Originally Posted by Tiny
Not to brag, but this topic is to me as economics are to LL and CM.
Well then you are either bragging or saying you're a pompous idiot!
Did you not read the article? I have a few questions for ya. Will return later.
If what you say is true about the 50% reinvestment...than the business model was not substantially at a certain level of oil prices. My take on the article is that companies are not continuing to drill, prices be damned. Investors have demanded a ROI. It sounded to me as if their new business model is working and you are basing your comments on the old business model. I easily could be wrong.
Originally Posted by Tiny
As to 2050, true, Biden's goal is to get to net zero carbon emissions before then. However, another of his goals is to reduce carbon emissions by 50% to 52% by 2030, beneath 2005 levels. If his goals are met, your long term investments in mid stream companies are toast, unless you get out before the shit hits the fan.
That fat ass Oprah had a goal of becoming a skinny bitch, she only achieved half.
Do you realize how old Biden will be in 2050?

He is too old now to get reelected! So I do not make business decisions on Bidens pipe dreams.
I make decision on reality and my beliefs. My belief is that the market will fluctuate between oil and electric.
In others words I see people looking at EV's when the economics are right. There are many variables to consider just like folks have to make on installing solar panels. Bottom line for me is I do not see any drastic move either way. Plus...I'm in midstream which are like toll roads and make money mostly on traffic and EV's need power and the source of that power passes through those pipelines.