Originally Posted by Salty Again
... Funny how the Dems surely didn't give half a care
when the sad likes of Eric Holder defied Congress.
And Lois Lerner (from the IRS) did the same.
Where was your concern for the "Laws of Congress" then??
#### Salty
Defied congress? Lol.
He was a sitting AG refusing to turn over documents the sitting President asserted a privilege over. He didn’t simply refuse to appear to testify. These aren’t even vaguely similar circumstances.
If I recall, it was the same for the Lerner and the IRS.
Neither refused to testify. They asserted privilege and the issue of contempt was specific to the privileged documents. And Darryl Issa was a terrible hack. He was held in contempt but the Congress knew they couldn’t get him to prosecute himself so a referral was pointless.