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Old 08-07-2021, 06:15 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
Did you not hear all the talk telling Reublicans, "Why vote when it's rigged"? You don't think some Republicans took that to heart? I would never say it was the determining factor in the loss but it happened as surely as night turns to day. Let's not start denying the truth just because it is uncomfortable to say.


Georgia Republicans Working Hard to Sabotage a 2022 Comeback

On November 19, 2020, Georgia Republicans suffered a major blow when their state was called for Joe Biden in a close presidential contest. But at that point, they had every reason to think the future would be brighter. They were the strong early favorites in two January U.S. Senate runoffs. And knowing that Democrats controlled the White House, Republicans could look forward to likely gains in 2022 for three reasons: (1) The presidential “out” party usually gets a boost in midterms, (2) midterm turnout patterns usually favor Republican voting groups, relatively speaking, and (3) redistricting would be totally in the GOP’s hands thanks to their control of the governorship and the legislature.

But instead of playing their shot as it lay, Georgia Republicans tore each other apart over Donald Trump’s mendacious election “fraud” claims and his subsequent efforts to overturn the Biden victory, with many GOP elected officials and activists gleefully attacking Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Governor Brian Kemp, both Republicans, for certifying Biden’s victory. Trump himself dominated the Senate runoffs and may well have depressed Republican turnout by constantly claiming that the vote in Georgia was “rigged.”

Read on
The Georgia elections were fraudulent. The same thing happened in the runoff as the general. Both Republicans had comfortable leads on election night, only to lose in the following days. It didn’t matter how many votes they got, the Dems would manufacture more. Trump held a rally for them. More people showed up than any that they had themselves.
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Old 08-07-2021, 06:58 PM   #32
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It was bizarre how votes were trickling in days after the election. Did mail in voters decide to mail in their votes on election day? Why would there be such a delay?
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Old 08-07-2021, 07:24 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
The Georgia elections were fraudulent. The same thing happened in the runoff as the general. Both Republicans had comfortable leads on election night, only to lose in the following days. It didn’t matter how many votes they got, the Dems would manufacture more. Trump held a rally for them. More people showed up than any that they had themselves.

All that may very well be true though never proven in a court of law. That doesn't change what I and Tiny just said which is what happened. I don't know how many Republicans took the bait and stayed home but I know damn well they did because I have relatives in Georgia who knew these people.

They didn't bother to vote because they were instructed by people they respected and believed in ( first mistake ) and they stayed home. That is part of the story and can not be disputed with any honesty.
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Old 08-07-2021, 07:57 PM   #34
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Your first sentence tells it all. It’s not true and until Republicans come out and tell their people that fraud isnt a real thing they will have to fight within their own party the specter of “if it’s a fraud then why should I vote”. As long as the “it’s a fraud” people feel supported and that there idiotic beliefs could be true then they will continue the self sabotage. I’m hoping they will keep up the stupidity. Keep sabotaging Republicans. Keep supporting Trump. I could be wrong but I believe it’s a losing strategy. Since he won’t be on the 22 ballot the Republicans hopefully won’t have the turnout effect. And since elections are a fraud anyway I hope Republicans stay home.
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Old 08-07-2021, 09:07 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong View Post
It was bizarre how votes were trickling in days after the election. Did mail in voters decide to mail in their votes on election day? Why would there be such a delay?
Georgia is one of 16 states that only allow mail in voting to be started on election day.

State-by-state overview
In 17 states, statutes or 2020-specific rules allow for absentee/mail-in counting to begin before Election Day:

New Jersey
North Carolina

In 16 states, statutes or 2020-specific rules allow for absentee/mail-in counting to begin on Election Day before polls close:
South Carolina
West Virginia

In 17 states, statutes or 2020-specific rules say absentee/mail-in ballots cannot be counted until after polls close on Election Day or have that effect:

New Hampshire
New Mexico[6]
New York
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Dakota
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Old 08-07-2021, 09:14 PM   #36
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So since there was a much larger mail in volume this election things got backed up in counting. Heck in a lot of elections mail in ballots aren't event counted until sometime after the election because there weren't as many. Mail ins were unlikely to swing an election before 2020. I do think they tally up how many mail ins there are, and if the margin of victory is bigger than the number of mail ins, they don't hurry to actually record the votes. Things were a little different in 2020, and how they do things varies state by state.
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Old 08-07-2021, 09:15 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
The Georgia elections were fraudulent. The same thing happened in the runoff as the general. Both Republicans had comfortable leads on election night, only to lose in the following days. It didn’t matter how many votes they got, the Dems would manufacture more. Trump held a rally for them. More people showed up than any that they had themselves.
The only thing manufactured is the bullshit coming out yours and the other trumptards mouths.
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Old 08-08-2021, 12:37 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
They didn't bother to vote because they were instructed by people they respected and believed in ( first mistake ) and they stayed home. That is part of the story and can not be disputed with any honesty.
We've discussed this before. Here's a video where Lin Wood says, about David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, "They have not earned your vote. Don't you give it to them. Why would you go back and vote in another rigged election for god's sake! Fix it! You gotta fix it!" Sidney Powell's standing in the background:


This is the tip of the iceberg. Wood wanted to execute every Republican in Georgia and federal politics who wasn't willing to move mountains to change election results. He provided the intellectual analysis for the crowds that were shouting "Hang Mike Pence from a Tree" on January 6.
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Old 08-08-2021, 12:37 PM   #39
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Old 08-08-2021, 01:13 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
The Georgia elections were fraudulent. The same thing happened in the runoff as the general. Both Republicans had comfortable leads on election night, only to lose in the following days. It didn’t matter how many votes they got, the Dems would manufacture more. Trump held a rally for them. More people showed up than any that they had themselves.
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Old 08-08-2021, 01:23 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by royamcr View Post
Georgia is one of 16 states that only allow mail in voting to be started on election day....
If Trump hadn't been blasting mail in voting, he might possibly have won Georgia or some other state he lost. There were undoubtedly Republicans who decided not to vote by mail because of Trump's comments, and who then ended up not going to the polls to vote in person for one reason or another.

Now I'm not sure exactly where I stand on this issue, as you do have better safeguards against fraud when people vote in person. But Trump would have been wise to encourage his people to vote by mail.
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Old 08-08-2021, 02:00 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
If Trump hadn't been blasting mail in voting, he might possibly have won Georgia or some other state he lost. There were undoubtedly Republicans who decided not to vote by mail because of Trump's comments, and who then ended up not going to the polls to vote in person for one reason or another.

Now I'm not sure exactly where I stand on this issue, as you do have better safeguards against fraud when people vote in person. But Trump would have been wise to encourage his people to vote by mail.
He won Georgia, so did the Republican senators.
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Old 08-08-2021, 03:39 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
He won Georgia, so did the Republican senators.

OK, but unfortunately, they aren't casting votes in the Senate, are they.

Saying you won when you can't prove it in a court of law is a fools errand but if it keeps you warm at night.

Not only will Republicans not be staying home in 2022, after witnessing first hand what giving this Democrat party power brought us, will bring out even the most jaded Reublicans.

Crime, education, woke bullshit will ensure it. Count on it. And I'll also guarantee than quite a few Democrats will have had quite enough of the wokeness BS by 2022.
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Old 08-08-2021, 03:51 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
The Georgia elections were fraudulent. The same thing happened in the runoff as the general. Both Republicans had comfortable leads on election night, only to lose in the following days. It didn’t matter how many votes they got, the Dems would manufacture more. Trump held a rally for them. More people showed up than any that they had themselves.
One person was resposible for Republicans losing the 2 Senate run-off elections. Donald Trump. If he had shut his mouth and accepted a well-earned defeat, one of the 2 Republicans would have won.
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Old 08-08-2021, 03:55 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
OK, but unfortunately, they aren't casting votes in the Senate, are they.

Saying you won when you can't prove it in a court of law is a fools errand but if it keeps you warm at night.

Not only will Republicans not be staying home in 2022, after witnessing first hand what giving this Democrat party power brought us, will bring out even the most jaded Reublicans.

Crime, education, woke bullshit will ensure it. Count on it. And I'll also guarantee than quite a few Democrats will have had quite enough of the wokeness BS by 2022.
You are correct on all counts.

Right now, 15 months from the 2022 elections, holding control of the House is in trouble for Democrats, and although the Senate map favors Democrats in 2022, it is way too early to make any serious predictions.
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