Originally Posted by playerplano
I’m not white knighting but there are always 3 sides to every story. Providers with addons can be tricky for when you stray out of one category and into another. This could have been avoided with a break down of the meal ticket. When some one says $$$ and I think it should be $$ I’m going to ask why lol. Maybe a little responsibility lies on each side ?
That being said , Gracy is not for everyone but she is a great time lol. Even master37 didn’t dislike her looks or the experience until he felt over charged.
Well...white knighting or not...this is my subjective truth. I have been seeing Gracy on the regular ever since she returned from Florida. She is one of the most honest providers I have seen. With her and any other provider, the donation and activities have to be discussed before the games begin.
However, reading your narrative, I see your point. What was the agreement before the session begin? If it was L3 and you decided to leave early, that's on you. If it was an agreement on a L2 session, I would have to say that's on Gracy.
Master37, it's funny how she became a "60 y.o. grandmother" when there was a $ disagreement. If her appearance or age was a problem, why spend the $ in the first place?
Just my opinion.