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
Just started, but I expect a disaster. If the NRA was smart (and responsive), they would have postponed the Convention 60 hours ago. Fuck losing your deposit on the George Brown Convention Center. This organization is swimming in money, but drowning in lack of concious.


Don Mclean, Lee Greenwood, Larry Gatlin dropped out. Greenwood and Gatlin are the 2 biggest NRA supporters south of Ted Nugent. They have enough sense to withdraw.

Governor Abbott pussied out of attending. Instead he is offering a video-taped message.

The NRA is going to get a very public black eye this weekend.

Trump is speaking today.. But no weapons allowed!


The Texas House Speaker and Dan Patrick bowed out. Those who do show up will look bad.

how amusing watching you ramble on about the great boogieman the NRA. most organizations "swimming in money" don't declare bankruptcy ..

Broken & Bankrupt: The NRA in 2021


this outfit nrawatch.org appears as obsessed with the NRA as you are. it appears their only function is to "watch the boogieman NRA" so you should enjoy reading it. it's quite unflattering.
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Old 05-27-2022, 11:38 AM   #9
Chung Tran
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Just because one files bankruptcy doesn't mean they don't have money. Bankruptcy is meant to protect money.


Your NRA Leader stole so much, it kind of skewered the amount the Org actually had.
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Old 05-27-2022, 12:20 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
Just because one files bankruptcy doesn't mean they don't have money. Bankruptcy is meant to protect money.


Your NRA Leader stole so much, it kind of skewered the amount the Org actually had.

firs he's not "my" leader and second it appears the NRA isn't so mighty as you want to think if they are stealing so much from their supporters.

the NRA is the left's "boogieman" and nothing the NRA has ever done in terms of lobbying is directly responsible for the act of a sick person.

this kid's dysfunctional family is the root cause not the NRA.
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Old 05-27-2022, 01:53 PM   #11
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Default The Trump NRA speach is already written

I can paraphrase it as:
Welcome fellow patriots to Houston Texas. Normally this would be a joyous occasion. However this year's convention begins and ends on a terrifically somber note because of the senseless tragedy in Uvalde Texas.

I ask you to remain silent and place each of these beautiful souls into your thoughtful prays and remain silent for as long as you can afterwards, while I read their names and a brief bio of each as their pictures display on the screens around the auditorium. Please remain silent for as long as you can and remember each and everyone of these souls in your prayers. Thank you.

<stage note:> I can't show you the images because of board rules. A great source for a them and brief bios is here: Texas school shooting: 21 victims named and pictured

<stage note:>Let all screens go to black and wait as long as possible until crowd noise begins

Continuing: I would like to introduce Jacob Albarado.
<stage note: read the information in the following article and put up the pictures from it on the screen> Heroic officer rushed into Uvalde school with barber’s shotgun to save daughter, wife

NOTE: It is not clear to me if this is the officer that neutralized the perp. I think it is NOT. Seems they are suppressing their name in the medias and probably for good reason. If not the same person - <such as: I would also like to thank...> consider bringing him out and/or read his name, if possible, otherwise his job title, and nothing more.
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Old 05-27-2022, 03:24 PM   #12
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“I’m so angry, saddened and grateful all at once. Only time will heal their pain and hopefully changes will be made at all schools in the U.S. and teachers will be trained & allowed to carry in order to protect themselves and students,” he wrote. - Jacob Albarado.

Politicians at the state and Federal level are too hog tied by polls to do anything decisive.

Municipalities at the county and town level could put programs in place to train willing teachers how to handle firearms and deal with active shooter situations.

We've gotten so caught up in the idea that things should be handled at the national level that we've lost sight of the original limited government created in the constitution and the resulting loss of individual and local power and initiative.

Lee Greenwood et al are virtue signaling pussies who's recordings should be boycotted. Nothing in the NRA program has changed in the last week.

If Alec Baldwin had taken a basic NRA gun safety course ....
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Old 05-27-2022, 03:34 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet View Post

Lee Greenwood et al are virtue signaling pussies who's recordings should be boycotted. Nothing in the NRA program has changed in the last week.
It is so funny how the Hardcore Right systematically culls ''turncoats'' from their group. Boycott Lee Greenwood? Hahaha

Nobody has bought a recording of his since 1991. But Trump has played ''God bless the USA'' at every rally of his.. Every one. I have heard it 3 times.

But because Greenwood believes Uvalde families should be respected, you want to boycott him. You are so pro-liberty and tolerance.. NOT!

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post

this kid's dysfunctional family is the root cause not the NRA.
No shit. I'm the first to say and post that. I never implicated the NRA at all. Never will.

Reading is Fundamental.
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Old 05-27-2022, 05:07 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
It is so funny how the Hardcore Right systematically culls ''turncoats'' from their group. Boycott Lee Greenwood? Hahaha

Nobody has bought a recording of his since 1991. But Trump has played ''God bless the USA'' at every rally of his.. Every one. I have heard it 3 times.

But because Greenwood believes Uvalde families should be respected, you want to boycott him. You are so pro-liberty and tolerance.. NOT!

No shit. I'm the first to say and post that. I never implicated the NRA at all. Never will.

Reading is Fundamental.

oh please stop slapping yer monkey .. er back. several people have pointed out this punk's fucked up family.
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Old 05-27-2022, 05:34 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
oh please stop slapping yer monkey .. er back. several people have pointed out this punk's fucked up family.
Yup. And they all copied me. Just like you did.
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