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Old 08-28-2021, 08:07 AM   #1
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Default The Truth About Inequality


Source: AP Photo/Gerald Herbert, file


Inequality is almost universally condemned by the intellectual elite. But most of the rest of the world doesn’t think inequality is such a bad thing.
According to polling by Gallup, there are 138 million people in the world today who would like to immigrate to the United States. Most of these people are poor. They tend to live in egalitarian surroundings – they and their neighbors are all equally poor. (The country with the highest percentage of would-be immigrants is Liberia.)
Yet they want to come to a country with a great deal of inequality, knowing they would start out at the bottom of the income ladder.
The attitude of these people isn’t all that different from the way the average American thinks.
Whether you are raising capital for a startup company, or selling an antique car, or raising money for a nonprofit organization, or just seeking a new job – common sense suggests you are better off if the person you are having lunch with has a lot more money than you have.
So, what is the intellectual elite complaining about? Most of the time, they are unclear.
Let’s walk through some of the issues.
Inequality of pre-tax income.
In a reasonably free market economy, you can get really rich if you are really good at meeting other people’s needs. J. K. Rowling became one of the world’s richest self-made women by meeting people’s needs for entertainment. Bill Gates became one of the world’s richest men by meeting our IT needs. If you invented a cure for Alzheimer’s, you would become one of the world’s richest people almost overnight.

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If you are a utilitarian and you think it’s good to meet as many human needs as possible, it’s hard to object to this type of inequality.
Inequality in the disposition of pre-tax income.
Once income is earned, does it matter what is done with it? LeBron James is one of the sports world’s highest income earners. He has a choice of consuming what he earns, or saving and investing it. To Paul Krugman, that choice doesn’t matter. Krugman would take 90 percent of James’ earnings regardless. But if you are a utilitarian, that position is impossible to defend.
Reportedly, Warren Buffet lives a very modest lifestyle. So did Sam Walton, creator of Walmart. If you were concerned about inequality of consumption, you wouldn’t impose an extra tax on either one of them.
Moreover, when Warren Buffet is consuming, he is benefiting Buffet. When he is saving, he is benefiting all the rest of us. When he puts his funds into the capital market, he is increasing the capital stock. That means higher productivity, higher output and higher economic growth.

You can justify a consumption tax (even a progressive consumption tax) on utilitarian grounds.
But it is really hard to justify a tax on capital that is used to fund consumption, a policy often advocated by those on the left. Economic growth is the most successful antipoverty mechanism the world has ever known.
How government policy reduces inequality.
If you care about inequality of consumption, then government taxation and entitlement spending is where your focus should be. For this we should be thankful to Lawrence Kotlikoff, Alan Auerbach and their colleagues for doing the hard work. They have analyzed the lifetime effects of all federal and state and local taxes along with more than 30 different entitlement programs.
It is generally recognized that the United States has one of the most progressive income tax systems in the world. Kotlikoff and Auerbach have discovered that we probably have one of the most progressive fiscal systems in the world. The main finding: because of taxes and entitlement programs, there is a big difference between earnings inequality and spending inequality.

For example, among people in their 40s, the difference between the top 20 percent and the bottom 20% in terms of resources earned over their remaining lifetime is 14 to 1. But the difference in lifetime spending is only 7 to 1. In other words, government policies cut inequality in half. Moreover, because of government taxes, the richest 1% in this age group will get to spend only one-third of what they earn.
How government policy increases inequality.
Thanks to the pioneering work of Kotlikoff and Auerbach, we now know that there is a great deal of inequality created by the government – maybe more than what is created by the private sector for some age groups.
To address the government’s role in creating inequality, the two economists looked at people at different ages and income levels and measured their lifetime marginal net tax rate. That’s the amount an individual sacrifices in taxes and lost entitlement benefits from earning an extra dollar of income over their remaining years of life.

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In a Goodman Institute Brief Analysis Kotlikoff explains:
There is . . . an enormous dispersion in marginal net tax rates among households with the same level of resources. For example, nearly one fifth of elderly in the lowest one-fifth face marginal net tax rates above 60 percent. Yet, almost a quarter face marginal net tax rates below 20 percent. In the top fifth, a full third of elderly are in 60 percent or higher marginal net tax brackets, whereas 14 percent are in brackets below 40 percent . . . .
In the case of the poorest 65–69-year-olds, those who earn an additional $20,000 (say, by taking a full or part-time job) face a marginal net tax rate that ranges from 8.8 percent to 627.9 percent!
These incentives are the result of a highly complex system of taxes and entitlement benefits that interact in very strange and unproductive ways. They also affect behavior in unequal ways. Someone who gets to keep 91% of everything they earn is a lot more likely to participate in the labor market than someone at the same income level who loses more than $6 for every dollar they earn.
In the name of reducing inequality, government policies already intervene heavily in the private sector. Instead of a bigger role for the government, we should focus on making those interventions fairer and less disruptive.

The socialists/DPSTs beloved 'equity' - is code for Communism - for all but them - the nomenklatura
They will continue to be more 'equal' than anyone - and Rules are for Thee - not Them!
Communism does not work - other than as tyranny for the rich at the top- it is true 'capitalistic enterprise'- impoverishing the proles - enriching the nomenklatura.

See - Lenin, mao, Stalin, Xi, CCO, north Korea, maduro adn venezuela - the list is endless

And stupid DPSTs clamor for big communist government to 'take care of them - so they do not have to make decisions about their life"!

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Old 08-28-2021, 08:11 AM   #2
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How come ALL the world's wealthiest philanthropists like Gates, Buffett, Zuckerberg, and Musk are lifelong Democrats and all the broke lying fraudsters like Trump are Repukes?

Think about it. One party wants to uplift the human race and the other wants to cling on to a white America that existed before 1865. Look at the recent 2020 Census and you'll see which side is WINNING and WINNING.
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Old 08-28-2021, 08:12 AM   #3
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LM uinder a new handle??
fiden causes desperation in the DPST bars./ ranks and nomenklatura!
move to Venezuela - valued poster!!
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Old 08-28-2021, 08:13 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
LM uinder a new handle??

I love owning another worthless Low IQ MAGA-Cuck LOL
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Old 08-28-2021, 08:14 AM   #5
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Thank you - valued poster

Keep up your rants

You might feel better in the morning having disgorged a tiny portion of your hatred.
Get some professional Help - It is badly needed!
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Old 08-28-2021, 08:17 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Thank you - valued poster

Keep up your rants

You might feel better in the morning having disgorged a tiny portion of your hatred.
Get some professional Help - It is badly needed!

I love OWNING another MAGA-Cuck Piece of Shit !!

I say jump and you say "how high, my master?" LOL
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Old 08-28-2021, 08:25 AM   #7
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Wow maybe theres a vaccine
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Old 08-28-2021, 08:42 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by SplashyZebo View Post
How come ALL the world's wealthiest philanthropists like Gates, Buffett, Zuckerberg, and Musk are lifelong Democrats and all the broke lying fraudsters like Trump are Repukes?

Think about it. One party wants to uplift the human race and the other wants to cling on to a white America that existed before 1865. Look at the recent 2020 Census and you'll see which side is WINNING and WINNING.

So you can't get rich in America if you are Black? Obama and LeBron James will be shocked to hear that. Fact is, there is very little to stop a Black or Brown person from becoming rich in America.

Which side is winning? That would be the side that believes in market principles, self help, self reliance, self respect and personal responsibility. You have that and you have the means to do well in America as I have done. I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination. I barely got out of high school with a C minus average and that was because I took no math and no science beyond the 10th grade. My father was a self employed commercial fisherman, my mother was at one time a maid working the hotels on Miami Beach. There were many years where or family depended on the help of other family members to make it.

Then I joined the Navy, didn't have the money or the grades to go to college and my life changed. I adapted well to that life. I studied hard and at every opportunity took the tests necessary to advance in rank as fast as I could. Every person of color had that same opportunity. In less than 2 years, I was an E-5 with training in electronics which I put to use as soon as I was discharged.

I joined a fortune 500 company, Western Electric and started training along side other Black and Brown people who I worked with side by side for the next 34 years.

I was nobody special when I got that job but I put in the work that others simply did not want to do and rose to a Level 5 ( as high as a non-management person can go ) Senior Communications Systems Technician. I again accomplished the advancement in a time frame considered better than average not because I had a head start being White though I would be foolish to say that didn't help at all but because I applied myself which is really all it takes in America. Show people you are willing to work hard, show personal responsibility and you can make a decent living in America no matter your color.

It is only those with chips on their shoulder, those that wallow in victim hood that fail in America
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Old 08-28-2021, 08:45 AM   #9
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HF - thank you good Sir
One cannot teach facts and Truth to indoctrinated DPST haters.

Don't waste your time - IMHO.

It will join the 'band' soon enough.

What is a shame - the indoctrinated hatred is self-destructive - and that person needs professional Help badly.
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Old 08-28-2021, 09:18 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by SplashyZebo View Post
How come ALL the world's wealthiest philanthropists like Gates, Buffett, Zuckerberg, and Musk are lifelong Democrats and all the broke lying fraudsters like Trump are Repukes?

Think about it. One party wants to uplift the human race and the other wants to cling on to a white America that existed before 1865. Look at the recent 2020 Census and you'll see which side is WINNING and WINNING.
Musk and Zuckerberg aren’t Democrats. Musk would be a libertarian or Republican except that the suckers who fall for his schtick and give him massive subsidies are Democratic politicians.

The white American Republicans before 1865 are the ones who fought to end the enslavement of blacks by Democrats.

You’re right about the census. Based on the preferences of younger Americans, who favor people like Sanders and Warren, there’s a good chance the country is fucked. If we’re lucky we’ll end up with a GDP per capita like France. If not and the progressives do something like implement modern monetary theory we end up like God knows what. Maybe Argentina or Zimbabwe.
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Old 08-28-2021, 09:19 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
So you can't get rich in America
Good post
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Old 08-28-2021, 09:49 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by SplashyZebo View Post
How come ALL the world's wealthiest philanthropists like Gates, Buffett, Zuckerberg, and Musk are lifelong Democrats and all the broke lying fraudsters like Trump are Repukes?

Think about it. One party wants to uplift the human race and the other wants to cling on to a white America that existed before 1865. Look at the recent 2020 Census and you'll see which side is WINNING and WINNING.
Don't forget George Soros in that lineup.
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