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Old 06-14-2021, 07:11 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
Well the Attorney General noted that the Mueller report did exonerate Trump. Not sure what you are referring to with the Horowitz report (links and specifics would be nice to see instead of vague generalities) but if Fox got it wrong they should be called out. Lies from any aspect of the media should be called out.

Yes, both sides spin but there is a big difference between spin / opinions on what might happen and the out and out lies about facts like we have seen from the Democrat loving media the last 4 1/2 years

And the reason this is important is you have 95% or more of the mainstream media in this country as nothing more than propogandists for the Democrats. For four years they spread lie after lie after lie trying to damage President Trump and then prop up Biden who clearly has dementia - all in an attempt to infect the brains of impressionable low information liberal voters too dumb to know any better to achieve their end goal.

When Fox spreads misinformation, most conservatives I know ignore it and are not afraid to call it like it is. Here on the other hand, even after the media admitted they blatantly lied about Lafayette Park we have every liberal who commented on this thread still believing the lie - unwilling to admit they were duped. That is dangerous
He’s referring to Horowitz, who is an Inspector General. He doesn’t have the authority to indict anyone. I doubt Fox said Horowitz was going to arrest anyone.
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Old 06-14-2021, 07:19 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
And Mueller's response to Trump's yes man Barr was that it absolutely did not exonerate Trump. This is why there's no sense "debating" you and your ilk here. You continually display a blatant disregard for the truth.
Mueller didn’t charge Trump with any crimes. Rod Rosenstien appointed Mueller, not Barr. He was no fan of Trump. McCabe said Rosenstien offered to wear a wire to try to get Trump removed via the 25th amendment. Before Barr was appointed, Rosenstien said no American citizen will be charged with Russian Collusion. The entire Mueller team was comprised of political hacks. All Trump haters. They came up with some bogus abuse of power “theories” which was not DOJ protocol. It was shot down by Barr and Rosenstien, and others at the DOJ. Career DOJ officials.

BTW, Barr is a Bush guy, they hardly like Trump.
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Old 06-14-2021, 09:55 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
And Mueller's response to Trump's yes man Barr was that it absolutely did not exonerate Trump. This is why there's no sense "debating" you and your ilk here. You continually display a blatant disregard for the truth.

I just corrected berry by saying Barr AGREED WITH MUELLER that the investigation did NOT exonerate Trump, contradicting Trump's boasts that he was exonerated.

Let that sink in again, 1pitts - Barr agreed with Mueller and contradicted Trump.

Yet you refer to Barr as "Trump's yes man"???

You don't have to be a fan of Bill Barr or his actions as Attorney General, but please refrain from spewing nonsense about him. I can point out at least a half-dozen other instances where he basically told trump to go pound salt.

IMO Bill Barr had more integrity in his pinky finger than all the dim-retards in Congress combined.

P.S. We're still waiting for you to tell us who you think should make the rules governing the US Senate, since allowing this co-equal branch of government to set its own rules makes you "sad" for some unexplained reason.
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Old 06-15-2021, 07:35 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Mueller didn’t charge Trump with any crimes. Rod Rosenstien appointed Mueller, not Barr. He was no fan of Trump. McCabe said Rosenstien offered to wear a wire to try to get Trump removed via the 25th amendment. Before Barr was appointed, Rosenstien said no American citizen will be charged with Russian Collusion. The entire Mueller team was comprised of political hacks. All Trump haters. They came up with some bogus abuse of power “theories” which was not DOJ protocol. It was shot down by Barr and Rosenstien, and others at the DOJ. Career DOJ officials.

BTW, Barr is a Bush guy, they hardly like Trump.
“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” -Mueller

He also said that the DOJ policy prevented him from charging a sitting president with a crime.

Far form "exonerated" as yes man Barr (who was hired because the last AG didn't lick Trump's balls quite enough for Donnie's liking) tried to say. The Bush family hates Trump. That doesn't change the fact that Barr was Trump's yes man.

Lusty, you think six instances where Barr disagreed with Trump on something proves that he has integrity? That's laughable. A person with integrity would disagree with someone like Trump six thousand times.

I fully understand that facts don't matter to Cult 45.
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Old 06-15-2021, 11:56 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” -Mueller . . .

Far form "exonerated"
You do realize how the criminal justice system in the US works, don't you? Are you up on your Bill of Rights? Obviously you are not. Try checking out the 6th Amendment. You will learn that one of the most sacred principles in the American criminal justice system, is that a defendant is innocent until proven guilty.

You are getting hung up on the word exonerated - which is not the right word to use here. Because in legal circles, to be exonerated means a person who has been wrongfully convicted of a crime is later officially cleared based on new evidence of innocence.


So by definition, Mueller could never exonerate Pres Trump as the President was never convicted of a crime to begin with. And Mueller as a lawyer knew this but he knew uneducated rubes would not.

Mueller did not find that President Trump committed any crime. That is clear. Just because he later made a media statement to play up to ill informed liberals like you that “If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” - Mueller leaves unsaid in that statement the simple fact that Mueller and his band of merry Democrats, after nearly 2 years found no evidence that the President committed a crime. His statement was clearly intended for ill educated fools to lap it up and take it out of context - and the media and most liberals did.

Per the report - Volume I of the report concludes that the investigation did not find sufficient evidence that the campaign "coordinated or conspired with the Russian government in its election-interference activities"

Volume II of the report on obstruction of justice "does not conclude that the President committed a crime, [and] it also does not exonerate him"

But again, by definition the report could never "exonerate" him.
So back to the Bill of Rights and one of the most sacred principles in the American criminal justice system - a person is innocent until proven guilty.

The bottom line is President Trump was innocent - and no matter how much you want to try and play word games or deny the facts, that will never change. And I know it eats the living hell out of you

Now - lets get back on topic - the topic of the thread is Lafayette park and the lies spread about it by the media and senile Biden himself. Don't you feel foolish for being deceived by those lies? Or has your mind been altered by a stream of endless media lies that you simply can't ascertain reality any more?
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Old 06-16-2021, 05:17 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Barr AGREED WITH MUELLER that the investigation did NOT exonerate Trump, contradicting Trump's boasts that he was exonerated.

Let that sink in again, 1pitts - Barr agreed with Mueller and contradicted Trump.

Yet you refer to Barr as "Trump's yes man"???

Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh View Post
Far form (sic) "exonerated" as yes man Barr (who was hired because the last AG didn't lick Trump's balls quite enough for Donnie's liking) tried to say... Barr was Trump's yes man.

Do you have a serious reading comprehension problem, dude?

One more time - Barr said Trump was NOT exonerated! Read the transcript of what he testified to Congress, ok?

And don't make me correct you again!

Speaking of licking a President's balls, please give us just one (1) concrete example of where Attorney General Eric Holder, who boasted about being Obama's "wingman", declined to echo the rhetoric and/or carry out the bidding of the Oval Office.
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Old 06-16-2021, 08:47 AM   #52
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Do you have a serious reading comprehension problem, dude?

One more time - Barr said Trump was NOT exonerated! Read the transcript of what he testified to Congress, ok?

And don't make me correct you again!

Speaking of licking a President's balls, please give us just one (1) concrete example of where Attorney General Eric Holder, who boasted about being Obama's "wingman", declined to echo the rhetoric and/or carry out the bidding of the Oval Office.
Why try lusty? 1pittsburgh and bypass simply state no facts, ignore facts and just try to incite replies by spewing their hatred. No matter what happens in the next few years, if it's good, its biden that caused it.... if it's bad, it will be trumps fault
It's like trying to teach a turtle to fly lol
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Old 06-16-2021, 09:35 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by chizzy View Post
Why try lusty? 1pittsburgh and bypass simply state no facts, ignore facts and just try to incite replies by spewing their hatred. No matter what happens in the next few years, if it's good, its biden that caused it.... if it's bad, it will be trumps fault
It's like trying to teach a turtle to fly lol
Another Liberal / Media lie falls apart - Lafayette Park Stay on topic, that is what i was told. Don't mention my name I can't fight back.

What about this DR. these guys are not staying on TOPIC
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Old 06-16-2021, 10:46 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
Another Liberal / Media lie falls apart - Lafayette Park Stay on topic, that is what i was told.
You are correct - the topic of the thread is Lafayette park and the lies spread about it by the media and senile Biden himself. In that regard - don't you feel foolish for being deceived by those lies? Or do you just enjoy being lied to repeatedly by the media?
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Old 06-16-2021, 10:49 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
You are correct - the topic of the thread is Lafayette park and the lies spread about it by the media and senile Biden himself. In that regard - don't you feel foolish for being deceived by those lies? Or do you just enjoy being lied to repeatedly by the media?
To correct what your quotes are in this topic is so I can stay on topic, the dementia patient Biden is Not True. It is not President Biden it was former President Reagan that had dementia. Maybe you got a little confused with allthe Rants and Raves. Not Biden R e a g a n. That is your opinion by the way so if you want to state the true facts you need to all the time not just what you would like to be true.

We have an old president because the younger of the two couldn’t do it. Something’s he did well but in the whole he caused trouble and had all of the other countries hating us. He did nothing to stop global warming, pollution or any common sense policies for this country. Most all of the policies that were made were done for the rich not for everyone.

He made our own people of the United States hate so much they tried to kill all of our leaders because he lost. If he would have just did his job and shut up he would probably still be in. What a shame.
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Old 06-16-2021, 10:57 AM   #56
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You don’t actually believe any of that horseshit, do you?
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Old 06-16-2021, 11:44 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by bypass View Post
To correct what your quotes are in this topic is so I can stay on topic, the dementia patient Biden is Not True. It is not President Biden it was former President Reagan that had dementia. Maybe you got a little confused with allthe Rants and Raves. Not Biden R e a g a n. That is your opinion by the way so if you want to state the true facts you need to all the time not just what you would like to be true.

We have an old president because the younger of the two couldn’t do it. Something’s he did well but in the whole he caused trouble and had all of the other countries hating us. He did nothing to stop global warming, pollution or any common sense policies for this country. Most all of the policies that were made were done for the rich not for everyone.

He made our own people of the United States hate so much they tried to kill all of our leaders because he lost. If he would have just did his job and shut up he would probably still be in. What a shame.
LOL - thanks for the laugh. You write some funny fiction.

Are you seriously arguing that Biden does not have dementia? Seriously? Just watch the senile fool on TV - he exhibits all the classic signs. So either he has dementia - or he is an ill educated imbecile with an extremely low IQ and zero attention span

But since you tried to deviate again from the topic of the thread - lets return to the topic of the thread:

Lafayette park and the lies spread about it by the media and senile Biden himself.

In that regard - don't you feel foolish for being deceived by those lies? Or do you just enjoy being lied to repeatedly by the media? We would like to know
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