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Old 04-01-2022, 07:48 AM   #4711
dilbert firestorm
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New report: 255,000 ‘excess votes’ for Biden in six key 2020 states
by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist | | March 28, 2022 10:14 AM

A new deep dive into discrepancies in the ballot counts of six key battleground states in the 2020 election has turned up more than 250,000 “excess votes” for President Joe Biden, and maybe far more.

The key point in the upcoming peer-reviewed study for the journal Public Choice by economist and noted gun expert John Lott Jr. is that the excess voting may challenge — or explain — Biden’s margin of victory over former President Donald Trump in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

In his report, on the Public Choice website but still awaiting final approval, Lott said that there were 255,000 excess votes and possibly as many as 368,000 for Biden in the key states.

And in a review of his statistical study he provided to RealClearPolitics, he said that “Biden only carried these states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — by a total of 313,253 votes. Excluding Michigan, the gap was 159,065.”

Lott, who runs the Crime Prevention Research Center, said that his report was not meant to overturn the 2020 election but to reinforce the need for changes to voter identification, absentee voting, and provisional ballots.

“The point of this work isn’t to contest the 2020 election, but to point out that we have a real problem that needs to be dealt with. Americans must have confidence in future elections,” he wrote.

In the study, Lott reviewed voter registration rolls, actual in-person vote counts, absentee voting, and provisional ballots in counties where fraud has been alleged or suggested. He compared those counts to neighboring counties, arguing that the percentages should be similar.

What he found were major differences, raising questions of fraud.

He found unexplained votes, vast differences in absentee voting, and other problems such as bloated voter lists and felons illegally voting.

“In Fulton County, Georgia, 2,423 voters were not listed on the state’s records as registered, and 2,560 felons voted even though they had not completed their sentences,” Lott said in the report.

He concluded, “The voter turnout rate data provide stronger evidence of significant excess Biden votes in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The estimates imply that the counties wherein vote fraud was alleged returned between 142,000 and 368,000 excess Biden votes. While the findings reported here are dramatic, they may be underestimates because the voter turnout estimates do not account for ballots cast for the opposing candidate that are lost, destroyed, or replaced with ballots filled out for the other candidate. While it would involve a lot more work, it would be possible to apply the precinct level tests to compare turnout rates in adjacent precincts across all the counties where fraud was alleged."

The findings are likely to continue fueling questions raised by Trump supporters and the former president himself that an election they saw going their way on election night turned against them after midnight.
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Old 04-01-2022, 07:51 AM   #4712
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New Peer-Reviewed Research Finds Evidence of 2020 Voter Fraud

By John R. Lott Jr.
March 28, 2022

By a margin of 52% to 40%, voters believe that “cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.” That’s per a Rasmussen Reports survey from this month. This stands in stark contrast to the countless news stories editorializing about “no evidence of voter fraud” and “the myth of voter fraud.”

It isn’t just Republicans who believe this cheating occurred. Even 34% of Democrats believe it, as do 38% of those who “somewhat” support President Biden. A broad range of Americans think this: men, women, all age groups, whites, those who are neither white nor black, Republicans, those who are neither Republicans nor Democrats, all job categories, all income groups except those making over $200,000 per year, and all education groups except those who attended graduate school.

And with good reason. New research of mine is forthcoming in the peer-reviewed economics journal Public Choice, and it finds evidence of around 255,000 excess votes (possibly as many as 368,000) for Joe Biden in six swing states where Donald Trump lodged accusations of fraud. Biden only carried these states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – by a total of 313,253 votes. Excluding Michigan, the gap was 159,065.

The point of this work isn’t to contest the 2020 election, but to point out that we have a real problem that needs to be dealt with. Americans must have confidence in future elections.

Some Trump allies, such as attorney Sidney Powell, who famously promised to “Release the Kraken” and then provided no evidence, have helped to discredit these concerns.

Courts have rejected challenges to the 2020 presidential vote, generally citing the lack of evidence that any alleged fraud would have altered the outcome in a particular state. The Republican plaintiffs argued that since their observers couldn’t watch the vote counts or were prevented from seeing other evidence, they couldn’t provide such proof without investigations backed by subpoena power. Still, while some judges have agreed that irregularities occurred in 2020, they weren’t willing to grant discovery in the absence of evidence that fraud could reverse the election results. Republicans thus faced a Catch-22 situation.

Recounts haven’t been useful in resolving fraud concerns, as they merely involve recounting the same potentially fraudulent ballots.

Signature verification is far from perfect, as election employees have as little as five seconds to check a signature. Amidst unprecedented numbers of mail-in ballots in the 2020 election, many states didn’t even try to verify signatures. If someone mailed in multiple ballots, there was virtually no way to catch them. And without tamper-resistant photo IDs, fraud is difficult to prove. Unless someone tries voting multiple times in the same precinct, there is no way to catch them.

My research provides three tests of vote fraud.

First, I compared precincts in a county with alleged fraud to adjacent, similar precincts in neighboring counties with no fraud allegations. Precincts tend to be small, homogeneous areas, and many consist of fewer than a thousand registered voters. When comparing President Trump’s absentee ballot vote shares among these adjacent precincts, I accounted for differences in Trump’s in-person vote share and in registered voters’ demographics in both precincts.

While precincts count in-person votes, central county offices are responsible for counting absentee or mail-in ballots. A county with systemic fraud may count absentee or mail-in ballots differently from a neighboring county. We can try to detect this fraud by comparing the results in bordering precincts that happen to fall on opposite sides of a county line. These precincts will tend to be virtually identical to each other – voters may simply be on the other side of the street from their precinct neighbors.

In 2016, there was no unexplained gap in absentee ballot counts. But 2020 was a different story. Just in Fulton County, Georgia, my test yielded an unexplained 17,000 votes – 32% more than Biden’s margin over Trump in the entire state.

With the focus on winning the state, there is no apparent reason why Democrats would get out the absentee ballot vote more in one precinct than in a neighboring precinct with similar political and demographic characteristics.

Next I applied the same method to provisional ballots in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Contrary to state law, voters were allegedly allowed to correct defects in absentee ballots by submitting provisional ballots on Election Day. My analysis found that such permissions in Allegheny County alone contributed to a statistically significant 6,700 additional votes for Biden – in a state decided by fewer than 81,000 votes.

Finally, artificially large voter turnouts can also be a sign of vote fraud. This fraud could come in the form of filling out absentee ballots for people who didn’t vote, voting by ineligible people, or bribing people for their votes.

Republican-leaning swing state counties had higher turnouts relative to the 2016 election. Democratic-leaning counties had lower turnouts, except for the Democratic counties with alleged vote fraud, which had very high turnouts.

My estimates likely understate the true amount of fraud with absentee ballots, as I didn’t attempt to ascertain possible in-person voting fraud. Allegations have arisen of many ineligible in-person voters in Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. In Fulton County, Georgia, 2,423 voters were not listed as registered on the state’s records, and 2,560 felons voted even though they had not completed their sentences.

Vote fraud erodes trust in elections, and makes people less motivated to vote. Compared to Europe and other developed countries, America is unique in its lax approach to vote fraud. When all demographic and political groups in the U.S. support voter photo IDs and even 46% of Democrats believe that mail-in voting leads to cheating, ignoring Americans’ concerns won’t make the problem go away.

John R. Lott Jr. is the president of the Crime Prevention Research Center. Until January 2021, he was the senior adviser for research and statistics at the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Policy where he dealt with issues of vote fraud.
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Old 04-01-2022, 09:37 AM   #4713
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Time for a refresher on most used sources in this thread:


BitChute is an alt-tech video hosting service launched by Ray Vahey in January 2017. It is known for accommodating far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists, and for hosting hate speech.


The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far right fake news website.The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.


The site is popular among American right leaning users.


Blaze Media is an American conservative media company.


Breitbart.com is an American far-right syndicated news and opinion website.


SoulAsk bills itself as the gateway to knowledge on conspiracies, mysteries, the unexplained and the unknown. For lovers of the supernatural, bizarre and paranormal.


Right-wing site that helped to seed the conspiracy theory that the FBI is to blame for the Capitol riot

It is run by Darren Beattie, who worked as a speechwriter during the Trump administration.


The Washington Examiner is an American conservative news website and weekly magazine


Since the end of 2017, RealClearPolitics has had a rightward, pro-Trump turn in its content.
Formed in 2000 by a former options trader and advertising agency executive.
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Old 04-01-2022, 09:52 AM   #4714
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Default Only made it Defcon 2? Such an underachiever

Only made it to Defon 2 so far? Why do you have to be told what to think by someone else? Have you ever considered thinking for yourself? Not that you have the requisite tool for the job. I'm guessing you are not just a subscriber to NewsGuard, but also a stock holder
Tactics of the lame:
  1. Say the source is biased
  2. Get a pole dancer or other fact-checker (ministry of truther) on record
  3. Use labels
  4. Character assassination
  5. In case of fire, break glass and call them a racist

Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
Time for a refresher on most used sources in this thread:


BitChute is an alt-tech video hosting service launched by Ray Vahey in January 2017. It is known for accommodating far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists, and for hosting hate speech.


The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far right fake news website.The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.


The site is popular among American right leaning users.


Blaze Media is an American conservative media company.


Breitbart.com is an American far-right syndicated news and opinion website.


SoulAsk bills itself as the gateway to knowledge on conspiracies, mysteries, the unexplained and the unknown. For lovers of the supernatural, bizarre and paranormal.


Right-wing site that helped to seed the conspiracy theory that the FBI is to blame for the Capitol riot

It is run by Darren Beattie, who worked as a speechwriter during the Trump administration.


The Washington Examiner is an American conservative news website and weekly magazine


Since the end of 2017, RealClearPolitics has had a rightward, pro-Trump turn in its content.
Formed in 2000 by a former options trader and advertising agency executive.
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Old 04-01-2022, 09:54 AM   #4715
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post

New Peer-Reviewed Research Finds Evidence of 2020 Voter Fraud

By John R. Lott Jr.
March 28, 2022

By a margin of 52% to 40%, voters believe that “cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 U.S. presidential election.” That’s per a Rasmussen Reports survey from this month. This stands in stark contrast to the countless news stories editorializing about “no evidence of voter fraud” and “the myth of voter fraud.”

It isn’t just Republicans who believe this cheating occurred. Even 34% of Democrats believe it, as do 38% of those who “somewhat” support President Biden. A broad range of Americans think this: men, women, all age groups, whites, those who are neither white nor black, Republicans, those who are neither Republicans nor Democrats, all job categories, all income groups except those making over $200,000 per year, and all education groups except those who attended graduate school.

And with good reason. New research of mine is forthcoming in the peer-reviewed economics journal Public Choice, and it finds evidence of around 255,000 excess votes (possibly as many as 368,000) for Joe Biden in six swing states where Donald Trump lodged accusations of fraud. Biden only carried these states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – by a total of 313,253 votes. Excluding Michigan, the gap was 159,065.

The point of this work isn’t to contest the 2020 election, but to point out that we have a real problem that needs to be dealt with. Americans must have confidence in future elections.

Some Trump allies, such as attorney Sidney Powell, who famously promised to “Release the Kraken” and then provided no evidence, have helped to discredit these concerns.

Courts have rejected challenges to the 2020 presidential vote, generally citing the lack of evidence that any alleged fraud would have altered the outcome in a particular state. The Republican plaintiffs argued that since their observers couldn’t watch the vote counts or were prevented from seeing other evidence, they couldn’t provide such proof without investigations backed by subpoena power. Still, while some judges have agreed that irregularities occurred in 2020, they weren’t willing to grant discovery in the absence of evidence that fraud could reverse the election results. Republicans thus faced a Catch-22 situation.

Recounts haven’t been useful in resolving fraud concerns, as they merely involve recounting the same potentially fraudulent ballots.

Signature verification is far from perfect, as election employees have as little as five seconds to check a signature. Amidst unprecedented numbers of mail-in ballots in the 2020 election, many states didn’t even try to verify signatures. If someone mailed in multiple ballots, there was virtually no way to catch them. And without tamper-resistant photo IDs, fraud is difficult to prove. Unless someone tries voting multiple times in the same precinct, there is no way to catch them.

My research provides three tests of vote fraud.

First, I compared precincts in a county with alleged fraud to adjacent, similar precincts in neighboring counties with no fraud allegations. Precincts tend to be small, homogeneous areas, and many consist of fewer than a thousand registered voters. When comparing President Trump’s absentee ballot vote shares among these adjacent precincts, I accounted for differences in Trump’s in-person vote share and in registered voters’ demographics in both precincts.

While precincts count in-person votes, central county offices are responsible for counting absentee or mail-in ballots. A county with systemic fraud may count absentee or mail-in ballots differently from a neighboring county. We can try to detect this fraud by comparing the results in bordering precincts that happen to fall on opposite sides of a county line. These precincts will tend to be virtually identical to each other – voters may simply be on the other side of the street from their precinct neighbors.

In 2016, there was no unexplained gap in absentee ballot counts. But 2020 was a different story. Just in Fulton County, Georgia, my test yielded an unexplained 17,000 votes – 32% more than Biden’s margin over Trump in the entire state.

With the focus on winning the state, there is no apparent reason why Democrats would get out the absentee ballot vote more in one precinct than in a neighboring precinct with similar political and demographic characteristics.

Next I applied the same method to provisional ballots in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Contrary to state law, voters were allegedly allowed to correct defects in absentee ballots by submitting provisional ballots on Election Day. My analysis found that such permissions in Allegheny County alone contributed to a statistically significant 6,700 additional votes for Biden – in a state decided by fewer than 81,000 votes.

Finally, artificially large voter turnouts can also be a sign of vote fraud. This fraud could come in the form of filling out absentee ballots for people who didn’t vote, voting by ineligible people, or bribing people for their votes.

Republican-leaning swing state counties had higher turnouts relative to the 2016 election. Democratic-leaning counties had lower turnouts, except for the Democratic counties with alleged vote fraud, which had very high turnouts.

My estimates likely understate the true amount of fraud with absentee ballots, as I didn’t attempt to ascertain possible in-person voting fraud. Allegations have arisen of many ineligible in-person voters in Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. In Fulton County, Georgia, 2,423 voters were not listed as registered on the state’s records, and 2,560 felons voted even though they had not completed their sentences.

Vote fraud erodes trust in elections, and makes people less motivated to vote. Compared to Europe and other developed countries, America is unique in its lax approach to vote fraud. When all demographic and political groups in the U.S. support voter photo IDs and even 46% of Democrats believe that mail-in voting leads to cheating, ignoring Americans’ concerns won’t make the problem go away.

John R. Lott Jr. is the president of the Crime Prevention Research Center. Until January 2021, he was the senior adviser for research and statistics at the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Policy where he dealt with issues of vote fraud.
every sentient puss knows the dimocrats cheated

as barry goldwater said, "in your heart, you know i'm right"
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Old 04-01-2022, 10:14 AM   #4716
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As Trump said, "I never banged Stormy."

He just made her sign an NDA and paid her hush money because......
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Old 04-01-2022, 10:44 AM   #4717
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Default Technically your stink maybe could be included the OP topic if...

Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
As Trump said, "I never banged Stormy."
He just made her sign an NDA and paid her hush money because......
So if you have a copy of the NDA to back up your claims, please share it. Wait! WUT?!? the N stands for Non, as in Disclosure?!? And yet you know what is is in it how exactly? Are you Stormy Daniels IRL and being pissy because you lost in court and have a massive lien against you? It can only be one or the other. Come on, you can tell us - we already know. You go gurl.
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Old 04-01-2022, 10:46 AM   #4718
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
Time for a refresher on most used sources in this thread:


BitChute is an alt-tech video hosting service launched by Ray Vahey in January 2017. It is known for accommodating far-right individuals and conspiracy theorists, and for hosting hate speech.


The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far right fake news website.The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.


The site is popular among American right leaning users.


Blaze Media is an American conservative media company.


Breitbart.com is an American far-right syndicated news and opinion website.


SoulAsk bills itself as the gateway to knowledge on conspiracies, mysteries, the unexplained and the unknown. For lovers of the supernatural, bizarre and paranormal.


Right-wing site that helped to seed the conspiracy theory that the FBI is to blame for the Capitol riot

It is run by Darren Beattie, who worked as a speechwriter during the Trump administration.


The Washington Examiner is an American conservative news website and weekly magazine


Since the end of 2017, RealClearPolitics has had a rightward, pro-Trump turn in its content.
Formed in 2000 by a former options trader and advertising agency executive.
What a maroon. What is the source of YOUR information? MSNBC? Politico? Some other left wing source?
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Old 04-01-2022, 10:48 AM   #4719
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
As Trump said, "I never banged Stormy."

He just made her sign an NDA and paid her hush money because......
That really bothers you that much. A billionaire may have paid a porn actress for sex. How about a president using a 19 year old for sex? Which is worse?
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Old 04-01-2022, 10:49 AM   #4720
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2 ridiculous posts in a row.

One can't condone their sources used, so just attacks other possible source.

The other doesn't even realize Trump made Stormy sign a NDA agreement and paid her off. I guess T Rump does that just for fun.
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Old 04-01-2022, 10:52 AM   #4721
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
That really bothers you that much. A billionaire may have paid a porn actress for sex. How about a president using a 19 year old for sex? Which is worse?

It doesn't bother me. It bothers T Rump.

Who else would put out statement after statement about a relationship with a porn actress ?
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Old 04-01-2022, 10:52 AM   #4722
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
As Trump said, "I never banged Stormy."

He just made her sign an NDA and paid her hush money because......

two possibilities.

one he did bang her and when he decided to run for president she wanted hush money to keep quiet. then violated her NDA like a stupid cunt, now she owes him 500k which she doesn't have. dumb cunt!

or he didn't bang her and it was a shakedown from the start and he paid her hush money to prevent her from going to the press because he decided to run for president. they did meet at some golf event there's a photo of them. does it mean he banged her? maybe .. maybe not. if he didn't then the photo op was enough for a sleazy dufus like Avanatti to use it for hush money.

here it is

none of this would have happened if he hadn't run for president. same with that playboy chick. famous/rich people get extorted all the time. does not mean any allegations are true. doesn't mean they aren't. the reason people like Trump settle is to keep the allegation from going public in Trump's case an issue (true or false) that could affect his election chances.

Trump probably did bang her. so what? she even said she went willingly to his room and fucked him trying to get on his show. that was years before he ran for president and she never got on his show. again it was only because he decided to run this happened.

at the end of the day if you take a settlement with an NDA you should keep your slut mouth shut about it. now StromyTits owes him 500k.
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Old 04-01-2022, 11:08 AM   #4723
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Originally Posted by offshoredrilling View Post
May this thread RIP
It was until you decided to intentionally bump this joke of a thread for more drama, genius.
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Old 04-01-2022, 11:21 AM   #4724
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
That really bothers you that much. A billionaire may have paid a porn actress for sex. How about a president using a 19 year old for sex? Which is worse?
Don't forget the beauty pagent (sp) contestant.
Maybe someone can put a meme of that one up.
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Old 04-01-2022, 11:32 AM   #4725
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
That really bothers you that much. A billionaire may have paid a porn actress for sex. How about a president using a 19 year old for sex? Which is worse?
IMO, we're all on a whore board using fake names. None of us should act like we are the moral sex police when it comes to who fucks whom.
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