Title says it all!! Most of the Asian women that come to Dallas in the Asian market will have a cover applied. The days of BBFS is dead. The Expectation of BBFS is alive from Hobbiest but meeting a dead market with the providers.
The Asian gals in California will not even put Dallas on their rotation because they do not want BBFS. For 300 for CFS to 400 to 450 for BBFS upgrade may be had but that relationship needs to be built with your Asian Friend. Everything is unique and individualize but the ladies do not have to provide BBFS because they can return to where they came from.
There will be people that will deny what I am posting. Haters are going to Hate.
So goodbye to the Don and that expectation that it will be provided.
Logan is out there sheding a tear however the seasons have changed and you no longer get an offer that you can not refuse.