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Old 08-22-2021, 09:51 AM   #76
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Poor LN - so sad to be so deluded and love the taliban so.
'just anohthr stepping stone to world marxism - the DPSTs rejoice over the Taliban victory!
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Old 08-22-2021, 02:17 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
No it's not ignorant.
It's a very valid question. That fact that you couldn't answer without childish name calling let's me know who the ignorant one is. I've never heard anyone else besides you say something so asinine.
So you think it's NOT an ignorant question because you got called a stupid bastard? LOL damn you are one whiney little pussy. Again, the fact that you don't even know what purpose of the profession of arms is (demonstrated by your stupid assertion regarding defending the nation) is proof positive of your base ignorance. I've seen tomato plants with greater cognitive acumen than you display.

Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
No their job is to protect and defend the country, anyone who can think above an elementary level knows that

Samuel Huntington - The direction, operation, and control (management) of a human organization whose primary function is the application of violence.
LTGEN Sir John Hackett - The ordered application of force in the resolution of a social or political problem, under an unlimited liability
Dr. Don Snider - The application of lethal force – “the killing & dying business”

These are authors taught at the US Army War College... pretty sure they have a better than elementary education you dimwit.

Every post you write, you think you know what you're talking about but you just expose further your utter ineptitude and ignorance. You're not even bright enough to understand that you are out of your depth.

Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
so now you speak for every soldier over there. Talk about ignorance
Again your ignorance is screaming out loud. You don't know shit from a PRC-77. I'm not speaking for them, I'm empathizing with them... having served, I understand how the average Joe is probably feeling... Capable of completing the mission, American lives at stake, and the politicians are keeping the leash on. Yeah that's always fcuking good for esprit de corps and confidence in your commanders.

Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
No, I think I will keep talking, don't like it too bad. I asked you a question and you fly off the handle. Yeah, you know what you're talking about alright.
You answered by not answering. You never served, you probably don't even know anyone that was in any branch. You're a fcuking pogue Jody. You haven't a clue what you're yammering on about, you're just convinced you're right because REASONS. Thankfully we still have some 1st amendment rights left... so you're free to display your ignorance for all to see. You're actually a great advertisement for the vapidness that is liberalism and the DNC. It's a shame that instead of listening and learning... you choose to revel in your ignorance.

Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
Well, then why would Trump sign a deal like that without a exit strategy. He had ample time to do so, yet chose not to. Sounds like Iraq to me. And yes I would vote for him over Trump again
Of course you would. You don't have the intelligence of a fcuking tapeworm. You're unable to admit to a mistake just like Beijing Biden and that's going to end up costing a lot of American lives when all is said and done. But no matter what are a few lives in the establishment of Democrat Socialism and uni-party rule?

And boom... just as I suggested...
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Old 08-23-2021, 08:41 AM   #78
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
So you think it's NOT an ignorant question because you got called a stupid bastard? LOL damn you are one whiney little pussy. Again, the fact that you don't even know what purpose of the profession of arms is (demonstrated by your stupid assertion regarding defending the nation) is proof positive of your base ignorance. I've seen tomato plants with greater cognitive acumen than you display.


whiney?? LMMFAO. You honestly think an angry old man who has nothing better to do with his time than post worthless threads all day has any effect on my mood?? Like I said you're just too easy to mess with.

Samuel Huntington - The direction, operation, and control (management) of a human organization whose primary function is the application of violence.
LTGEN Sir John Hackett - The ordered application of force in the resolution of a social or political problem, under an unlimited liability
Dr. Don Snider - The application of lethal force – “the killing & dying business”

These are authors taught at the US Army War College... pretty sure they have a better than elementary education you dimwit.

it really doesn't take much to debunk your asinine rebuttals it really doesn't.


Every post you write, you think you know what you're talking about but you just expose further your utter ineptitude and ignorance. You're not even bright enough to understand that you are out of your depth.

I understand that I am speaking to a clueless "individual" who continues to make shit up in order to fit his narrative. Out of my depth with who, You???? LMMFAO! Thank you sir, I love starting my Monday mornings off with a good laugh.

Again your ignorance is screaming out loud. You don't know shit from a PRC-77. I'm not speaking for them, I'm empathizing with them...

No, you were trying to speak for them, but hey you might be right about them, then again you could be wrong.

having served, I understand how the average Joe is probably feeling... Capable of completing the mission, American lives at stake, and the politicians are keeping the leash on. Yeah that's always fcuking good for esprit de corps and confidence in your commanders.

you served, wow. Does that make you a fucking expert on foreign policy? No it doesn't. There's vets standing at intersections begging for money, I'm guessing they're foreign policy experts just like you. No, you're just an angry old man who has nothing but a mouth.

You answered by not answering. You never served, you probably don't even know anyone that was in any branch. You're a fcuking pogue Jody. You haven't a clue what you're yammering on about, you're just convinced you're right because REASONS. Thankfully we still have some 1st amendment rights left... so you're free to display your ignorance for all to see. You're actually a great advertisement for the vapidness that is liberalism and the DNC. It's a shame that instead of listening and learning... you choose to revel in your ignorance.

Yes, my father served just like you did. After seeing the way people like you come out of the military I will be forever thankful I chose college over being a disgruntled old man the rest of my life.

Of course you would. You don't have the intelligence of a fcuking tapeworm. You're unable to admit to a mistake just like Beijing Biden and that's going to end up costing a lot of American lives when all is said and done. But no matter what are a few lives in the establishment of Democrat Socialism and uni-party rule?

And boom... just as I suggested...
Obviously, you're not smart enough to realize who made the mistake in the first place. Or maybe it's just that you choose to ignore, which would make one IGNORant. Of course that is the Fascist-Conservative MO. Blame others for the wars and riots YOU created
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Old 08-23-2021, 09:10 AM   #79
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ta - while I tend to agree with your assessment of teh master 'baiter' LM
We are better than to devolve to their level of scatologic name-calling.

They are incapable of anything related to cogent and constructive debate on issues
Confronting LM and ilk with issues - results in denial, deflection, obstruction and name-calling.

Don't bother with the DPST Communists - let em' follow their idiotology over the cliff like sheeples and lemmings.

They do not have the intellectual capacity /rigor/ability to debate other than hateful name-calling.

And let's prevent them from destroying America!
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Old 08-23-2021, 09:36 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
Obviously, you're not smart enough to realize who made the mistake in the first place. Or maybe it's just that you choose to ignore, which would make one IGNORant. Of course that is the Fascist-Conservative MO. Blame others for the wars and riots YOU created
I won't bother replying until you can figure out how to use the quote... you're just not worth the effort.
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Old 08-23-2021, 11:43 AM   #81
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
I won't bother replying until you can figure out how to use the quote... you're just not worth the effort.
Awesome, that's what I thought. Just continue to hide behind your keyboard and do your childish name calling from your safe space and you'll be alright. And you call others a "pussy"? Psssshhh.
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Old 08-23-2021, 12:12 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
Awesome, that's what I thought. Just continue to hide behind your keyboard and do your childish name calling from your safe space and you'll be alright. And you call others a "pussy"? Psssshhh.
Heh, if you bothered to actually learn how the quote tool works, I'd respond, but you're probably not smart enough.

I notice you're hiding behind your keyboard... otherwise you'd be free to tell us all your name and address? What no? Then I wouldn't make assertions that anyone is "hiding" behind a keyboard.

You've never served, you wouldn't know the first thing about it and so your opinion is worth exactly the experience behind it.

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Old 08-23-2021, 12:31 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
Heh, if you bothered to actually learn how the quote tool works, I'd respond, but you're probably not smart enough.

using the quote button right now genius. There's more than one way to call you out. Keep trying

I notice you're hiding behind your keyboard... otherwise you'd be free to tell us all your name and address? What no? Then I wouldn't make assertions that anyone is "hiding" behind a keyboard.

Wrong again, I have never shied away from coming out. In fact I gave your ass an opportunity to do so and you backed your ass down and tried to cover it up with your usual childish insults.

You've never served, you wouldn't know the first thing about it and so your opinion is worth exactly the experience behind it.

That's fine, like I said I would choose college over turning out like you any day. Besides somebody had to keep your wife company while you were away.
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Old 08-23-2021, 12:33 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
That's fine, like I said I would choose college over turning out like you any day. Besides somebody had to keep your wife company while you were away. You still don't get it do you numbnuts...
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Old 08-23-2021, 01:02 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by Little Monster View Post
No, not Camp David. He would have scurried down to his Mar a Lago resort to go play golf. Then when asked why he made the deal he did with the Taliban he would have lied and blamed Obama.
Trump wouldn't have fucked this up quite like Biden did. This is what Biden has always been famous for, fucking shit up. After this is all over Biden should be impeached.
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Old 08-24-2021, 07:06 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by texassapper View Post
You still don't get it do you numbnuts...
I get it, this is you..

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Old 08-24-2021, 07:12 AM   #87
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To the DPSTs _ use a mirror

You still don't get it do you numbnuts...

No they don't - and Never will. supercilious, insulting, Hypocritical Commies.
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Old 08-24-2021, 07:13 AM   #88
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Is the news this week about "Foreign Policy"?

But it does appear that "Bitten's vaccine" is about as good as his "foreign policy"!
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Old 08-24-2021, 08:04 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
Trump wouldn't have fucked this up quite like Biden did. This is what Biden has always been famous for, fucking shit up. After this is all over Biden should be impeached.
So if Trump was still in office the Taliban would have taken over the country in two months instead of one?
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Old 08-25-2021, 01:31 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
To the DPSTs _ use a mirror

You still don't get it do you numbnuts...

No they don't - and Never will. supercilious, insulting, Hypocritical Commies.
Mirror, Mirror, Mirror!
Who is the fairest of them all?
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