President Reagan once said that “The world must see an America that is morally strong with a creed and a vision. This is what has led us to dare and achieve. For us, values count.”
If America’s exceptionalism under President Biden is measured by this standard, Joe Biden is failing our country. Biden promised that America would “build back better,” but his disastrous foreign policy, out-of-control spending, and unconstitutional government overreach point to decline.
With his haphazard exit from Afghanistan, Joe Biden stranded American citizens and Afghan allies and has made the Taliban the world’s largest weapons dealer. Now, Biden entrusts the protection of these innocent lives to the same Taliban terrorists who harbored Al-Qaeda, reducing two decades of American sacrifice to an epic disaster that demands investigation and accountability.
At home, Biden promised unity and a competence that experience is meant to bring, but he divides our country and grossly mishandles his duties – while shamelessly blaming anyone but himself. Imagine being the President of the United States and acting powerless and beholden – but now we don’t have to imagine it. Yet, with control of the House and Senate, Biden and the Democrats have no one to blame but themselves.
Open-borders Biden has allowed thousands of COVID-positive illegal immigrants, many victims of trafficking, to flood our frontier while placing exclusive blame on conservatives for the recent coronavirus surge. He’s managed to politicize our health response to the pandemic in a way only previously imagined in novels.
Tom Stiglich
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Biden has blamed congressional Republicans for failing to support his socialist government takeover of the economy, which forces trillions of dollars in wasteful spending for “infrastructure” down the throats of working-class Americans, saddling generations with debt and lost opportunity.
He even blamed his failure to advance the federal takeover of elections on Republicans fighting to restore faith in elections, launching a failed misinformation campaign with Stacey Abrams that cost Georgians a $100-million opportunity.
While Biden promised unity, we now live in the most divisive political environments in our lifetime. Thanks to his relentless pursuit to placate the woke mob and keep up with the latest demands of a far-left that despises America. Biden said he would be the most progressive president in American history – likely a true statement, but to what end? His extreme agenda has little to do with the country that he swore to serve and protect and everything to do with politics and retribution.
Accountability, honesty and integrity are foreign phrases for Biden. This behavior comes as no surprise from a career politician who has spent five decades in Washington, using his power and influence to enrich himself and his family from his comfortable perch. As president, Biden dismisses serious inquiries into his policies – turns his back, walks away, and ignores them altogether. Meanwhile, the media runs interference for Biden and labels serious questions about the president’s fitness to serve as “conspiracies."

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Biden’s actions have proven that he is more beholden to special interests, blue-state billionaires, and coastal elites rather than hard working Americans in need. Instead of providing access and opportunity to success for all, Biden shamelessly promotes cradle-to-grave government dependency and villainizes those who work hard and make an honest living.
We cannot stand by as Joe Biden and Washington radicals dismantle the American Dream. Now is the time to get vocal, get active, and get involved – which is exactly what we are doing at Greater Georgia, a conservative voter registration and mobilization organization in the biggest battleground state in the country. We are pushing back on the liberals’ far-left agenda and advocating for the pro-freedom, pro-America values that uplift all communities. These are the values that unite our country and make us strong, and these are the values we must always fight to defend because, as President Reagan said, “values count.”
fiden and coterie Lie, Lie, Lie
they are seditionists in pursuit of a marxist revolution
Buck fiden and all his coterie
From my cold dead hands
I have given up hope foe a peaceful resolution
DPSTs will force their Voter fraud bills , pack teh SC - and try to force marxism on America
They foment Civil WAR
Best Prepare for armed conflict - Conservatives
Or the DPSTs will put all Conservatives in their APC concentration camps.