Originally Posted by Onda411
Has anyone crossed since 4/1? What’s your go-to reason for crossing? Any issues? Thanks!
My god bro...some of these responses!!
Went over this past sunday april 10th.I went on the arrivecan website and filled out my information for my arrival at 330 pm.When i arrived at customs they asked me where was i going.I said im going to hamilton ontario to see my girlfreind.They asked how long i was staying...i said i wasnt sure if i was coming back that night or the following morning.Yhey said have a great night!!
I went to hamilton.Met up,had dinner then rented a hotel room off king street.Had an amazing time and finished up around 1130pm.
I decided to go home at that time.Drove to the queenston lewiston bridge about 1215am. They asked where i went? I said i saw my girlfreind in hamilton.we went out for dinner,had a little fun and now im on my way home.
We joked about dating canadians for about 1 minute and i proceeded to my home.
I am now here telling you what a great time i had and it was well worth it
This woody wood pecker guy is clueless!!