Back in the mid 90's...
A 20something year old redhead from
She was short, stacked (DD's) and covered in freckles.
I landed her in a bar in Kenosha Wisconsin.
Took her to the hotel and when I pulled down her panties
I caught her hair on my pinkie and she yelped.
The giant mound under her cotton granny panties was the tell.
I should have walked... Ha.
But being young and having poon-tang-fever, I soldered on
and dove in like Private Gump looking for Charlie in
Vietnam foxhole.
Her pubes were curly but they must've been close
to 3 inches long.
I swear, there could have been a flock of quail
hiding in that gigantic red bush.
A drunk toothy blowjob and a sore dick from sliding
in and out thru a barb-wire thicket, I have a lame
experience and a funny story to tell for the rest of my
You guys can't really begin to fathom the vastness of this testament.
I work in healthcare and I've seen a literal
FUCK-TON of Giant Furburger Granny-Bushes from assisting in the ORs prepping for surgery.
And yes, I've even seen a completely GRAY
Granny-bush. They DO exist...
Far and away, bull-dyke lesbians are the worst
at being unkempt and even go to the length of
gaping their cooter on a regular basis
so no man would ever be interested or satisfied
by being with them...