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Old 09-16-2021, 10:39 PM   #1
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Default Commie New Network steps in it AGAIN!!

The left tries to shame the unvaccinated and step in it in the process. No one should listen to anything the libtards spew...LIBERLISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER...seek professional help immediately !!

CNN Released Asinine Pro-Vaccine Headline Then Tried to Memory Hole It, but the Internet Is Forever
By Brandon Morse | Sep 16, 2021 5:30 PM ET

CNN just jumped the shark, then swam back around and jumped into the tank with it anyway as its latest headline just murdered any chance of their vaccine push being taken seriously by anyone except leftists and CNN die-hards.

On Wednesday, CNN released a story about a woman named Candace Ayers who, despite being vaccinated, still managed to get the virus six months later and died of COVID-19 according to her death certificate. While sad, it’s one of many stories about breakthrough infections that happen nearly every day.

However, CNN’s positions on vaccines are extreme to the point where they’re encouraging people to shame others who have refused to get the jab. This extremism probably didn’t cause them to stop and think about what they were doing before they reported on the story, but in the interest of making people hate and despise the unvaccinated, they decided to make the title of the story a quote that appeared in Ayers’s obituary.

“She was vaccinated but was infected by others who chose not to be. The cost was her life,” read CNN’s title for the article.

Perhaps someone with a little more sense decided to make the change, or perhaps the ridicule from the headline made them understand how ridiculous it sounded, but they soon changed it and now it reads: “In her obituary, a family says a mother’s Covid-19 death could have been prevented if more people were vaccinated.”

At the bottom of the article, a correction says that an earlier version “mischaracterized breakthrough infections.

Breakthrough cases are fairly common, and sadly over 14,000 of these cases result in hospitalization or death according to the CDC. The Delta variant, in particular, is one of the primary reasons for breakthrough cases given its high infection rate. For the most part, reports say vaccination makes contracting COVID-19 milder, but this is all skipping over the most important part of the story.

The vaccination didn’t save Ayers. It didn’t save thousands and thousands of people before her either. It didn’t even stop the spread.

So if it doesn’t work to prevent the disease from spreading, including to those who are already vaccinated, then why is the left pushing it so hard to the point where the federal government wants to illegally mandate it and the mainstream media wants to otherize people who won’t get it?

The is backward lunacy where the inmates have taken over the asylum.

Regardless, CNN’s headline sparked these very thoughts in people’s heads and changed it in order to prevent the spread of a much more dangerous virus…common sense.
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Old 09-16-2021, 10:45 PM   #2
dilbert firestorm
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Old 09-17-2021, 07:49 AM   #3
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TDS and LSM =



deceive (verb) · deceives (third person present) · deceived (past tense) · deceived (past participle) · deceiving (present participle)
  1. (of a person) cause (someone) to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage.
    "I didn't intend to deceive people into thinking it was French champagne"
    swindle · defraud · cheat · trick · hoodwink · hoax · dupe · take in · mislead · delude · fool · outwit · misguide · lead on · inveigle · seduce · ensnare · entrap · beguile · double-cross · gull · cozen · sharp · mulct

    • (of a thing) give a mistaken impression.
      "the area may seem to offer nothing of interest, but don't be deceived" · [more]New content will be added above the current area of focus upon selection

      "everything about him was intended to deceive"
    • (deceive oneself)

      fail to admit to oneself that something is true.
      "enabling the rulers to deceive themselves about the nature of their own rule"
    • be sexually unfaithful to (one's regular partner).
      "he had deceived her with another woman"
      be unfaithful to · be disloyal to · be untrue to · be inconstant to · cheat on · cheat · betray · break one's promise to · play someone false · fail · let down

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Old 09-17-2021, 04:51 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by bb1961 View Post
The left tries to shame the unvaccinated and step in it in the process. No one should listen to anything the libtards spew...LIBERLISM IS A MENTAL DISORDER...seek professional help immediately !!

CNN Released Asinine Pro-Vaccine Headline Then Tried to Memory Hole It, but the Internet Is Forever
By Brandon Morse | Sep 16, 2021 5:30 PM ET

CNN just jumped the shark, then swam back around and jumped into the tank with it anyway as its latest headline just murdered any chance of their vaccine push being taken seriously by anyone except leftists and CNN die-hards.

On Wednesday, CNN released a story about a woman named Candace Ayers who, despite being vaccinated, still managed to get the virus six months later and died of COVID-19 according to her death certificate. While sad, it’s one of many stories about breakthrough infections that happen nearly every day.

However, CNN’s positions on vaccines are extreme to the point where they’re encouraging people to shame others who have refused to get the jab. This extremism probably didn’t cause them to stop and think about what they were doing before they reported on the story, but in the interest of making people hate and despise the unvaccinated, they decided to make the title of the story a quote that appeared in Ayers’s obituary.

“She was vaccinated but was infected by others who chose not to be. The cost was her life,” read CNN’s title for the article.

Perhaps someone with a little more sense decided to make the change, or perhaps the ridicule from the headline made them understand how ridiculous it sounded, but they soon changed it and now it reads: “In her obituary, a family says a mother’s Covid-19 death could have been prevented if more people were vaccinated.”

At the bottom of the article, a correction says that an earlier version “mischaracterized breakthrough infections.

Breakthrough cases are fairly common, and sadly over 14,000 of these cases result in hospitalization or death according to the CDC. The Delta variant, in particular, is one of the primary reasons for breakthrough cases given its high infection rate. For the most part, reports say vaccination makes contracting COVID-19 milder, but this is all skipping over the most important part of the story.

The vaccination didn’t save Ayers. It didn’t save thousands and thousands of people before her either. It didn’t even stop the spread.

So if it doesn’t work to prevent the disease from spreading, including to those who are already vaccinated, then why is the left pushing it so hard to the point where the federal government wants to illegally mandate it and the mainstream media wants to otherize people who won’t get it?

The is backward lunacy where the inmates have taken over the asylum.

Regardless, CNN’s headline sparked these very thoughts in people’s heads and changed it in order to prevent the spread of a much more dangerous virus…common sense.
I know two people personally and know of several who have been vaccinated and still contracted Covid-19. A good friend of mine who hasn't been vaccinated contracted Covid and his symptoms were similar to a chest cold. His wife also tested positive but she had no obvious symptoms. Both of these individuals are over sixty, very athletic and in good physical condition. This Virus effects people differently and the Vaccine isn't all that great. I am beginning to believe you can contract Covid-19 regardless if you're vaccinated or not and pretty much at the same rate and severity.
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Old 09-18-2021, 10:23 AM   #5
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Sadly any discussion of the Covid /Vaccines /treatments should be about the suppression of opinions of a multitude of experts on the covid scare and deceive , and the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines .
Other then Dr sexy (Faucci ) no other "experts " from around the world have been allowed they have been actively silenced. ( an Faucci will not debate) And NOW the gov.com is controlling meds (regen,Iverm )that doctor (real doc in er s ) have been using ,So gov is letting people died and stay sick from the CCP flu Hmm Sinister ( except for the elites of course
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Old 09-19-2021, 07:40 AM   #6
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Wife of a BFF is a nurse at UPMC Passavant tells me a good 70% of Covid patients at her hospital are double jabbed.
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