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Old 04-20-2021, 09:14 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
How ironic saying that Trump divided this country when the Biden administration is pitting White against Black and law enforcement against the Black community that might very well lead this country to race wars.
Private school, blah, blah, blah, blah.
We both read the same article. He isn't here to respond. And I'm not interested in your opinion of his opinion.

Again, if he doesn't like anything about the school, why is he sending his daughter there?

You push his letter and all of his opinionated bullshit.
You demand a much higher level of proof that you are willing to provide. You dismiss other's opinions based on your opinion.
You're just like barleycorn. There is no point in arguing with you.
Let me know when you have a fact based post.
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Old 04-20-2021, 09:30 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
Thanks. Proving elitists wrong is my calling.

Spelling and grammar, not so much.
The author of the letter is about as elitist as they come.
Your opinion doesn't prove anything except you are much better at grammar than your calling.
You do know what spellcheck and proof reading are, right?
You're a Trumpy. You don't have a clue about the difference between fact and opinion.
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Old 04-20-2021, 09:52 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by VerySkeptical View Post
Private school, blah, blah, blah, blah.
We both read the same article. He isn't here to respond. And I'm not interested in yor opinion of his opinion.

Again, if he doesn't like anything about the school, why is he sending his daughter there?

You push his letter and all of his opinionated bullshit.
You demand a much higher level of proof that you are willing to provide. You dismiss other's opinions based on your opinion.
You're just like barleycorn. There is no point in arguing with you.
Let me know when you have a fact based post.

because until recently the school wasn't "woke". now it demands this man take mandatory "woke" training. well he doesn't have to. he can take his 6 figure salary and spend it elsewhere.

speaking of facts .. you seem to be lacking

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical View Post
Once again, you're caught in a lie.
You posted "Not only did they make the living Jews disappear but the Germans meticulously made all the Jewish headstones disappear from cemeteries".

A lie.

If you would have checked my links, you would have seen the Berlin Jewish Cemetery has over 100,000 graves with headstones.
Berlin. As in the capital of Germany. The first place they would have removed the headstones.
Guess the Germans missed those as well as the other links I posted.

My vocabulary is unrestricted. I use the words I need to. The fact you bring vocabulary up shows how limited you are.

And as usual, this could be easily settled. If you post a link.

So I'm well covered by facts.
You on the other hand are well covered by bullshit.

4 years of Trump solidified your reliance, plus the belief no one checks, that lying is okay.
Outside of Trumpland, lying is lying.

You never answered who was cancelled. It must have been another lie on your part.

You just keep digging.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
speaking of digging, get yer shovel ready. all it takes is to google

"Germans meticulously made all the Jewish headstones disappear from cemeteries"

and you find that the_real_Barleycorn is right.



Over 150 Jewish gravestones pillaged by Hitler’s troops to build a road found buried under small town market square

Over 150 Jewish gravestones have been found under a market square in a small town in southern Poland.

The grizzly discovery was made in the town of Leżajsk, where they were laid during Nazi-Germany’s WII occupation to harden the road surface.

The find, which is the biggest discovery of ‘matzevot’ in Poland in recent years, is all the more valuable because some of them have retained their original colours and painted lettering, which surviving headstones in the local Jewish cemetery have lost over the years.

The stones were found during road construction when workers removed a layer of asphalt on the town's market square.

They were discovered about 20 cm below the surface and covered a stretch of road of almost 30 metres on south-west frontage of the mark

you know what they say about pictures ..


Jewish Grave Markers, Lost and Recovered

The German occupation of Rohatyn which began in 1941 meant not only the concentration of Jews into a ghetto, deportations, and violent death in mass shootings, but also the destruction of Jewish material culture in town. At some point during the war, laborers toppled the Jewish headstones in the cemeteries, broke the stones into large fragments so they could be carried, and carted the stones away. The stolen stones were used as ordinary building material in Rohatyn, to make a load-bearing layer for roads and sidewalks, to strengthen the banks of the Hnyla Lypa river, to support vehicles in parking areas, and to make the foundations of newly-constructed buildings. Many decades later, elderly Ukrainian residents of Rohatyn remembered the exploitation of the headstones in town: [T]here had been a large [cemetery], with one gravestone after the next, tall, made of stone. Later the Germans took these gravestones and made them into sidewalks. They built sidewalks, roads. [Yahad – In Unum witness YIU/2092U, 1:27:01] After the war, she recalled that where roadside walkways were paved with Jewish headstones, some older people in town refused to walk on them, as they considered to do so a sin. [Yahad – In Unum witness YIU/20195U, 2012 interview with RJH]

for someone who claims to have the facts on his side, i think you need new facts.

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Old 04-21-2021, 11:19 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by VerySkeptical View Post
Private school, blah, blah, blah, blah.
We both read the same article. He isn't here to respond. And I'm not interested in your opinion of his opinion.

And yet here you are, interested enough in my opinion to offer your own.

Again, if he doesn't like anything about the school, why is he sending his daughter there?

I wonder how many times by how many people will it take for you to understand the answer to your question. The child has been there for 6 years before this new woke curriculum started and this father does not want to pull his daughter from the only school she has ever known. Are you really that dense?

You push his letter and all of his opinionated bullshit.

Which is different than your opinionated bullshit?

You demand a much higher level of proof that you are willing to provide. You dismiss other's opinions based on your opinion.

I'm debating other opinions not dismissing them.

You're just like barleycorn. There is no point in arguing with you.

Which is exactly what someone says right after they have just had their ass handed to them in a debate.

Let me know when you have a fact based post.

This would be the point where an intelligent person would argue what wasn't factual about his or my post but we get "there is no sense arguing with you". The cowards way out.

I asked you for evidence of systemic racism. The father gave his opinion and I gave mine. You have not given us an opinion or the evidence you say exists of systemic racism.

You are a coward. I was looking forward to a spirited debate on the subject but you have proved yourself a coward. There is a point in arguing with you, to prove you wrong which I have just done.

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Old 04-22-2021, 08:53 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by VerySkeptical View Post
This is one guy's opinion and is full of the current GOP buzz words. He doesn't include specific examples (censored books? What titles?).
Don't you read any newspapers? Does he really have to repeat every example of authors removed from the curriculum of colleges and high schools to satisfy you? He is writing a letter to the school, not a treatise.

But, if you insist, at various schools and colleges, Huck Finn has been removed from classes and at least one English department removed Shakespeare entirely (only the greatest writer of the English language). There are many other authors (always white, almost always males) that were removed at different schools and replaced by mediocre writers of the preferred race and gender groups.

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical View Post
You learn critical thinking by comparing different ideas and reaching your own conclusions.

Once again, you missed the problem entirely. The woke curriculum at these schools do NOT teach critical thinking because they do not present different ideas at all. There is ONLY the woke perspective in which group identity is elevated above all, white people are intrinsically racist, all men are misogynists (unless they are transmen), capitalism is the root of all evil, etc. It is all about feelings (i.e., lived experience and "my" truth) and never about logic (which is white supremacy.

Originally Posted by VerySkeptical View Post
If he only wants her exposed to his values and concepts, he should home school her. Which brings us to his real motivation. He is so locked into his beliefs (and a single parent meaning he would have to attend the training) he rejects the idea he might learn something. This guy isn't a poster child for critical thinking.

And there is that casual authoritarian bullshit that progressives so love.

He must be forced to attend political indoctrination in order to have his child at the school? Yep, that's the left. In my entire life, I never heard of parents being forced to attend indoctrination of any kind.

Catholic schools don't even require non-Catholic students to attend church or religious instructions - let alone their parents.

But you don't hesitate to advocate for brainwashing, so long as it is the right kind of brainwashing.

Let me ask you, what happens if the parent DID attend the indoctrination class and just responded "this is all bullshit" to everything that was said (as I would)? What would the point be of requiring the class?

There is no point picking through the rest of your detritus. It's all equally lousy with progressive twattery.

If you can't see what is wrong with compelling Americans to undergo Maoist struggle sessions, you are a lost cause. Come the revolution, there will be a bullseye on your back, commissar.

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Old 04-22-2021, 08:57 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by VerySkeptical View Post

Let me know when you have a fact based post.
No one has heard a fact-based point out of you.
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Old 04-22-2021, 09:49 PM   #22
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As a matter of fact, I asked Mr. Skeptical for what he said was evidence of systemic racism but he has declined to provide the facts that he demands of others. Funny how that works huh?

Kinda like Adam Shitt for brains who told us for 4 years he had evidence of a conspiracy but he couldn't give us that evidence because it was classified. Low and behold, the classified testimony is de-classified and all those people that Adam Shitt for brains told us, told him the evidence, to a person, told no such thing and the media just let it slide. I guess that's where Mr. Skeptical got the idea that he could say he had evidence but doesn't have to give it to me because "there is no sense arguing with someone you know can beat you in a debate".
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Old 04-22-2021, 11:46 PM   #23
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Looks like the revolution I predicted has started. The Biden administration is being sued by parents who against having their children taught Critical Race Theory.


Legal coalition forming to stop critical race theory training around the country

A network of private attorneys and the conservative organizations are launching a "war" against critical race theory trainings across the country as President Biden rolls back the Trump administration's efforts on the issue.

Led by Discovery Institute researcher Chris Rufo, the network's stated goal is to bring a complaint before the U.S. Supreme Court and "effectively abolish critical race theory programs from American life."
It comes just after Biden repealed Trump's executive order banning critical race theory training from the federal government, a move by Trump that Rufo appeared to precipitate by releasing documents leaked from federal employees.

"Critical race theory is a grave threat to the American way of life," read Rufo's press release, which echoed Trump's previous condemnation of the training.

"It divides Americans by race and traffics in the pernicious concepts of race essentialism, racial stereotyping, and race-based segregation—all under a false pursuit of 'social justice.' Critical race theory training programs have become commonplace in academia, government, and corporate life, where they have sought to advance the ideology through cult-like indoctrination, intimidation, and harassment."
The Discovery Institute's Center on Wealth and Poverty is leading the effort with help from the Southeastern Legal Foundation, Upper Midwest Law Center, Jonathan O’Brien with Schoolhouserights.org, The Pivtorak Law Firm, Wally Zimolong of Zimolong, LLC, and Eric Early and Peter Scott of Early, Sullivan, Wright, Gizer, & McCrae.
Fox News previously reported on O'Brien's lawsuit, which involved a multiracial high school student's complaint over a Nevada charter school course directing him and others to choose oppressive aspects of their identity.

That particular lawsuit alleged discrimination "on the basis of race and color, in addition to sex, gender, and religion, in violation of Title VI and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972."
Critical race theory, or diversity training, appeared to grow in the aftermath of George Floyd's death, which prompted a wave of calls to dismantle alleged institutional racism. Governments and schools from around the country have adopted so-called anti-racist initiatives with training for employees and students.
Rufo's coalition is attempting to augment the resistance to this training, which has mostly targeted government initiatives. By bringing individual lawsuits, he hopes to show violations of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the U.S. Constitution.

The issue is likely to grow under the Biden administration, as his nominee for deputy education secretary Cindy Marten expressed support for this type of training.
As Fox News noted Tuesday, San Diego's school board acknowledged that Marten, its superintendent, gave an "extremely complimentary" introduction to a speaker who has accused public schools of "spirit murder."

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Old 04-24-2021, 12:29 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
This would be the point where an intelligent person would argue what wasn't factual about his or my post but we get "there is no sense arguing with you". The cowards way out.

I asked you for evidence of systemic racism. The father gave his opinion and I gave mine. You have not given us an opinion or the evidence you say exists of systemic racism.

You are a coward. I was looking forward to a spirited debate on the subject but you have proved yourself a coward. There is a point in arguing with you, to prove you wrong which I have just done.

VS is very dense. so dense, the weight of his brain would cause his spine to collapse.
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Old 04-24-2021, 12:46 PM   #25
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people who push CRT are very dense.
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Old 04-24-2021, 12:50 PM   #26
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great thread HF..

this writer is not the only one speaking out on this.

there is a teacher who is also opposed to CRT.


I Refuse to Stand By While My Students Are Indoctrinated
Children are afraid to challenge the repressive ideology that rules our school. That’s why I am.

Paul Rossi
Apr 13

I am a teacher at Grace Church High School in Manhattan. Ten years ago, I changed careers when I discovered how rewarding it is to help young people explore the truth and beauty of mathematics. I love my work.

As a teacher, my first obligation is to my students. But right now, my school is asking me to embrace “antiracism” training and pedagogy that I believe is deeply harmful to them and to any person who seeks to nurture the virtues of curiosity, empathy and understanding.

“Antiracist” training sounds righteous, but it is the opposite of truth in advertising. It requires teachers like myself to treat students differently on the basis of race. Furthermore, in order to maintain a united front for our students, teachers at Grace are directed to confine our doubts about this pedagogical framework to conversations with an in-house “Office of Community Engagement” for whom every significant objection leads to a foregone conclusion. Any doubting students are likewise “challenged” to reframe their views to conform to this orthodoxy.

I know that by attaching my name to this I’m risking not only my current job but my career as an educator, since most schools, both public and private, are now captive to this backward ideology. But witnessing the harmful impact it has on children, I can’t stay silent.

My school, like so many others, induces students via shame and sophistry to identify primarily with their race before their individual identities are fully formed. Students are pressured to conform their opinions to those broadly associated with their race and gender and to minimize or dismiss individual experiences that don’t match those assumptions. The morally compromised status of “oppressor” is assigned to one group of students based on their immutable characteristics. In the meantime, dependency, resentment and moral superiority are cultivated in students considered “oppressed.”

All of this is done in the name of “equity,” but it is the opposite of fair. In reality, all of this reinforces the worst impulses we have as human beings: our tendency toward tribalism and sectarianism that a truly liberal education is meant to transcend.

Recently, I raised questions about this ideology at a mandatory, whites-only student and faculty Zoom meeting. (Such racially segregated sessions are now commonplace at my school.) It was a bait-and-switch “self-care” seminar that labelled “objectivity,” “individualism,” “fear of open conflict,” and even “a right to comfort” as characteristics of white supremacy. I doubted that these human attributes — many of them virtues reframed as vices — should be racialized in this way. In the Zoom chat, I also questioned whether one must define oneself in terms of a racial identity at all. My goal was to model for students that they should feel safe to question ideological assertions if they felt moved to do so.

It seemed like my questions broke the ice. Students and even a few teachers offered a broad range of questions and observations. Many students said it was a more productive and substantive discussion than they expected.

However, when my questions were shared outside this forum, violating the school norm of confidentiality, I was informed by the head of the high school that my philosophical challenges had caused “harm” to students, given that these topics were “life and death matters, about people’s flesh and blood and bone.” I was reprimanded for “acting like an independent agent of a set of principles or ideas or beliefs.” And I was told that by doing so, I failed to serve the “greater good and the higher truth.”

He further informed me that I had created “dissonance for vulnerable and unformed thinkers” and “neurological disturbance in students’ beings and systems.” The school’s director of studies added that my remarks could even constitute harassment.

A few days later, the head of school ordered all high school advisors to read a public reprimand of my conduct out loud to every student in the school. It was a surreal experience, walking the halls alone and hearing the words emitting from each classroom: “Events from last week compel us to underscore some aspects of our mission and share some thoughts about our community,” the statement began. “At independent schools, with their history of predominantly white populations, racism colludes with other forms of bias (sexism, classism, ableism and so much more) to undermine our stated ideals, and we must work hard to undo this history.”

Students from low-income families experience culture shock at our school. Racist incidents happen. And bias can influence relationships. All true. But addressing such problems with a call to “undo history” lacks any kind of limiting principle and pairs any allegation of bigotry with a priori guilt. My own contract for next year requires me to “participate in restorative practices designed by the Office of Community Engagement” in order to “heal my relationship with the students of color and other students in my classes.” The details of these practices remain unspecified until I agree to sign.

I asked my uncomfortable questions in the “self-care” meeting because I felt a duty to my students. I wanted to be a voice for the many students of different backgrounds who have approached me over the course of the past several years to express their frustration with indoctrination at our school, but are afraid to speak up.

They report that, in their classes and other discussions, they must never challenge any of the premises of our “antiracist” teachings, which are deeply informed by Critical Race Theory. These concerns are confirmed for me when I attend grade-level and all-school meetings about race or gender issues. There, I witness student after student sticking to a narrow script of acceptable responses. Teachers praise insights when they articulate the existing framework or expand it to apply to novel domains. Meantime, it is common for teachers to exhort students who remain silent that “we really need to hear from you.”

But what does speaking up mean in a context in which white students are asked to interrogate their “white saviorism,” but also “not make their antiracist practice about them”? We are compelling them to tiptoe through a minefield of double-binds. According to the school’s own standard for discursive violence, this constitutes abuse.

Every student at the school must also sign a “Student Life Agreement,” which requires them to aver that “the world as we understand it can be hard and extremely biased,” that they commit to “recognize and acknowledge their biases when we come to school, and interrupt those biases,” and accept that they will be “held accountable should they fall short of the agreement.” A recent faculty email chain received enthusiastic support for recommending that we “‘officially’ flag students” who appear “resistant” to the “culture we are trying to establish.”

When I questioned what form this resistance takes, examples presented by a colleague included “persisting with a colorblind ideology,” “suggesting that we treat everyone with respect,” “a belief in meritocracy,” and “just silence.” In a special assembly in February 2019, our head of school said that the impact of words and images perceived as racist — regardless of intent — is akin to “using a gun or a knife to kill or injure someone.”

Imagine being a young person in this environment. Would you risk voicing your doubts, especially if you had never heard a single teacher question it?

Last fall, juniors and seniors in my Art of Persuasion class expressed dismay with the “Grace bubble” and sought to engage with a wider range of political viewpoints. Since the BLM protests often came up in our discussions, I thought of assigning Glenn Loury, a Brown University professor and public intellectual whose writings express a nuanced, center-right position on racial issues in America. Unfortunately, my administration put the kibosh on my proposal.

The head of the high school responded to me that “people like Loury’s lived experience—and therefore his derived social philosophy” made him an exception to the rule that black thinkers acknowledge structural racism as the paramount impediment in society. He added that “the moment we are in institutionally and culturally, does not lend itself to dispassionate discussion and debate,” and discussing Loury’s ideas would “only confuse and/or enflame students, both those in the class and others that hear about it outside of the class.” He preferred I assign “mainstream white conservatives,” effectively denying black students the opportunity to hear from a black professor who holds views that diverge from the orthodoxy pushed on them.

I find it self-evidently racist to filter the dissemination of an idea based on the race of the person who espouses it. I find the claim that exposing 11th and 12th graders to diverse views on an important societal issue will only “confuse” them to be characteristic of a fundamentalist religion, not an educational philosophy.

My administration says that these constraints on discourse are necessary to shield students from harm. But it is clear to me that these constraints serve primarily to shield their ideology from harm — at the cost of students’ psychological and intellectual development.

It was out of concern for my students that I spoke out in the “self-care” meeting, and it is out of that same concern that I write today. I am concerned for students who crave a broader range of viewpoints in class. I am concerned for students trained in “race explicit” seminars to accept some opinions as gospel, while discarding as immoral disconfirming evidence. I am concerned for the dozens of students during my time at Grace who shared with me that they have been reproached by teachers for expressing views that are not aligned with the new ideology.

One current student paid me a visit a few weeks ago. He tapped faintly on my office door, anxiously looking both ways before entering. He said he had come to offer me words of support for speaking up at the meeting.

I thanked him for his comments, but asked him why he seemed so nervous. He told me he was worried that a particular teacher might notice this visit and “it would mean that I would get in trouble.” He reported to me that this teacher once gave him a lengthy “talking to” for voicing a conservative opinion in class. He then remembered with a sigh of relief that this teacher was absent that day. I looked him in the eyes. I told him he was a brave young man for coming to see me, and that he should be proud of that.

Then I sent him on his way. And I resolved to write this piece.

CORRECTION: The anecdote about Glenn Loury was originally attributed to the head of Grace Church School. In fact, those statements were made by the head of the high school. Apologies for the error.

I am extremely proud to publish this piece by Paul Rossi. If you are a teacher who finds yourself in a similar situation; if you want to speak out but are afraid to risk your job; if you believe that political indoctrination has no place in schools, Paul would love to hear from you.

Write to him at: teachingfortruth@gmail.com
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Old 04-24-2021, 06:41 PM   #27
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It's happening all over the country. It is a revolution and as I predicted the day Joe Biden was elected, this Democrat party will fuck up so bad and piss off so many White people ( and Some Black and Brown) with this racist crap, that the Republicans will take back both the House and Senate in 2022.


Virginia moving to eliminate all accelerated math courses before 11th grade as part of equity-focused plan

The Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) is moving to eliminate all accelerated math options prior to 11th grade, effectively keeping higher-achieving students from advancing as they usually would in the school system.

How many White parents are going to think that is a good idea and I have no doubt with the way things are going with CRT being taught in more and more schools, advanced studies will be on the chopping block in other places in the name of equity.

China has got to be loving this.
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Old 04-24-2021, 08:22 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by HedonistForever View Post
the Republicans will take back both the House and Senate in 2022.
I think you're mistaken. We'll see in about 17 months...
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Old 04-24-2021, 10:46 PM   #29
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My prediction is that by 2022 crime will be so high in America, that all those college educated White Women that we are told were the reason for Trump's defeat, will be so worried about what is happening in America's major cities, that they will not be able to ignore whose fault this is.

When those millions of jobs Biden has promised, are no where on the horizon just like Obama's shovel ready jobs were not, Democrats will get the blame because with Climate change environmentalist in charge, environmental permits will be so hard to come by that all this building that is expected will be delayed.

Energy prices should be well on their way to the highest we have ever seen and China instead of selling us the rope we will hang ourselves with as Kruschev once said, will be selling us the solar panels that we can't make better and cheaper while they continue to build coal and natural gas fired energy plants keeping their economy rising while ours falls.

I hope I'm wrong but I rarely am as you well know but can't bring yourself to admit.

But if what I predict doesn't happen and the majority vote to keep this Progressive movement going and the revolution I am predicting doesn't happen, we truly will see a decline that America will not recover from before China is the world power.
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Old 04-24-2021, 11:00 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by pfunkdenver View Post
I think you're mistaken. We'll see in about 17 months...
yeah, we'll see how fast the dems can steal the legislation by making city-states out of the 19 other cities bigger than DC, and of course packing the supreme court.

They're not autocratic authoritarians though! It's for your own good!
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