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Old 10-05-2021, 09:32 AM   #16
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It's crazy how Biden has the power to force thousands of companies to fire thousands of people by his will, but yet is completely powerless at the same time.
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Old 10-05-2021, 10:14 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
what does the filibuster have to do with this thread?
If the filibuster applied to all bills you'd have to get 60% of the Senators to agree on increasing the debt limit. There wouldn't be this special process for reconciliation bills where they can get them passed with 50% approval and Kamala Harris' vote.
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Old 10-05-2021, 05:52 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by NoirMan View Post
If McConnell voted to spend the money, then claiming he won’t vote to pay for it is a political stunt.

And when Biden and other Democrats decided to not participate in the vote in previous times, that was not a political stunt? Dare I say it after complaining so much about you doing it? Ah, what the hell, "you know better than what you just said". McConnell clearly made his point and it was a truthful, honest one. "You have shown that you are not interested in Republicans votes on any matter so why should we vote on this when you can do it yourself but want to protect one of you reconciliation votes"? That's not a stunt, it's a principal.

That’s all this is.

In your opinion.

If the Democrats fail on a vote to raise the debt ceiling the Republicans will have no choice but to vote in support of it.

Then we are looking at a very interesting showdown. You obviously think Republicans will be held accountable when Democrats could have stopped a shutdown for purely political, partisan reasons but it is the Biden administration that would have to deal with the blow back since they are in power. I'm not usually a betting man but I'll bet Democrats blink first.

This is just posturing as a way (smartly I’ll admit) of making the Democrats use reconciliation for this rather than to pass their agenda.

So now it's a smart decision and not a political stunt?

The US has never defaulted on its debt and never will. The day that happens we cede being the world’s currency to the Euro which be devastating to the dollar and it’s value.

Which is why the party in power must not allow it to happen since that can make sure it doesn't. Democrats don't have the balls to push this to shutdown.

Anyone who pretends that one side is more hypocritical than the other is either naive or dishonest.

Been saying that for years. Calling Trump a liar as a reason to impeach him while ignoring the current Biden lies is hypocrisy at it's height, pretty bad when your military commanders call you a liar on national TV and the entire MSM much to their dismay, have to agree.

My liar OK, you're liar bad. Yeah, it's some mess we have gotten ourselves into.
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Old 10-05-2021, 06:01 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by NoirMan View Post
The republicans aren’t just voting against the clean debt limit bill they are filibustering it to force Democrats to use reconciliation. It could pass in normal order if the Republicans don’t filibuster.

Like you said, a smart political decision. Biden and the Democrats are saying "we only need you on this one vote and then you can all go fuck yourself because will do all our spending through reconciliation without your help. What would you say to that?

For those that don’t understand Senate procedure, it only takes a majority vote to pass legislation in the Senate, even in regular order

However, if a cloture vote fails (essentially requiring 60 votes due to a terrible modification over the years of the filibuster) then you can’t get to a 50 vote passage.

But when you can pass legislation without the help of the other party and you refuse to, who gets the blame? I'm getting my popcorn ready.
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Old 10-05-2021, 06:25 PM   #20
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Something can be a political stunt and still be smart political strategy. Those things are not mutually exclusive. I Suspect that the Republicans I understand that from a average Joe watching television standpoint, saying that the Democrats could’ve use some arcane political tool to pass the debt ceiling without them, doesn’t make good commercials. What makes good commercials, is we have 50 votes, all Democrats, voting to avoid a Cataclysm, and all 50 Republicans voted to allow the debt ceiling catastrophe. Any Republican, that is up for election in 2022, will be hard-pressed to go on the campaign trail and explain their no vote. A Yes vote, is easy to explain.

Have the Republicans come to the table at all regarding additional spending for things like free childcare, expanded education benefits etc. If they have it, been claiming that they are not part of the spending process and claiming that Democrats don’t want their input is a bit disingenuous.

If you believe, which I know you know better than, that McConnell and other Republicans vote is in someway principled, rather than partisan politics, then you really are blind to republicans partisanship. I will say it again, this is just a political stunt, smart politics nonetheless, but a political stunt. I can guarantee that if the Democrats waited until the last minute put a single piece of legislation up to raise the debt ceiling and left it on the table without any other option, the Republicans would vote for it. The likes of Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, even Ted Cruz, would not want to have the only default in history, on their watch, based on their vote. If they were truly principled, it wouldn’t matter and they would allow the default to go forward. But Lindsay has already hinted that he couldn’t allow it to happen.

What they really want, is to force the Democrats to use up one of their reconciliation processes, which would leave them only one remaining, which they feel like they can Use archaic maneuvering the delay, and possibly kill a last reconciliation bill. Simply politics.
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Old 10-05-2021, 06:59 PM   #21
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DPST party Uber alles - 1b1

sad to see One defending the blatant hypocrisy of teh DPST party and its' corrupt LSM

as if One did not even read read, or comprehend the HF post above .

sad to see what marxist indoctrination does to a susceptible mind. - it destroys the minds of those afflicted.
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Old 10-05-2021, 07:04 PM   #22
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Anybody stupid enough to support the Democrats and worse, vote for them, don’t give a shit about the debt, the deficient, ceilings, or anything else as long as they get free shit.

Fuck Biden.

Old, senile, stupid and inept.
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Old 10-06-2021, 02:17 AM   #23
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the turtle has them by the short hairs. lol.
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Old 10-06-2021, 06:12 AM   #24
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Old 10-06-2021, 07:30 AM   #25
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A gimmick? Trillion dollar coin floated as last-resort debt crisis solution

Said Yellen, "What's necessary is for Congress to show that the world can count on America paying its debt." A platinum coin, she told CNBC, "is really a gimmick."

Sure it is, said Rohan Grey, a Willamette University law professor and expert on fiscal policy.

"The fact that (the coin) represents an accounting gimmick is a source of its strength, rather than a weakness," Grey wrote in a 2020-21 study in the Kentucky Law Journal. "The idea of 'fighting an accounting problem with an accounting solution' is entirely coherent ... the debt ceiling itself can be viewed as one big, poorly designed accounting gimmick."

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Old 10-06-2021, 07:58 AM   #26
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There will be no default. Never happened. Never will. No one wants to deal with the effects of our going over the fiscal cliff.

All fake posturing.
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Old 10-06-2021, 08:12 AM   #27
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Short sighted foolish DPST minions

Complaining , whining, bitching - about opposition to their plan to Crash America into oblivion.

Indoctrinated posturing over the DPST Lies!

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
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Old 10-06-2021, 08:25 AM   #28
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Zero cost ( yea BUT lets rise the cost debt ceiling)
The progressive ( Marxist leaning ) Dems are in reality wiping out 150 or more years of Progress , with EVERYTHING there touching
But keep drinking there cool aide
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Old 10-06-2021, 09:57 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by rexdutchman View Post
Zero cost ( yea BUT lets rise the cost debt ceiling)
The progressive ( Marxist leaning ) Dems are in reality wiping out 150 or more years of Progress , with EVERYTHING there touching
But keep drinking there cool aide
Did you say the same, when Trump did the same?? Probably not.
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Old 10-06-2021, 10:00 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
Did you say the same, when Trump did the same?? Probably not.
Biden is so similar to Trump isn't he? LOLLOL
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