This is ECCIE. Why not ask on OH2 and read all of the instructions in that Massive Yellow Box? You'd literally hafta be blind to miss it. CK is very clear...
Now, you won't get Verified anytime soon. BUT, at least you'll have the information...
Being Verified on that site doesn't mean anything for those of us that actually screen.
In the meantime, I'd register and post; get your name out there hon. And add a picture as your Avatar when you register, for marketing purposes. When a gent reviews you here, have them post it on there as well. I personally only utilize that board for ADS (also dib n dab in coed when I'm just laying around

) and do not want reviews there. You're Verified on the biggest and most sought out board (ECCIE) in your State so, that's a Major Start.
Stay Well and Happy Hobbying!