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Old 05-28-2021, 07:34 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Albedo View Post
If someone can travel to Florida from Pittsburgh, and meet several providers without having to pay a deposit or provide screening info (meaning they probably don't do either there to begin with), then why would people who actually live there pay a deposit or provide screening info? It doesn't make any sense.
I’m not going to turn this into anything, but many men don’t want to visit a lady that is that far down on her luck. It’s a risk. I’ve literally met hundreds of providers over the years and unfortunately if a lady is meeting with men with zero regards for her safety, security or freedom she is in a bad place. Some gentlemen do not mind that and others see it as more of a risk than sending another lady screening info.

I’m not putting down these ladies or the gentlemen that choose variety one bit, I’m just explaining the phenomenon he asked about. It’s not as simple as it sounds.

I’m a FLL resident as of April 1 and I love it here!!!!!
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Old 05-28-2021, 07:44 PM   #17
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I’ve met with hundreds of providers since the mid 70’s. Never had to pay a deposit. 99% of them were not down on their luck. I only gave my RL info to a high end agency. It cost me 5k. Go figure.
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Old 05-28-2021, 08:32 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Trust me, I used to represent a company based near Tampa. I would go there at least twice a year starting in 1986 thru 2002. The Strippers used to have hot dog stands on busy streets corners. Two actually had a gun fight for a particular corner. Wearing G strings and pasties. One was hotter than the other. The Tanga and Mons Venus had the hottest talent in the country. Things were wide open. The only Local hooker that could compete there would have been Devon (Hunter Bryce) Nobody else comes to mind. I had my heyday down there.
Daayyuumm bam!

With a history like that why are you taking your SO (or wifey) with you? Tanga and Mons Venus? I have no idea what you're talking about but they sound delightful lol!

(Never mind, it's sounds personal.)

P.S. Nobody paid attention during the pandemic, but Tampa Bay won the Super Bowl and the Stanley Cup last year! It coulda been a Trifecta but they lost the World Series to the Dodgers!
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Old 05-28-2021, 09:35 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
I’ve met with hundreds of providers since the mid 70’s. Never had to pay a deposit. 99% of them were not down on their luck. I only gave my RL info to a high end agency. It cost me 5k. Go figure.
I completely agree, was only referencing the ultra low rate and zero screening. Deposits do nothing to keep anyone safe, I do charge them but it’s so I don’t lose money.

I’m sure many guys will speak up and say they are all single moms who just need an extra hundred here and there. If that was the case your 6 figure making self would be at Wendy’s just because you don’t need all that money.
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Old 05-28-2021, 10:39 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by MorganOBM View Post
I completely agree, was only referencing the ultra low rate and zero screening. Deposits do nothing to keep anyone safe, I do charge them but it’s so I don’t lose money.

I’m sure many guys will speak up and say they are all single moms who just need an extra hundred here and there. If that was the case your 6 figure making self would be at Wendy’s just because you don’t need all that money.
I hate to point out that you are incorrect - but hey since I started this thread, I will. I can assure you most of the women I saw were not down on their luck. Far from it. Now to be fair, one was. But the other providers all had very nice private incalls. It is just a different hobby environment there which is a good thing, especially compared to the barren environment in Pittsburgh. But for you to insinuate these women were down on their luck or had zero regard for their safety is appalling. It reflects poorly on you.

Now besides regular providers, I did also mention a couple UTRs as well and I should add for accuracy that the UTRs I saw see a limited amount of clients - they do not advertise and their numbers are not given out randomly. So unless a fellow monger knows and trusts you, he won't share an UTRs contact info. So if you want to call that a form of "screening" for the UTRs, have at it. But at the same time, just the fact they don't advertise and see only a handful of clients means they too are not down on their luck.
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Old 05-29-2021, 06:37 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Daayyuumm bam!

With a history like that why are you taking your SO (or wifey) with you? Tanga and Mons Venus? I have no idea what you're talking about but they sound delightful lol!

(Never mind, it's sounds personal.)

P.S. Nobody paid attention during the pandemic, but Tampa Bay won the Super Bowl and the Stanley Cup last year! It coulda been a Trifecta but they lost the World Series to the Dodgers!
Well, the Tanga and Mons have been closed for years. They were easily the best strip joints in America. The Weinie girls were shut down after the shooting incident. But it was a site to see. These hotties with hotdog stands on street corners.


It was the Wild West in Tampa.
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Old 05-29-2021, 07:15 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
The Strippers used to have hot dog stands on busy streets corners. Two actually had a gun fight for a particular corner. Wearing G strings and pasties.

lol what a pleasant metaphor , two ladies firing away at each other with wieners dangling at their side and maybe one or two in their clenched teeth !
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Old 05-29-2021, 07:47 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by MorganOBM View Post
I’m not going to turn this into anything, but many men don’t want to visit a lady that is that far down on her luck. It’s a risk. I’ve literally met hundreds of providers over the years and unfortunately if a lady is meeting with men with zero regards for her safety, security or freedom she is in a bad place. Some gentlemen do not mind that and others see it as more of a risk than sending another lady screening info.

I’m not putting down these ladies or the gentlemen that choose variety one bit, I’m just explaining the phenomenon he asked about. It’s not as simple as it sounds.

I’m a FLL resident as of April 1 and I love it here!!!!!
This is 100% correct
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Old 05-29-2021, 06:49 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by JaydenJynx View Post
This is 100% correct
And you would know this how?

Funny, I missed seeing you in the room with me and these NOT "Down on their luck" providers in their very nice private incalls.
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Old 05-29-2021, 08:03 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
And you would know this how?

Funny, I missed seeing you in the room with me and these NOT "Down on their luck" providers in their very nice private incalls.
Um Berry when did I say I was? I was agreeing with her that most guys tell me they think something is up when a girl doesn’t screen. Maybe you guys don’t want to screen which is up to you. I just don’t understand the complaining. If you don’t want to be screened simply see a provider who doesn’t. But most providers I’ve personally met who don’t screen are in some sort of bad situation. It’s not worth risking your safety and freedom. So many guys on here say screening won’t save us from these situations and of course nothing is 100% but I can assure you we check up on someone’s criminal record and if they’re LE. I’ve had a few people contact me that I found out were sex offenders or had committed robberies in the past. Luckily by screening I probably saved myself from a bad situation. I also accept references for anyone who isn’t comfortable giving me personal information. I also don’t take deposits but since I screen I only get maybe two no call no shows a year so I really don’t feel the need at this point. But whatever works best for each provider to make them comfortable is best.
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Old 05-29-2021, 08:07 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by JaydenJynx View Post
Um Berry when did I say I was? I was agreeing with her that most guys tell me they think something is up when a girl doesn’t screen. Maybe you guys don’t want to screen which is up to you. I just don’t understand the complaining. If you don’t want to be screened simply see a provider who doesn’t. But most providers I’ve personally met who don’t screen are in some sort of bad situation. It’s not worth risking your safety and freedom. So many guys on here say screening won’t save us from these situations and of course nothing is 100% but I can assure you we check up on someone’s criminal record and if they’re LE. I’ve had a few people contact me that I found out were sex offenders or had committed robberies in the past. Luckily by screening I probably saved myself from a bad situation. I also accept references for anyone who isn’t comfortable giving me personal information. I also don’t take deposits but since I screen I only get maybe two no call no shows a year so I really don’t feel the need at this point. But whatever works best for each provider to make them comfortable is best.
Jayden, I would like to see you someday. If you request RL info from me, are you willing to give your RL to me also so we both can be safe? Not that I would request it from you. Seems like you’re legit and don’t have issues. I’ve been around longer than you have and haven’t caused ANY provider a problem. Just wondering.
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Old 05-29-2021, 09:14 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
Jayden, I would like to see you someday. If you request RL info from me, are you willing to give your RL to me also so we both can be safe? Not that I would request it from you. Seems like you’re legit and don’t have issues. I’ve been around longer than you have and haven’t caused ANY provider a problem. Just wondering.
Well you guys have reviews to find out anything you need to about us so there’s no need for me to give out my RL info. We don’t have reviews on you guys. You guys can easily find out if we’re LE, going to rob you or whatever else. But like I said if someone’s not comfortable giving out personal info I take references.
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Old 05-29-2021, 10:08 PM   #28
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I lived down there for several years, it's just a different vibe. Lots of legit, safe providers, charging reasonable rates, and that even included providers who were active in Tampa's local porn scene. There was also a really active scene in the lingerie shops, you'd actually pay a little more there because the girls had to give a cut to the shop, but some smoking hot talent to be found.

The whole screening mentality has just never been a thing with the locals. Agencies and high end touring girls had more requirements, but generally you got what you paid for there. If DG has been successful marketing herself at that level, congrats to her.

Morgan, youre a perfect fit for South Florida, there is just so much money down there you're probably wondering why it took you so long to make the move. Sorry I never got to see you while you were here.

But for guys who just want some affordable fun without the nonsense, there aren't many places better than Tampa Bay.
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Old 05-29-2021, 10:21 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by JaydenJynx View Post
Well you guys have reviews to find out anything you need to about us so there’s no need for me to give out my RL info. We don’t have reviews on you guys. You guys can easily find out if we’re LE, going to rob you or whatever else. But like I said if someone’s not comfortable giving out personal info I take references.
I don't think the past reviews on the Starfish were enough to protect the gentleman that just had his deposit eaten before being ghosted by her this week. Your past history as a good or consistent provider is no indicator of whether or not you'll suddenly go rogue at the end of the day.
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Old 05-29-2021, 10:30 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by MorganOBM View Post
I’m not going to turn this into anything, but many men don’t want to visit a lady that is that far down on her luck. It’s a risk. I’ve literally met hundreds of providers over the years and unfortunately if a lady is meeting with men with zero regards for her safety, security or freedom she is in a bad place. Some gentlemen do not mind that and others see it as more of a risk than sending another lady screening info.

I’m not putting down these ladies or the gentlemen that choose variety one bit, I’m just explaining the phenomenon he asked about. It’s not as simple as it sounds.

I’m a FLL resident as of April 1 and I love it here!!!!!
I don't think it's a matter of these women being "down on their luck" either as others have now said to you. At the end of the day it really probably is just supply and demand, and the supply in parts of Florida is much greater than it is here. A buddy from Miami introduced me to the hobby and there's no end to the high end escorts he's able to meet with for a C note whether for a half hour or an hour.

I think another reasonable idea is the idea of appealing to men who may not be able to afford a 600/hr escort, or who just wouldn't want to pay that. You can see someone much more frequently if the cost is more reasonable and I'm sure with more reasonable costs the providers are thereby with the option of picking and choosing as many or as little regulars as they'd like and seeing them as often as the client may wish to be seen! Why shouldn't the lowly 5 figure earners partake in the hobby too? I suppose for some it would be more of a treat or once in a blue moon kind of thing to see someone like yourself given your rates. But for those who earn less and would like to hobby more consistently a market like Miami has is ideal given the aforementioned points as it doesn't relegate the scene to only truly "down on their luck" girls versus high cost providers.
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