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Old 01-01-2022, 01:13 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
Let me know when there’s a vaccine. At the moment, we’ve got people freaking out about people spreading a disease they don’t have to other people who are vaccinated against it. Call me crazy, but I don’t think that’s ideally how a vaccination should work.
We have several vaccines. Kinda confused where you're going with this, tbh. Vaccinated people ~tend~ to be fine. But in large numbers, even a very small percentage can lead to severe consequences. 99% survival rate sounds great, but a 1% mortality for a 300 million population system is a 3 million death count, which is more death than all other causes combined. Sure, it's an oversimplification, but the point is small percentages can't be discounted. There's a reason we leave the data analysis to the PhDs. So yes, I'll call you crazy because, to be blunt, it doesn't matter how you think a vaccine should work. This isn't your field of expertise, so just because a solution doesn't make sense to you doesn't take away from its validity. Sorry, it's pretty blunt and rude, but it is what it is: you don't know what you're talking about. I've got a master's in biomedical sciences and am currently a med student with several years of clinical experience, but I'm no expert either. Read what the epidemiologists are saying. Don't try and theorycraft for yourself.

Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Do you believe Senile Biden and the federal government should be blocking any potential lifesaving treatment for Covid (which includes the distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments) in the U.S.
Ok. Direct answer: absolutely. Again, monoclonal antibodies are not the end-all-be-all. There are very specific situations to use them, and they are very expensive. Florida, along with the other 6 states who were limited, were using up 70% of the nation's supply. Even after the limit, Florida still had the nation's highest distribution. The issue is that doctors in these states were just ordering MABs for basically all COVID patients, and it's not actually effective against all cases. So yes, if a few states are taking up a vast majority of the nation's supply, absolutely they should be limited.

Originally Posted by bambino View Post
I had Covid in March. Wasn’t any worse than any other bug I’ve had in my life. Maybe I was lucky. In my circumstance, I see no reason to take the “good hostage”. I’m in hospitals everyday. Don’t kid yourself. The vaxed are there too. And some are dying. Depends on age and co-morbidities. The MNra jabs are not vaccines, but treatments. Experimental ones at that. Vaers confirms that there’s more deaths and adverse consequences from these “vaccines” than all others combined in the last 15yrs. Where there’s smoke there’s fire eh? But now we’re in the Omnicron phase of the virus, which by all accounts is mild. Why take an experimental jab now? The survival rate for the original variants was 99%, depending on age. Why not take your chances of getting Omnicron and establishing natural immunity which is tried and true over a thousand years? I’m for people making their on decisions. Do what you feel is right for you.
Dude, what? Ok, bit by bit
1) Yes, you were probably lucky. There's a reason why we don't use anecdotal data.
2) Yes, there are vaccinated people in the hospital with COVID. That being said, they are ~significantly~ outnumbered by the unvaccinated. We're talking like 1:100 ratios. Even then, the vaccinated are, by and large, immunocompromised (organ transplants, genetic disorders, etc.) whereas the unvaccinated patients don't even necessarily have comorbidities before require hospitalization.
3) Do you know what a vaccine is, and what a treatment is? A vaccine prepares your immune system against a potential incoming threat. A treatment is a therapy used to target a threat that is already present. There are exactly 0 reasons to give the "mRNA jab" to someone who already has COVID (thereby excluding it from the definition of what a treatment is). The mRNA vaccine stimulates the body to produce a protein found on the virus (without the virulence of the microorganism) and prepares it to fight the virus if the body ever encounters it (thereby fitting it neatly in the definition of a vaccine).
4) The Pfizer vaccine is fully FDA approved, which removes it from the "experimental" category.
5) VAERS is individual reporting. As it happens, people suck at differentiating between correlation and causation. For example, a statistically significant number of professional hockey players were born in the early months of the year. Does that mean birth month actually causes a person to be better at hockey? Certainly not. A quick google search will reveal the actual relationship between the variables for those curious.
Actual analyses done (like this one: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jam...rticle/2787361) show that adverse effects are exceedingly rare.
6) Omicron is a variant, not a phase. But yes, initial data suggests it appears to be milder than previous variants. You got one thing right. But the transmissibility increase significantly outweighs the reduction in severity.
7) Natural immunity sure is tried and true over thousands of years. We as a race have survived so far right? Granted we had things like the Bubonic plague, which wiped out a third of Europe. Or we had things like polio, which essentially removed any quality of life for patients.
8) I'm all for people making their own informed decisions... keyword there being "informed".
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Old 01-01-2022, 06:34 AM   #62
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You lost all credibility when you mentioned Pfizer being fully approved by the FDA. The FDA approved Pfizer’s Cominarty named vaccine. Which isn’t available yet. So The vaccines given in the US are all under EUA. DUH. I can shoot down the rest of your twaddle but we’ve already been warned about staying on the thread topic.

So what’s your professional opinion on monoclonal antibodies? Inquiring minds want to know.
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Old 01-01-2022, 10:08 AM   #63
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Think about what you're claiming here. You're telling me that Pfizer actually developed two separate vaccines, and the FDA gave emergency use authorization to one, and then randomly decided to give full authorization to the other one that "isn't available in the US"? Where is it available then? Where are the trials done for the approval of that one? What's the difference between the "two" vaccines?

Let's make this clear: there's only 1 Pfizer (+other companies) COVID-19 vaccine, and it has full FDA approval. As for responding to my "other twaddle"… yes… great response… "I can, but I should stay on topic"… lol.
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Old 01-01-2022, 10:15 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by AznPersuasion2 View Post
Think about what you're claiming here. You're telling me that Pfizer actually developed two separate vaccines, and the FDA gave emergency use authorization to one, and then randomly decided to give full authorization to the other one that "isn't available in the US"? Where is it available then? Where are the trials done for the approval of that one? What's the difference between the "two" vaccines?

Let's make this clear: there's only 1 Pfizer (+other companies) COVID-19 vaccine, and it has full FDA approval. As for responding to my "other twaddle"… yes… great response… "I can, but I should stay on topic"… lol.
There isn’t an AVAILABLE FDA approved vaccine in the US. Period. I suggest you start a thread on that specific topic. Monoclonal antibodies do work. Biden has no business holding them back.
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Old 01-01-2022, 11:19 AM   #65
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Talk about losing all credibility... the Cominarty isn't available nonsense got debunked months ago when Ron Johnson was spouting off about it.

MABs CAN work, but that doesn't mean all of them do in all circumstances or against all variants. Beliefs can live devoid of facts but they aren't facts.
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Old 01-01-2022, 12:54 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
Depends on the treatments. Depends on the MABS. Depends on the context. The question as stated is overly broad. Which is why it's a bullshit question.

Should people have more choices of treatments? Probably.

Should they have access to fringe or bleeding edge possibities that have no EUA? Probably not.
No, it is not a bullshit question. You just don't like it.

-The federal government has bought up and controls the supply of MABs.
-The federal government had been directing these MABs to every state
-They all have EUAs
-Now, Senile Biden and the federal government is withholding most MABs from most states

That is criminal.

People and their physicians should have a choice of all treatments available.
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Old 01-01-2022, 12:58 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Monoclonal antibodies are very effective in treating Covid. If you have UPMC insurance they will pay for it. But you need to prove your symptoms to reach their threshold. There’s another option in Pittsburgh
Exactly Bam. MABs are a very effective treatment for people who meet the threshold for their use. So why is the federal government withholding this treatment from the states.

Let the physicians treating these patients make the decision
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Old 01-01-2022, 01:07 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
Can be effective. 2 of the heavy hitters that help with Delta aren't effective against Omicron.

Those are the two being effectively dropped from the rotation, potentially prematurely. Is that criminal as asserted in the title and initial post? Doubtful.

It definitely puts more pressure on the limited supply of what's left and forces tougher choices. But it also limits how many people who get Omicron from being infused with an ineffective treatment. There are some more in the pipeline but Omicron may peak and recede before they're ready for prime time.
You are making a faulty assumption. That everyone who is now or will be infected with Covid has the Omicron variant. That is false. The CDC even admitted it. That CDC revision of their Omicron prevalence went from 72% down to 23%

So many people are still contracting Delta. Delta is the killer and Senile Biden banned shipments of the medicine that works for it.

One analysis

Indeed, if we compare the OWID data on US Cases versus Deaths we just reviewed, with today's release of the CDC variant case mix (on right) - we find symmetry between deaths and the remaining mix of Delta cases.

Suggests that Delta is the main cause of the current death rate.


So again - why withhold treatments that have been proven effective for people who need them. Let physician's determine whether a patient needs these or not
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Old 01-01-2022, 01:16 PM   #69
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I didn't make an assumption about all cases being Omicron, berry.

I know that won't stop you from trying to put words in my mouth, but carry on with your overly broad generalizations, miscategorizations and bullshit takes.
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Old 01-01-2022, 01:24 PM   #70
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Originally Posted by AznPersuasion2 View Post

Do you believe Senile Biden and the federal government should be blocking any potential lifesaving treatment for Covid (which includes the distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments) in the U.S.
Ok. Direct answer: absolutely. Again, monoclonal antibodies are not the end-all-be-all. There are very specific situations to use them, and they are very expensive. Florida, along with the other 6 states who were limited, were using up 70% of the nation's supply. Even after the limit, Florida still had the nation's highest distribution. The issue is that doctors in these states were just ordering MABs for basically all COVID patients, and it's not actually effective against all cases. So yes, if a few states are taking up a vast majority of the nation's supply, absolutely they should be limited.
Thank you for directly answering the question. So you are advocating the federal government withhold treatment and let people die. Cool, some doctor you will make.

And there are some fallacies in your statement

1. monoclonal antibodies are VERY effective in patients who qualify and need them

2. Who the fuck cares how much MABs cost? Lot's of medical treatments cost a lot of money. Senile Biden blew $1.9 TRILLION on his covid bill, most of it on wasteful spending. President Trump approved several bills before that which spent a shitload of money. The cost of MABs is a small drop in the bucket compared to what this country has spent under the name of "covid"

3. You are using outdated information when you say "Florida and 6 other states were using up 70% of the nation's supply". That goes back to this summer when Florida pioneered the widespread use of MABs. However that has not been the case for months now as the federal government reduced their supply back in September arguing they needed to horde it for Northern States. So since then, every state was receiving doses allocated by the federal government. May not have been perfect, but it was equitable. That however recently changed in December when the Federal Government started withholding nearly all MABs, including the main ones effective against Delta, from most states. That is what is wrong and criminal. But I guess you would rather see people die than let Doctor's decide what medication their patients need
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Old 01-01-2022, 02:43 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by AznPersuasion2 View Post
Think about what you're claiming here. You're telling me that Pfizer actually developed two separate vaccines, and the FDA gave emergency use authorization to one, and then randomly decided to give full authorization to the other one that "isn't available in the US"? Where is it available then? Where are the trials done for the approval of that one? What's the difference between the "two" vaccines?

Let's make this clear: there's only 1 Pfizer (+other companies) COVID-19 vaccine, and it has full FDA approval. As for responding to my "other twaddle"… yes… great response… "I can, but I should stay on topic"… lol.
The reptards on this thread only live to post moronic statements fresh off the conspiracy presses. They "heard from someone" the left was planning on (insert nefarious intention including G. Soros here) and post incessantly with disregard to facts. The understand literally zero science based theories on medical or economics due to a innate desire to contort the narrative of scientists to bend to the Trumpanzie Faux nation. They know about MABs as much as they know about Jewish space lasers. It only fits their uneducated narrative that the left is taking away their guns, their freedoms, how trickle down economics work, climate denials, and beautiful clean coal. It's a joke and the constant bombardment of anti-left ideas. Yet, the right has provided not a single option but the likes of Matt Gaetz and MTG who literally do road shows spouting more lies. The reptards eat that drivel up like a dog on a pork chop. Plus they have demonized the likes of the CDC and FDA, because they are contrary to thier narrative. You who believe in those distortions should never get a vax...roll the dice, play games and win prizes. Natural selection will be your best friend.
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Old 01-04-2022, 12:41 AM   #72
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The fact that Senile Biden is rationing monoclonal antibodies unnecessarily, keeping them away from conservative states, potentially threatening thousands of lives is a moral outrage and ought to be grounds for impeachment.

Hell, even some blue states are being hurt. Illinois is still 68% Delta this week. How many people there will die because Senile Biden blocked Regeneron shipments for weeks?

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Old 01-14-2022, 03:22 PM   #73
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Federal government caused monoclonal antibody shortage, says medical supplies CEO

The CEO of medical supplies company and monoclonal antibody distributor Dealmed says the federal government's takeover of the distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments for COVID-19 has created shortages.

Dealmed CEO Michael Einhorn told NTD News that "relying on the government to determine who gets what… can be very lengthy in terms of time and oftentimes you have surpluses in certain areas and nothing in other areas."

"The process that we have now, which is practically a government takeover of these products, is not the solution and isn’t working," Einhorn said.

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