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Old 03-01-2022, 12:20 PM   #1
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Default Savannah the ghost

User ID: -
Date: 3/1/2022
Name: Savannah
Phone: 850-400-8108
Email Address: -
URL (Profile or Bio Page):https://pensacola.skipthegames.com/f...e/244427374433
City: Pensacola
State: Florida
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: waiting
Duration of Encounter: 60 minutes. Made the appt the day before showed up at the address and she never showed our replied.
Hair Length and Color:never saw her
Age: no idea
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description:Again never saw her
Recommendation: No
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Old 03-01-2022, 02:37 PM   #2
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That's not like the Savannah I know. I would highly recommend giving her another chance. Absolutely one of the very best BBBJCIM in the Panhandle. Sweet person too!
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Old 03-01-2022, 04:53 PM   #3
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Well allow me to add to this. I've known Savannah and her family for many years. And maybe you wanna call and talk to her before you post a negative review. If you did you would find she was at the emergency room/ hospital in fort Walton beach. Her 3 yr old granddaughter was hospitalized and she spent most the day there comforting her son and see her granddaughter was ok. I think that would be acceptable reason to become a ghost. Had rolls been reversed I'd been gone too. So really I'd correct the review or something. I don't think she should feel any adverse effect for caring for family. That's just me personally. I hate to see a good girls rep take a hit.
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Old 03-02-2022, 06:48 AM   #4
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Not hard to text family emergency so someone isn't sitting at a meet up dick in hand waiting for a neighbor to call the cops.
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Old 03-02-2022, 07:35 AM   #5
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Here comes the white knight dawgfan6969 lol. Stop defending bad comm practices. She could set the meet up but couldn’t cancel? Sounds like typical bad practices to me
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Old 03-02-2022, 08:27 AM   #6
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Capt Savahoe, “”bad coms!”” she did the same to me. Another day found out later “just forgot to have her phone” In the 33 mins if took me to get through traffic to her place Ya becoming a common thing around this neck of the woods :-(
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Old 03-03-2022, 06:57 PM   #7
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Nah not really defending bar comms . Just simply saying none of us should say a damn thing unless we know the full story. I mean if my 3 yr old granddaughter was lifeor death and not breathing on her own I'll be dead honest and all you would feel the same. I got nothing on my mind but her and not weather someones gonna be dick hurt about it. From what I Know of her business doings she not limealot of the women on here and just has a lengthy history. I was with the family that morning in the hospital and she was upset she left her phone at home because she flew outta there in such a frantic blur. I told her don't sweat the phone or whatever it would keep. But she was worried about it. Her granddaughter having a machine breath for her and she's stressing over letting some one down. Oh no some one might not get his rocks off. Not everything revolves around us guy's. This whole hobby will be better when ppl start to understand that sometimes shit happens. Not like we ate it at fault for something's . But we forget about alot of it butwealso forget that these women are pppl to and have lives beyond all of this but we act like of there in the hobby then there items not ppl and that's not right either. I'm guilty of it myself so. Not just calling out everyone else, I'm guilty of stuff too and we all can improve on treating ing these women like ppl.
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Old 03-03-2022, 07:13 PM   #8
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And I'll add this as well because from time to time Ill drive from place to place. I drive Uber as well and I'll cut her a price break she will just pay me and not uber. On numerous occasions I've taken her to appointments only to have it be a bullshit address orits the right address but the don't answer the phone ordoir. So not only are they playing games but they cost her time and money and the same for me. That's why I'm saying something cause itstares affecting other pplthen that's taking shit to far. And here we are grilling her for caring for her granddaughter. Last night alone 3 fucking goose shases for nothing. 1 from pcola to Destin. I just think some one has too much time and not enough balls wanting to play games like that but we wonder why so many want a deposit. We brought that on our selfs. Boils down to respec.
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Old 03-03-2022, 09:40 PM   #9
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Spicy Convo... End of day, whether you know her, or you have built some empathy for her, she is running a business, and there is no sympathy in good business. Clear communication is Paramount. I hope all is well with her, her family, and this review is so empty it's not really necessary, but it's posted, it's accurate from his perspective, and he isn't in the wrong. Gotta stop enabling bad behavior just cause you know em....
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Old 03-04-2022, 08:00 AM   #10
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Very true.And the only reason I say something in this instance is I can see blasting the icendent if this women had a steady history of this behavior and/or for that matter a list of bad reviews. Which from what I see she does not. And also like I said before are we as "Gentleman" with out sin. Hell no if we are to expect things be to adhered to or we would like guidelines followed the possibly we should hold ourselves to the same set of standards. Her and for instance has a few points of respect like says she doesn't send extra pics or parcipate in playing the picture collection game, dam near 9 out 10 asksafter reading her rules. She clearly states that her prices are firm and on negotiable again 8 out of 10 try to hagle her down. Lastly she clearly states that it's her time that she collects a raid for not specific services but just about every person will hey can I get this hey can I get that how much for this and then she has to kindly remind him and then they get all bent out of shape about it but come on gentlemen how can we expect them to follow our guidelines if we don't follow theirs I'm just pointing that out let us not stand in a glass house and throw rocks here and I'm guilty of it too as I said but driving her from place to place time to time I've got to listen to questions that she's had to field and answers and just the total bullshit that they go through on the other end of that phone is just I didn't realize that we are calling ourselves you know hobbyist and gentlemen but we don't maintain that standard but we expect them to that's the only reason I'm on my soapbox on this one cuz it's almost the do want to others if you want respect you got to give respect right. We say our time is valuable well I'm sure there's this too if you look at them from a person standpoint and I mean yes it is a business but it's a business that still has to come with respect and we have to understand that they are people they're not objects being sold to do with as we please there's guidelines. And I'll State my point again BdEnergydrip I'm no otsure if you have children or grandchildren of your own I myself I have both and I know if I was in her position the last thing I will be thinking about would be this this stuff right here I would handle the fallout and I would apologize to whoever after the fact but getting his rocks off or whatever would have not even across my mind. My children or grandchildren are family and care for your family should be Paramount. Every thing else is secondary. And I think it's wrong if a person to think that they should be placed above a seriously I'll child. Ok rant over... And for anyone who has ever seen Savannah would know that she's pretty consistent and will go above and beyond to make sure that we leave happy and pleased. So let's take that into consideration before we start acting like selfish children I'm not saying that towards you BdEnergydrip.
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Old 04-01-2022, 04:43 PM   #11
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Default UPDATE

I talked to her a few days ago she explained the issue. We set up another meeting and it was amazing had a great time and will certainly do it again.
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Old 04-02-2022, 05:55 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by diverx69 View Post
I talked to her a few days ago she explained the issue. We set up another meeting and it was amazing had a great time and will certainly do it again.
Are you going to write a formal review?
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Old 04-03-2022, 12:07 AM   #13
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Wow, dawgfan6969 it's a good thing you know so much about Savannah and aren't actually her pretending to be a guy. Cuz that would be totally obvious, right?
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Old 04-15-2022, 11:34 AM   #14
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Absolutely that would just be wrong. But rest assured I'm a guy and I know alot about her and met her actually thru her brother, Ive been a friend of her brothers for over 20 yrs. So I'm pretty close to the whole family
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Old 04-15-2022, 12:44 PM   #15
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I believe this horse is dead.....how about we quit beating it?
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