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Old 03-01-2022, 09:09 PM   #31
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HF, ima gonna tell you, I don't follow this biden son bit and Ukraine since with all the balleyhoo, nothing has been brought to court about it. *NOW* if you can show me any case that is related to his son that is in court, PLEASE post it here.
Lord knows I read that he witheld over $100M to have supposed charges dropped. That was proved false.

Don't torture me with tiktok videos that people tout.

And the only thing I listened to with donny and Ukrainian president is the documented shake down of him. Post whatever excuse he was hiding about behind with his "perfect phonecall."

Biden did strong arm the AG. And other leaders in European countries agreed with his actions since the guy is known to be corrupt.

Ukraine definitely was a shady place. That is how the current pres came to power there. The people thought anything has got to be better so why not elect a actor who portrays a president.

All this shit needs to be put on a backburner with the current situation. Doesn't help anything. Guess we are lucky that we can armchair it on a hooker board.
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Old 03-01-2022, 09:20 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Where’d NoirMan go?
It’s my understanding that he’s still lurking around. Even reading posts from time to time. It’s nice that you miss him.
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Old 03-01-2022, 09:31 PM   #33
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From someone that was definitely knowledgeable and an insider.

Bolton put it best

Bolton went on to say the former president only made moves that would benefit himself and his own political purposes, not the country.

"Why was he concerned about Ukraine in the summer of 2019? Because he wanted that DNC server," Bolton added. "Why was he concerned about corruption in Ukraine? Because he was looking for an excuse to cover the reason he was refusing to send $250 million of security assistance to the Ukraine, and only when that finally blew up in his face."
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Old 03-01-2022, 09:31 PM   #34
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... President TRUMP is the FAVOURITE to WIN in 2024. ..

#### Salty
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Old 03-01-2022, 09:32 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Where’d NoirMan go?

hiding/parked before he becomes HoeHummer


bhahahahahahahaaa ..YR.
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Old 03-01-2022, 10:14 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
HF, ima gonna tell you, I don't follow this biden son bit

There in lies your first problem. How are you going to understand a story you don't follow?

and Ukraine since with all the balleyhoo, nothing has been brought to court about it.

*NOW* if you can show me any case that is related to his son that is in court, PLEASE post it here.

And that surprises you with his dad as President and a House and Senate controlled by Democrats? You'll just have to wait till Nov./ Jan. before we'll see any real investigation of Hunter and "The Big Guy". You know who the big guy is, right?

Lord knows I read that he withheld over $100M to have supposed charges dropped. That was proved false.

Are you saying that Trump withheld money to have charges dropped? What charges? I really don't know what you are talking about but I'll give you a suggestion about debating, if you are going to say "something" ( at this point I have no idea what you are talking about ) was proven false, site the proof or is that to much to ask from someone who admits he doesn't follow this story?

Don't torture me with tiktok videos that people tout.

What the hell are you talking about? I've never been on TikTok and I certainly never posted any video from that site.

And the only thing I listened to with donny and Ukrainian president is the documented shake down of him. Post whatever excuse he was hiding about behind with his "perfect phonecall."

Documented? By who? And if it's "documented", you should be able to provide that documentation. Certainly not Zelinsky who said on more than one occasion that Trump never asked him to do what is being suggested and it sure as hell isn't in the transcript of the phone call. Have you read the transcript of the phone call? Can you point to the shake down part or are you merely parroting what you have heard from the opposition party? And once again, if you are going to say that there was a shake down, prove it, show us the words that prove the shake down. You seem to be very proud of the limited amount of information you possess.

Biden did strong arm the AG.

As in offering a quid pro quo, right?

And other leaders in European countries agreed with his actions since the guy is known to be corrupt.

So in the law against quid pro quo, it says that it is alright if certain people, the right kind of people agree with you, you can do it? Can you show me that? People accused Trump of offering Zelensky a quid pro quo, that wasn't proven in the phone call and Zelensky denied it, but maybe if it had happened, it would be OK because some people agreed with Trump? A bit of twisted logic.

Ukraine definitely was a shady place.

Hence Trump's concern about giving them 400 million dollars in aid.

That is how the current pres came to power there. The people thought anything has got to be better so why not elect a actor who portrays a president.

All this shit needs to be put on a backburner with the current situation. Doesn't help anything. Guess we are lucky that we can armchair it on a hooker board.

We're just talking here. Does anything said here help anybody? But we are still going to do it and yeah, we are damn lucky that we aren't all arming ourselves tonight to fight a hostile government that wants to take away our right to free speech. The right to hold a job even when one holds a different opinion than the "orthodox one" put forth by the government. Ben Franklin is looking prophetic saying "we've given you a Republic, if you can keep it". I've never seen it in more danger than with "this" Democrat party.
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Old 03-01-2022, 10:51 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post

From someone that was definitely knowledgeable and an insider.

Bolton put it best

Bolton went on to say the former president only made moves that would benefit himself and his own political purposes, not the country.

"Why was he concerned about Ukraine in the summer of 2019? Because he wanted that DNC server," Bolton added. "Why was he concerned about corruption in Ukraine? Because he was looking for an excuse to cover the reason he was refusing to send $250 million of security assistance to the Ukraine, and only when that finally blew up in his face."

Bolton is a neocon asshole Trump was right to fire his ass. his book directly contradicted The Atlantic's FALSE "bombshell" LIE that Trump didn't go to the Marine cemetery in France. of course The Atlantic relied on "unnamed sources" from the Intel community to fabricate the story.

why has not anyone come forward now that Trump is out of office to claim they heard what the Atlantic liars claim Trump said? because it never happened.

Bolton's book claimed that the Secret Service vetoed the trip due to weather. they couldn't take Marine One due to fog. they couldn't take the Beast due to the fact European roads are notoriously narrow and unsuitable for a large entourage of over an hour outside Paris.

naturally the press jumped in to "back up" the baseless claims of The Atlantic by claiming all sorts of other world leaders were all over Paris that day in 2017 despite the bad weather. what they didn't say is that none left Paris proper to drive over an hour away. you can drive around Paris all day .... to road trip 60 miles in bad weather is entirely another issue.

just one of thousands of press lies to denigrate His Regal Majesty the Lord Emperor Donald, Supreme Ruler of the Multiverse.

and yet you and your America hating ilk believe this pulp fiction like a Quentin Tarantino movie.

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Old 03-02-2022, 05:23 AM   #38
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Nothing you typed has shit to do with Ukraine. Typical deflection. Trump held up aid to Ukraine because he wanted to try and get dirt on Biden. Stick to the post at hand if you’re intellectually capable.

And yes I say so Wacko.
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Old 03-02-2022, 05:39 AM   #39
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Lord Wacko doesn't give a fuck about Ukraine. And he said so.
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Old 03-02-2022, 06:00 AM   #40
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Trump is as dumb as the Trumpys on this site. He didn’t know, years into his presidency, that Findland wasn’t part of Russia. He’s gotta be the stupid genius ever.

Bolton notes how all Trump cared about was following stupid conspiracy theories about a DNC server in Ukraine while Ukrainians were actually in a conflict with Russia attacking them by proxy and directly.

ECCIE Trumpys May be even dumber than Trumpys at large.
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Old 03-02-2022, 09:42 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
HF, ima gonna tell you, I don't follow this biden son bit and Ukraine since with all the balleyhoo, nothing has been brought to court about it. *NOW* if you can show me any case that is related to his son that is in court, PLEASE post it here.
Lord knows I read that he witheld over $100M to have supposed charges dropped. That was proved false.

Don't torture me with tiktok videos that people tout.

And the only thing I listened to with donny and Ukrainian president is the documented shake down of him. Post whatever excuse he was hiding about behind with his "perfect phonecall."

Biden did strong arm the AG. And other leaders in European countries agreed with his actions since the guy is known to be corrupt.

Ukraine definitely was a shady place. That is how the current pres came to power there. The people thought anything has got to be better so why not elect a actor who portrays a president.

All this shit needs to be put on a backburner with the current situation. Doesn't help anything. Guess we are lucky that we can armchair it on a hooker board.
And Al Capone's only crime was being sloppy with his taxes. You're drinking too much cough syrup for your covid. There is video of Biden confessing (he's actually bragging) to the crime of you accuse Trump of. Biden told the president of Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Hunter or they would not get the billion dollars promised by Obama. A definite quid pro quo. Without the quid pro quo, there is no crime as they found out when they investigated Trump's phone call. Of course, Trump releases the transcript and fucked up Schiff's day. Talk about an AG being corrupt, Schiff is the poster child for corruption and lying. By the way, have any proof that the AG of Ukraine was corrupt? Nope, no Tik Tok videos will be accepted. You made the claim, now back it up.
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Old 03-02-2022, 10:11 AM   #42
Yssup Rider
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
he's the white Ukrainian Michael Jackson. who knew????

Michael Jackson was the white American Michael Jackson.

What's your point, bub?
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Old 03-02-2022, 08:40 PM   #43
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HF, ima gonna tell you, I don't follow this biden son bit

There in lies your first problem. How are you going to understand a story you don't follow?

Because as I said in the next sentence....

and Ukraine since with all the balleyhoo, nothing has been brought to court about it.

*NOW* if you can show me any case that is related to his son that is in court, PLEASE post it here.

And that surprises you with his dad as President and a House and Senate controlled by Democrats? You'll just have to wait till Nov./ Jan. before we'll see any real investigation of Hunter and "The Big Guy". You know who the big guy is, right?
What does the current status of a guys dad and who is majority or minority on the Hill have to do with it? As I stated, show me a case that has been brought to court about him. *ANYBODY* can bring a case to court. You can also show me that a case can't be brought to court because of someones political office?
That's just stupid to say. And donny had 4 years to push a case with courts that he helped rig thanks to mitch. If there ever was an easy pitch to hit that was it. So, if it didn't happen than, what makes you think waiting is going to help? Justice delayed...

Lord knows I read that he withheld over $100M to have supposed charges dropped. That was proved false.

Are you saying that Trump withheld money to have charges dropped? What charges? I really don't know what you are talking about but I'll give you a suggestion about debating, if you are going to say "something" ( at this point I have no idea what you are talking about ) was proven false, site the proof or is that to much to ask from someone who admits he doesn't follow this story?
I'll leave this alone and allow me to retract because I was mentioning something else about biden and I don't want to take away from the point I brought up. (I only put it there because there are a 1,001 things shouted by both parties.)

Don't torture me with tiktok videos that people tout.

What the hell are you talking about? I've never been on TikTok and I certainly never posted any video from that site.
That one is entirely my fault. I addressed you by initials and to the best of my knowledge, you don't post those. *I* have been dealing with them from someone else who practically uses them as their only source of information. I still don't think it has sunk in to them that tiktok is owned by the Chinese

And the only thing I listened to with donny and Ukrainian president is the documented shake down of him. Post whatever excuse he was hiding about behind with his "perfect phonecall."

Documented? By who? And if it's "documented", you should be able to provide that documentation. Certainly not Zelinsky who said on more than one occasion that Trump never asked him to do what is being suggested and it sure as hell isn't in the transcript of the phone call. Have you read the transcript of the phone call? Can you point to the shake down part or are you merely parroting what you have heard from the opposition party? And once again, if you are going to say that there was a shake down, prove it, show us the words that prove the shake down. You seem to be very proud of the limited amount of information you possess.
The White House. That's who. I ain't gonna pay $$$ to get the *official* transcript but it has not been proved a lie. And you are wrong. donny did do, not as I "suggested", he did as I said which is stated in the official White House transcript. Go ahead. Read the transcript yourself.
If you can prove it's false, please do as you say and supply the source.

Biden did strong arm the AG.

As in offering a quid pro quo, right?
I use to use that phrase before donny.

And other leaders in European countries agreed with his actions since the guy is known to be corrupt.

So in the law against quid pro quo, it says that it is alright if certain people, the right kind of people agree with you, you can do it? Can you show me that? People accused Trump of offering Zelensky a quid pro quo, that wasn't proven in the phone call and Zelensky denied it, but maybe if it had happened, it would be OK because some people agreed with Trump? A bit of twisted logic.
I am merely stating that funds that the Hill granted to Ukraine were held up by donny for his own personal gain. Look at the transcript (unless you prove it is fake....and that's a hard one to do with Politico....you will plainly see it yourself. If you can't find it in there, I will put the specific section here.

Ukraine definitely was a shady place.

Hence Trump's concern about giving them 400 million dollars in aid.
Uh, no. The people who elected the congress members gave the money. donny was there to rubberstamp it. But he wanted personal gain, might I add, from money that wasn't his, before he would sign it off.

That is how the current pres came to power there. The people thought anything has got to be better so why not elect a actor who portrays a president.

All this shit needs to be put on a backburner with the current situation. Doesn't help anything. Guess we are lucky that we can armchair it on a hooker board.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
We're just talking here. Does anything said here help anybody? But we are still going to do it and yeah, we are damn lucky that we aren't all arming ourselves tonight to fight a hostile government that wants to take away our right to free speech. The right to hold a job even when one holds a different opinion than the "orthodox one" put forth by the government. Ben Franklin is looking prophetic saying "we've given you a Republic, if you can keep it". I've never seen it in more danger than with "this" Democrat party.
Yes, we are just talking here. And thank god we were given that Right a long time ago. And if people realize that, GOOD! If not, *we* are helping them.

Like how you closed your post there, HF.
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Old 03-02-2022, 09:37 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Michael Jackson was the white American Michael Jackson.

What's your point, bub?

if you say so
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Old 03-02-2022, 09:38 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
Lord Wacko doesn't give a fuck about Ukraine. And he said so.

i said so
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