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Old 12-02-2021, 06:14 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
For Texas gov.. abbott will not be getting my vote. And I will not vote for a democrat. Ill either leave that space blank or not vote.
You'd do it for Randolph Scott!

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Old 12-02-2021, 06:22 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
The issue of abortion is divisive in all groups religions and on and on. Arguing law is a waste of time because it can be interpreted based on political pressure and party lines.
The scotus is trying to throw it back under "states rights".
If Republicans are successful remember my quote above!
I believe in abortion. I believe in God and Iam a staunch Republican. Iam ashamed of Abbott now! I used to want him to run for prez. Not now! I want him gone.
I believe in abortion for many reasons. And I will add assisted suicide should be legal!
Republicans need to leave this issue. It will shift power to the left and have generational consequences.

Wd agree....your brothers on the right do not understand how women will perceive this. Taking away a right is not like restoring one. This crap about changing precedence that over 60% of the population agrees with will not bode well.

There is a reason they could not make a legislative change in Roe is because of the Political backlash they would receive. I think they will still get it. The Dems will change the narrative to the party of individual rights....taking them away.

In fact the SC is opening the door for states to start restricting all kind of rights folks have taken for granted.

Especially now that they are outlawing Plan B....they will go after contraceptive next.
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Old 12-02-2021, 06:27 PM   #93
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So many pretend they care about other peoples lives, and want to tell them how to live them.....by force if necessary. Much like a religious crusade.
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Old 12-02-2021, 06:30 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Wd agree....your brothers on the right do not understand how women will perceive this. Taking away a right is not like restoring one. This crap about changing precedence that over 60% of the population agrees with will not bode well.

There is a reason they could not make a legislative change in Roe is because of the Political backlash they would receive. I think they will still get it. The Dems will change the narrative to the party of individual rights....taking them away.

In fact the SC is opening the door for states to start restricting all kind of rights folks have taken for granted.

Especially now that they are outlawing Plan B....they will go after contraceptive next.
How would you know how a women perceives anything? Does your mom or sister tell you?
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Old 12-02-2021, 06:32 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
How would you know how a women perceives anything? Does your mom or sister tell you?
They would perceive you as a sexual predator...a gay one.
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Old 12-02-2021, 06:34 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by bb1961 View Post
It went over your communist head because in your ideology PEOPLE HAVE NO CHOICES...I knew that would leave you flummoxed!!
I see you have been laying low in fear of CryptKicker

CK is no longer on staff of ECCIE.

Interesting comments involving this poster, in this thread alone:

"says the monkey on the board"......by the poster

"You keep sounding like you want to be a more vulgar, repetitive oeb"......a lot of truth in a few words

"This is why he's atop my ignore list".....another common theme shared with oeb
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Old 12-02-2021, 06:40 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Cool-- so if the decision is left back to the states, I suppose that is fine-- but then laws like the one in Texas where a person can be sued for crossing state lines to get an abortion elsewhere should also be struck down. Pretty sure states don't have the right to interfere with interstate travel, regardless of the reason.
You are correct.
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Old 12-02-2021, 06:44 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
I forgot one more important issue Kavanaugh raised. In the debate on the rights of the woman and the rights of the child, there can only be one winner, you must chose, both can not be accommodated.. One continues to live if abortion is done and one dies. You have to choose which means more to you and many will choose the woman who lives and many will chose the baby that will not.

Adhere to the Constitution that gives the federal government certain rights and all other considerations shall be left up to the states to decide. Is abortion mentioned in the Constitution other than some vague notion of privacy and bodily autonomy? Does this autonomy extend to selling her body for money which she doesn't have and has no other means to get it to survive? She can in some states. Can she sell a kidney to get the money she needs? Can she ask that a doctor help her end her life that she no longer wants?

All these issues must be left to the states.

To clarify, perform an abortion and someone dies. Don't perform an abortion and everyone lives. I don't see the downside of not performing an abortion. Catholic charities will take care of unwanted children and maybe the reality of having to carry a baby to term will give women the idea of better decisions and better birth control before pleasure. And at that, we have the false argument of rape and incest. No pleasure there...but rape and incest make up a very, very small percentage of pregnancies. Exceptions can be made and the vast majority of people allow for those exceptions.
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Old 12-02-2021, 06:54 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
From a purely political view-- you have a valid point. The Republican party makes a ton off of the abortion issue. It is one of, if not the, top reasons people donate money to the party and to Republican candidates.

Same can be said for gun control measures on the Left. They make a ton of money off this particular issue.

For decades-- it held true that these were the issues each side clung to with no intention of actually doing anything-- because they knew if they ever actually "won"... the fundraising thunderdome would lessen. You don't tend to donate to something as heavily once your side has already "won".... because-- what's left to fight?

Now-- with the higher numbers of evangelicals holding office-- they're seeking to enforce their beliefs without consideration to the political consequences.
A little myopic. The democrats make millions of dollars promoting abortion and abortion rights. Planned Parenthood launders campaign donations back into the coffers of candidates. The democrats make money off of death and dismemberment. Republicans do make some money fighting abortion which is death. Most people against abortion do so because of personal convictions, not politics. If your attack is focused on the money trail, then follow the slimy, bloody trail of the democrats who still support slavery in some cases. The Yughur Forced Labor bill was stopped in the Senate by the democrats after passing in the House with a bipartisan vote. So democrats still support slavery.

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Old 12-02-2021, 06:55 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
So many pretend they care about other peoples lives, and want to tell them how to live them.....by force if necessary. Much like a religious crusade.
or a vaccine mandate, a woke crusade against students and their parents, or purging the military and first responders for their political preferences
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Old 12-02-2021, 06:55 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
What is your problem?

You keep sounding like you want to be a more vulgar, repetitive oeb.
There's only one on my ignore list.

He's easy to fuck with. For now.

At least Barley is a gentle soul. Devout Conservative and a gentleman.

Fuck the Navy. Just sayin'.
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Old 12-02-2021, 06:59 PM   #102
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
Some points I heard today while listening to public radio:

1. Does the unborn FETUS have rights before it's born? You have to be born to have rights as a citizen. That is in the Constitution. Where do you see that and while we're at it, where is that right to privacy in the constitution?

2. Since it is established I have every right to hold my ground and defend myself from a threat, why doesn't that extend to the medical threat of a deadly pregnancy? So you call a natural condition a 'deadly threat'. What do you call getting older?

3. (My favorite) The hypocrisy of the conservatives who demand all pregnancies come to term, but won't participate in paying taxes to support the poor mother who should not have been raped.There is is, the rape red herring. The vast majority of people would support an abortion of a rape produced pregnancy but they make up so few abortions...how would Planned Parenthood make any money?

Here you go corny sailor.
And back to you...
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Old 12-02-2021, 07:19 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
To clarify, perform an abortion and someone dies. Don't perform an abortion and everyone lives. I don't see the downside of not performing an abortion. Catholic charities will take care of unwanted children and maybe the reality of having to carry a baby to term will give women the idea of better decisions and better birth control before pleasure. And at that, we have the false argument of rape and incest. No pleasure there...but rape and incest make up a very, very small percentage of pregnancies. Exceptions can be made and the vast majority of people allow for those exceptions.
So a child of rape or incest has less of a right to live?
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Old 12-02-2021, 07:43 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
And back to you...

1) Section 1, Clause 1, of the Fourteenth Amendment, reads: All persons born . . . .

2) One minute thirty seconds. I'm making light of it, but when it come to "your fetus or your life" - to paraphrase Henny Youngman - take my fetus . . . please.

Not all pregnancies are safe. Sir!

3) Not just the rape and incest cases. Why did you avoid the question? Why not support . . . wait for it . . . SOCIAL(ist) programs for the unplanned if she is forced to endure the hardship of pregnancy?

Planned Parenthood would make money . . . . helping families plan their future. Sir!
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Old 12-02-2021, 08:54 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by NoirMan View Post
So a child of rape or incest has less of a right to live?

so a woman who is raped must be forced to have the child? no it does not matter that there are many viable adoption opportunities.

cows are breeding stock. you breed them for more cows. what does that make a woman if you force her to have a child by forcible rape? a cow.
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