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Old 12-30-2021, 06:31 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
First - monoclonal antibodies are not a cure-all, and there is a lack of efficacy evidence, while I do think it's at least a treatment. But the vax-or-die, seems to be more of the far-right's anti-vax propaganda mantra. As far as taking the horse medication or the Lupus / malaria drugs, there are better choices. When you guys go to the doctor for a physical, do they tell you to turn your head and cough or is it a whinney or neigh?

Neither is the fing Vax. People that had 2 shots and the booster are getting covid, that somehow is different, why. The vaccine is also not 100%.

How about Biden also controlling how much of the monoclonal goes to so-called red states vs blue states. Isnt that obvious what he is doing.

Why not give you and your doctor the choice, because the liberals want covid for control and not keep the lite on how they are ruining the country, look over here not at what we are actually doing to ruin the country and cause discord.

The racist Obama is behind all this and the discord in the country.
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Old 12-30-2021, 06:59 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by AmishGangster View Post
Seems to me just as many vaxxed people getting sick as non vaxxed. The non vaxxed arent the problem, its that the vax doesnt work thats the problem
And want to talk about unreported and underreported side effects? In 10 years we will be reading the children of covid articles like you can today read about all the health issues of the children or Chernobyl . Both responsible for numerous genetic mutations making them prone to sickness and disease
Yeah, Pfizer wants its data buried for 50yrs.
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Old 12-30-2021, 07:43 AM   #18
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Old 12-30-2021, 12:20 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
We talk about YMMV a lot and a lack of a one-size fits all approach to hookers because of varying experiences and results. That applies just as much to vaccines and treatments since there's no magic bullet here.
Which is all the more reason why Senile Biden and the federal government should not be blocking the distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments in the U.S. Don't you agree?

The patient and their physician should be making medical decisions. Not the federal government which is doing this to continue to use covid to exert control over people
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Old 12-30-2021, 01:31 PM   #20
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Tell the state governments to back the fuck off too, including Florida, which requires a slew of vaccinations.

Tell DeSantis and the Florida legislature to get off their thrones and stop forcing the state's will immediately in any medical matters.

Or explain where you see the line drawn as to the state and/or federal government's acceptable role in public health matters and how that affects private health decisions.
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Old 12-30-2021, 02:07 PM   #21
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LOL. So you won't answer the question. Typical. Instead you deflect on some crazy rant about Florida.

I guess you missed it that Florida is not forcing anything covid related on anyone. Ron DeSantis and the Florida legislature believe in people and their physicians making free choices

- If you want the vaccine - great, Florida helps you easily get it. And if you don't want it, that is your choice and Florida prohibits it being mandated

- If parents want their kids to wear a mask in school, Florida lets them make that choice rather than having egotistical school administrators dictate what they must do

- If you need Mononclonal antibodies - great Florida pioneered widespread MAB infusion centers.

- And when Senile Biden started punishing Florida by cutting back MAB supply, they went out and bought some on their own. Now however the federal government has taken control of nearly all the MAB supply and are withholding it. Fucking explain that.

If you don't see the difference in states making things available to their population but letting citizens decide - and the federal government dictating things, then there is no hope for you

So I will ask you again - Do you believe Senile Biden and the federal government should be blocking the distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments in the U.S. A simple YES or NO will suffice
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Old 12-30-2021, 03:00 PM   #22
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I got what I was looking for. I don't give a fuck about answering your question.

Thanks, though.
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Old 12-30-2021, 03:38 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
I got what I was looking for. I don't give a fuck about answering your question.

Thanks, though.
Right - because you refuse to admit the fucking truth. So typical.

Your and various libtards deranged obsession with Florida is really something. Florida is currently in the bottom 10 states in Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths per capita.

But that won't stop you from freaking out about Florida and DeSantis.
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Old 12-30-2021, 04:06 PM   #24
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There are 50 States that interfere in the relationship between patient and physician and force certain medical outcomes with varying levels of exemption. You bitch about this but let that go.

This thread is about Florida. You're not connecting simple dots.

Expand that brain. Why do you focus on Florida and not Alabama or Tennessee? The MAB discussion has been going on since September but you're only bitching about it now.

On a hooker board's shitpost forum
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Old 12-30-2021, 04:11 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post

Having the federal government decide what people can and can't do is immoral

Not trying to derail the thread, but it's always fascinating to me when I see either side use wholesale statements like this. Also, the lack of self-awareness is interesting since I don't witness this thought process applied to anything besides the issue they are upset about.
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Old 12-31-2021, 01:56 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
There are 50 States that interfere in the relationship between patient and physician and force certain medical outcomes with varying levels of exemption. You bitch about this but let that go.

This thread is about Florida. You're not connecting simple dots.

Expand that brain. Why do you focus on Florida and not Alabama or Tennessee? The MAB discussion has been going on since September but you're only bitching about it now.

On a hooker board's shitpost forum
No - this thread is about "Senile Biden is actively preventing the effective distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments in the U.S. " The AG of Florida brought attention to it but they are far from the only state that has called this out.

And this thread is about treatments for Covid. So you trying to confuse matters and hijack the thread to start talking about who knows what you are implying that various states do for other matters is irrelevant. Stay on topic. It's a real simple issue, one that by your refusal to answer speaks volumes. The issue is:

Do you believe Senile Biden and the federal government should be blocking any potential lifesaving treatment for Covid (which includes the distribution of monoclonal antibody treatments) in the U.S.
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Old 12-31-2021, 03:32 AM   #27
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So… given the fact that most, if not all, of you have virtually no actual healthcare experience (much less experience in epidemiology), do you really expect this thread to go anywhere?

We all know anecdotal evidence is poor evidence, so why use it? In terms of actual evidence, data shows that the vaccines not only ~likely~ limit the spread (data is tough to come by since testing tends to be done on symptomatic patients) but it shows significant reduction in severity of symptoms. People with seat belts on tend to survive car crashes. Does that mean there won't be a crash here or there where the passenger/driver dies despite seat belts? Sure. But we all know that a seat belt greatly enhances your chances of survival from a motor vehicle accident.

As for monoclonal antibodies… they tend to only be effective in mild-moderate severity cases. For those of you with minimal covid experience, COVID-19's worst symptoms actually tend to be your immune system overreacting. That's why in very severe cases, patients are given dexamethasone (or other steroids) which are immunosuppressants. They're also exceedingly expensive (monoclonal antibodies are tough to make). Anyone who has any experience with any drug that ends in -mab should know… those are expensive.

MABs are effective though. They can be given preemptively and it has been shown to be effective at preventing symptoms. However they have a few significant downfalls (aside from cost). 1) Their protection doesn't last long. Vaccines have a much more enduring effect. Think of vaccines as teaching your body to make those antibodies rather than just shipping in antibodies. 2) They don't engage your T cells (which is like half of your immune system). Typically T cells (among other things) activate your B cells to produce antibodies (not entirely true, but simplified because I don't want to write a whole paper). MABs bypass the Tcell-Bcell interaction and jump straight to antibodies. However, Tcells have other functions as well, and bypassing them isn't really a good thing. 3) By going straight to antibodies, you also bypass a Bcell function called affinity maturation which means your body's immune response can't react to new variants. 4) By dumping huge amounts of antibodies into the system, you actually suppress your own natural antibody production (for those curious you can google "fcr gamma 2 receptor"). Essentially, your body sees a bunch of antibodies and thinks you have enough so it suppresses ALL antibody production… which isn't really what you want.

So… yes. MABs are effective. But no… they're nowhere near the utility of a vaccine.
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Old 12-31-2021, 05:33 AM   #28
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Again, this has been in the news for months. Other states have brought it up... for months. It's well reported going back to September but you're only on the train now because of your precious Florida.

As for the MAB treatments, you're neglecting some material facts and context Supply is low again partially because 2 of the 3 primary treatments are ineffective against Omicron. Partially because of beauracracy. Partially due to the fact that they would have needed to secure more supply MONTHS ago.

The question isn't if it's right for the federal government to withhold treatments.. because it's about an overall mismanagement issue, not a retaliatory punishment issue for red states. It’s not foreseeing a winter surge and working towards increasing supplies. Focusing so heavily on Delta that they took their foot off the gas assuming that they had the situation under control. Not finding ways to boost vaccination rates and not making information accessible, relatable and understandable. Focusing so clearly on mandates that were guaranteed to be challenged in court in a way that would delay implementation and inflame dissatisfaction in groups they needed to lock down as part of their strategy.

It's clearly not about patient rights with you since you don't bitch about state interference in that realm. It's about your daily zeal for finding some things to poke Biden about while telling people they're low info libtards so you can play intellectual savior of the hooker board shitpost forum.

Weave together the arguments. Connect your dots and stop assuming i'm a liberal. I find your hyperfocused, hyperpartisan tunnel vision and shallow analyses of your clickbait catches of the day to be very tedious.

AZN... great post, btw. That's a very effective e summary.
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Old 12-31-2021, 10:13 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by AmishGangster View Post
Seems to me just as many vaxxed people getting sick as non vaxxed. The non vaxxed arent the problem, its that the vax doesnt work thats the problem...

How do you define "doesn't work"?

Forget about just catching covid. What about getting sick enough to be hospitalized? Are the people being admitted to hospitals mostly vaxxed or unvaxxed?

The vaxes aren't perfect - but they sure as hell are preventing our health-care system from being completely overwhelmed!

The question you and the unvaxxed should be asking yourselves is - why hold the good hostage to the perfect?
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Old 12-31-2021, 10:29 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by HDGristle View Post
It's about your daily zeal for finding some things to poke Biden about while telling people they're low info libtards so you can play intellectual savior of the hooker board shitpost forum.
Aww gristle, is berry getting under your skin? Try to keep things in perspective. So what if berry sometimes lets his anti-Biden zeal get the better of him?

Even at his worst, he's not nearly as wildly hysterical, totally beyond the reach of rational argument, or prone to ugly distortion and exaggeration as the millions of TDS-afflicted Trump haters out there are!

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