Hi, Guys!
I am HoneyLovesFun, down here in sunny Central FL! You can find my reviews on TER. Previously, I was Naughty.Lil.Natalie of NY. I used to tour from Stamford, CT, down to Philly from ‘10 to ‘18. At one point, I had over 1K reviews under that name on TER, but my stalker had them removed, saying I’d asked for a fake one. Nearly a decade of hard work, gone in a flash! I’m still up there under my doubles reviews as NLN if you’d like to check me out. I was pretty famous back in my day…
Prior to being indy, I worked 2 years at Manhattan’s top henhouse in Hell’s Kitchen, under the famous madame Julie Moya. Check her out on the internet! She has an interesting and storied history. Heard she’s out of the game now, but it’s a fascinating read on Google. She once shared a cell with Martha Stewart!
One summer I did a stint at the Bunny Ranch. What a wild and exciting adventure that was!
Prior to being a lady of the night, I stripped for 5 years. I stepped onto that stage and fell in love with the neon lights and the pole was my new favorite thing
Those were such happy years!
For three years before that, I was a dominatrix at Pandora’s Box in NYC. Those years taught me at 20 how to be a strong, sagacious, independent young lady and helped turn me into the woman I am today. I still have all the toys I used there from back in the day, so if you’re into a little pain with your pleasure, I am the girl for you!
This is just a brief post of my 21 years in the sexy industry in its various forms. I’ve just signed up for ECCIE and wanted to say hi to everyone out there!
Honey 🍯