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Old 10-28-2021, 02:35 AM   #16
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Trump was racist, therefore, it's Trump's fault that Biden is racist.
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Old 10-28-2021, 02:39 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
At least Biden did not mismanage a pandemic and kill 500,000 people.
True. Biden only killed 400,000 people.

But, he is making getting good social score very easy for all.
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Old 10-28-2021, 04:16 AM   #18
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Default I did not believe it even same guy in the video he changed his look a lot.

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Old 10-28-2021, 04:17 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
.... But keep defending Sleepy Joe.

You obviously feel he's doing a good job.
Though the American people DON'T agree with you.

Look at the polls. And hear the Chants.

### Salty
Biden and Trump the same person.
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Old 10-28-2021, 08:56 AM   #20
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Simple because your not Brandon's puddens they Media has been covering the buffoons idiocy for 50 years
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Old 10-28-2021, 10:32 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
And of course - the FACT that the Klan had southern ties
to the Democratic party.... since we're discussing the Klan.
Heck Salty, you don't know the half of it! You probably have no idea how deep and durable and damning those ties really were!

The KKK was founded by dim-retards in 1865 after Republicans freed the slaves. The dim-retard KKK fought fiercely against the Republican post-Civil War Reconstruction policies and the Republican-spawned 14th and 15th Amendments which guaranteed equal protection and voting rights to all citizens including the freed slaves. The KKK used violence to attack every elected black Republican in the South and keep them out of politics. The dim-retards were the party of Jim Crow. They passed local ordinances everywhere enforcing segregation. They were so tightly interwoven with the KKK that their 1924 dim-retard national convention was called the "Klanbake"! Our 28th President Woodrow Wilson was a huge Klan supporter.

Dim-retards like adav8 try and try again - but they can't erase or extinguish their party's century-long, deep, despicable, and thoroughly incriminating history of support for white supremacy and racial oppression.

So they deny it all and absurdly try to project all their sins onto the other party - that is, the party of Lincoln, the one that freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation and amended the US Constitution twice to protect blacks and all Americans from the outrageous predations of racist dim-retards!

And that's the TRUE STORY! As a naturalized American, you have a right to know the TRUTH of our history and not let dim-retards like adav8 try to pull the wool over your eyes!



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Old 10-28-2021, 11:36 AM   #22
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The DemocratiCommunist party Lies about its History.

Because the DemocratiCommunist party itself is marxist and racist - and needs to hid its' racist nature to preserve its' Plantation system. The Great Puppet fiden - is known and proven as a Racist and White Supremacist - as teh Leader of teh supposed 'Inclusive party.'

Which does all it can to keep minorities beaten down in shithole cities that are Democraticommmunist dominated for decades of mismanagement, poverty, hunger, and despair inflicted on Minorities.
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Old 10-28-2021, 11:36 AM   #23
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Trump was racist, therefore, it's Trump's fault that Biden is racist.

Well written about the single pervasive excuse of teh DemocratiCommunist party - "Trump's fault"!!!!
We see it daily in every 'liberal cultists' post.!
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Old 10-28-2021, 11:39 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Sleepy Joe took a hit in the polls because of the pullout of AG. No one thought (From the Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff all the way down) that the Ag army would fall apart in two weeks. Once that happened you were going to have problems, unless you redeployed more troops. Sleepy Joe did not want to do that.

At least Biden did not mismanage a pandemic and kill 500,000 people.

Who said Covid would just go away like Magic? I believe that was Donald Trump.

the single Excuse for Everything the DemocratiCommunist party - headed by White supremacist Fiden -

and fake history .
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Old 10-28-2021, 06:42 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Ripmany View Post
Biden had plastic surgery. That's why he looks like a doppelganger. The One called him out on it during the debate LOL.
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Old 10-28-2021, 06:45 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Ripmany View Post
Biden and Trump the same person.
Yea this thread turned into an argument over who is more racist LOL
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Old 10-28-2021, 07:54 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Byrd changed, he voted for the ACA (Obamacare). Good ole Strom never changed. He was a segregationist to the day he died.

You try to lump the dixiecrat party with the John F. Kennedy democrats. Your logic just does not fly, Salty. Are you sure you were never Uncle Han?
You are wrong about Strom Thurmond never changing his segregationist views. In 1971, he was the first Southern congressional member to hire a black legislative assistant. About this time, he also started paying attention to black South Carolina's politicians and their constituents. He became chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee in 1980 and he eventually supported renewal of the Voting Rights Act. He also voted to establish a holiday in memory of Martin Luther King, Jr. Read the link and learn something ada.

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Old 10-28-2021, 09:04 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Byrd changed, he voted for the ACA (Obamacare). Good ole Strom never changed. He was a segregationist to the day he died.

You try to lump the dixiecrat party with the John F. Kennedy democrats. Your logic just does not fly, Salty. Are you sure you were never Uncle Han?
The Democrats today are far from the JFK Democrat era. Of course after JFK's assassination that's when the Democrats started acting like a bunch of fucking jag-offs and they haven's quit since, they've only have gotten worse.
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Old 10-28-2021, 09:12 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Sleepy Joe took a hit in the polls because of the pullout of AG.

Maybe a point or two but that "incident of incompetence" has been over taken by what I said yesterday, this will go down in political history as one of the dumbest things ever said, a few weeks before an election. When McCauliff said on national TV ( assuming CNN and MSNBC even played the clip ) that parents shouldn't have any say on what their children should be taught in school, he lit a fire that is getting bigger by the day. And this is not just a Virginia thing, "this education thing" I believe is second only to the economy which includes supply chains and all the other things effecting the economy in first place.

Why else would McCauliff be down in some polling by 6 to 8% in a matter of days? What a fun night it will be if the Republican goes into the evening in every major poll with a 6 to 8% lead and McCauliff ends up winning by 6 to 8%? Think there will be any voter fraud conversations to be had?

Yeah, Americans are plenty pissed, well, Republicans and Independents are but Democrats are to busy building that fire wall around Biden to be concerned about the lives of 13 service members and Afghanistan and Democrats aren't about to hold Biden accountable and will not admit as the Times and WAPO both say, was a clusterfuck, though in more polite terms.

No one thought (From the Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff all the way down) that the Ag army would fall apart in two weeks.

That's up for debate. I have seen more than a few formal high ranking military people say that in no time in the 20 years we were there, did they ever have what we would call a credible fighting force. One can find "training" videos of new Afghan recruits trying to be taught how to do a jumping jack and failing miserably, drunk or most likely high. There were reports that the Majority of Afghan soldiers showed up for work, if they showed up for work, drunk and unfit to carry out a mission. Any "real fighting, strategic fighting, was done by the Allied soldiers and the Afghan Special Forces which more resembled an American unit which simply did not exist in the regular Afghan Army.

Once that happened you were going to have problems, unless you redeployed more troops. Sleepy Joe did not want to do that.

"Here's an idea Mr. President, lets remove the Americans and designated Afghans out AND THEN PULL OUT THE TROOPS? And keep open a valuable military asset, Bagram, a second air strip to help with the evacuation FIRST!

Naw says Joe Biden, against all military advice, this is indisputable since Milley and all the other major players say the same thing "don't do it this way", the new President says "I'm going to do this my way gentleman and that's the last word on that". I believe his next words on the subject were "deploy 6 thousand troops BACK TO AFGHANISTAN to be a security force for the evacuation.

Ah yes, you interestingly leave out the part about how every single military commander from Milley on down, told the President "don't do it this way" by pulling out all troops before successfully evacuating everybody that need to get out. Joe Biden is literally the only person in America if polled, would think what he did was the best way to do it.

The British Parliament certainly didn't think so when they stood as one on the floor of Parliament and "condemned" what the President of the United States had just done. I wonder when was the last time that ever happened if any. The President who was going to re-unite the US with our European allies that Dems say Trump had broken, was smashed into a million pieces with the heads of Europe wondering if they will ever be able to trust this American President, ever again.

At least Biden did not mismanage a pandemic and kill 500,000 people

Who said Covid would just go away like Magic? I believe that was Donald Trump.

Yep, you managed to find one of the MANY dumb things Trump said. Funny isn't it how saying dumb things becomes more tolerable when "your guy" says them instead of the guy you hate for saying dumb things?

What you fail to convince me on ( I know, you'll sleep just fine tonight ) is that Trump mishandled the pandemic and the ridiculous notion that 500,000 people died as a result of Trump "not doing something" that the average 50 years in Congress politician, would do.

Trump is given credit even by the left for speeding up research on vaccines which must have saved thousands of lives but I guess that doesn't count. And all those later unused ventilators that Cuomo wanted desperately and Trump delivered? Even sent them a hospital ship they were begging for and never used. I wonder how many lives that saved?

Everything that needed to be done during Trump's time, was being done. Hell Newsome and Cuomo both went on TV and thanked the President for "doing everything in your power to do'. And while Trump was saying all these dumb things, the people in charge where doing pretty much everything they could do with so many conflicting statements from Dr. Fauci, "Don't wear a mask"...... "wear a mask".... "Maybe wear two masks". For a while there, we were even convinced that being outdoors around other people was a very bad thing and forcing us all back inside since we couldn't go to work was the best we could do, interestingly enough these many months later we find out that inside, was the worse place you could be so it became no mask needed outside but mask needed inside and then we have the proud state of Florida that says "do what you think is right for you even if it kills you, this is America damn it".

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Old 10-28-2021, 10:19 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by adav8s28 View Post
Last I checked sleepy Joe has never been associated with the Klan like David Duke or the dixiecrat party like Good ole Strom Thurmond. The staunch segregationist who somehow fathered a child with a black woman and filibustered the Civil rights act in 1965 as a republican.

If you want to look up racist in websters, good ole Strom will be at the top.
So you're says that that video was videoSHOPPED??
Don't avoid the facts even when the PROVE YOU WRONG!!
The PISSANT did use the N word...
If you don't disavow of the PISSANTS racist comment then you MUST endorse it
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