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Old 09-19-2021, 06:31 AM   #1
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Default The reason people don't want to get the Vaccine

The reason people don't want to get the Vaccine is when it was being made, Trump told everyone he was the one that got it made. They know everything that comes out of his mouth is some kind of lie or bullshit and they don't want to take that chance.

If you look at the polls of who don't want it, 84% of the ones that don't want it are Republicans. They know more than anyone how much he lies, but they have to vote for him because if its not Trump as a candidate it could actually be someone even worst. Someone like Pence, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul or Marjorie Taylor Greene that they would have to stand behind.

When you look at those people I understand.

Most Democrats already knew he had nothing at all to do with it. They seen how Dr. Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx almost shit themselves when Trump told everyone to drink bleach. The drug company's have been making vaccines for virus and flu's for years. That was just a normal day for them.
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Old 09-19-2021, 06:36 AM   #2
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For those who want to see the facts. Sad but true.

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Old 09-19-2021, 12:50 PM   #3
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You know I have always treated your posts with respect and your views even though I disagree with almost all of them but posts like this first of all
Are totally bullshit and without merit
By your own youtube, which you must not have listened to very well, trump never suggested for anyone to drink bleach. He talked about the use of light and heat and disinfectant as a treatment and stated, maybe or might work but that's so.ething the doctors will have to look at

And by the way, latinos and blacks are some of the highest volume people refusing the vaccine, hardly trump supporters.

Honestly bypass, this post is doesnt deserve respect. You can do better
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Old 09-19-2021, 03:08 PM   #4
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You are right and I mean nothing bad towards you.

I see the continuous bullshit posts of Biden, like thirty of them daily, it drags me down. Nothing toward you I feel highly of you. Wish I could say that of some of your acquaintances..
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Old 09-19-2021, 04:59 PM   #5
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So it looks like this is going to be yet another thread where Bypass posts a bunch of made up lies. Gets called out on it and looks foolish yet again when presented with the actual facts - and then gets all butthurt because his lies were exposed

1. If you want to see who undermined public confidence in vaccines - go back to last fall when Senile Biden and Cackling Kamala warned people not to take any vaccine Trump was having developed. They are on tape saying this. Hell Harris said in in the VP debate. It is all right here:

The vice presidential candidates’ debate was Harris’s highest-profile appearance of the campaign. She took the opportunity to explain that she would not get a vaccine pushed by Trump.


Senile Biden said similar things.

These bastards lied to the American people to steal an election. Senile Biden and Cackling Kamala were the first to vocally warn AGAINST getting vaccines and they were parroted by their lackeys in the media.

2. There is a large amount of blacks and latinos that have resisted getting vaccines. Neither of those groups are big GOP / Trump supporters


hell the far left NY Times said this a few months ago:

It turns out, though, that this is not a single set of Americans, but in many ways two.

In one group are those who say they are adamant in their refusal of the coronavirus vaccines; they include a mix of people but tend to be disproportionately white, rural, evangelical Christian and politically conservative, surveys show.

In the other are those who say they are open to getting a shot but have been putting it off or want to wait and see before making a decision; they are a broad range of people, but tend to be a more diverse and urban group, including many younger people, Black and Latino Americans, and Democrats.


3. President Trump did not tell anyone to drink bleach. That is just more of the lies and bullshit you continually post and repeat.

4. President Trump has publicly on multiple occasions recommended people get the vaccine. But President Trump also rightfully believes in the freedom of choice and not in any vaccine mandates.

So once again, Bypass posts a bunch of lies and BS and is now called out and confronted with the real actual facts. Will he retract his lies and admit his error? or persist spreading this BS?
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Old 09-19-2021, 05:36 PM   #6
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I retracted nothing. I have talked to chizzy and totally respect his opinion. You well that is different. You are Show Time At The Apollo all you need is the clown with the hook to get you off stage. I am sure one day you will get your wish.

. If you want to call Trump at a press conference on Video fake like you do all the millions of legal votes fake. Have at it. I am not reading your winded fake responses, barn yard twitter accounts or ridiculous trends. I see you have followers just like you who are one sided. I feel bad for all of you.That is why we have what is in government like we do.
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Old 09-19-2021, 06:56 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
You are right and I mean nothing bad towards you.

I see the continuous bullshit posts of Biden, like thirty of them daily, it drags me down. Nothing toward you I feel highly of you. Wish I could say that of some of your acquaintances..

thank you for the fair and civil response. I think we all need to turn it down a notch or two on these debates.
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Old 09-19-2021, 07:03 PM   #8
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Because they are terribly misinformed and gullible. Led by a wide world of internet misinformation. We’ve all taken vaccines since we were kids. What’s different? Misinformation, paranoia and an inexcusable influx of politics.
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Old 09-19-2021, 07:20 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
Because they are terribly misinformed and gullible. Led by a wide world of internet misinformation. We’ve all taken vaccines since we were kids. What’s different? Misinformation, paranoia and an inexcusable influx of politics.
agreed and it doesnt help when fauci flip flops o what to do and what not to do.

although I doubt this is the number one reason people are skeptical about the covid vaccine, it is completely different than any other vaccine ever produced. the mRNA teaches the body to produce a protein to start a response.. alot of concern was this vaccine enters and changes our dna also

but yes, totally agree internet info and politicians created the fear
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Old 09-20-2021, 12:19 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
Because they are terribly misinformed and gullible. Led by a wide world of internet misinformation. We’ve all taken vaccines since we were kids. What’s different? Misinformation, paranoia and an inexcusable influx of politics.
And again - where did the paranoia and mis-information start? It all started right here:

If you want to see who undermined public confidence in vaccines - go back to last fall when Senile Biden and Cackling Kamala warned people not to take any vaccine Trump was having developed. They are on tape saying this. Hell Harris said in in the VP debate. It is all right here:

The vice presidential candidates’ debate was Harris’s highest-profile appearance of the campaign. She took the opportunity to explain that she would not get a vaccine pushed by Trump.


Senile Biden said similar things.

These bastards lied to the American people to steal an election. Senile Biden and Cackling Kamala were the first to vocally warn AGAINST getting vaccines and they were parroted by their lackeys in the media.
Can you be honest and admit that influenced people?

As the data shows, this is not a rural vs urban issue, a democrat vs republican issue. There are people across all spectrums that have not gotten the vaccine

And just because someone has not gotten it does not mean they are misinformed or gullible. Far from it. Some have safety concerns. Some don't believe in any vaccines.
Some have done their own research and decided not to get it at this time. The list and reasons why people make the choices they do is long and complex.

But people have the right to make their own healthcare choices, whether you or I like them or not. So I support whatever choice an individual decides. None of us have the right to tell someone else what they should do with respect to their own healthcare decisions
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Old 09-20-2021, 02:39 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Charley3 View Post
Because they are terribly misinformed and gullible. Led by a wide world of internet misinformation. We’ve all taken vaccines since we were kids. What’s different? Misinformation, paranoia and an inexcusable influx of politics.
Everything is different. This “vaccine” is brand new technology, not the traditional dead chunk of a virus, and anyone who claims to know the long term effects is full of shit.
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Old 09-21-2021, 01:24 PM   #12
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Add this to the mix:

The COVID vax mandates & zealous advocates have turned people on the fence as well as anti-vaxxers into a much larger group. The stupidity of people pushing mandates and bashing people who didn't get the vaccine has caused even more people to push back

Coercion & disdain breeds distrust and resistance.
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Old 09-22-2021, 12:04 AM   #13
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September 2020. MSNBC

Ho Hum - watch the tape

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Old 09-22-2021, 07:13 PM   #14
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Its amazing to me to read people bitch about certain channels of misinformation yet somehow never wanted to see and hear the stupidity that came out of Trumps mouth during the pandemic.
Like I said. Politics and misinformation. I’ll simply trust my family doctor.
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Old 09-22-2021, 07:50 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
Everything is different. This “vaccine” is brand new technology, not the traditional dead chunk of a virus, and anyone who claims to know the long term effects is full of shit.
Anyone who puts a vaccine in their body that not only is brand new tech as Jacuzzme states but also was developed in, wait for it, 65 days for a virus with a .01% death rate (roughly 1/3-1/4 of the seasonal flu) is as bat shit crazy as a Local 250 hooker demanding a deposit and video interview
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