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Old 06-11-2021, 11:09 AM   #841
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in the face of legitimate questions and strange anomalies and signed affidavits and videos that more than raise questions and undeniable exclusions from oversight and strange ballot dumps and pristine unfolded ballots that were supposedly mailed in and bellwether voting areas that were no longer bellwether areas and much more too numerous for me to recall

is no virtue
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Old 06-11-2021, 11:12 AM   #842
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
SR, you do know theres a video of the 2 fulton county workers feeding the same stack of ballots a bunch of times into the machines.

you think this charge is spurious.

why would they be feeding the same batch of ballots multiple times?
It doesn’t matter to him. He refuses to believe his own eyes. He just attacks your sources with fact checkers he agrees with. But the truth and facts are going to be announced very soon. It will be irrefutable. But I’m sure he’ll try.
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Old 06-11-2021, 11:40 AM   #843
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
But the truth and facts are going to be announced very soon.
Yes! Very soon! Only 7 months after the election. So soon!

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Old 06-11-2021, 11:47 AM   #844
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Originally Posted by pfunkdenver View Post
Yes! Very soon! Only 7 months after the election. So soon!

Trump will have the last laugh. NICE!!!!!!! Welcome aboard PFunk!!!!
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Old 06-11-2021, 12:24 PM   #845
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VA State Senator Amanda Chase: AUDIT IS “IMPECCABLE”

Chase:I am exhilarated.After coming here to Arizona, I’m just so overwhelmed with emotion right now. … Let me tell you thatevery legislator should come and watch this process.I think this is setting thegold standardfor elections going forward period. …We need transparency in our elections.We’ve looked at a lot of Gallup polls that have shown that up to 70% of Virginians do not have confidence in these election results.

I really do applaud Arizona, and I have to give a shoutout to Senator Rogers who graciously hosted us in Arizona.It’s highly organized, it’s highly transparent. You have the cameras, you have chain of custody, you have accountability — which is so important and that is lacking right now.

I don’t think this is the first year that we’ve had irregularities in our elections. I think it’s gone on for many years and we need to make sure that we restore the confidence of all voters. I’m so glad that we took the time to come, and I do encourage other legislators across America to come. I encourage the Virginia legislators to come.

Watch ���� TGP Interview with Chase
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Old 06-11-2021, 09:53 PM   #846
dilbert firestorm
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President Trump Just Demanded a Pennsylvania Election Audit: Here’s Why Revolver Believes PA Was Rigged
June 5, 2021 (7d ago)

As President Trump and his allies hope to get to the bottom of election fraud concerns in Arizona, the Donald has also set his sights on a new and potentially even more important target — Pennsylvania.
President Donald Trump is demanding that the Republican-controlled Pennsylvania State Senate conduct a forensic audit of the 2020 election, similar to the audit currently taking place in Maricopa County, Arizona. Trump is making it clear that “If Pennsylvania Senate leadership doesn’t act, there is no way they will ever get re-elected!” [National File]
As Trump and his supporters gear up for election transparency in PA, it is useful to revisit Revolver’s ground-breaking statistical work suggesting foul play in the Keystone State.

Revolver’s first major investigation into PA voter fraud looked at a highly unusual ballot dump that occurred in the middle of the night between Wednesday November 4, 2020 and Thursday November 5, 2020:
We find considerable evidence consistent with the possibility of electoral fraud in vote counts in Montgomery County, PA.

In particular, we examine a highly anomalous update to mail vote totals in the NYT/Edison data which enormously benefited Biden, and which looks suspicious on a number of dimensions.

At a high level, our results are suggestive of a new and highly suspicious batch of mail ballots being added to the count sometime between Wednesday early morning and Thursday morning. These ballots are drawn from an implausible distribution that enormously favored Biden and simultaneously harmed Trump (the latter being done in addition by allocating more votes to Jorgensen). Said mail ballots end up being extremely different both from the mail ballots that came before (as measured in NYT data), and the mail ballots that came afterwards (as measured in the county’s own data). [Revolver News]
The key points investigated in the article are as follows:
On Thursday November 5th at 9:09am a large batch of 90,022 mail/absentee votes get added that has over 95% support for Biden, but total votes to go up by only 9,534, implying that in-person votes actually went down by 80,488. On its own, this is a very strange irregularity, as ballots cannot disappear, and in-person ballots cannot become mail ballots. Something is wrong in the reported data, the only question is what.

⦁ The new batch of 90,022 mail ballots looks nothing like existing mail ballots. If the update is a data error, it must be a complicated error along multiple dimensions and is unlikely to be a simple typo. The new batch is improbable on four separate dimensions:

⦁ It has a level of support for Biden (over 95%) that is statistically impossible to have come from the same distribution of mail ballots counted up to that point (74.9% for Biden)

⦁ Every comparison of pairs of candidates shows improbable changes. This is important, as it helps rule out the possibility that a single typo in the data drives the pattern.

⦁ Irrespective of the old distribution, the new batch is extremely unlikely on its own terms, as it has a ratio of support for Jorgenson relative to Trump (20%) that is higher than virtually every county in America. The last fact is consistent with aiming to get Biden’s vote share “high but not impossibly high” while simultaneously trying to not give any more votes to Trump than absolutely necessary.

⦁ The distribution of the ballots being removed from the in-person counts is even more implausible (98.1% Biden), making it difficult to explain the overall vote update as being due to genuine mail ballots having been previously incorrectly classified as in-person.[Revolver News]
On the basis of this analysis, we provisionally conclude that foul play is the most compelling and parsimonious explanation for the voting anomalies:
Adding all this evidence together, there is a strong case for the following interpretation:

-Some time after election night, a very large batch of mail ballots were counted that showed an enormous advantage for Biden-This batch looks nothing like the mail ballots counted up to that point in the NYT data, and also looks different from the mail ballots counted later in each precinct as measured using the county’s own data

-The batch looks implausible on its own face, in terms of relative vote shares of Libertarian and Republican votes

-The updates are difficult to reconcile with simple data errors like genuine mail ballots being mis-classified as in-person, or a single candidate total being incorrectly entered as a typo.

These facts present strong circumstantial evidence suggesting fraud in mail votes in Montgomery County, and need to be investigated further. [Revolver News]
But our investigation did not stop there.

Part 2 of our investigation into PA voter fraud provides a detailed and plausible fact pattern that fits the statistical anomalies described above and in Part 1 of our investigation:
Suppose, hypothetically, someone was planning to commit electoral fraud in Montgomery County, PA, in favor of the Democrats.

By 5:43am Wednesday morning after election night, Trump is ahead by 618,840 votes, with counting still proceeding. So far, Montgomery County, PA had reported 148,100 mail votes (running 24.4% Trump, and 74.9% Biden) and 388,018 votes total (running 40.8% Trump, 58.2% Biden) (Raw data, Fact 6). Montgomery County has the third highest expected number of votes of all counties in Pennsylvania (Raw data), so they’re one of the few places in a position to be large enough to possibly affect the outcome via fraud. Pennsylvania was always going to be close, and so the fraud perpetrators wanted to keep as many uncounted ballots as possible in reserve, so that if needed they could produce fraudulent ballots and run up the statewide total for Biden. But crucially, the perpetrator didn’t know in advance exactly just how many ballots would be needed to win the election. So they kept a fair amount back, holding 23% of precincts still in reserve. (Raw data) The amount of mail ballots they had counted by Wednesday morning relative to Edison forecasts is relatively low in the data.

On Tuesday night, the county had held a press conference pre-announcing an approximate number of absentee ballots they’d already collected, but somehow not counted. Some people wondered if it might look weird for a county to hold a press conference on election night rather than just count the votes, but ostentatious displays of transparency make great cover, even if just by unrelated groups taking advantage of them.

Over the course of Wednesday, counting goes on. But for some reason, and this possibility is somewhat open to interpretation, somebody screws up and enters each new update into the “in-person category.” It’s hard to know quite why this happens, but you can imagine different variations at this point. In one, it’s just a pure screw-up – someone doesn’t know how the scheme works, and enters the wrong vote type in a database, then has to correct it later. In a different variant, it could be pre-planned – a great cover story if you need to make extra changes on Wednesday night is “these obvious mail ballots, which were pre-announced, have to be changed to the correct category.” In any case, there isn’t a single update made to mail-in ballots over the day on Wednesday (Raw data).

Wednesday night arrives, and organizers of the fraud realize they now have not one, not two, but three problems with their fraud scheme…

[Revolver News]
Finally, Revolver’s statistical team approached the PA voter fraud situation from a separate and entirely novel angle — by looking at birthday distributions of registered voters:
We construct a new metric of potential voter fraud using suspicious distributions of birthdays in Pennsylvania voter registration data. The basic idea is that people picking fake birthdays will make predictable non-random choices, like picking round numbers for days of the month, and not knowing what true birth month distributions look like.

Under this metric, a number of counties in Pennsylvania have extremely unlikely distributions of voter birthdays. Seven counties representing almost 1.4 million votes total (Northumberland, Delaware, Montgomery, Lawrence, Dauphin, LeHigh, and Luzerne) have suspicious birthdays above the 99.5th percentile of plausible distributions, even when using conservative assumptions about what these distributions should look like.

These suspicious birthdays also matter significantly for election outcomes. While there are suspicious counties that vote Republican overall, in general more suspicious birthdays in a county are strongly associated with a larger Biden vote share, and a higher Biden vote share relative to all Democrat presidential candidates since 2000. More suspicious birthdays are also associated with a higher vote share for Jorgensen relative to Trump (consistent with a fraud scheme aiming to get Biden high but not “too high”, while simultaneously giving as few votes to Trump as possible).

Finally, we quantify the magnitude of how this potential fraud may have impacted the election. Even a small reduction in the amount of suspicious birthdays (to the 98th percentile of the conservative distribution) would be predicted to have resulted in Trump winning the state by 71,500 votes. This suggests that whatever is driving the anomalous patterns in birthdays is sufficiently important to affect the statewide election result.[Revolver News]
We encourage you to read each of our statistical studies in full and share them as widely as possible.

The more we press for answers about this election, the more we undermine the legitimacy of the Biden regime, and the more opportunities we offer our corrupt ruling class to make a mistake and reveal the truth. We’re not giving up. We’re not backing down. And we’re not going to stop demanding answers.
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Old 06-11-2021, 11:50 PM   #847
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A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Hot and Getting Hotter!
By Stu Cvrk | Jun 11, 2021 12:15 PM ET
AP Photo/Matt Slocum

A.U.D.I.T.: About Undermining Democrat-Implemented Theft (of elections)

It’s not just Arizona and Georgia that are shining klieg lights on “election irregularities”! Over the past week, a total of 11 states have made election news. In addition, there are national newsmakers (including the Democrat-media complex dragging out the “big guns” to try to squelch any talk of election forensic audits). But before we get started with the summary of recent reports, this is a poignant reminder that the logic of the Hologram’s victory escapes most rational people. Certainly, no one in the Democrat-media complex has taken a stab at explaining this chart (courtesy of Tierney Real News):

And Rasmussen Reports (one of the most accurate pollsters) reports that 51% of likely voters “believe that cheating impacted the 2020 election results” (up 4 percentage points from November!).
Our polling indicates 51%, a majority of U.S. likely voters, believe cheating impacted the 2020 election results, up from 47% just after the November election. Legacy media spends 24/7 demonizing any questioning of the 2020 results. Public trust in them is demonstrated below – pic.twitter.com/FxWv8ZVQ6v

— Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) June 7, 2021

Moving on to the “big enchilada”….

  • First off, social media personality @KanekoaTheGreat on Telegram provides some commentary from Seth Keshel, a General Flynn confidant, from an interview with Doug Billings that amplifies the improbabilities in the Tierney Real News graphic above:

Former Army Captain of Military Intelligence, Seth Keshel (https://twitter.com/SKeshel), breaks down the election data in Maricopa County.

Arizona has historically been a Republican state.

Since WWII, it has only voted for a Democrat twice, 1948 and 1996. Maricopa has not voted for the Democrat since 1948.

John Kerry added 118,166 votes in Maricopa in 2004.

Barack Obama added 97,677 votes in Maricopa in 2008.

Hillary Clinton added 100,619 votes in Maricopa in 2016.

Joe Biden added 337,867 votes in Maricopa in 2020.

Biden won Arizona by 10,457 votes so if 0.5% of the 2.1 million ballots in Maricopa are illegal or invalid ballots for Biden then you have a state for the first time in the history of the United States that would have been wrongfully awarded in the American electoral college.

Full Interview (AZ, GA, NV): https://rumble.com/vi6u2t-the-right-...ne-7-2021.html
  • Next are some comments made by Ken Bennett, the former AZ secretary of state who is overseeing the audit, with a hint at some of the problems being found (from American Conservatives Take Action):

Jordan Conradson: When can we expect a result that either confirms or denies Biden won?

Bennett: Well that’s going to be several weeks thereafter. In addition to the hand count which might be done this week, the paper evaluation is going to probably take all of June and we have the facility through the end of June. So, we’re going to have to do a lot of work to catch up on the paper evaluation but both of those things need to be completed and then there will be a few weeks of putting the report together. We still also have the opportunity, and I think it’s imperative that we take the opportunity to verify at least thousands of the envelope signatures to make sure that there weren’t blank signatures allowed to go through the mail in process — because that signature of the voter on the envelope is the voter’s affidavit that their ballot is inside. We’ve heard rumors that there may have been thousands of envelopes allowed to go through and opened and ballots counted without any signature whatsoever on the envelope. If that happened that’s a huge no-no and so there are other very important things besides just the hand count and the paper evaluation that yet or yet to be done.
  • Next come some remarks from AZ State Senator Wendy Roger that describe the four phases of the audit, as well as information about Cyber Ninjas (from Arizona Conservatives Take Action):

How is Cyber Ninjas equipped to lead this audit?
  • They are an application security company, which has allowed a quick understanding of how election system applications work in detail.
  • Their modus operandi is to perform Threat Modeling.
  • That is: They figure out ways a system can be attacked and how to identify a threat and protect against it.
  • They discover what the “artifacts” are in order to prove activity did or didn’t happen.
  • This was used in designing the audit scope.

Steps to the AZ Audit

Phase 1 – Canvassing – Currently indefinitely delayed by the AZ Senate.
  • Did you vote?
  • Does it match?
  • There have been innumerable reports of mismatch anomalies.
  • Was the voter registration history changed?

Phase 2 – Physical ballots

  • Actual ballot counting: Everyone can relate to the concept of counting paper ballots. Maricopa volunteer counters must have voted in the Nov 2020 election. No determination whether the counter volunteer is a Republican or a Democrat.
  • If a count is off by more than 1 person per 50 ballots counted, then the ballots are recounted
  • It takes approximately 8 seconds to count a ballot. There is no way to coordinate or sully this very precise process. “There is no speed without accuracy.”

Paper Analysis
  • Paper examination table uses digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras.
  • 0% chance of damaging ballots
  • Determines which oval was marked and if marked by a human.
  • Analyzes fibers of ballot material and barely-detectable yellow-dot watermarks.
  • Every last ballot should be able to be accounted for.

Bottom Line: Opposition pushback may be an indication of the more questionable areas to investigate

Phase 3 – Electronic Voting Systems
  • Digital capture of the voting systems (that were provided) has been completed.
  • CyFIR followed industry best practices with write-block devices that prevented any hard drive from being changed.
  • Analysis of the data captured is ongoing.

Phase 4 – Results
  • Numbers from various phases will be compared against the certified results.

Cyber Ninjas CEO overall observations:
  1. Americans must be able to trust how one’s vote is cast.
  2. A judge’s scope of expertise does not tend to include higher math or computer systems.
  3. However, EVERY American understands how to count — counting should be done at the local community level.
  4. We should go to paper only.
  5. We should be counting at the precinct level.
  6. We should declare voting day a national holiday so everyone can vote and participate in the counting.
  7. Even Canada’s federal election is paper only.

What now could Pennsylvania (PA) do if it wanted to pursue a comprehensive AZ-level audit?

In theory, the PA State Senate’s “State Government Committee” can issue a subpoena on behalf of the PA State Senate to start an in-depth audit of a PA county.

Arizona welcomes ALL states to adopt this gold-standard of a process to ensure free and fair elections for 2022.
  • Arizona State Senator Kelly Townsend commented about “federal-only” voters who voted in 2020 in Arizona.

“AZ still has over 21k “Federal Only voters” who cannot prove they are a citizen or that they even exist. They are not in the MVD system and all they need is a bank statement (easily doctored) to get a ballot. This will need to be addressed at the Federal level, and I have been working to make this more known for some time. This is the next thing that needs an audit, and voter intimidation is a flimsy excuse not to do it.”
  • Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs (D-Soros) has been throwing everything on the proverbial wall to see what will stick in her efforts to stymie and discredit the AZ audit. She recently announced that she is running for the Democrat nomination for governor. Good luck with that in a Red state that is all in A.U.D.I.T. of elections!
  • Maricopa County Sheriff Paul Penzone (backed by Soros), who has been a fly in the ointment in terms of delivering routers subpoenaed for the audit by the state senate, faces a contempt hearing “in the same racial profiling case that led to contempt rulings against his predecessor, Joe Arpaio.”
  • AZ State Rep Mark Finchem is running for Secretary of State to replace Katie Hobbs. He recently said that Mike Lindell’s new film ‘Absolutely 9-0’ has provided evidence indicating that other major counties besides Maricopa should also be audited:

Rep. Biasiucci and I have requested the ballot printing order records from Pima, Pinal, Yuma and Apache counties, and with the ‘Absolutely 9-0’ revelation, we are requesting ballot images from Pima County
  • California broke into the “probable election fraud column.” Who knows how many replications of the following took place during the mail-in ballot harvesting deluge in California last year? In a bombshell report from the Santa Barbara News-Press:

Approximately 3,000 mail-in ballots counted in the Nov. 3 election were supposedly cast by UCSB students residing in a voting precinct that, along with other dorm buildings, includes the Francisco Torres/Santa Catalina Residence Hall at 6850 El Colegio Road in Goleta.

Problem: Due to COVID-19, the Torres Building, which normally accommodates 1,300 students, was empty and locked down through most of 2020, as were all other UCSB dorms.

This means no students/voters were residing inside the Torres Building (nor any of the other dorms) during the election season.

It also means these ballots were fraudulent.

That’s because there’s a second problem: These ballots could not legally have been forwarded to students where they were actually living.

Why not?

Because forwarding ballots to alternative addresses is a felony.
  • One final reminder: the AZ audit is NOT the “gold standard” for audits, as previously reported here. “Based on economic and time constraints (due in part to the aggressive resistance against any meaningful election audit), the Maricopa audit is a partial forensics audit. Based on the Statement of Work, we’d estimate that it is 75% of an FFA [full forensic audit].
  • Things are simmering to a boil as we approach the hot months of summer in Georgia! First off, some 531 Georgia Republicans, “ranging from grassroots activists, to precinct leaders, to delegates to the Georgia GOP convention,” wrote a letter to Gov. Brian Kemp urging him to initiate a forensic audit of the 2020 election.
  • Garland Favorito of VoterGA.org is making headway in convincing a judge to unseal 147,000 mail-in ballots, some of which “look like they were xeroxed,” according to poll manager Suzi Voyles who, along with three other poll workers signed a sworn affidavit toward that end:

[E]lection watchdogs have used their affidavits to help convince a state judge to unseal all of the 147,000 mail-in ballots counted in Fulton and allow a closer inspection of the suspicious Biden ballots for evidence of counterfeiting. They argue that potentially tens of thousands may have been manufactured in a race that Biden won by just 12,000 votes thanks to a late surge of mail-in ballots counted after election monitors were shooed from State Farm Arena in Atlanta.

“We have what is almost surely major absentee-ballot fraud in Fulton County involving 10,000 to 20,000 probably false ballots,” said Garland Favorito, the lead petitioner in the case and a certified poll watcher who runs VoterGa.org, one of the leading advocates for election integrity in the state.
  • Ruby Freeman, the woman caught on video dragging boxes out from under the table on Election Day night in Fulton County after the vote-counting process was suspended, has been subpoenaed (along with her boss daughter Shaye Moss)! Read the subpoena at this link.

Ruby dragged hidden boxes of ballots out from underneath tables and started running them through the machines. Ruby Freeman was caught on tape running the same stack of suspect ballots through the machines multiple times.
  • Social media personality Miz Donna Thoughts, who is a Georgia resident, comments on the two articles above:

A couple of observations. The authorities never took the claims seriously. The investigators haven’t reached out to the witnesses. Suzi Voyles is a well-known person in GA GOP circles. The Senators took her claims very seriously. And when she was fired, they were angry.

I think she would know whether the paper was regular or not. Because she has been handling ballots for 20 years.

Paul left off one other witness who worked at the warehouse. She testified that they were printing hundreds of test ballots at that location. She was the only person spoiling them. They were put into those suitcase bags and left unattended.

Also notice who else Paul said works at that warehouse….

They are being deposed for a reason…
  • In an action directly related to his apparent obstruction of the Georgia audit process, the Georgia Republican Party censured Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger. The resolution is pretty explicit:

The resolution cited Raffensperger for “Entering into the Compromise Settlement Agreement and Release which changed Georgia’s absentee voting procedures outside the Constitutionally prescribed format set forth in Georgia law.” The resolution said that Raffensperger had undermined election security by permitting “mass mailings of absentee applications by his office and third parties which created opportunities for fraud and overwhelmed election offices; rendering accurate signature matching nearly impossible; allowing ballot drop boxes without proper chain of custody; and ignoring sworn affidavits and disregarding evidence of voter fraud.”
  • Kyle Ardoin, the Louisiana Republican Secretary of State is trying to push through the purchase of over $100 million in voting machine equipment for the state via SB 221 and HB 373, and a local group is pushing back in a new video posted here and excerpted below:

Two top Republican Legislators in Louisiana, with the support of Republican Secretary of State, Kyle Ardoin, have introduced election bills in 2021. These bills have been labeled “non-controversial,” or even hailed as election integrity measures. However, Citizens from North to South Louisiana, who have taken a closer look at these bills, are protesting that the Republican-carried Bills are Trojan Horses…

SB 221 is the legislation being considered and it undermines election integrity in many ways:
  • It arguably blocks the Attorney General from reviewing and potentially invalidating illegal or improper Election rules enacted by the Secretary of State.
  • Places the Commission and Committee supposedly designed to provide independent oversight of Louisiana elections, squarely within the Office of the Secretary of State.
Another bill, HB 373 by Rep. Stuart Bishop provides that private contractors that work with the information management systems of state agencies could have their “registration” excluded from public records. Private contractors that work with State Agencies’ information systems, could thus have their registration shielded from public scrutiny, and released only to government officials. “Registration” could be interpreted to include the identity, membership, ownership, foreign control, or legal description of information management companies that work for state agencies.

In short, private contractors that manage information systems for state agencies could have their identity and ownership concealed from the public, under Rep. Bishop’s bill.

Ultimately, HB 373 could block public access to information about the foreign ownership and control of Dominion, which now counts votes in Louisiana elections. Dominion and/or its subcontractors could decide Louisiana elections, without Louisiana citizens even knowing who was counting their votes.
  • Lawyer Matthew DePerno is appealing a case dismissed recently by a Michigan judge in Antrim County. Deperno subsequently made this claim:

“And I’ll tell you something we discovered this weekend. We can now show that after the election is done, someone, anyone really who has access to those tabulators, can reopen the election, run more ballots through the tabulator, print off new tabulator tape with a new balance and backdate that tape to November 3rd.”
  • Comments made by DePerno on Twitter about a remote login to the election management system on 5 Nov are even more astounding:
  1. We have been lied to. The Antrim County election management system (EMS) was REMOTELY and successfully logged into anonymously on 11/05/2020 at 5:55 PM and again on 11/17/2020 at 5:16 PM. Yes, that is correct … REMOTELY.
  2. Those dates are significant because they correspond directly to the dates the county and SOS were trying to correct the intentional computer problems that subverted the election. These logons appear to have escalated privileges at the time of logon. Again .. REMOTELY.”
  3. But we were told there was no internet connection. In an accredited system, an anonymous user should not be authorized by the accreditation authority, but would instead be required to enter a specific user name and password to utilize the system. 4. We were told there was no internet connection. We were told there was no remote access. We were told this was human error. All lies. This is fraud. This decertifies the Antrim County election. SOS Benson should resign or be impeached.
1. We have been lied to.
The Antrim County election management system (EMS) was REMOTELY and successfully logged into anonymously on 11/05/2020 at 5:55 PM and again on 11/17/2020 at 5:16 PM.

Yes, that is correct . . . REMOTELY

— Matthew S. DePerno, Esq. (@mdeperno) June 9, 2021
  • That bombshell claim was followed up with an additional tweet, as reported here, that “changes to the results on Nov 5 and Nov 17 (and then published and certified on Nov 21) were made REMOTELY by an ANONYMOUS user without proper logon credentials”:
Following up on my last tweet, this mean the changes to the results on Nov 5 and Nov 17 (and then published and certified on Nov 21) were made REMOTELY by an ANONYMOUS user without proper logon credentials.

More later on what we found related to the Dec 17 fake hand recount. pic.twitter.com/gnhsErnbeX

— Matthew S. DePerno, Esq. (@mdeperno) June 9, 2021

  • And a further bombshell tweeted by DePerno on 9 June: “… in Central Lake Township (Antrim County) we discovered 82% reversal rate of ballots.”
It gets worse . . . in Central Lake Township (Antrim County) we discovered 82% reversal rate of ballots.

Why? Because someone intentionally tampered with Left Marker #18 on the ballots prior to the election.

Let that sink in. Lawyer up! This is really really really bad.

— Matthew S. DePerno, Esq. (@mdeperno) June 9, 2021

On June 7, 2021 a nonpartisan group of Nevadans served an official notice of maladministration to the office of Governor Steve Sisolak, demanding a full forensic audit of the 2020 election. Notarized affidavits were also sent certified mail to the Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske and all necessary state officials and recorders.
  • The Democrat-controlled state legislature pushed through legislation that codified the “emergency measures” implemented in 2020 allowing mail-in voting: “Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak signed a bill into law on Wednesday, codifying a permanent mail-in voting system and other reforms aimed at expanding voter access.” More like codifying endless election fraud, to me.
New Hampshire.
  • In advance of the final report from the auditors three-hour live interview updating New Hampshire residents was provided by Nick Moseder and other election integrity advocates. A complete NH update on that interview and much more can be found here.
North Carolina.
  • A group of Republicans from the General Assembly are seeking answers from the State Board of Elections about the machines used to tabulate NC paper ballots across the state:

NC Rep. Jeff McNeely (Iredell) said about the SBOE, “We are just trying to see if there are any legs to the rumors we hear about ballots and machines, we want to know if there is anything that could have been changed by the machines, we gave them a deadline to get back to us.”

Rep. Keith Kidwell (Beaufort, Craven) said in a released statement on Facebook, “We put the hard question to these guys about what is going on with the machines. We asked the SBOE to give us access to the three machines, and what kinds of modems they have. We want our own technicians to examine and they are going to get back to us,” Kidwell, an accountant, is looking for information on where votes changed.

“We want this to be public access for people to see why numbers in ballots and voter files were changed,” Kidwell said.
  • As is the case in many states with Republican-led state legislatures, Ohio Republicans are pursuing HB 294, the Enact Ohio Election Security and Modernization Act, in order to improve the integrity of future elections. Its provisions were summarized here:
  • Change the deadline for mailing absentee ballots to 10 days before election day rather than 3.
  • Restrict drop boxes to being located at the Board of Elections office with 24-hour video surveillance and reduce drop-off days from 30 to 10.
  • Allow voter registration and updating of address, driver’s license number, and other personal information at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Any such change would trigger a reset in the timestamp that determines “active voter status,” a metric used when cleaning voter rolls.
  • Direct the Secretary of State to adopt rules “for the purpose of improving the speed of processing new voter registrations” that would make that data electronic and send the original application to the applicable Board of Elections (BOE).
  • Prohibit “Direct electronic connection” between any of various voter registration locations, such as the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, public libraries, high schools, and vocational schools, and the statewide voter registration database. Any such data would first be required to be verified by the SoS or BOE.
  • Restrict use of voting machine manufacturers, assemblers, or distributing entities with which any elected official or spouse is a partner, owner, or member, excepting ownership of less than 10% of any publicly-traded company.
  • Require “systematic logic and accuracy testing if every component of every voting machine, marking device, or piece of automatic tabulating equipment with every ballot style to be used in the election.” The testing requirements further stipulate that both valid and invalid votes be tested and that an errorless count be achieved before use.
  • A key Republican senator who observed the Maricopa County audit is pursuing a resolution for a Pennsylvania audit patterned after the AZ audit. Doug Mastriano stated: “If we had the support with the majority of the members in any committee we do this from, and from the body [Senate] itself, probably July, we could see it,” Mastriano said during an appearance on Real America’s Voice’s “Just The Truth.”
  • Another Republican state senator made the following supportive statement:

“I support the call for an election audit, in order to answer any lingering questions that still remain about the fairness of the 2020 elections in Pennsylvania. This is the best path forward to address the legitimate concerns of the large majority of my constituents who voted to reelect President [Donald] Trump, as well as all Pennsylvanians,” state Sen. David Argall, a Republican who chairs the Pennsylvania Senate’s State Government Committee, told The Epoch Times in an emailed statement.

“This is just one of many election reform efforts which I hope to see approved here in the next few weeks,” he added.
  • In a move to shore up election integrity by precluding election workers from “fixing” errors on absentee ballots, “the Assembly’s Committee on Campaigns and Elections … advanced a plan, Assembly Bill 198, that would clarify that only voters or their witnesses can correct a mistake on an absentee ballot.” The problem is, the Democrat governor would likely veto this bill if passed.
  • Several other bills are pending in the state senate, as reported here:

The bills still pending Senate Votes are SB 205 and SB 206, which are related to absentee voting in residential care facilities and retirement homes and among the indefinitely confined. Likewise, SB 209 prohibits drop boxes for absentee ballots that are not attached to the municipal clerk’s office. It also requires publication of the location and days of availability and that the box is emptied once per day in public view.

SB 211 requires a standard absentee ballot application from the WEC to be created, rather than the current law that allows any written request.

SB 204 is similar to SB 211 but also requires voter ID and mandates that absentee ballots are sent only to those who request them.

SB 214 authorizes absentee ballot canvassers established by the municipality to begin canvassing absentee ballots the day before an election, rather than only the day of. It mandates that counting continue until all absentee ballots are complete.

SB 210 requires the municipal clerk, chief inspector, and board of canvassers to provide election observers “uniform and nondiscriminatory access to all stages of the election process, including recounts.”

SB 212 prohibits election officials from intentionally assisting knowingly invalid votes to be counted or knowingly valid votes to go uncounted, and the same for voter registrations. It makes a crime of failing to promptly report election fraud committed by another election official.
Miscellaneous. The following are some general election-related items of interest, some of which are bombshells.
  • The first are comments summarized from an interview of Dr. Douglas Frank who discovered an algorithm used to manipulate voter election rolls across the country (and thus, the election itself), as provided by social media personality @KanekoaTheGreat:

Dr. Douglas Frank (@FollowTheData) explains how he reverse engineered the algorithm used to steal the 2020 election.

The first red flag is that there are more people registered to vote than actual people in many counties around the country.

“Every time I show these graphs to county clerks, boards of election people, their jaws drop. They don’t realize that their registration rolls have been inflated.”

The second red flag is that the same three spikes in voters aged ~50, ~72, and ~78 shows up in every county and every state that has been tested. Dr. Frank has already tested over 1,000 counties and 20 states.

The algorithm uses the 2010 census shifted and normalized to the current population in order to know how much they can inflate the voter registration rolls.

It’s important to remember that Dr. Frank is just showing you the official data.

Full Interview:

  • The second is a follow-on set of comments that highlight the hypocrisy of two Democrat senators who denounce “Republican-instigated election audits” using their own remarks made long before the 2020 elections, as provided by @KanekoaTheGreat:

Dr. Douglas Frank (@FollowTheData) says voter registration rolls were inflated by an algorithm across the country. They are inflated in the exact same way across the 20 states and 1,000 counties that he has looked at.

Do you think Sen. Elizabeth Warren remembers saying, “Forty-two states use voter registration databases that are more than a decade old. Laughably, in 2019, some still use Windows 2000 and Windows XP”?

Doesn’t that sound like it would be pretty easy to hack into, Sen. Ron Wyden? “I’ll tell you for a fact, voter registration systems are going to be targeted in 2020. As sure as the night follows the day! Voter registration systems are going to be targeted and that means you can affect votes.”

Well that makes sense Sen. Wyden because Dr. Frank says the votes actually mirror the inflated registration rolls nearly perfectly across the country.

Got anything to add Sen. Warren or Sen. Wyden or did you two only care about election integrity back in 2019?
  • Next is a reminder to all Americans that requiring a voter photo identification is standard fare in Europe. I thought the Democrats wanted the US to be “more like Europe”? What’s the problem?

A database on voting rules worldwide compiled by the Crime Prevention Research Center … shows that election integrity measures are widely accepted globally, and have often been adopted by countries after they’ve experienced fraud under looser voting regimes.

Of 47 nations surveyed in Europe — a place where, on other matters, American progressives often look to with envy — all but one country requires a government-issued photo voter ID to vote. The exception is the U.K., and even there voter IDs are mandatory in Northern Ireland for all elections and in parts of England for local elections. Moreover, Boris Johnson’s government recently introduced legislation to have the rest of the country follow suit.
  • Did Mike Lindell ambush Dominion Systems and Smartmatic with a counter-suit? You will recall that Dominion sued Lindell for $1.3B back in February. It would appear that Lindell has got the goods on Dominion/Smartmatic, as the 17 exhibits in his counter-suit details. Here are some bombshell excerpts from a report about Lindell’s lawsuit; the entire filing can be read here:

Exhibit 12 includes data alleged to be a summary of forensically recorded evidence that proves foreign interference into the 2020 General Election through electronic voting machines. The tables show IP addresses, the number of votes switched, and the country of origin in each breach incident.

Exhibit 12 shows a grand total of 555,864 votes alleged switched through manipulation of the voting machines. 202,657 in Michigan; 188,078 in Pennsylvania; 70,524 in Wisconsin; 47,372 in Arizona; and 47,233 in Georgia.

The exhibit goes on to show a table of incidents that were captured by an anonymous hacker… [T]he top 5 largest breaches listed appear as having originated in China, which targeted Michigan, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Georgia. South Korea, Ukraine, India, Iran, Brazil, Germany, and the United Kingdom are also listed as having switched votes, all in Michigan.
  • Here is a summary of what Mike Lindell stated regarding PCAP data in his new video “Absolutely 9-0” courtesy of Tierney Real News:

In Absolutely 9-0, Lindell presents a sampling of decrypted data packets that were transmitted during the 2020 election (it’s not clear who recorded the information, where it was recorded, how they had access, or what prompted them to do it). The data is called PCAP or packet capture files and, according to Lindell’s expert, it cannot be altered — “it’s like crime scene DNA.”

The Lindell team decoded 20 of the thousands of PCAPs they obtained. Just 20 revealed more than 500K votes switched from Trump to Biden in MI, AZ, PA, and GA – enough to flip the election to Trump. Lindell alleges that millions of votes were ultimately switched via hacking by China.
  • Mo Brooks (R-AL) weighed in by stating that tens of millions of ballots were illegally cast during the 2020 elections. Watch Brooks’s video here:

  • Pressure is being exerted by Democrat/Uniparty-supporting corporations on Republicans who objected to the 2020 election “certification” of The Hologram. The first corporation to do so is JP Morgan, as reported here. One has to wonder what motivates a major financial services company like JP Morgan to take this action? Maybe it’s because they’re all-in on climate change with the “Carbon Compass Methodology” and like The Hologram’s return to the Paris Climate Accords. Watch for other corporations to show their spots in a similar fashion as the audits start to bear fruit.
  • Former Democrat President Barack Hussein Obama is now weighing in on Republican-backed election integrity laws, calling them voter suppression while bleating about the “false narrative” of election fraud in 2020. He also called the censured GA Secretary of State Raffensberger “brave” for fighting fraud claims in his state. He even claimed that new Republican-backed election integrity laws in various states amount to “rigging the game for corporate America.
Conclusion. There is a LOT going on as states pursue various efforts About Undermining Democrat-Implemented Theft (of elections)! And with Obama weighing in on the subject, that could be an important indication that the Democrat-media complex are worried BIGLY! More bombshells are in the offing as the Arizona audit reports out and the Fulton County audit gets ramped up. Stay tuned!

The end.
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Old 06-12-2021, 12:17 AM   #848
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Trump needed proof of election fraud...he never found any
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Old 06-12-2021, 01:59 AM   #849
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Originally Posted by matchingmole View Post
Trump needed proof of election fraud...he never found any

Except for the proof they have either manufactured, taken out of context, or simply lied about.

No legitimate proof of any kind has ever been found that would overturn the 2020 presidential election.
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Old 06-12-2021, 02:20 AM   #850
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When I was a kid, I was always shocked by how cult leaders could pull off their bullshit. Their cult members would believe every fucking thing the cult leader would say regardless of how ridiculous those words may be. Then I realized that those sheep were just a part of a herd and would go anywhere they were told to go as a herd without asking questions. I have to give Trump his credit, he knows his sheep and knows how to work them with his nonsense. He could tell them to jump and they wouldn't ask why. They would only ask how high my lord and savior.

My point is that for those of you who believe Trump is coming back because of election fraud just because he claims that's the reason he lost, it's probably best to focus your hopes and dreams elsewhere. The only place Trump is going as far as having anything to do with this government is to court as a defendant battling the IRS because they want their money back.
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Old 06-12-2021, 06:48 AM   #851
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The IRS’s money? That’s a scream coming from an accountant. I’d fire an accountant who thinks my money is the IRS’s money.


There will people going to jail alright.
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Old 06-12-2021, 07:22 AM   #852
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Yes he did!

⚖️HUGE: Motion for Reconsideration and Brief in Support of Motion Filed with 8 EXHIBITS by Attorney Matt DePerno in Bill Bailey’s Antrim County Lawsuit.

DePerno outlines how the Antrim County Election System was remotely accessed by an anonymous user (who had elevated privileges in the system), and the ballots were intentionally modified to generate errors (rejections for Republican ballots: adjudication/reversal). The exhibits include affidavits, reports, and summaries.
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Old 06-12-2021, 07:55 AM   #853
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
SR, you do know theres a video of the 2 fulton county workers feeding the same stack of ballots a bunch of times into the machines.

you think this charge is spurious.

why would they be feeding the same batch of ballots multiple times?
I doubt it. I can't be certain which videos you are talking about but every allegation of multiple counting of ballots or ballots coming out of nowhere being counted have been debunked every time.

Fact Check: Video doesn’t show ‘suitcases’ of illegal ballots in Georgia

The Trump campaign is falsely claiming that surveillance camera footage captured election workers in Georgia adding thousands of illegal ballots that were brought into an Atlanta facility in suspicious “suitcases” on election night.

The campaign presented the video to Georgia state lawmakers on Dec. 3. President Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, wrote on Twitter the same day: “The video tape doesn’t lie. Fulton County Democrats stole the election. It’s now beyond doubt.”

But state officials told us that the full video shows the supposed “suitcases” were actually standard containers used to secure ballots, and that the ballots in question were opened and prepared for counting earlier in the night in full view of observers. They said the campaign presented limited, selective parts of the footage.

That’s based on their review of the day’s video footage in full. Also, even though observers from the parties and press left the room before vote counting resumed, officials said, a state election board monitor and investigator from the Secretary of State’s office both returned to watch the counting until its completion.

Left unclear, though, is whether the observers and news media who were in the room were ever told by any election worker, explicitly or implicitly, to leave because the vote counting had ceased, as we’ll explain. Republicans allege that happened. Fulton County’s election director has disputed that claim.

No ‘Suitcases’ in Video

The video in question — which has been widely shared across social media — was presented to Georgia state legislators during the Dec. 3 hearing by a lawyer named Jacki Pick, who said she was volunteering for Trump’s legal team. Pick said the team had received the footage the night before.

Pick said the video shows observers and the press leaving a room at Atlanta’s State Farm Arena, which was used to count absentee and military ballots, shortly before 11 p.m. She claimed that, according to witnesses, a woman had told the observers and press that “we’re going to stop counting, everyone go home.”

She pointed out that many of the elections workers had left for the night in the video, but four workers are seen in the video staying behind to continue counting.

“Once everyone is gone, coast is clear, they are going to pull ballots out from underneath a table – watch this table,” she said at the hearing. “I saw four suitcases come out from underneath the table.” The video shows the counting continued until nearly 1 a.m., she said.

But the supposed “suitcases” were typical ballot containers used to secure ballots, Georgia’s Deputy Secretary of State Jordan Fuchs told us in a phone interview. Likewise, Matthew Mashburn, the state Senate’s appointee to the state election board, told us the video showed “standard secure containers that are ubiquitous in tabulation in Georgia.”

And Gabriel Sterling, the state’s voting system implementation manager, said that the full video showed that the containers were carrying ballots that were opened and processed earlier in the night. They weren’t suspicious ballots brought surreptitiously into the building, or ballots that were opened in secret.

“They were put in there about an hour earlier,” Sterling, a Republican, said by phone. He said of the Trump campaign: “They watched the same video tape.”

Sterling also said he saw no anomalies in the vote data that suggested any kind of mass voter fraud, as has been alleged. “These are just regular elections workers” doing their job, he said.

While state law allows for observers to watch the vote counting, Sterling said, it was not illegal for the vote counting to resume when the observers left. He said his office was working on making the video footage from the arena public so that voters could see the footage with more context.

Matter of Dispute

What is clear from our interviews with state officials is that, at some point, the elections workers did evidently plan to stop counting votes.

Fulton County Elections Director Rick Barron also made that clear during a special, virtual public meeting on Dec. 4. He said that “certain staff that were on the cutting stations, that were on the flattening stations, that were extracting from the inner envelopes, those staff left as work completed.”

“I found out sometime, I think a little after 10:30 [p.m.], that they were gonna cease operations and I told them not to do that,” he said. He added that at “about 11:15 [p.m.], they were fully scanning again.”

While Pick claimed that witnesses said they were told to leave, Barron said that “no announcement was ever made to leave, for anyone to leave.”

State officials, however, said they couldn’t definitely say whether that occurred.

“We have launched an investigation into why the monitors from the political parties left before scanning ended,” the Secretary of State’s office said in a statement. “While it was their right to leave early, we want to make certain they were not misled into thinking scanning had stopped for the night when it had not. Nothing we have learned from the independent monitor or our investigation have suggested any improper ballots were scanned.”

Sterling said it did not appear there was any official announcement made to the observers or press, but there’s no audio to prove that one way or another.

Pick didn’t respond to our request to see the affidavits she said supported her claim. While Pick is listed as a lawyer by the State Bar of Texas, she appears to work primarily as a conservative podcast host. She and her husband, Doug Deason, are major Republican donors.

Also, there’s no evidence that a “water main break” inside the arena earlier that day had anything to do with the observers and press leaving, as some have claimed.

One of Trump’s sons, Eric Trump, wrote on Facebook that “Republican observers were cleared out of State Farm Arena due to a ‘water main break’, but 4 people stayed behind, rolled out suitcases of ballots, & continue to count ballots in private from around 1030PM until 1AM.”

But the water leak occurred at 6:07 a.m. on Election Day, according to the arena, and it was fixed within two hours — meaning it occurred long before the episode in question.

Debunked Ballot Figures

During the legislative hearing, Pick maintained that the votes counted in the room after observers left could have been enough to change the presidential election results in Georgia.

Pick theorized that the machines in the room could have totaled “18,000 ballots.” (Biden won the state by less than 12,000 votes.)

But that’s wrong, according to the state election board monitor who was in the room as they counted.

The monitor — who agreed to be interviewed on the condition of not being named due to death threats faced by election workers — told us he was in the room until about 8:15 p.m., when he left, and returned at 11:52 p.m.

Fuchs, the deputy secretary of state, told us the monitor was not required to be there at all times, but she instructed him to return after hearing from news outlets that the county was going to cease counting for the night.

The monitor arrived at 11:52 p.m. — after the observers left shortly before 11 p.m. — and stayed until the counting ceased at 12:43 a.m.

Between 8:15 p.m. and 12:43 a.m., the change in total ballots went from 89,381 ballots to 99,133 ballots — so a difference of 9,752 votes — he said. And, again, that’s over the course of more than four hours, not just the time after observers and media left.

The footage is not the first to spark claims of fraud in Georgia. We also wrote about a video showing an election worker conducting an ordinary part of the recount process in Gwinnett County that prompted false claims. The videos have been part of a surge of falsehoods aimed at undermining the results of the 2020 election, as we’ve reported.


If you can be more explicit in your claim of a video showing Fulton County workers double or triple counting ballots, please cite a link. If it is a video that is debunked in the article I cited, no need to do so.
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Old 06-12-2021, 08:09 AM   #854
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
That’s six posts on this page alone. What were you sayin about getting a life? But Speedy, I’ve posted facts and evidence. Not bullshit as you suggest.

Here’s some more facts;
From your favorite source;


We now have 9 states inquiring about a full forensic audit. AZ forensic audit will be complete in 2-5 days. Panic setting in.
I am currently active in 2 threads. I don't believe I have initiated a thread this year. In a quick check of the first page of threads this morning, there are 8 threads started by you.

People can start all the audits, and by definition they are not "forensic audits", they like. They can file all the lawsuits they like. They can make all the claims of voter fraud they like.

As of today, more than 7 months after the election, there are no proven cases of voter fraud that would significanly change the election results. FACT.

I'm very much looking forward to the final report from Arizona. The only worry I have is the audit was approved by the Republican Senate of Arizona, paid for by Trump supporters, is being done by a company, Cyber Ninjas, a company totally inexperienced in such audits and is run by a man who totally believes fraud was committed, and the people doing the audit are biased towards Trump. So once this audit is completed and as expected they come up with claims of fraud, an UNBIASED team will then have to investigate the output.
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Old 06-12-2021, 08:10 AM   #855
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Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
I am currently active in 2 threads. I don't believe I have initiated a thread this year. In a quick check of the first page of threads this morning, there are 8 threads started by you.

People can start all the audits, and by definition they are not "forensic audits", they like. They can file all the lawsuits they like. They can make all the claims of voter fraud they like.

As of today, more than 7 months after the election, there are no proven cases of voter fraud that would significanly change the election results. FACT.

I'm very much looking forward to the final report from Arizona. The only worry I have is the audit was approved by the Republican Senate of Arizona, paid for by Trump supporters, is being done by a company, Cyber Ninjas, a company totally inexperienced in such audits and is run by a man who totally believes fraud was committed, and the people doing the audit are biased towards Trump. So once this audit is completed and as expected they come up with claims of fraud, an UNBIASED team will then have to investigate the output.
Paid for by Patriots who want free and fair elections. You’ll owe those Patriots a debt of gratitude when it’s all said and done. You can bet I’ll volunteer my time if Allegheny county conducts a forensic audit. It’s been corrupt before I was born. As is Philadelphia.

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