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Old 05-14-2022, 07:32 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by B.Wayne View Post
Do. Your. Worst. little man.
But to stay on topic since you keep hijacking, this review is truthful and done in a tasteful way that compliments the positives and doesn’t harp on the fact that misleading reviews(ers) made the op think he was getting something he did not. He didn’t bash the girl or agency. This is tasteful. You takin notes Casper the unfriendly ghost(rider)?
Aio has claimed that honor now. One of the many examples of that here...

Originally Posted by Aoi View Post
You don't want to answer questions because you know you're not being consistent across the board. All of your bullshit about how you want integrity from reviews and fairness and less hype is just that. Bullshit.
Bro! Why are you crying and attacking me about answering questions? What other question have you asked me? NONE!

Seems you’re just using my and Wayne’s replies as fuel for your baseless rants to hijack this thread and take it way off track from OP’s original intent of calling out Arisa as much older than what was stated by KFest, promoters and other reviewers. That’s what this review was about.

Please take your meds and go back to sleep. Let the review get back on course. DONE!
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Old 05-14-2022, 09:48 PM   #47
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I’m not lying about La I have no reason to lie. I have no dog in the fight. You think it’s not the bookers job to answer questions, I think it is. I’ve texted both kfest and sf and I’m not banned. I just don’t spend my money there, because as I sit back and watch, there is too much potential for a bad time. Issues with everything from service to price (upcharging) to the weight and look Of the girl and apparent attitude from the booker. Have I personally had any of it happen to me? No. Reading about it MULTIPLE times is enough for me to steer clear. Look how many handles got banned that did reviews for kfest. Were they fake handles? Or were they guys that got pointed? Well If you look at post history and join date it seems off putting that maybe some of the complaints that people have about kfest are legitimate.

Wasn’t it you that states LA was the ones upcharging? Or am I mistaken? Pretty sure it was you that claimed LA up charged and they don’t. Reports say kfest does upcharge. But a guy can’t ask those questions and get answers because you give a blanket statement about “ I may have got a service this guy didn’t.” Maybe,.. maybe not. That’s the angle I’m referring to. You say things like why is kfest the one getting a bad rap? Why indeed. People bring attention to some issues and the attitude is like “oh well” well why would you be surprised that kfest would get flak? If the info I get about kfest is in reviews, but the reviews are from fake handles, then why would I want to Use them as reliable. The answer is I wouldn’t.

Accurate reviews to me is consistency. Kfest doesn’t seem like it’s consistent. LA and some girls at sunflower seem to be more consistent. Let’s use an example does all the reviews of Ivy at LA offering Greek align? Yes she offers Greek not one guy looking for Greek came out and was upset because they read reviews that said ivy offers Greek and when they showed up she didn’t offer Greek. The reviews were consistent. You don’t get that at kfest.

I’m glad you brought up Julie. I asked about her several times no details were given. Maybe once someone would say something like ‘go see her’ that’s it. Why is that? Is it because she isn’t really one of the best in the biz or is it because some people didn’t see what the hype was? I don’t know, and I never will. Oh well, I tried. I had money to spend but nothing overwhelming with reviews or even excitement talking about her. So why would I want to see her? But to you she’s one of the best in the biz.

Let’s all blame the reviews that are trying to help the girls? How exactly is writing reviews by certain handles getting this amazing service by this perfect 10 model helping them? When other reviews contradict what some certain reviewers say. Like this one for example. This review is an example of turning a negative into a positive. The op says she wasn’t as young as stated and not quite as thin as stated by other reviewers’ reviews. How is the reviews stating how thin and young this woman is helping her when it is not accurate? Then your answer is going to be “it’s always been that way, but people are only complaining about kfest.”...... that is because you don’t get people going nuts about how off the ages and body types the girls are at other studios. I’m inexperienced at guessing an Asian woman’s age. But you and others have more practice. I’d figure you could be way closer than I am.

Originally Posted by Aoi View Post
There is info. They're called reviews. But then people get salty because a good review is glowing. But, only for one studio! IMAGINE THAT!

Lie about what exactly? That they received -x- service? Seriously, what exactly has anyone been lied about? Elaborate.

There is beef all across E. A bunch of old timers want to pretend they either own the scene or think their seniority grants them special privileges. And if someone dares to experience something different, they pull out the typical promoter accusation. It's a tale as old as time.

You're right. Whenever I question posters like Bamboo about their philosophy regarding reviews, he immediately hides behind stupid gifs or images. And we all know why. Because while he feels he can scrutinize and bitch about this and that as much as he wants, the moment someone steps up to him, he immediately folds like a tent. It's hilarious.

What am I selling? If you don't like my reviews. Fine. It's no big deal. Seriously, what angle do you think I'm trying to play here? Elaborate dude.

What do you consider accurate info? Reviews only from certain people? Seriously, what constitutes accurate reviews to you? If one person said he got this service and he legitimately got said service, why are you saying it's not accurate? What criteria must be met in order for something to be accurate? You're throwing around a bunch of generic terms but you aren't at all explaining it. Do it.

The same people who review LA are the same people who review the other studios. So, AGAIN, why does one seem to always miss your approval while the others, which follows the exact same pattern, meet it?

What practices? What people? Are you talking about the troll that has been banned multiple times? Seriously, you're throwing so many generic accusations, but you're not describing anything.

Because you can't tell the future and no matter how good a review someone writes about anyone at any given studio, your visit might be different. This isn't news. People sometimes get bad experiences. Look at Foxy for example.

If you persist and start to complain about how you're going to complain about that on a review site? Yes. Guess who did that? His screen name begins with a V!

It's not the booker's job to give you the menu. What happens BCD is on YOU. If the booker says -x- girl does -y- service but you don't get it in that visit, it makes the booker look bad. That's why the bookers hate answering that shit. So, either you're lying about LA or you're banned from KF for another reason.

Nope. Why would I want to screen and deal with people?

You want info? Read the reviews.

Of course they will. Why wouldn't they? They come here for work. The fact that they come here at all is amazing considering Dallas' unbelievably shitty rep.

Yes, it is agenda-based. It's commonly referred to as networking. If Cali girl A got a lot of business here, she'll tell Cali girl B, Cali girl C and Cali girl D to come here because she banked.

Who says the reviews of the Cali girls can't be believed? The small contingent of whiners who don't realize how badly Dallas needs more talent? The senior reviewers here who think they matter

Says who? What exactly here has spread like wildfire lately? When Perfect, who was a legend pre-rona, came back here, there was nothing. When greek friendly Seven came back to town, did her return spread like wildfire? When Julie, who is one of the best in the biz was back for a while in the studio scene, where was the fire for her? What about Susan? She was working here and is a known legend. But she ended up spreading all alright. Right the hell out of here.

But yes, let's all blame the reviews that are trying to help the girls. Those are the REAL bad people!
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Old 05-14-2022, 10:36 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by Aoi View Post
There is info. They're called reviews. But then people get salty because a good review is glowing. But, only for one studio! IMAGINE THAT!

Lie about what exactly? That they received -x- service? Seriously, what exactly has anyone been lied about? Elaborate.

There is beef all across E. A bunch of old timers want to pretend they either own the scene or think their seniority grants them special privileges. And if someone dares to experience something different, they pull out the typical promoter accusation. It's a tale as old as time.

You're right. Whenever I question posters like Bamboo about their philosophy regarding reviews, he immediately hides behind stupid gifs or images. And we all know why. Because while he feels he can scrutinize and bitch about this and that as much as he wants, the moment someone steps up to him, he immediately folds like a tent. It's hilarious.

What am I selling? If you don't like my reviews. Fine. It's no big deal. Seriously, what angle do you think I'm trying to play here? Elaborate dude.

What do you consider accurate info? Reviews only from certain people? Seriously, what constitutes accurate reviews to you? If one person said he got this service and he legitimately got said service, why are you saying it's not accurate? What criteria must be met in order for something to be accurate? You're throwing around a bunch of generic terms but you aren't at all explaining it. Do it.

The same people who review LA are the same people who review the other studios. So, AGAIN, why does one seem to always miss your approval while the others, which follows the exact same pattern, meet it?

What practices? What people? Are you talking about the troll that has been banned multiple times? Seriously, you're throwing so many generic accusations, but you're not describing anything.

Because you can't tell the future and no matter how good a review someone writes about anyone at any given studio, your visit might be different. This isn't news. People sometimes get bad experiences. Look at Foxy for example.

If you persist and start to complain about how you're going to complain about that on a review site? Yes. Guess who did that? His screen name begins with a V!

It's not the booker's job to give you the menu. What happens BCD is on YOU. If the booker says -x- girl does -y- service but you don't get it in that visit, it makes the booker look bad. That's why the bookers hate answering that shit. So, either you're lying about LA or you're banned from KF for another reason.

Nope. Why would I want to screen and deal with people?

You want info? Read the reviews.

Of course they will. Why wouldn't they? They come here for work. The fact that they come here at all is amazing considering Dallas' unbelievably shitty rep.

Yes, it is agenda-based. It's commonly referred to as networking. If Cali girl A got a lot of business here, she'll tell Cali girl B, Cali girl C and Cali girl D to come here because she banked.

Who says the reviews of the Cali girls can't be believed? The small contingent of whiners who don't realize how badly Dallas needs more talent? The senior reviewers here who think they matter

Says who? What exactly here has spread like wildfire lately? When Perfect, who was a legend pre-rona, came back here, there was nothing. When greek friendly Seven came back to town, did her return spread like wildfire? When Julie, who is one of the best in the biz was back for a while in the studio scene, where was the fire for her? What about Susan? She was working here and is a known legend. But she ended up spreading all alright. Right the hell out of here.

But yes, let's all blame the reviews that are trying to help the girls. Those are the REAL bad people!

Your wasting your time and breath with these guys. just put them on ignore and move on.
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Old 05-14-2022, 10:41 PM   #49
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Accurate reviews to me is consistency. Kfest doesn’t seem like it’s consistent. LA and some girls at sunflower seem to be more consistent. Let’s use an example does all the reviews of Ivy at LA offering Greek align? Yes she offers Greek not one guy looking for Greek came out and was upset because they read reviews that said ivy offers Greek and when they showed up she didn’t offer Greek. The reviews were consistent. You don’t get that at kfest.

Your reviews are not reflective with other ones on the same girl. There is no point to your case. I pasted all the links to those said review and posted the different reviews that did not support what you reviewed to be actual and consistent. I am amazed that the entire post went over your head. But not really. Arisa has great service as do most of the studio girls.
Those reviews have been consistent yet you squabble about Age or Weight or dirt under her toenails. That is the issue!!
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Old 05-15-2022, 01:52 AM   #50
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I’m replying to you not cyber stalking you so don’t get your panties in a wad. How exactly are my reviews of Ivy? If you are referring to Greek then no I have not done Greek with ivy but it was definitely on the table. I’m amazed you didn’t understand that but not really. You did the research apparently, so give me the cliff notes on the differences in reviews and I’ll address it unlike certain people that dodge questions.

You have over 150 reviews and you don’t think you should have a better guess as to the age and physical descriptions of the girls. Including Arisa? And you want to compare me and my few reviews of Asians? That doesn’t throw up a red flag at all? I’m feeling a little cyber stalked right now. Don’t make me release my bipolar. Bottom line as I said, this review is a reference of how to convey what could be a negative encounter, based on what could be found and regarded as deceptive reviews from other people, present company included as has been documented. And rather than bash the girl op did it different and it is refreshing feels honest and is well done.
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Old 05-15-2022, 09:19 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by BigBamboo View Post
Aio has claimed that honor now. One of the many examples of that here...

Bro! Why are you crying and attacking me about answering questions? What other question have you asked me? NONE!

Seems you’re just using my and Wayne’s replies as fuel for your baseless rants to hijack this thread and take it way off track from OP’s original intent of calling out Arisa as much older than what was stated by KFest, promoters and other reviewers. That’s what this review was about.

Please take your meds and go back to sleep. Let the review get back on course. DONE!
Typical BB response. Talks so much shit but when you get called out on your inconsistencies, you break sound barriers with how fast you run away.
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Old 05-15-2022, 09:20 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by B.Wayne View Post
I’m replying to you not cyber stalking you so don’t get your panties in a wad. How exactly are my reviews of Ivy? If you are referring to Greek then no I have not done Greek with ivy but it was definitely on the table. I’m amazed you didn’t understand that but not really. You did the research apparently, so give me the cliff notes on the differences in reviews and I’ll address it unlike certain people that dodge questions.

You have over 150 reviews and you don’t think you should have a better guess as to the age and physical descriptions of the girls. Including Arisa? And you want to compare me and my few reviews of Asians? That doesn’t throw up a red flag at all? I’m feeling a little cyber stalked right now. Don’t make me release my bipolar. Bottom line as I said, this review is a reference of how to convey what could be a negative encounter, based on what could be found and regarded as deceptive reviews from other people, present company included as has been documented. And rather than bash the girl op did it different and it is refreshing feels honest and is well done.
"You should know better"? You're dealing with ASIANS.
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Old 05-15-2022, 09:56 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by B.Wayne View Post
I’m not lying about La I have no reason to lie.
Never said you did. I'm asking why you are never calling out the glowing reviews of LA or other places but seem to be mister squeeky clean with KF. If you don't like KF, that is fine. This is about your philosophy, Wayne. You either call out all of the hyping or none of it at all.

I have no dog in the fight. You think it’s not the bookers job to answer questions, I think it is.
And you would be wrong. It's not the booker's job to know what the girl does or doesn't do. She's not the girls mom. If the booker says one thing but the girl doesn't deliver, again, it makes her look bad. How are you not understanding the role of the booker?

I’ve texted both kfest and sf and I’m not banned. I just don’t spend my money there, because as I sit back and watch, there is too much potential for a bad time.
Potential for a bad time? Yeah, that's called the future. Literally nobody knows what's going to happen. Not the booker, not you.

Issues with everything from service to price (upcharging) to the weight and look Of the girl and apparent attitude from the booker.
Cali girls are going to upcharge dude. That's how they do it in Cali. If you're okay with Walmart rates for Dallas but shit selection, that's on you. Dallas needs more girls. And if the mongers aren't going to pay, they ain't coming. You do understand that the booker doesn't actually see the girls physically, right? lol.

Have I personally had any of it happen to me? No. Reading about it MULTIPLE times is enough for me to steer clear. Look how many handles got banned that did reviews for kfest.
It didn't happen to you, but you just want to bitch about it? That's pointless spectating. Reading about it multiple times? Cite them.

Also, do you really want to open up the can of worms about multiple handles? LOL.

Were they fake handles? Or were they guys that got pointed? Well If you look at post history and join date it seems off putting that maybe some of the complaints that people have about kfest are legitimate.
Yeah, sort of how like the LA hype train is all less than two years old, right? Gee, I wonder.

Wasn’t it you that states LA was the ones upcharging?
If you're talking about Los Angeles. Yes. girls in Cali do upcharge.

Or am I mistaken? Pretty sure it was you that claimed LA up charged and they don’t.
Cite it.

Reports say kfest does upcharge.
Some do. Some don't.

But a guy can’t ask those questions and get answers because you give a blanket statement about “ I may have got a service this guy didn’t.” Maybe,.. maybe not.
That's the gaming being played, Noob. Some get amazing service. Some get the Don. Some get greek. They can close the deals. If you can't do it, too bad! You want answers? Read the fucking reviews.

That’s the angle I’m referring to. You say things like why is kfest the one getting a bad rap? Why indeed. People bring attention to some issues and the attitude is like “oh well”
Cite issues, bruh. Stop with the general fucking statements and get specific. Rude booker? Explain how. Beyond the answers I gave them. Less than good service? Again, that happens. Start citing.

well why would you be surprised that kfest would get flak?
Because you haven't been specific? This entire time, you're going off on what other people are saying.

If the info I get about kfest is in reviews, but the reviews are from fake handles, then why would I want to Use them as reliable. The answer is I wouldn’t.
What makes you think LA doesn't have fake handles? Sun? AS? Why is KF the only one that seems to be guilty of fake handles? AGAIN, you are selectively applying your principles to certain things but not others. Are you fucking blind that you don't see trends here? You must be. Or you do see it and you are actively ignoring it. Or, worst of all, you may be trying to push an agenda. I don't think it's the latter, but you are horrifically inconsistent.

Accurate reviews to me is consistency. Kfest doesn’t seem like it’s consistent. LA and some girls at sunflower seem to be more consistent.
How are they not inconsistent? And how is it that LA and Sun have the same review style but you deem them consistent? Dude, make up your fucking mind.

Let’s use an example does all the reviews of Ivy at LA offering Greek align? Yes she offers Greek not one guy looking for Greek came out and was upset because they read reviews that said ivy offers Greek and when they showed up she didn’t offer Greek.
Seven is greek-friendly but there were times during the spa era that she wouldn't let me put it in her ass. Does that make the reviews inconsistent?

The reviews were consistent. You don’t get that at kfest.
No, the reviews are consistent only when you want them to be and inconsistent because of biases you against studios. You've clearly pointed them out.

I’m glad you brought up Julie. I asked about her several times no details were given.
Depends on what you asked about.

Maybe once someone would say something like ‘go see her’ that’s it. Why is that? Is it because she isn’t really one of the best in the biz or is it because some people didn’t see what the hype was? I don’t know, and I never will.
Julie is one of the most well known gals in Dallas and in SF/LA. Reviews about her are ABUNDANT. But because your ass is too fucking lazy and/or you are intentionally not paying attention, you're blaming the studio.

Oh well, I tried. I had money to spend but nothing overwhelming with reviews or even excitement talking about her.
...wut? If you've read her reviews, you'd see why I think you're either full of it and/or lying. What qualifies as exciting to you?

So why would I want to see her? But to you she’s one of the best in the biz.
What the fuck do you think reviews are for, Wayne? If you couldn't take two seconds to actually read up on her, why the fuck is it the booker's job to tell you stuff you can see with a few clicks? That's on you. Stop blaming everyone else for your laziness, noob.

Let’s all blame the reviews that are trying to help the girls? How exactly is writing reviews by certain handles getting this amazing service by this perfect 10 model helping them?
If a review says he got -x- service and writes about it, who are you to say it is a lie? And why is it that you think the negative review isn't a lie? It sounds like you already made a decision and are then trying to force KF into that decision. That's called confirmation bias. You believe something and the moment someone says something that is akin to what you believe, you deem that the word. That's not how it works.

When other reviews contradict what some certain reviewers say. Like this one for example. This review is an example of turning a negative into a positive. The op says she wasn’t as young as stated and not quite as thin as stated by other reviewers’ reviews. How is the reviews stating how thin and young this woman is helping her when it is not accurate?
How old or thin a girl looks like is pretty fucking subjective, don't you think? The age and skinny range vary wildly across multiple reviews. What someone finds skinny, others might find not as much.

Then your answer is going to be “it’s always been that way, but people are only complaining about kfest.”......
If you get it, then why are you not applying the same fucking standards across ALL of the studios? Several reviews insanely hype up the girls beyond what they actually are physically. THIS IS NOT NEWS. Several reviews will say a girls tits are bigger than they really are. Several reviews will say a girl is skinnier than they actually are. But here are, complaining that KF is doing it. You don't think others do the exact same fucking thing? I'm not saying you should like KF or hate LA or Sun or AS or HD or anything. But if you're going to sit there and nitpick reviews for lacking integrity, do it right, Wayne.

that is because you don’t get people going nuts about how off the ages and body types the girls are at other studios.

Really? I've seen every girl in the market and a lot of them are nowhere near as dolled up or as nicely described in the reviews.

I’m inexperienced at guessing an Asian woman’s age. But you and others have more practice. I’d figure you could be way closer than I am.
It's not about women's ages. It's that you pick and choose when you bitch about the age and when not to. You are a hypocrite in how you apply the standards that you complain about the most.
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Old 05-15-2022, 10:14 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Aoi View Post
Typical BB response. Talks so much shit but when you get called out on your inconsistencies, you break sound barriers with how fast you run away.
Just to let you know, Aoi, I reported this post of yours to the mods since instead of sharing with me the question you say I’m avoiding you prefer to sling insults. Pretty low of you but expected. You’re probably just trying to draw me out and provoke me to escalate things less diplomatically so the mods will doc me points. Not going to work. I’ve asked you several times to repeat the question you say I’m dodging but you’ve yet to identify it. That’s on you so don’t make it my problem.

I’ve not run away and I’ve not hid - you don’t possess that sort of influence over anyone let alone me. So I suggest take your childish insults offline with a PM if you want to continue and allow this thread to revert back on topic.

Here’s the topic again since you’ve managed to divert the readers’ attention again with your mud slinging...

Originally Posted by J'Fukka View Post
Yes, Bamboo. Exactly like that.

I had choices in terms of who I wanted to see. The other girl available that day (named Emily), didn't have any reviews on her (at least not on ECCIE). I would have chosen Emily if I had seen an accurate review on Arisa.

I don't mind TOFTT if no one has reviewed a particular girl. But what good is a review to the community if the details are wrong. And I don't mean, "I'm-a-bad-judge-of-age" wrong, I mean, "The-review-says-27-and-this-woman-is-47" wrong.

I'm not going to kid myself and ask why hobbyists/providers would lie about ages. But I also know there are a lot of hobbyists on this board who would be thrilled to see a woman like Arisa KNOWING that she's in her 40s.

The good news for me is that I still had a good session with Arisa. My experience could have been a lot worse, and I'm glad it wasn't.
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Old 05-15-2022, 10:47 PM   #55
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Im a hypocrite? How exactly? I don’t call out exaggerated reviews for La and I’m being selective on when I want to apply my principles? Give me examples of your issues, what makes you right about the booker Instead of me On the bookers role? You keep saying to read the reviews but some kfest reviews are fake, you don’t talk about that. communicate the way you should. You’re talking in circles again and trying the manipulation tactic. It’s not working. Biomed is watching and he stood me up at the bowling alley, I hope youre happy. But don’t worry man, I’m not going to rtm you. You at least try to answer questions, even if it’s just talking in circles Unlike that other one that dodges them. Bamboo is right you are derailing the topic. You almost had me. This is about the ops experience with the girl who did not match the age description and physical looks that your buddy’s review States. You would think that a guy with over 150 reviews mostly of Asian women could be a better judge of age and physical description. But the op didn’t get hung up on it. he stated in a pretty good way his feelings on the matter.

Originally Posted by Aoi View Post
Never said you did. I'm asking why you are never calling out the glowing reviews of LA or other places but seem to be mister squeeky clean with KF. If you don't like KF, that is fine. This is about your philosophy, Wayne. You either call out all of the hyping or none of it at all.

And you would be wrong. It's not the booker's job to know what the girl does or doesn't do. She's not the girls mom. If the booker says one thing but the girl doesn't deliver, again, it makes her look bad. How are you not understanding the role of the booker?

Potential for a bad time? Yeah, that's called the future. Literally nobody knows what's going to happen. Not the booker, not you.

Cali girls are going to upcharge dude. That's how they do it in Cali. If you're okay with Walmart rates for Dallas but shit selection, that's on you. Dallas needs more girls. And if the mongers aren't going to pay, they ain't coming. You do understand that the booker doesn't actually see the girls physically, right? lol.

It didn't happen to you, but you just want to bitch about it? That's pointless spectating. Reading about it multiple times? Cite them.

Also, do you really want to open up the can of worms about multiple handles? LOL.

Yeah, sort of how like the LA hype train is all less than two years old, right? Gee, I wonder.

If you're talking about Los Angeles. Yes. girls in Cali do upcharge.

Cite it.

Some do. Some don't.

That's the gaming being played, Noob. Some get amazing service. Some get the Don. Some get greek. They can close the deals. If you can't do it, too bad! You want answers? Read the fucking reviews.

Cite issues, bruh. Stop with the general fucking statements and get specific. Rude booker? Explain how. Beyond the answers I gave them. Less than good service? Again, that happens. Start citing.

Because you haven't been specific? This entire time, you're going off on what other people are saying.

What makes you think LA doesn't have fake handles? Sun? AS? Why is KF the only one that seems to be guilty of fake handles? AGAIN, you are selectively applying your principles to certain things but not others. Are you fucking blind that you don't see trends here? You must be. Or you do see it and you are actively ignoring it. Or, worst of all, you may be trying to push an agenda. I don't think it's the latter, but you are horrifically inconsistent.

How are they not inconsistent? And how is it that LA and Sun have the same review style but you deem them consistent? Dude, make up your fucking mind.

Seven is greek-friendly but there were times during the spa era that she wouldn't let me put it in her ass. Does that make the reviews inconsistent?

No, the reviews are consistent only when you want them to be and inconsistent because of biases you against studios. You've clearly pointed them out.

Depends on what you asked about.

Julie is one of the most well known gals in Dallas and in SF/LA. Reviews about her are ABUNDANT. But because your ass is too fucking lazy and/or you are intentionally not paying attention, you're blaming the studio.

...wut? If you've read her reviews, you'd see why I think you're either full of it and/or lying. What qualifies as exciting to you?

What the fuck do you think reviews are for, Wayne? If you couldn't take two seconds to actually read up on her, why the fuck is it the booker's job to tell you stuff you can see with a few clicks? That's on you. Stop blaming everyone else for your laziness, noob.

If a review says he got -x- service and writes about it, who are you to say it is a lie? And why is it that you think the negative review isn't a lie? It sounds like you already made a decision and are then trying to force KF into that decision. That's called confirmation bias. You believe something and the moment someone says something that is akin to what you believe, you deem that the word. That's not how it works.

How old or thin a girl looks like is pretty fucking subjective, don't you think? The age and skinny range vary wildly across multiple reviews. What someone finds skinny, others might find not as much.

If you get it, then why are you not applying the same fucking standards across ALL of the studios? Several reviews insanely hype up the girls beyond what they actually are physically. THIS IS NOT NEWS. Several reviews will say a girls tits are bigger than they really are. Several reviews will say a girl is skinnier than they actually are. But here are, complaining that KF is doing it. You don't think others do the exact same fucking thing? I'm not saying you should like KF or hate LA or Sun or AS or HD or anything. But if you're going to sit there and nitpick reviews for lacking integrity, do it right, Wayne.

Really? I've seen every girl in the market and a lot of them are nowhere near as dolled up or as nicely described in the reviews.

It's not about women's ages. It's that you pick and choose when you bitch about the age and when not to. You are a hypocrite in how you apply the standards that you complain about the most.
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Old 05-15-2022, 11:18 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by B.Wayne View Post
Im a hypocrite? How exactly? I don’t call out exaggerated reviews for La and I’m being selective on when I want to apply my principles? Give me examples of your issues, what makes you right about the booker Instead of me On the bookers role? You keep saying to read the reviews but some kfest reviews are fake, you don’t talk about that. communicate the way you should. You’re talking in circles again and trying the manipulation tactic. It’s not working. Biomed is watching and he stood me up at the bowling alley, I hope youre happy. But don’t worry man, I’m not going to rtm you. You at least try to answer questions, even if it’s just talking in circles Unlike that other one that dodges them. Bamboo is right you are derailing the topic. You almost had me. This is about the ops experience with the girl who did not match the age description and physical looks that your buddy’s review States. You would think that a guy with over 150 reviews mostly of Asian women could be a better judge of age and physical description. But the op didn’t get hung up on it. he stated in a pretty good way his feelings on the matter.
Does Age matter, it did not in your reviews but yet your still here slinging the same rhetoric. I do not go to the door and ask how old are you so I can post it in my review. Thats a bad move for everyone. 150 reviews and not all Asian. Not sure what your trying to accomplish but it eludes me. I can be 0 for 150 in age guessing but you are also 0-3 in your brief time here.

What reviews are fake? I can show you hundreds on this board if you really want to get with it. Its not Kfest, its everyone of the studios. Did you RTM the fake reviews to the mods that you are sure that they are fake? How do you know they are fake?

You do not, unfortunately you say that out of ignorance. You do not know better. I get it. Bamboo can handle his conversations, again I state that you need to do research and it fails you because this is a simple case of "Dogpile" jump on top with no recourse.

Go get laid at LA. You Win!!! Who cares whats going on elsewhere? No one else certainly does!!
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Old 05-15-2022, 11:29 PM   #57
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I’m not cyber stalking you I’m just replying to you. Well there was a mod that enlightened people about fake handles that a certain unfriendly ghost had. That unfriendly ghost promotes this agency. You don’t see a problem? I think If you don’t see a problem with that it’s your ignorance and you do not know better. The op walked in to an encounter expecting something close to a description of other reviews on the ladies looks. The op apparently is a superhero because he was able to identify that the girl did not match the description he got from reviews. So it floors me that someone with way more experience can’t come close to matching the same conclusion in terms of looks and age? You seriously don’t see any issues?
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Old 05-15-2022, 11:41 PM   #58
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Did you go into the session of Victoria thinking she was 29? No, you went because she is a bad ass provider and nothing else mattered. The other girls were not protrayed that way.
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Old 05-16-2022, 09:54 AM   #59
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You are hung up on 29. I asked her she told me 29, I’m like ok whatever if you don’t want to tell me your real age. You should of saw the look she gave me when I said I like older provider in their 30s. Plus She tans and sometimes girls that tan look older and the lights are dim, with funky red or blue lights but honestly I think with more practice I could be better at guessing. I’ve got 8 Asians I’ve seen compared to how many that you have. I’m not cyber stalking you I’m replying to you. I know you said you don’t think I’m cyberstalking you but biomed does so I’m just making sure he’s paying attention. Hahahaha
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Old 05-16-2022, 11:11 PM   #60
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