Originally Posted by VitaMan
Trump thinking out loud to himself:
"It's not possible to admit that I lost the election. Then I would be a loser, which can't possibly be. So I must create a hoax that the Crime of the Century was committed. Then no one can say I am a loser."

This is probably as close as it gets. And then he figured out he was making money for doing nothing but spewing BS so why would he stop? I honestly don't think he really wants to run again. He got beat and it's seriously fucked with his delicate ego. I think he's afraid to run again because he could lose...again, and that would be even worse on his ego.
He'll take the money for his PAC, funnel most of it to himself and his family and when it gets close to party selection step aside. Can you imagine how bat shit crazy he'd go if he actually tried and didn't even win the Replublican nomination??